Chapter 23

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Heyya folks! 
   I had promised to update day before but I had some net problems and the story would load. So sorry again. Here I am today, to update. Thank u all for waiting. Special thanks to Sanaya.Barun for recommending my fanfiction to all her friends. I got some new readers, thanks to u guys :D Feeling really happy :D A big hug 🤗 to all u wonderful readers! Today's update dedicated to Sanaya.Barun, thank u buddy :D 
  Anyway, I hope you guys will like the further updates also :D Lots more fireworks to burst :D 
Here is the next chapter. The index will be updated soon :D 

Chapter 17
     The dancing confusions...
My mind is reeling with confusions and conflicts, Let's explore the answers!
   With so much going on in Raizada mansion she was surprised that she could actually concentrate on other things, thought Lavanya wistfully as she hurried across the smooth, tarred road that lead to the airport. It was early in the morning, around 7 and she was still clueless about the conversation she had with her mother the previous night.
  Come to airport. I have sent you a package. I don't want anyone of the family knowing it. 
 What had her mother meant, she still couldn't point a finger to it. It seemed really vague and to think her mother had come up with another crazy idea, it was unsettling. Lavanya had too much expertise in dealing with her mother's antiques. Of course, considering her Maasi, the two sisters had a lot in common when it came to cooking up all insane ideas. From where they got this brainstorm was a million dollar question. Lavanya sighed exasperatedly as she skirted around all the people coming out of the airport. She was trying hard to keep a low profile. If anyone from AR spotted her here, the news travelled extremely quickly to those ears that she was keen on not informing. Hence as she bent her head low and walked, she failed to see mills of people coming out from the arrival exit and she promptly bumped into someone, making all the belongings clatter on to the ground. She looked up in horror, "I am sorry... I am so sorry..."
He smiled at her, "not to worry, miss. Happens all the time with me," as he bent down to pick up his map of Delhi, a few pens and a notebook he was precariously carrying in his hands. Lavanya picked up some stuff and handed it over to him, profusely apologizing for her lack of sight. The man brushed it off, "it's alright. Don't get worked up so much."
Lavanya smiled as she introduced herself to this warm looking stranger, "I am Lavanya, by the way." The stranger took a moment to grasp her name, "Laonya?"
"Not is La-van-ya!" she corrected him. "Oh Lavanya," he repeated in his typical accent which she quite easily placed as American, having been subjected to their intonation for years for she practically lived there. "I am Chris," he extended his hand for her to shake, which she complied to.
"By the way, I am stuck in a tough errand, if you could help me," Chris said looking at her. Her coal black eyes shone with a twinkle as she smiled back at him, "of course." "Could you please direct me to this area, Dorka..." Chris managed to tell the name of the suburb he was supposed to visit with a certain difficulty that evoked a small chuckle from Lavanya, "it is not Dorka, it is Dwarka..."
"Of course..." Chris smiled, "Indian names, I'll tell you. They are confusing as hell. How to go to this address? I am coming to India for the first time, I have no clue." Lavanya took the chit of paper he showed, and reading the address, she said, "It will take merely 15 to 20 minutes to reach Dwarka from here. It is quite near," she smiled. "Tell you what, I will call a taxi and ask him to take you to the address. Just do as I say and you will be there."
"Oh that's very kind of you, Lavanya..." Chris grinned at her as he followed her to the taxi stand. Within seconds, she had flagged down a cab and having muttered all the instructions the cabbie, she turned towards him, "Do you have Indian currency?"
He took a wad of notes out of his pockets and said, "Yes, but I don't know which denominations and all." Lavanya took out a hundred and fifty from her purse and gave him, "pay him this. Don't take out your money."
"Oh no..." Chris shook his hands wildly, "why do you have to pay for me? I won't be able to pay you back." Lavanya calmly smiled as she took out her business card and handed it to him, "Call me when you have figured out the denominations. I will come and collect my money from you." Chris eyed the money apprehensively, "you sure?"
"Oh come on!" Lavanya thrust the money in Chris's hands, "I promise I'll take my money back from you. Now get going..." she smiled as Chris thanked her again and sat in the cab. Instructing the driver again in the local language, Lavanya bid him good bye and disappeared into the crowd as Chris zoomed out of the airport thinking about how rare it had become, the art of helping people.
 He checked the time, it was 7 in the morning and he still hadn't gone to bed. His eyes were itching and his back was terribly aching but he couldn't go to sleep. He sat there mulling over the conversation he had with crazy cousin a while back. Surely, he couldn't have asked for more. Adventure ran in his blood. He always considered him as the nature's kid, having lived in a place as beautiful as Dehradoon. 29 years back, that place wasn't less than any heaven albeit being overly urbanised in these few years. He had very fond memories associated with that place and he was quite glad that he didn't have to live in that city anymore to watch it getting destructed but his heart still yearned to go there once, just to experience the feeling of being in his territory, a place which taught him to be him...just him.
NK offer was too good to refuse. Spending three months in the lap of green and peaceful Sahyadris, only a fool would reject something as enchanting as them. While Himalayas were magical, Sahyadris were one step ahead. In a contrast of white and green, green took the upper hand, inviting you to get captivated by the sheer beauty the mountains beheld. Its splendour was impossible to elucidate, such was the magnificence the peaks held within their hearts. Spreading along the coast line like gigantic chains of majestic castles, they conquered from Maharashtra to the tip of God's own country, Kerala, enticing the environment, the surroundings by their pure bliss and imposing power. Serenity was oozing out of every chunk of rock, every piece of wood and every section of green that made this range of untrue mountains. It was beyond just magical to experience, to breathe and lose oneself in these mysterious mountains and Arnav wasn't really keen on giving it a miss.
Albeit NK making clarifications on how the team of three could use another, probably strongest of them all, apprehension was still nagging him. Apparently the university people, who actually appointed him as the translator, confirmed it with the on board researchers and they didn't have any problem with him accompanying them. Arnav thought over again on what NK had said:
    Oh, come on bro. I actually have permission to take one more person with me. It is for my company. The science freaks will be busy in their own world, playing with their confusing instruments and I will go bonkers if I don't have any company. Besides, you like adventures. This is purely adventurous.
Is it okay? Won't those people have any problem if I accompany?
 No bro! I confirmed with them moments ago. If truth be told, they too are on the same lines as me. They feel it is better if another joins the team of three. It is better to be a group. Feels safe and secure. With you on board, I don't think any problem is going to occur. In fact, it will be a blessing if you join us.
Having made up his mind, he called NK and let him know that he was in. It was too good to not be a part of this. But Arnav had no idea what was in store for him. He was just blissful in his own happy bubble that he was in, unaware that this happy bubble was possibly going to shatter when the whirlwind struck.
  As he stood before this opulent mansion, Chris realized happiness was not related to money. If it was then his best friend wouldn't have been so unhappy. She had all the money in the world to cater to her needs, to let her buy what she desired and flaunt it at the world but the peace that she desired could never be bought by something as trivial as wealth. Khushi was always tight lipped about her personal life and problems and she refused to delve into it even for her best friend. She thought walking down that path would do no good to anyone and rather had a detrimental effect on herself and her sanity. The feeling of being unwanted by the people she considered her kin was extremely painful and Chris didn't want to scourge her wounds more by picking on it.
A lone tear escaped his eyes as prepared himself to ring the door bell, praying that it was Gupta who opened the door for him. But his hopes were proved wrong as an old woman, wearing traditional cotton saree, opened the door and eyed him suspiciously. Chris gulped before saying, "Hi, I am Chris."
The lady looked at him apprehensively and in a loud voice said something that he couldn't grasp, "Kaun ho babua...ka chahat ho?"
"Excuse me?" Chris raised his eyebrows but before he could ask another question, another loud voice came floating from somewhere inside, "Kaun hai Jiji?"
"Pata naahi..." the woman in front of him answered as she was joined another lady, slightly younger than her, but like the older woman, also wearing a saree. She looked at him inquisitively before asking, "Ji? Kaun hai aap?"
 Chris felt like a total fool standing in front of two ladies who spoke in a language he couldn't make out the head and tail of. He had heard Khushi speak in the same tongue several times but had made no effort to learn it from her and now, he didn't see any way of letting these people know who he was and why had he come here. While he was contemplating of yelling Gupta's name, another woman walked in. She was in jeans and t shirt and had a very elegant look to herself. She smirked at him, "Yes? How can I help you?"
Chris sighed in relief and said, "Hi, I am Chris McKinley and I am here to meet..." but his sentence was drowned in a loud shout, "McKinley!!!!!"
He turned to see his bestie running down the stairs to meet him and within seconds she had tightly hugged him, knocking him down a few steps. As he staggered to maintain balance, Khushi broke the hug and grinned hugely at him, "When did you come?"
"Just now sweets!" he said as he gave her another hug, "how's Mrs Jalebi doing?"
"Oh I am awesome," she smiled like a kid, "why didn't you tell me you were coming? You didn't even pick your calls when I called you."
"I was in the plane, silly..." Chris ruffled her hair, "if I would have told you I was coming that wouldn't be called a surprise, would it?"
"Of course!" Khushi grinned cheekily. She was in a very good mood and having removed her bandages last night, she was literally beaming that Chris didn't have to see all that. "I have so much to talk to you. I mean there is..." she blabbered when Chris cut her, "an assignment, in Western Ghats for 3 months. I know it."
Khushi narrowed her eyes before bursting out, "You are on board?"
Chris chuckled at her excitement, "Yes, which is why I have come here. We both are going to lead this one."
"Ah!" she screamed in pure bliss as she launched herself on Chris again, "I am so happy!"
"Me too..." Chris smiled at her, "me too... I was so thrilled when Amanda told me I was supposed to go to India. I packed by bags in a jiffy and came flying to meet my partner in crime. After all, the project wouldn't be a success without us in it cause menace."
"I know..." Khushi smiled as she led him inside ignoring the incredulous, accusing looks of her mother, aunt and sister. She had a perfect idea of what was cooking in their minds and she also knew she would be subjected to their wrath once they got the chance but neither she cared nor bothered about her family's disgusting orthodoxy which was exclusively reserved to her. It wasn't really significant or important to give it a thought. As she led Chris into the living room, her sister came down with a narrowed expression reflected from her countenance. She smiled as she beckoned her downstairs, "Chris, this is your dynamite. Diyu... Chris!"
Diya bounded down the stairs eagerly and gave a warm hug to her sister's best friend, "I am so happy I could meet you in person, finally!"
"Pleasure is mine," Chris grinned at her. As he was about to sit down on the couch, an elderly man sauntered into the room. He was regal in appearance, having worn an expensive three piece suit and glasses to match this aristocracy but the eyes behind those glasses shone with tenderness and simplicity. Chris took a well known guess; he had to be Khushi's dad. He extended his hand at the man, "pleased to meet you, Sir. I am Chris McKinley."
The old man shook his hand warmly, "My daughter has told all about you, of course. Pleasure is mine, young man. Have a seat."
"McKinley, coffee or tea?" Khushi asked as he made himself comfortable on the couch. "Tea please, black," Chris smiled. "Ah a purist," Shashi joked, quoting a line from the famous Lost Symbol. Chris shook his head amusedly, "oh no sir; more of an annoying habit."
"Habit defines the person, young man," Shashi said, impressed at the straightforwardness of the man sitting in front of him. His warm olive green eyes shone with innocence and purity, something that not many men had in these days. Even in the engulfing cruelty, this man had the guts to remain the way he was, noted Shashi, proud of his daughter's choice of a friend for life. Chris liked this man more and more every passing second. Even for an adopted father, he took immense care in protecting his princess. That was rarity these days. Chris could see his own father in the man sitting in front of him. Such was the striking similarity between the two men. Only their races were different, not that it actually mattered, Chris smiled inwardly.
While Khushi's father and her sister were on one side of the beam, her mother, aunt and the other sister were on the other, noted Chris. With immaculate observation skills, Chris could easily decipher the language their eyes and body spoke. While two pairs of eyes shone with love and affection, the other three pairs were of overbearing suffocation and vexation. Chris wondered how Khushi dealt with this constant presence of annoyance in the air.
As Khushi brought out the tea for all her family, she noticed the huge bags that were neatly kept near the entrance of the living room by the cabbie that drove Chris to her home from the airport, "McKinley, what are all these huge bags?"
"All the necessities," Chris replied, sipping on his tea, "I went to your apartment to get all your stuff. I didn't think you actually brought all your work related things to India."
"Oh..." Khushi replied as the situation dawned on her. Obviously she would require all her instruments and everything for this field work. She smacked her head once before joining Chris on the couch, "so what is the plan and when do we have to start the work? Amanda sent me the file but I still haven't gone through it thoroughly."
"According to Amanda, it might be next week or a fortnight possibly, for us to leave," Chris launched into action as he took out his Mac book Pro from his backpack and switched it on to life, "the project is for 90 days. They are ready to extend the time if it requires. The stipend has been transferred into both of our accounts and by the way, there is a translator and may be one of his companions accompanying us; more like safety measures for a small group and company for that most-likely-to-be-bored language freak." Khushi laughed at this. Chris had a knack of making things unintentionally humorous sometimes. But the wit quickly died of as Chris started showing her the list of places to be visited and the excitement started to built slowly. From Goa to the tip of Kerala, some 20 places had been listed as the most potential places for finding the data they required and those included the most exciting regions Western Ghats had to offer. Khushi's thrill knew no bounds as she started making mind plans of how the field work would be.
 As a myriad of emotions flitted across her face, Chris sat observing his buddy with a smile playing on his face. It just took a word, Fieldwork, to bring out the hidden jumpy, over enthusiastic kid in Khushi. If there was one thing Khushi loved more than herself, it was nature. That sheer ecstasy of having conquered the paradise on earth was unparallel. For Khushi everything started with nature and everything ended with it. Her dreams, her passion everything was weaved into an inseparable bond with the mother earth and its fierce elements and her happiness was directly proportional to it. Regardless of what came in the way, Khushi always had found herself back into the refuge of serenity and tranquillity that the greens offered. It was her actual home.
Avantika stared at bright looking invite for more time than required. It was a simple invitation yet it unsettled her to no ends. She couldn't understand what she felt on receiving an invite and that too from Arnav for his fashion show. What would she do there was the question that constantly popped in her mind, making her think it through again and again. Not that it was ludicrous, receiving an invite to be the guest of honour from Arnav but for a person whose world didn't expand beyond God and his services, her involvement in a high profile fashion event was preposterous. She didn't know what to make of it. Whether Arnav was foolish that he had sent her such an invite, which was highly unlikely. Thinking Arnav was foolish was like hoping a pig to fly- impossible. But if Arnav had sent her an invite it meant that he had given it enough thought. He wasn't someone to jump the gun and make a decision impulsively. The only impulsive element in his life was anger. Other than that everything else was subjected to deep scrutiny before being implemented. At least she could safely presume that Arnav's decision was well thought.
Now came the real problem, the thought of what she would do in a fashion event and why was it being hosted on that very particular day on which Arnav preferred to escape the crowd and plunge into the solace of being absolutely alone. From the time he had been ousted from this orphanage, this was his way of staying connected to an event that made the larger part of his life. His sentiments to that occasion were intense and he treated it as though it belonged to only him and no one else was allowed to intrude on it. On that day, it was best if he were left alone. Then why was he going and socializing and even hosting a grand event, Avantika seemed really clueless. She was unable to place the finger on the crux, unable to analyse Arnav's moves and his thinking. She gave up finally and ambled into the church, near the altar to offer her evening prayers and seek some peace for her inner turmoil.
    Both Arnav and Vinay had helped in their own ways and both of them were right in their own arguments and neither of them seemed to back down from what they had to do: Vinay, on asking his forgiveness from Arnav and Arnav, on maintaining his ages' old rivalry and anger. Both of them, the level headed individuals, were acting like kids and Anjali was bewildered and confused, unable to decide which side to take.
All her bottled up emotions were terrifying her and without meaning to, without wanting to, she unwillingly trudged down the lane of painful memories, ripping her heart into million pieces along the way.
A/N: So how was it? Like it? Arhi meeting on the way. Expecting a lot of comments :D 

radzbharadwaj2013-11-29 10:20:19

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Comments (54)

Thank U :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=tanu45]nice story.
Thank u :D

10 years ago

waiting for the next part,[/QUOTE]
Yes, yes :D I am updating :D

10 years ago

Glad u love it :D Welcome aboard buddy :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=sankadevi25]Just read all of the chapters at once! OMG! This is such a good FF, and its been a while since I've read one of those. I love how thoroughly you've explored Arnav and Khushi's feelings and breakdowns, as well as those of the rest of the characters. While I'm still slightly confused about the backstory, I can't wait for you to reveal it all! I love how tortured Arnav and Khushi are--I know, I know, pretty sadistic of me, but its going to make their reunion and their pathway to being whole and happy so much better!So here's what I have so far :) Arnav was adopted into the family, mainly due to Anjali and because he was able to make her feel better after her parents died (??) Before this he was in an orphanage where he knew Khushi. However, they kept in contact, and I'm guessing he visited often as well, and during one of these visits, the orphanage was demolished. (BTW, I really like how you've tied Anjali and Vinay into this, and how Anjali isn't Arnav's center of existence in the story--it makes for such a nice change!) He overhears Vinay saw something and he knows that it is his fault--what was it that he said? I don't speak Hindi, and though I'm beginning to understand it more these days, I'm still pretty lost with that sentence. So Arnav's spent the past 15 years of his life brooding for Khushi, and I'm guessing that Shashi adopted Khushi against the wished of his family after the orphanage was demolished. Someone that lived/worked out of the orphanage-I'm guessing Shyam, did something to Anjali, which made Vinay destroy the orphanage. And now Shyam is planning something using Payal. OOOH I can't wait! So much plot build up, it's going to be amazing!
Man, I so love your comment :D I am pretty much like you, I am really enjoying writing all the troubles and tribulations of Arshi :D And the summary, well, I cant say anything to elucidate your theory, you have to wait until the story unfolds :D

10 years ago

Thanks :) and I will definitely try to update sooner :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=heckwidif]interesting! 👏
Thanks :)

10 years ago

[QUOTE=henamani]u have a neat tale here. but arshi need to meet and soon :) arnav needs to break free of the shackles
Thank u buddy :) Glad u like it :)

10 years ago

[QUOTE=esamoe]After so long you finally updated very excited :)
I always wondered who would be Lavanya's soul mate since NK is her brother but I guess u answered my question here or so I am assuming Chris it is... Liked they airport meeting...Chris's accent and mispronunciation of hindi reminds me of Nk from the show its so cute.Loved how u described the place your descriptive skills really captivates the reader:)The scene between Chris and shashi gave us insight to Shashi's character I'm liking the fatherly figure that Shashi is.The enthusiasm is building up for both Arnav and Khushi cannot wait for them to meet again they won't know what hit them . Its nice how u entwining all the characters and unfolding the story.The precap is interesting are we going to find out about Khushi's past in the next update?I hope so,so that we can finally know weather Khushi is Arnav's past.Lovely update dear...keep up the good work and update soon:)If u have time please read my long comment on page. 62 :) [/QUOTE]
It's not khushi's past but Anjali's :D An insight to her world in the next. Khushi's will slowly bubble to surface :D I am glad u are liking the plot and the ensemble and their roles and there are questions that have yet to be answered :D Hope u will love the future updates too :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=famiya]lovely update😛
update soon[/QUOTE]
Thanks :)

10 years ago
