Chapter 24

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Heyya peeps! Waiting for me? :D I know I am late. That is my bahana always but I have hell lot of work these days and I am not able to write more than half a page these days. Anyway, I will be able to update sooner once my projects are over :D Here's the next update :) The italics are the conversations of Anjali's part. The bold italics is the letter :D In case you failed to notice the difference :D 

Chapter 18
Swirling melancholies, threatening to drown me in their miseries. I am looking at a vortex that sucks even the brightest of lights. I can't escape. I can't let it overwhelm. Possibilities...
The recently printed photographs littered most part of the desk that Shyaam currently was using. He had taken to redoing his room all of sudden, as an impulsive over confidence had seized him. He was almost close on gaining success on his recent plan and if all went well, his bride would soon come to his house to take control and he didn't want any sort of hard feelings to occur when she saw how modest the room looked. It was his duty, wasn't it, to keep his girl happy and joyous?
Avi had called a while ago to inform that the task was close to reaching its closure. Some unwanted complications acted as roadblocks but obviously, no work was really impossible for his men as he paid them so handsomely. Money always did the talking. He smiled crookedly as he got up and poured himself a good measure of Johnnie Walker, his personal favourite scotch, and lounged around in the balcony taking in the view that his apartment in the 13 floor had to offer.
In retrospect, Shyaam sometimes did think whether he was being wrong or not. But that teeny feeling soon was over ridden by an obsession for power. To reach great heights you had to trample others, a known norm of the society and power hungry men and women alike. Regret never had any sort of place in his heart or his life. He believed man could achieve anything in this world if he was confident enough and didn't consider his decisions again after taking them. He was head strong, willed and confident but all invested in the wrong side as being a good guy was boring when compared to being the bad guy which was a lot more cooler and dominant. Albeit shyaam's motives and attitude were considered even filthy, from his perspective, they were the threads of a life he recognized and partly lived it in his teens. He related himself to a lot of things in his life and let his links with the past shape his life. So far, it had been a good journey with occasional awkward and gauche situations cropping up, but he didn't complain for this life had given him a lot of things and something he cherished, obsession. Fitoor, as he called it.
He smiled inwardly as the whiskey warmed his innards and comforted him. He quickly reshuffled his pictures and the other decorations that were going to be put up in his apartment, gathered them in his arms and kept them safely out of the eyes of other people who visited his pad. He needed prying eyes away else it could be damaging and he detested when his plans were messed with.
 Some more glitches had to be removed and his way was clear. Payal's phenomenal work had been finished and she was as good as trash. Now he had to deal with that insufferable man, Shashi Gupta, who once, unfortunately for that big head, made a terrible mistake of ganging up against him. Now that he came to think of it, revenge was sweet and he was glad to have had a tiff with a man of such unyielding power.  The game had just turned to a more exciting level.
 Shashi Gupta, here I come...he thought, smiling a smile that was frozen and vindictive. It was the time that he moved the final pawn within weeks to come...
 She was in cross roads again. She didn't know what to feel anymore, annoyance at her brother's solipsism over his childhood friend or sympathy for all that he had to endure or pity on her husband who didn't mean anything he did or anger that he had given into his fury and had put the lives of innocent children into sheer jeopardy. Everything, sadness, happiness, vexation, everything was swimming in her head, making her tremulous and dizzy. She had to do something to rein her unsteady heart. But she had no idea what she was supposed to do.
 Anjali settled down cross legged on a raised platform on her terrace and closed her eyes as she felt the wind tickle her. Yet, that soothing wind couldn't calm down her raging feelings that had cropped up with Vinay's reasoning.
She was no alien to pain and suffering in her life. She had been a constant victim of it from many years ago but those wounds had been dressed by the love of Vinay and his care. She was deeply indebted to her husband for making her smile again and making her to believe in that feeling of love when she had absolutely lost all the confidence she had in herself and her emotions. He had pulled her out of that abyss but even Arnav had done the same to her. He had charmed her heart with his innocence, instilled in her strength to deal with the terrible loss and helped fill the chasm of isolation that was created by her parents' death. Both Arnav and Vinay had helped in their own ways and both of them were right in their own arguments and neither of them seemed to back down from what they had to do: Vinay, on asking his forgiveness from Arnav and Arnav, on maintaining his ages' old rivalry and anger. Both of them, the level headed individuals, were acting like kids and Anjali was bewildered and confused, unable to decide which side to take.
All her bottled up emotions were terrifying her and without meaning to, without wanting to, she unwillingly trudged down the lane of painful memories, ripping her heart into million pieces along the way.
If Anjali came to know about this, it is suicide, she heard her uncle say in a grim voice. Tears leaked out of his warm eyes and he looked gaunt with worry. Anjali strained her ears to hear what was going on. What made her family so anxious and fearful about her? She had considerably healed herself after the death of her parents a month back. She was depressed but she was coming in terms with the reality and after all, her parents didn't want her to stay tied up in her own chains of misery. They would want her to move on. They were there, somewhere above her, watching her with pride and joy and Anjali was determined to keep her parents happy and she was recuperating fast enough. So why were her uncle and the rest of her family so worried about her?
I am going to pulverize that bas***d if I ever found him, she heard Vinay snarl in fury. Her heart thumped frantically. Something was seriously wrong and suddenly, she felt as though she didn't want to hear more. Something about the situation and her family's expressions made her feel extremely uneasy and afraid. She gulped and tried to move, but her legs had frozen and she couldn't bring herself to walk out on her worries and she remained, hoping desperately that nothing was wrong.
Vinay, this is exactly why we didn't want to say anything to you, either. You take everything that concerns Anjali to heart and let your anger control you, her uncle was admonishing Vinay. Everything about her to heart? What did that mean?
If you think I am going to sit simply after finding out what really happened to Kaushalya bua... Vinay started to say when her uncle shut him up, Will you please stop it Vinay?
Papa what is wrong with you? How can you leave him to escape? He is the reason why Anjali lost her parents!  Shrieked Vinay and Anjali froze as her heart bet in sheer panic. Blood pounded in her veins as that horrible thought seeped into her skin, freezing her insides. Who was the reason? What was Vinay telling?
Vinay! Her uncle had screamed; I don't want Anjali knowing about this. Anjali breathed hard and tried to listen the whispers, she's already suffering so much. I don't want her to fall into permanent depression. She is better off not knowing about her parents' murder.
And the world had stopped; jerked to painful halt, throwing her off the ridge. Her insides froze, her heart bet erratically and blood pounded in her ears. Her brain refused to take in anymore as the reality trickled in. Her parents' death wasn't an accident, they were murdered. By whom, she had no idea but they were murdered. She just stood there, beaten and worn out, unable to comprehend anything else as that piece of information was eating her from inside.
So you are going to let that bas***d escape? Vinay seethed in anger, you are going to let him walk free? After all that he did to Anjali? He played with her, pa! He ruined her life! He took her parents! He took everything Anjali valued in life and you are going to let him go just like that? He shattered my Anjali and you expect me to do nothing?
The police have been informed, the culprit will be caught! Her uncle whispered angrily. Vinay huffed sarcastically, you just let him run away and the police won't catch him.
Vinay, for god sake please control yourself! Her uncle pleaded his son frantically; we can't risk Anjali knowing anything about this. It would kill her, please Vinay.
Okay, I am going to keep quiet for Anju but I am not going to let that man walk away as though nothing happened. From the time Anjali went out with him, I always warned her not to. I knew he wasn't right but you people made me shut up about the suspicions I had about him and I was right, wasn't I? I told you not to let Anjali date him but you guys just didn't listen to me. I told you he wasn't... and what Vinay wanted to tell remained incomplete as Anjali crumpled onto the floor, unconscious.
Anjali jerked back to the present and sure enough, her eyes were filled with painful tears that stung her heart like icicles. She wiped her tears harshly and got up to go to her brother's room. She knew he would be back by now. She needed him right now; he was the only one who could calm her down.
The first thing Arnav noticed when he entered him bedroom in Raizada mansion was a small paper boat that perched on a statue that decorated the far end of his room. He immediately knew what it was. He smiled a little as he walked to the statue and picked up the boat from the marble hand and opened it to reveal the problem his brother Akash had written.
Trouble again. I need your help!
 When I was in a temple today in the morning, (Typical Akash..., Arnav smirked) I noticed a girl. She was really beautiful. She wore plain white salwar and a purple bandhini dupatta, those types that bhabhi has got. Beautiful brown hair and amazing hazel eyes.
I thought I fell in love.
Do you think it is true?
You know, she was standing next to another pretty girl, may be her older sister but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her sister looked at me suddenly and I ran out of the place. But that face is imprinted in my mind. I can't forget her. What do you think this problem is bhai? I am going mad! I want your help...
Arnav smiled amusedly. Trust Akash to so blatantly discuss his love problems with him. But Arnav knew Akash didn't dare do this with anyone else and he wouldn't have mustered courage to come and talk to him. Writing paper messages comforted him and as his older brother, Arnav shouldn't make fun of it. He was actually feeling happy that some girl matched to catch the eye of his brother, who was very difficult to be impressed and knowing Akash, whoever he might have chosen, be it as rapidly as today, that woman must be amazing.
He took a piece of paper from his desk, a differently coloured than the one Akash had kept in his room, so as to notify him that his problem was answered, Arnav wrote down his so called solution and folded it into a paper boat and perched it on the statue's hand. He then left to take a shower, smiling knowingly that before he came back from the shower, the boat would be missing.
Chris's keen eyes missed nothing. He was well aware of all the tiniest detail of his surroundings, Khushi's house. After all, he was an oceanographer. Missing details were horrendous to him. But whatever he was seeing and analysing, it was too much for his over analytical brain to process. In simple words, Khushi's sister or step sister, whatever you chose to call her, was unashamedly hitting on him.
That was awkward, Chris fumbled with the straps of his backpack, trying somehow to notify Khushi of her sister's idiotic behaviour but Khushi being the one she was, the ardent researcher, chose to give no importance to trivial matters while she went through the file Amanda had sent her, no matter even if it meant Chris would probably die of sheer embarrassment.
Payal's eyes startled him. They had a sort of obsessive greedy look in them that was giving him creeps. Seriously woman is this how you welcome your guests? By staring at them as though they were something edible? He thought, amused and annoyed at her ridiculousness and a certain bravery that she had. The girl got nerves or maybe she was just too shameless. Whatever the case was, Chris was in no mood to give her any more incentive than she had to get. In other words, Chris had to respect her (painfully) and show her rightful place, which wasn't hitting on him but rather, it was being friendly with him, albeit forcefully. For this he needed his partner in crime, Ms Gupta.
He flung his arm on Khushi's shoulder, all the while aware of the eye daggers being shot at him simultaneously by Khushi's step mom, aunt and sister, Payal. Payal's eyes were burning with jealousy and Chris got some sadistic pleasure in seeing her seething in anger because he wasn't putting her any hay. Well, sorry woman. You don't deserve anything, he thought maliciously and scooted closer to Khushi and whispered the situation in her ears.
Khushi face rapidly went through a series of emotions within seconds: anger, bitterness, disgust and finally a mask of calm appeared on her face. She stood up confidently and picked up her laptop, "come on McKinley, let's go to my room. I need to show you something."
Chris thanked the lucky stars and scooped up all the belongings. Khushi's dad gestured the servants to pick up the bags and keep it in the guest room while Khushi and Chris escaped from the living room with Diya in tow. As soon as they were out of shot Khushi burst out, "what the heck! I am sorry McKinley. I didn't know she would stoop to such a level."
"No problem, Gupta. I am not blaming you," Chris convinced her, trying to cut the conversation because Diya was here but that little girl surprised him to no lengths when she said, "I know. Payal's seriously sick!"
Okay! This kid was smart, thought Chris as he attempted to steer the conversation out of Payal matter. "Anyway, we'll do something fun! I want to warm up before I take a plunge into sea of enjoyment!" he muttered dramatically, rising his arms. Khushi giggled, "warm up?"
"Yeah well, we are going to get roasted when we step out of the house to go for our field trip. Why not have some workouts before we start the actual drill?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. Diya smiled, "cool...if you guys are up for party then let's go today! It will be real fun!"
"Party?" Chris and Khushi asked simultaneously, "where?"
"Oh not exactly party! It will be a night out...if you guys drink..."
"I do!" Chris replied excitedly, "Gupta doesn't though. She's always a pain."
"McKinley!" Khushi warned but both Diya and Chris burst into laughter. "You play with you jalebis, Gupta. Your sister and I will go to the party!" Chris said, trying very hard not to laugh at her stunned expression. Diya stuffed her knuckles in her mouth, stifling her giggles while Khushi glared daggers at both of them. But a few seconds later she smiled very mischievously, "okay. Go to your stupid party. I will go for a night trek." That shut them up effectively. Chris scowled but hugged his friend, "I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without you even if it is a stupid party. You are coming with us."
"Ab aaya na camelwa hilltop ke neeche!" Khushi muttered under her breath and giggled. Diya was shaking uncontrollably with laughter but Chris scratched his head unable to grasp their inside joke. The three continued to make their party plans as they bounded up the stairs to Khushi's room.
Payal was fuming. But it was pretty useless as that guy failed to even look in her eyes. All her efforts wasted. She still couldn't understand what people saw in that road child Khushi. No class, no etiquette, no fashion sense at all and yet, yet, she had all the cool guys for friends. Life was so unfair. She huffed in irritation as she touched up her make up in the traffic signal. She was going to the final rehearsals for next day's event and she couldn't afford to break into pieces. So what if Chris hadn't noticed her? She still had her man, Arnav Singh Raizada. He was enough for the world to drool at her in envy. Slipping into her daydreams, she managed to reach the venue of her fashion show in one piece, ridiculously grinning thinking about Arnav Singh Raizada.
As soon as she walked inside the gates of the grounds where the event was supposed to be held, her breath stopped and she froze feeling tiny and insignificant in front of the vastness that engulfed the whole field. The set up was mammoth-sized. The event managers had done a hell lot of work to get something as this perfect. But she knew who the mastermind behind this idea was. It was the brainstorm of her prince charming. It just had to be.
The ramp was a huge C. It curved like a gigantic meander of some river with a calligraphy stile jutting outward into the curve, the shape of a Roman style of writing capital C. The surface was glassy and smooth with multi coloured lights glowing beneath, creating a magnificent halo across the whole field, dancing in harmony. A huge marquee stood proudly at the mouth of the stage from where the models would ramp walk. The marquee was covered with silk curtains and sparkles, making it look like it was made to welcome the blushing bride. It was classy, elegant, opulent but not exaggerating. It oozed an essence of its own, an exceptional charm which was difficult to give a name to. It was unfamiliar yet it appeared ubiquitous. Payal didn't understand how to describe what she was seeing. It gave her Goosebumps.
Behind the marquee rose a massive curtain that hid the backstage. A small section of the curtain had been parted apart into the marquee. It looked Royal: like it was trying to hide the brilliance and grace of the empire standing in its shadow. Small cords of silk ropes were hanging from the top. It looked like some kind of banner was to be attached to the ropes. The curtain had a pattern of gold leaves, thin and light, merging with the deep rust colour of the drape. The lights made it look like it was the majestic fortification of a forbidden empire. It looked otherworldly.
Her eyes were glazed as she tried to seep in the extraordinary details of the show she was a part of. She was staring at it, her mouth hanging open and would have continued to do so if the coordinator hadn't come and closed her mouth, "madam, you are wanted inside."
She turned beet red, muttered a hurried thanks and ran away inside. To her bad luck, Arnav just came out to the open, clutching a note pad. A pen was tucked behind his ear. Aman was following him like a pet dog, bobbing his head to whatever Arnav was blabbering. Anjali was sitting on one of the stools, shaking her head as she watched her OCD brother drill all of his employees in the last minute battle preparations. But she liked watching him like this. He seemed spirited. Very spirited. His eyes danced in an excited frenzy, his hands animatedly doing their own battle as he explained his vision to the people around. When in work, Arnav was a total different person. He wasn't the brooding one. He looked like he had wheels on his feet, roller skating everywhere like an extremely naughty kid. She would give anything to have Arnav like this forever. It warmed her heart.
It was good that she accompanied him to his fashion show preparations. She would have gone insane if she wouldn't have. When she turned up in Arnav's room to seek some comfort, he gently consoled her and brought her here, away from her problems into a world that was insane, totally insane: where there was no space even for a tiny complaint of her life. She had forgotten everything as she stared at her brother, who seemed to have swallowed some energy drink. He wasn't sitting at one place even for a moment...
    Why do I come across you every time?
    Believe me! I have no interest either. I have been asking myself the same question. Out of the billions population this world has, it has to be you who comes to eat my head.
 Oh really! Mister, shove you good for nothing attitude in some toilet. Don't you dare give it to me.
  My attitude is too precious to be wasted on people like you. Out of my way!
  What the hell! Hello! 

Okay, So now I guess you know whats in the next update :D I wont update unless I get some real long comments xD  😈

radzbharadwaj2013-12-26 10:02:47

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Comments (19)

Thank you so much buddy :) Glad u liked it :) Welcome aboard :D

10 years ago

I read al d chapies in one go wow an amazing dear and well plot one mindblown scenes and dialogs wow those characters u hav portrayd in thr own way of shown anger hapy excitd sad love pain jst fantastic i enjoyd thoroughly its jst boombastic plot.

10 years ago

plzzz update next part waiting

10 years ago

finely u updated
it was amazing
poor guy has no idea what is she trying to flirt with him how sick yucky she is no self respect no shame but soon she gonna get good lesson from shyam but lil scare for khushi what is shyam's plan he is taking revenge from shashi or he is after khushi I have feelings he wants khushi
Anjali poor thing going through tough phase
not happy at all akaash is falling for witch she is dreaming of Arnav but u'll get a** kick payal ji
how sweet he asked Arnav about his feeling loved the way he communicate
eager for their trip
another meeting on the way I guess la is going to have her man soon looks like
good job
thanks for the PMaayt2013-12-28 23:41:37

10 years ago

wow.. good one.. I just hope it is not Payal for Aakash.. poor guy...

10 years ago

Once again you had me hooked with all three parallel tracks written very well.
Payal is such a despo ... it is not even funny but Chris's reactions to her were quite witty and funny!So shyam is all ready for the final blow 😕 i am scared to think what all repercussions this will lead to and with the way this story is getting entwined i feel it wont be just the Gupta's who are affected.Anjali surely has her work cut out is not easy to handle two warring parties when both are equally important to the person involved.And to see Arnav in his full on corporate avatar was quite a turn on !😉

10 years ago

part 18awesome...Paayal is so disgusting...Chris is appalled seeing her...Khushi is too nice and Dia cute...what is this creep scheming?hope this Shyam doesnt know Khushi...whom is Viany talking about?poor Anjali...and this Paayal is at Arnav's ramp...oh Aakash dont fall for this Paayal witch...cont soon dear...

10 years ago

nice update
the suspense is still not open
the story is going to be interesting

10 years ago

cool update was waiting for ages 👏

10 years ago

Amazing story dear waiting for next update

10 years ago
