Chapter 22

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Radhika Bharadwaj



This is the next chapter and here, the future prospect of Arnav and Khushi's entwined life starts its wagon. It is slow, I agree...some loose ends has to be joined before the two people's story can move forward hence the time :) I hope you'' wait for another 3 to 4 updates, which will be surprisingly sooner after my field trip is done, 2 updates a day, hopefully...then Arshi can take on the lead of the plot and not just Arnav and Khushi...You'll see them together in the same frame very soon :) Until then Happy Dreaming, Happy Reading and A HAPPY DIWALI :D 

Chapter 16
      Looking up...
Even sadness cannot stretch...
Beyond a breaking point...
It snaps like a rubber band...
When happiness hurls in its way...
Finally the soul calms down...
As things start looking up...
Boo you, sadness!
I have joy to leap with...
   "One good thing the whole week," she smiled as she sat across her laptop, smiling at Amanda, video conferencing with her at 2 in the night. A while ago, Diya had switched on the laptop, helping her log into her Skype account and retired to bed. Now, Khushi sat beaming, talking to Amanda and feeling extremely happy. Khushi loved the rapport she shared with Amanda. It was like talking to a mother. The comfort, the succour she provided gave enormous peace and satisfaction to Khushi.
Amanda, too, loved her relation with Khushi. After losing her only daughter to her husband, who didn't let Amanda even see her child, the hell Amanda went through was unexplainable. Her day and nights were filled with pain, suffering and longing for her only princess. But suddenly, Khushi came into her life like a whirlwind and slowly helped Amanda recover her lose. While the world shunned Amanda for her big, beefy looks and arrogance, Khushi treated her more than a loving mother, gave her respect and adoration, and shouldered all her responsibilities. Amanda found the void left in her heart by her daughter being filled up by this enthusiastic girl whose liveliness and exuberance were extremely contagious. Amanda started enjoying and living her life to the fullest and she immersed herself in her passion, science. With vast amount of knowledge, her extreme passion and interest, her double PhDs and several papers written during her university year, she catapulted to the head of the department and thus started an exciting journey in the arms of nature and blue, soothing waters and exotic marine animals. Her excitement reached the level of sky when Khushi along with Chris McKinley joined her project team and since then there was no break to these science loving mother daughter was amazing to work with and match the zeal of Khushi, who exactly according her name, spread the colours of happiness and joy and covered the air with her enthusiasm. It was splendid. Suddenly, for Amanda, life had too much to offer...
"I know. It feels really empty without you here," Amanda smiled warmly, "how are you?"
"I am good," Khushi smiled as she combed her hands through her long hair, "how are you? Have you taken all your medications properly?"
Amanda chuckled, "I am not a kid for you to worry about so much. I do know how to take care of myself, you know..."
"Well, I know you are not a kid," Khushi said smiling. "But you do act like one sometimes..." she winked cheekily.
"Khush!" Amanda admonished playfully, "You'll never change!"
"That is impossible," she grinned, "So how're things going?"
"Good..." Amanda smirked, "I have news to tell you."
"Yes," Khushi asked in anticipation. Something about Amanda's smirk told her this was going to be real good. Her eagerness was almost palpable. Amanda chuckled, "A new assignment..."
"What?" Khushi burst out, jumping about in her seat, making Amanda snort with laughter, "what? What?"
"A new assignment," Amanda repeated, shaking her head, "I thought you might be interested."
"Interested?" Khushi mock-glared at her; "I am dying to work here...already!"
"Khush!" Amanda squealed, "It's not even a week since you went on a break!"
"Hundred and sixty eight hours of absolute waste!" Khushi whined, "I didn't do anything but mindless shopping; though I am not complaining because I got to stay with my sister!"
"Whatever..." Amanda reprimanded lightly, "You need some break, don't you?"
"Oh no..." Khushi shook her head, "I am itching to work here. My brain hates to sit idle."
Typical Khushi! Amanda thought amused, "I was right about you. I knew you would never say no to any assignments."
"Of course," Khushi smiled crazily, "I would be doomed if I do that!"
"Of course!" Amanda nodded, laughing.
"What is the assignment," Khushi urged, "come on, tell me."
Amanda laughed at her excitement. Khushi was fidgeting around in her chair and she was about to dive inside the computer to strangle her if Amanda didn't explain the nature of her assignment, "it's in Western Ghats."
"Western Ghats?" Khushi's doe eyes widened to almost the size of rupee coins. She couldn't believe her ears, "You are kidding!"
"No Khush..." Amanda smiled, "I am not. When I heard the project was scheduled in Sahyadris, I knew at once that this was your calling. I am not joking. So are you interested to go?"
"Obviously!" Khushi squealed, "I would die rather than miss this chance. I am in!"
"Wonderful!" Amanda cheered before diving for her file with details about the project, "I don't know who are in your team. The project management hasn't decided it yet. But I think you are surely getting the chance."
"Is big guy on board?" Khushi asked fervently, "Is he coming?"
 "No idea..." Amanda lied smoothly keeping in mind that Chris had almost threatened her to not break this surprise to Gupta, "I don't know. He's still on vacation and I don't know if he is going to consider this or not."
"I am going to speak to him!" Khushi whispered urgently, "he has to be there! I won't go without him."
"Okay..." Amanda hid her knowing smile, "I am going to talk to Max about this. Let's see what's he is going to decide. It is his final decision whether McKinley will be allowed or not."
"What?" Khushi almost screamed, "how can he reject McKinley...oh no! This is not fair!"
"Khush!" Amanda spoke urgently, trying very hard to control her amusement, "relax! Nothing is final yet! Don't act as though your head is on fire...!"
Khushi took some deep breaths, "okay...keep me posted on this. Now what is my work provided if I am going..."
"The project is mapping, topography and aquatic research," Amanda explained, "you are to study, collect data and analyse the aquatic environment, fresh water and marine, the water animal species and the topography of the selected sites of Western Ghats. As you are a biologist before an oceanographer, you are super qualified for this as it deals with both fresh water and marine environments. The list of places will be provided to you and all the other details are going to be mailed. Go through it. It is huge to sit and explain."
"Cool!" Khushi grinned from ear to ear, "Super cool! Finally work! That too in Western Ghats! Yippee!"
"The project is for 3 months, the stipend is not more..." Amanda said, "I guess you have to manage with meagre resources."
"That is not an issue..." Khushi said smoothly, "we have been in worse situations. I can handle it."
"In an unknown place you can run into serious trouble with paltry stuff," Amanda warned, "It is not exactly going to be the way it is on research vessels. You need to camp in jungles, sleep in tents and all. Are you sure you will be able to handle it?"
"Relax, Amanda..." Khushi grinned, "I don't think we'll have any major issues other than running out of food or running into a couple of man-eaters. I think we'll manage just fine..."
"You are unbelievable, Gupta!" Khushi laughed, "Alright, I won't worry...the fellowship money is going to be transferred into your account. You have to write a full report and a paper on this. For the paper, select any one topic from the report you are going to file."
"Aye aye Cap'n!" Khushi mock-saluted making Amanda snigger, "I will go through the entire list. How many people on board?"
"I think three..." Amanda said with a tone of finality laced heavily with mock apprehension, "two researches and one translator."
"Translator?" Khushi asked surprised. "Yes, a translator is coming to translate the South Indian Languages. It might be a problem for you guys down there."
"Oh okay..." Khushi nodded, "why can't Chris come then?"
"Actually the management are thinking to get a rookie on board," Amanda lied neatly, "they think it might be a learning experience for them."
"Then why not make it a team of four?" Khushi asked not liking a bit that Chris might be left out of the team without actually knowing that Amanda and Chris had already signed the contract. Amanda shrugged nonchalantly while her heart was on a disco mood. It was not every day that one got to play Khushi around. She was enjoying it wholeheartedly.
"Easy girl..." Amanda cajoled her, "we'll come up with a solution. Don't worry..."
"Hmm..." that was all the reply she got.
  Facing the huge set of French windows his cabin was accessorized with, Arnav sat making certain amends and last minute changes for his fashion show that was scheduled 2 days later. Perfection was an unannounced protocol in AR fashions and he wasn't about to take any risks in making his event a magnificent success. As he reviewed the stage plans, the programmes, the arrangements and the list of models committed, he felt nervous. A strange edge, exhilarating yet panicky, was running in his veins making him fidgety and uncomfortable, like he was about to drive a Jet or take a head long plunge into the rough sea. Nervousness was highly unlikely of Arnav. His persona oozed out confidence. He simply didn't agree on unwanted uneasiness. It hindered his self esteem and his smoothness in work.
  But today, he was enjoying the nervousness he was feeling. It brought back the gullibility of his, the thrill of creating something new and the nerve-wracking efforts involved in the process. He felt as though he was back to square one. The errors, the edits, the frustrations, and sleeplessness everything was amazing. Staying up the whole night just to figure out a new charm to add to the design, to re-edit the outfits; the joy of chewing pencils, shredding countless amounts of waste papers, scratching the head to come with a new scheme, all were precious to Arnav. It was a process of evolving, innovating and enjoying. Not all the time, this happiness knocked on the door of Arnav's life. They were extremely rare to come by and Arnav didn't like to lose one chance of experiencing them for he believed that these small moments of joy were the foundation for a perfect imperfect life. It was the real gems of living. It was wonderful.
 Tapping his cheek with a pencil, he was lost in his event when the shrill ring of his phone pierced the silence blanketing his cabin. Cursing, he picked up the call. "Nannav, mere bhai!" an excited shout floated to his ears. He gritted his teeth and muttered, "One more time you call me that and you'll be wiped out of this world. I swear!"
"Yeah! Okay!" NK smirked, "how are you bro?"
"I am good..." Arnav replied as he got up from his chair and moved towards the window, savouring the fresh air, "how things at your end?"
"Not so impressive," Arnav could hear the sadness in his voice, "NK? Didn't the interview go well?"
"Nope..." NK muttered, "The same again. Recommendation and bullshit."
 Arnav cringed at the dejection creeping out of his cousin's voice, "I am sorry. I keep putting you through this..."
"No, bro..." NK suddenly felt really ashamed of making his cousin sad. His and Arnav's camaraderie was one of his most cherished relationships and NK didn't like that bond to be strained by redundant customs that ruled the world. Arnav was extremely compassionate and affectionate towards him. He looked after him like a protective, loving older brother, something which he neither shared with Vinay or Akash. It was NK who was the closest to Arnav. Since the time they met each other through his older sister Lavanya, they both had instantly bonded. The playfulness, the zeal and vigour and the extreme love for destruction and menace threw these adolescent boys into full blown friendship and a brotherly affection. NK was almost 5 years younger to Arnav and even though Akash was also about the same age, NK felt rather homely and energetic with Arnav than Akash. Akash was a late bloomer, who understood the real personality of Arnav after ages. But NK, from the moment he extended his little hand toward Arnav, he had read that devilish smirk that danced in his cousin's eyes. Arnav's eyes never lied but unfortunately no one knew how to read it.
"No bro..." he said again, "you are not at fault. You are trying everything in your reach to help me but it is me who has an insufferable attitude."
"NK!" Arnav reproached, "It is annoying sometimes to hear to complain about your own sense of worth. It is me who's putting you through all of this. I am the one to be blamed."
" are trying hard to get me a job but unfortunately my ego butts in every time, bro..." NK muttered miserably, "I am sorry to not value your time and the effort you are putting to get me a job."
"Enough, okay?" Arnav said annoyed, "you are acting like a girl now. Actually it is those losers who are to be blamed."
"Oh no..." NK suddenly smiled, "those losers have actually given me a job. This time purely on my talent..."
"What?" Arnav almost yelled, "What?"
"I knew you would react like this," NK screamed jubilantly, "I got a job of translating a couple of researches on their field trip."
"Again a temporary one?" Arnav asked disappointed. NK smiled before saying, "Bro, they are paying me heavily for it. Those university people breathed a sigh of relief when they came to know I knew almost all the Indian languages. This science research project apparently is very imperative. They are ready to do anything for it and it is a whole new experience for me bro."
"Okay," finally half a smile made its way lazily across Arnav's aristocratic visage, "whatever makes you happy."
"I will be happier if you agree to something I ask," NK muttered apprehensively. Arnav asked him to go on. "Bro do you have any commitments lined up after your fashion show this weekend?"
"Nope..." Arnav replied wondering where this conversation was heading, "I am planning on taking a long break. Why?"
"Then why don't you come with me on this trip?"
    Oh come on bro. I actually have permission to take one more person with me. It is for my company. The science freaks will be busy in their own world, playing with their confusing instruments and I will go bonkers if I don't have any company. Besides, you like adventures. This is purely adventurous.
  Is it okay? Won't those people have any problem if I accompany?
 No bro! I don't think so...

A/N: Bet many people didnt see that? What do u think Arnav will do? 
 It is a small that was needed to keep the flow...Next few chapters are going to be a blur and long. I need to come to blow the past within a few updates so that this doesnt get boring...hope you are fine with it :) 
radzbharadwaj2013-11-03 08:08:56

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Comments (50)

[QUOTE=angeldream14]loved it
he is so broken to let anyone inshe is broken n pretends it doesn't affects her.[/QUOTE]
Thank u :D Glad u love the dichotomy :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=amus5]oh radz where r uuu ????😭
Updating buddy :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=phillips_2909]waiting for next...
Updating :)

10 years ago

Welcome aboard pal :D Glad u love the story :D Very happy 😊 Thank you :D

10 years ago

Welcome buddy :D Glad u love the story :D Every mystery has to be curtailed at the right time else the excitement will evaporate :D Soon, everything will be clear to u :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=Sanaya.Barun]Hey! I read till 13 before and commented too. But couldn't read more coz i thought its not updated.. Im glad i went through pages and found other updates too.Now coming to updates, its simply amazing! All of them! You are an awesome writer! The kiss they shared was described so beautifully! And i like their childhood "mouth eating" too :D haha. That was so cute! Feeling so bad for Arnav! :( poor guy! He loves her so much! Waiting for them to know each other :)Hope payal doesn't create problems for Khushi and Arnav. And i didnt get one thing, Diya is not Khushi's real sis right?I dont get why this FF have less readers.. Its a beautiful piece! I'll suggest it to as many people i can.PS, i sent you buddy request. Please PM me.
Thanks so much buddy.! Glad u love the story :D No Diya isnt Khushi's own sister. AndI possibly cant promise anything on Payal 😆

10 years ago

I will update :D Lost the track :D My bad :D

10 years ago

No problem :D Ur comment takes more credit than like :D

10 years ago

[QUOTE=amus5]radz where r u???
Me here buddy :D Updating today, now :D Had a few problems with internet so couldnt update day before as promised

10 years ago

Payal is one of the lead models and her story will soon resume :D waiting for a foundation :D and Shyam hasnt got the chance yet. You'll see, or rather read what is going to happen :D

10 years ago
