Chapter 21

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Hello ji! Here I am, not so late as the previous time. Lets all welcome the new readers we have, all thanks to Shruti 21 and my buddy, Disha for suggesting my fanfiction as something worth to read. Muah to both of you and a big ðŸ¤—. Anyway, coming to the update, spoiler alert, New Entry...Hamara apna Hayee Re Nandkishor. Any Arshi story doesnt really seem complete without this ever smiling, jovial NK. He has a pivotal part in this story. Look forward to how he plays it :D Without further ado, I am presenting chapter 15. There are many tangles and twists and parallel stories. Gear up for the roller coaster ride :D 

Chapter 15
      Perplexed complications...
Confounded, bewildered by road blocks...
Life seems to have them to no end...
Seething and raging to see some sense...
But perplexities never seem to bend...
     Trust the university people to mess up things, he thought angrily as he chucked his organizer at the closet and sat on the recliner. Things weren't going as he had planned and if this continued the same way then he might had to end up being penniless and homeless and that would be seriously pathetic in a place like California.
   Linguistics was never a huge earner unless you made a serious name in the society and proved your skills in the field. Until and unless that happened, people in the field always struggled to get a translating job, some job to make their ends meet. Novel writing was a great idea but it also had its own limits. No one appreciated your work till some money, and mind, huge amounts of money, were spilled to each and every individual involved in book publishing, editors, publishers, cover photographers etc..., and teaching, well that post was overflowing with candidates and the universities weren't ready to shell out some extra thousand dollars to appoint a new staff to teach. Well...anything to left to say?
 It was never an easy job and to a new graduate, impossible. Linguistics, study of languages was a huge field with thousands of people graduating a year. With so much of competition, life was never simple. It was the same for him. It had been a year since he had come America on a small project of translating some old Hebrew books in the central library, California, USA and after that one job, many other small odd jobs that he did never fetched him enough money to make a decent living. Many days he had to go on a single burger for the whole day to save money to buy food for the next week. It was troublesome but he didn't complain for he had chosen this field with much passion, vigor and a whole lot of arguments.
 His family never appreciated such a meager job with no financial security, but as a child, languages were the only thing that caught his eye. It had excited him to learn there were hundreds and hundreds of languages across the world and it had become the thread of social connect and communication and it had itched him discover the beauty of what connected billions of people together. And his fate was his choice. He had graduated with a Masters in Linguistics from JNU and had taken off to fulfill his dreams to California.
But as they say no life comes without a package of unavoidable problems, his excitement had considerably worn off after coming in terms with the amount of pain he had to go through in order to follow his passion yet he didn't hinder. He was always a fighter and didn't really appreciate the idea of asking help from his family nor his friends. He had managed somehow.
 As he sat dejectedly after another failed interview, he started weighing his options. Not much...! When he was informed of this interview, he was really excited but all his hopes crashed as his self esteem butted in. He would have got a job today if he would have accepted the fact that the work was granted on the basis of recommendation rather than his own talent but he felt that if he had accepted the job, he would have insulted himself. It was too much to bear to see your talent being given less importance when compared to money and fame. It pained him.
He sighed glumly as he got up and opened his near empty refrigerator for a bottle of water. While he was emptying the bottle, his phone buzzed in his jeans pocket and he took it out to see his sister calling. One ray of sunshine, Nandkishor smiled as he lifted the call, "Hey sis...sup?"
"Heyya NK..." Lavanya said cheerfully, "how was your interview today?"
"Don't ask..." he replied sadly, "pathetic..."
"What happened?" Lavanya asked, worried, "you didn't get the job?"

"Nope..." NK said as he closed his fridge with a snap, "I didn't take it..."
Lavanya sighed, "Why?"
"Again the same reason..." NK muttered, "The work is too much and the pay isn't high...
"NK..." Lavanya chided, "If it goes on like this then it would be too bad..."
"I know La..." NK muttered feeling miserable for having to lie to his sister, "I understand the difficulties I am in. But I am trying. If something worth comes up then I will definitely take it."
"Should I send you some money?" Lavanya asked knowing full well what her brother was about to answer. He always denied her financial overtures but today he surprised her, "yes please...thank you. I have some rent to pay and the owner will chuck me out if I don't pay by this weekend and looking at the situation, I don't think any jobs are going to come by soon."
Lavanya wiped her tears as she replied, "yes... I will send it. Don't worry..."
"Thanks, La..." NK said gratefully but felt a little hurt to have asked her to bear his expenses. But he was helpless. He had to ask her this time. This one time, he promised himself as he looked the clock. 12: 20 PM and his stomach was rumbling.
"La...I am going out for lunch," he said, "shall I call you later? I have lots to talk to you..."
"Sure, bro..." Lavanya smiled softly, "call me after your lunch. I am free..."
"Okay..." NK said and hung up as he walked out his apartment to the burger shop nearby.
Love at first sight?
Seriously Akash?
As Akash drove back home, these were the constant thoughts that plagued his mind. Considering his simplicity and his nature, it was highly unlikely of Akash to believe in all these nonsense, over the top Bollywood cliches of falling in love the instant a girl smiles at you. Seems ridiculous, he chided himself as he honked loudly and scared a pedestrian out of his wits.
Akash was not alien of dating, having girlfriends and all. He had gone out with a couple of girls from his college but none of them impressed him. He was always on a complete different wavelength from them. Make up, hot guys, the awe, everything seemed really silly to him. People with some substance, mental and intellectual maturity caught his attention. He valued people with wisdom, wit and a whole lot of common sense. Unfortunately, girls that he dated never fell into that category and he always realized that after speaking to them. Like how thunder sounds after lightening, some people appear bright before they talk...this one statement from Arnav had his insides rolling with laughter and probably that was one of the best advices he had had from his big brother.
Akash always preferred to confer his private life with Arnav. Not his parents, brother or his sister in law but only Arnav. With Arnav life somehow seemed not frazzled and easy. Probably because Arnav never poked his nose into other people's business nor he had any curiosity in learning about what his family did or would do. It always felt very safe and secure when Akash discussed his emotions with his brother who seemed to have solutions to every problem in the world. His deep chocolate brown eyes were enough to calm your nerves and soothe you but ironically, they held so much of pain in them which were perfectly masked within by his unfazed attitude. His peaceful demeanour, albeit marred by constant self battles, did the little trick for Akash. He got that assurance from Arnav who seemed more like a best friend, like a teddy bear you took to sleep which heard every woe, every hard feeling, confusions,  and calmed you without words. Arnav truly was an ocean, mysterious, roaring yet serene.
 Arnav had an uncanny and amazing ability of reading people. He would guess in just minutes about how they were. But it was extremely difficult to talk to him. He had so neatly maintained the aloofness that it was hard to dig up a conversation with him. But Akash being the clever one had devised a smart plan in his late teens. He had started writing paper messages and sneaked it into his brother's room before he was home. Arnav would always reply to them. This was a practice even when Arnav was not at home. But only the method differed. It was digital. Akash would send him an email, explaining his problem and Arnav would patiently reply back in his own time. These two brothers always stayed connected through some means by not embarrassing or annoying each other.
When Akash felt those strange feelings when he first saw that girl in the temple, he was sure he had fallen in love. But as the seconds passed, his mind itched to make some sense out of it and he had already come to conclusion that whatever that he might have felt in the temple was purely situational and not really solid. But he was still confused and this was a perfect time to seek advice from Arnav and this time, as Arnav was home, he would sneak another paper message to his brother's room. Akash knew he would answer it...
   Sometimes simplest of the things make their lasting impressions on us. They are not over the top, extravagant or grand that just manages to catch our eye. Subtle yet profound they are. They reach our hearts, make their place deep in our souls and leave a gaping hole, reminding of our incompleteness without them.
Some might think that Arnav was being too much. Who would groan over for a girl for 15 years, when that love blossomed at an age where there was no foundational maturity and intense level of understanding and compatibility. It was just plain sense of belonging. Yet, the bonds that were formed in that age where innocence was brimming proved eternal for him for the connections, the relations between their hearts were pure and untainted from the harsh reality of the world. Nothing except companionship and mischief mattered.
Arnav always believed that it was mischief that brought two people together and strengthened their friendship. Only with the ones you are comfortable with, you will be able to pull amazing pranks with ease, without offending them or feeling awkward and it was very important not to be awkward with your partner. Because that would ruin the very beauty and depth that bond signified and it was always mischief and fun that connected Arnav with his friend. She was his partner in crime, clearly a menace and an absolute nuisance to deal with. Nonetheless, she was his.
 No matter how much time had passed since she had passed away, she always affected him. Distance really didn't matter for these two even when she was infinitely away from him and he was not going to meet her any soon. All that mattered was that satisfaction, that sheer bliss he experienced whenever he just merely thought about her. She made him complete and she was unparallel. No one had ever come close to what she was even though he had a very primitive, undeveloped and hazy image of hers as a kid. That exuberance, that zeal and that point-blank smartness was still undefeated by anyone. If she would have been alive today, she would be one hell of a woman.
 As he stood there, staring disdainfully at his own face that was being reflected on the sun kissed surface of River Yamuna, he couldn't help but think what she would have thought to witness him kiss another woman. Would she have felt bad? Would she have felt disgusted? Or would she be happy that at least he was moving on? Did she want him to break the walls and free himself out? Arnav had no idea...
 He wanted to move on. He desperately wanted to get out from the chains of self restraint and guilt and taste the air of freedom and liberation. Yet, something, some small damn thing in the corner of his heart was stopping him. It was making him impossible to break himself free from that intense attachment he had with his childhood friend.  Sadly, all the happy memories, his carefree, joyous childhood had chained him to his past because escaping into his memories was preferred over dealing with the cruel world for Arnav...
   Chi...Why are they eating each other's mouths???
   I don't it so tasty?
  Looks like it, Rinnie...look at them! They don't seem to stop at all! I bet it is all creamy and stuff like cream bun else why would eat like that?
  Do you think we should try? Will our mouths be as tasty as theirs?
As Arnav jolted back from the memory lane, his heart felt heavy. The kiss he shared with a stranger unknowingly had reminded him of those memories of his first kiss with this best friend. In sheer curiosity of tasting the mouth, they had unknowingly bonded themselves in a very intimate way, something that neither of them had understood in an age so tender and innocent. That kiss wasn't characterized by raging heart beats, laboured breaths or raw passion. Underneath that action was cuteness, purity and gullibility. It was childishness that seeped out of that action and neither of them probably had any regrets about it because they didn't understand the magnitude of their acts. It was pure adorability and Arnav terribly missed it...
 Thinking of his best friend brought those tears back into his eyes and a feral rage rose out of him for everything that was wrong in his life. The scream that followed echoed throughout the desolate land, rippling the waters and reaching the heaven...that scream carried all the anguish of his heart, all the agony of his soul and all the sufferings he had endured...the scream pierced the tranquil air, shredding the calmness into pieces as Arnav sank onto the ground, his eyes wildly searching for some peace, some love and his heart praying the nonexistent, non believing god to have some mercy on him...
"Do you have any idea how worried, how terribly scared we were looking at you in that condition? What if something had happened to you? What the hell is wrong with you?" Khushi cringed as Diya went on hurling angry words at her. From the moment Diya had yanked her out of her room to give her first aid, Khushi had been awarded with a nonstop commentary of how irresponsible her behaviour was. While her younger sister was practically howling at her, her father was, at the moment, trying to subdue the volcano that had burst in the house due to combined fury of her aunt, her mother and her sister downstairs.
Squinting at her tiny steamroller of a sister, Khushi cautiously voiced her appeal, "Sorry...Diyu..."

"Sorry?" Diya turned to her in a flash. She almost, well almost looked a lioness, "Sorry? Just a damned sorry for your madness, Di? What if something happened to you?"
"I said I am sorry..." Khushi muttered resignedly, throwing her heavily bandaged hands up in surrender, "I was just extremely angry and couldn't control myself."
"Angry at what, Di?" Diya started her barrage of irate questions again, "angry at what that you chose to give your safety the least importance! Angry at what that you chose to cross the threshold of stupidity and idiocy! Angry at what, Di, care to explain?"
Khushi knew her sister was extremely pissed off with her at the moment and no amount of cajoling would cool her down but she couldn't bring herself to explain the reason of her fury and rage. She hated to discuss her personal life with anyone; it didn't matter whether it was her sister. She just couldn't elucidate that someone, some loser of a stranger had a crossed a very serious line with her. She couldn't explain that someone had insulted the very feeling of intimacy for her. It was extremely hurting...
"Di, I am asking you something..." Diya's irritated, stiff voice sounded. Khushi had to do something to escape her suffocating scrutiny. Think Khushi! Improvise, she thought hardly before she blurted, "It sometimes gets overwhelming to think you are an orphan, is too much too bear..."
Whatever anger or irritation Diya had on her childish, idiotic specimen of a sister, it just vanished in an instant and was replaced by unflinching love and sympathy as she went and crashed to her, trying to calm her anguished sister, "I am sorry, Di...I really am..."
Khushi was more than glad that Diya bought her lies and she just chose to ignore all her worries at least for some precious moments with her dear sister. She hugged her tighter and muttered, "Mistake is mine, don't have to apologize me...but do me a favour. Let us end this here, please..."
Diya didn't want to burden her sister with anymore emotional pains than that of what she already had. So she simply nodded and hugged her even more tightly, letting her tears spill out freely.
"Are you serious?" Chris sounded almost jubilant, still trying hard to absorb the recent news Amanda broke to him.
"Yes, dead serious..." Amanda replied, a small smile playing on her face looking at Chris's disbelieving expression, "this is a huge opportunity for both of you. I think you will enjoy..."
"Positive," Chris beamed.  "But you sure?"
 Amanda grinned warmly, "Yes, I want you and Khushi to take the lead of this one.  By the way, it is in India..."
Chris jumped in joy, "Yes! I am going to meet Gupta quicker than I thought! Yes! Thanks Amanda! Love you so much!"
   Amanda clucked her tongue incredulously, "You guys don't date each other yet act like hormonal imbalance teenagers if you are away from each other! is it even possible...?"
A serene yet overjoyed feeling crossed Chris's young, boyish face," That only a best friend can understand!"
    Mind your attitude woman!
     I will not! Who the hell are you to command me? What rights do you have?
     The same right you have for shouting at my sister! You better not insult her in front of me or you have to bear my wrath. When I get angry, I don't think you bear a chance. So just shut up!
   Stop it! It's not worth it! Stop...

A/N: Still confusin', right??? :D :D Enjoy! By the way, how was it? 
radzbharadwaj2013-10-11 00:22:22

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Awesome Awesome
Loved Loved
cry Cry
Continue Reading next part >

Comments (19)

Heyya peeps! I know I am terribly late and I am on a tight schedule again...Had exams and now have a field trip and work to be done so I dont have much time to reply to all of your wonderful comments...Please dont feel bad and stop commenting. Once I get back from the tour, I promise I am going to reply to all your comments :) Till then happy reading and A VERY HAPPY, CRACKLING DIWALI!

10 years ago

Welcome buddy :D Glad u love the story :D Thank u :) As to why Khushi's mom, aunt and Payal hate her, I am coming to that :) The past is slowly being curtailed and I think you'll get ur answers :)

10 years ago

Welcome buddy :D Glad u like the story :)

10 years ago

I love your story and the dynamics between all your characters is very well played ,lot of hidden layers in all of them they all have grey tones in their lives ,can you clarify why khushie mom aunt and payal hate her ,?and her past .i feel she is Arnav best friend from childhood but she was orphaned and shashi adopted her .

11 years ago

Just caught up with all of the 15 chapters on recommendation from shruti21. She made a post recently regarding new writers & their stories. I can't thank her enough because the ff's that she have listed are all phenomenal.Coming to your ff, it's really interesting & totally different from all of the stuff that I've read so far on the forum. Looking forward to reading more of this gripping story. Keep up the good work :).

11 years ago

nice updateupdate soon

11 years ago

The introduction of NK - La's struggling brother. Both bro and sister need to find alternatives to be happy. Nk in his career and LA in her love life.Aakash and his reliance on Arnav for guidance. Arnav's words guide him and he has not regretted following them. His trust in Arnav is so immense that he plans to discuss his feeling of "love at first sight" with him. As per Aakash Arnav is good judge of people and is never wrong? Then why is Arnav so harsh towards Khushi who seems to be a good person? Does he fight his feeling of an attraction towards her? As he cannot allow another girl is his life because of sad end to his childhood love.Liked Khushi - Diya bonding. Looking forward to Chris & Khushi's meeting.Like the way you cover so many characters in a single update. Enjoyed reading.😊
akaps2013-10-10 08:39:56

11 years ago

part 15nice part...poor Khushi...Dia is really so sweet...and Aakash hope he doesnt fall for this Paayal...cont soon dear...

11 years ago

read silver lining after long time.. tell you.. still enjoyed it.. i love this story.. it is very easy story but still loves it.. so two strangers kissed each and found to be responding too then too they got the message there have to be be something between them which they felt while sharing the kiss.. both stubborn gave up that feelings because of their big fast egos.. hope they both recognise their feelings and give themselves a chance.. both will have wonderful life together.. looking forward to it.. well akash is falling for payal.. thus payal have slightest idea about what crime she have committed.. shyam is not to be trusted and payal is in mess.. loved the updates and looking forward to read more.. thanks for pm 😊

11 years ago

Chris is coming to India?? should be interesting.. waiting for AK to meet..

11 years ago
