~*~The Guest From Heaven~*~

9 months ago

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Draupadi's POV:

'All's well that ends well'....that's what I can say about that day's incident. I might not be as good as my Jyeshth Arya in reading the ill-omen but atleast I had mastered reading my Arya's expressions. To be honest, I got extremely scared for Arya Bheem's safety. I kept praying for his well being all the way to Lord Kuber's Pond. Thankfully, my prayers were answered.

Like always, Arya Bheem had brought so many flowers that if I had to make to make a bouquet out of them, then perhaps I could not have held it even with my both hands. While holding those flowers I was suddenly reminded about my wedding garland. The first wedding garland I wore was from Arya Arjun at the Swayam Var Sabha, but the first wedding garland at my marriage ceremony was from Arya Yudhishthira.

Suddenly an idea struck me and immediately I started arranging for the same. Finally, by the end of the 1st prahar of the night, I was ready with my surprise. That day, my Jyeshth Arya was in-charge of guarding around our hermitage. The floral valley of the Gandhamadhana mountains was illuminated on that full moon night. It seemed as if the nature was also conspiring to bring us together for the second time.


[1] That day, even though started quite peacefully, but ended in an eventful manner. Of course, I do not blame Kalyani for asking Bheem to get those flowers. My Kalyani had always been fond of flowers. 

I was enjoying the sweet silence of mountain valley, when I sensed someone's presence behind me. Even though I am not as skilled as Jyeshth Pitashree in identifying a person by the sound of their footsteps, but I could never forget my Kalyani's fragrance.

Immediately, I turned back, and the beauty of that sight cannot be expressed by mere words even by the greatest poets of the world. Though she was not dressed in expensive silk, she did not wear any precious jewel studded ornaments, she had not done any shringar, yet she looked magnificent as the day when she stood infront of me as my would-be-bride. 

My Kalyani was standing infront of me holding an extremely beautiful garland of saugandhika flowers. I felt as if I am dreaming. It's true that I wanted replenish our relationship, but after breaking Kalyani's and my brothers' trust, I did not have the courage to ask Kalyani for the same.

Lost in my thoughts, I kept looking at her without blinking. "Arya, why are you looking me like this?" Kalyani's words suddenly brought me into reality. It seemed as if I lost my ability to think. I just managed to blurt out, "Kalyani.....why have you come to me in this manner?"

"In which manner, Arya?", Kalyani asked feigning innocence. I could clearly sense a hint of flirtatiousness in her tone. It reminded me about the initial days of our married life. Then, I used to call her by her formal name Draupadi. My mind was getting filled with thousands of anticipations and expectations but my past experiences with life has taught me enough not to have expectation for anything which is beyond my control.

I replied in my usual calm demeanour, "I meant you have come to me at such an unusual hour.....there must be some very important purpose, I presume." Kalyani raised her eyes to look straight at me and kept looking at me. Her eyes had magnetic effect, even if I tried to look away, I just couldn't. Her deep black, lotus shaped eyes appeared much deeper than deepest oceans, where I was drowning. I was so lost in her eyes, that I did not even realize when she came near me and put that beautiful fragrant garland around my neck. I did not know that how I should react. I looked down once around my neck and then raised my eyes at Kalyani with thousands of unspoken questions in them.

Having sensed my distressed situation, Kalyani came near me and embraced her arms around me. She said, "Arya....how about we start everything once again."

WAIT!!...Kalyani forgave me and wants to start a fresh with me.....Is this an illusion created by some Yakshas inhabiting this area? That was the first thought, came to my mind. But next moment my mind registered the presence of Kalyani's warm hands on my back. That meant whatever I was seeing, was not a dream but a completely unexpected reality. Kalyani asked again, "Arya....won't you say anything?

I had so many things to say, so many things to ask, but I just managed to say, "But Kalyani, I don't think I deserve...." She, preventing me from speaking anything else, by covering my mouth with her hand, said "Arya, I was mistaken. My anger had blindfolded me. But now that blindfold is completely removed. I agree that whatever you did that day at the Dyut Sabha was a sin on your part. But I have seen you repenting for that with complete honesty and truthfulness. Even God must have forgiven you already, then how couldn't I forgive you."

Her eyes had turned glassy and were almost filled to the brim with tears. She continued, "Arya.....out my anger, I had even forgotten my duties as a wife. I left you to suffer at that point of life where you were completely alone. Instead of supporting you, I yelled at you and accused you. But you remained silent all throughout and kept suffering alone." By the time she stopped speaking, she was a crying mess. Unable to hold herself together anymore, she threw her arms around me and said sobbingly, "Arya, I promise I won't leave you alone ever again......lets start everything once again from the beginning."

I felt a strong urge to pacify her. Unconsciously, my hands lifted up on their own and started caressing her back. Seeing her crying like a baby, I was suddenly reminded about how mother used to hush Nakul and Sahadev, whenever they cried remembering mother Madri and father. Kalyani emotional outburst had overwhelmed me. Yet I knew I had to say something to her or else I might lose this chance too.

Overwhelmingly I said, "Kalyani, rather I should ask for forgiveness from you. Perhaps no husband would ever treat their wife the way I treated you. Unknowingly I compared you with my possessions on which I have ultimate ownership. For a moment, I had forgotten that you are an independent soul who has the right to take decisions about their own life." Tears were flowing down my cheeks. Kalyani with her soft palms wiped them and said, "" Saying this, she pointed towards the eastern sky, behind the golden mountains. It appeared as if my grandfather, riding on his golden chariot with seven horses, was coming to bless us for restarting our journey. Arya, the worst nightmare is over and look there our new dawn is arriving.

That day I felt myself the strongest person of the Universe, for I had my brothers and my Kalyani as my source of strength.


As time went, it was becoming difficult to spend even a single day without Arjun. I could feel that at times, I felt restless, but I forced myself to remain calm for the sake of my brothers, and my Kalyani. In the mean time we got to know the hermitage of Royal-sage Vrishparwaa was nearby. So, we decided to go there in order to engage ourselves away from the anxious thoughts about Arjun. To be honest, while living there, we did not feel like living at a stranger's place even for a single moment. He gave us the same love that we would have received from our father, had he been alive. While returning, he loaded us with all his blessings and good wishes.

Finally, after a long time, the day arrived for which we had been waiting so eagerly. That day, I was having an intuition that something really good was going to happen. The birds were chirping in a harmonious melody. The flowers on the Gandhamadana mountains seemed to bloom more merrily than ever before.

We were about to go into the forest to collect fire wood, when suddenly a bright source of light had engulfed all around. It felt as if two suns were shining in the sky. It was almost impossible to look straight at the light source. After sometime, when the brightness had reduced to some extent, I could make out a golden chariot, with magnificent white horses, was descending down from sky. It appeared as if two celestial beings had mounted the chariot, but on a closer look, I realized that one of them was my Arjun. Perhaps the words are not enough to describe how I felt that moment. For once, I thought if I was watching a dream, but next moment I felt Bheem's heavy palms on my shoulders and heard a scream, out of excitement, of Nakul and Sahadev.

Then I looked keenly at my Arjun's companion and for a moment felt as if the ground had slipped beneath my feet.......because Lord Indra, the King of Devas, himself was descending down to this mortal world. It's true that we all 5 brothers were born with the divine blessings of celestial Lords, but seeing the King of Celestial Gods in front of my eyes was a divine sight.

Slowly and gradually, the divine chariot touched the soil of Gandhamadana mountains and my little Arjun descended from it along with Devraj[2]. Without wasting a single moment, we started walking towards the place, where the divine chariot had landed. Arjun too sprinted towards us and stood in front of me.

His face seemed as radiant as Lord Indra, perhaps this was the shine of his hard penance. A joyful smile was dancing across his lips while his eyes were glassy and were brimming with tears. He immediately bent to touch my feet. I prayed Almighty to bless my Arjun with all the fortunes of this world and lifted him and embraced him tightly. I was trying to convince myself that the person I am hugging is really my Arjun, whom I had sent on the path of a difficult quest, without thinking once about the dangers. I was ecstatic to realize that my brave little brother had faced all those dangerous challenges and succeeded in fulfilling his goal. Thus, while embracing Arjun after such a long time, I felt like a toddler, who is afraid to let go of its favourite toy. But I knew my other brothers were also eager to meet Arjun. So, I had to give up being selfish for now.

Arjun, then took blessings from Bheem and Bheem welcomed Arjun with his beary hug. Nakul and Sahadev too welcomed Arjun with their open arms and sought his blessings. Kalyani was inside the hermitage, engaged in some spiritual practices. After asking about, her whereabouts from us, Arjun went inside to meet her and we went towards Devraj to welcome him and serve him with our hospitality.

I crouched at Devraj's feet, for seeking his blessings, and said, "Pranam Devraj, Please accept the greetings of this unfortunate eldest son of Chakravarthi Samrat Pandu."

Devraj replied, "Dharmaraj, in my opinion, one who has four supporting pillars in the form of brothers and a dutiful wife, is never unfortunate. Then why are you saying so?"

I answered, "No doubt Devraj, in terms of family, perhaps no one in the entire universe is as fortunate as me. But my own actions have made me unfortunate. Because of my brothers, I was able to earn the title of Chakravarthi Samrat, but my own stupidity caused me to lose it in the most unfortunate manner."

Devraj took a deep breathe and said, "Dharmraj, time is not within anyone's control. Whatever happened is perhaps a part of a greater planning of that Almighty. All you can do is just wait and let time reveal everything."

In the meantime, Kalyani came with an earthen pot containing water, a piece of linen and a hay mat. Placing the hay mat on a plane stone platform, she requested Devaraj, "Pranaam Devraj, please allow Chakravarthi Samrat Pandu's Kulvadhu Draupadi to show her hospitality by washing your divine feet." Devraj couldn't just refuse her request, after all, she was like daughter-in-law to him. After washing his feet, she went to bring some refreshments for him. After all, what could a mere hermit household provide to the King of Devas.

Once Devraj, was well rested and had accepted our humble offerings, he assured me, "O eldest son of Pandu, I am very delighted to inform you that, your younger brother, Arjun, had very attentively and with full dedications took the initiations of using all the celestial weapons from me and other celestial Gods." As an elder brother, I cannot tell how much pleased I was on listening praises for my little brother from the King of Gods himself.

Devraj continued, "O Kuntiputra, I can assure you that, at present, no one except the Tridev[2], has the power to defeat Arjun in the battlefield, not even me. So, rest assure, that your side will achieve victory in the upcoming battle of Dharma."

It's true that I wanted my kingdom back, for I could not see my brothers and my Kalyani living such a hard life, but every time anyone mentions about the war, my heart used to stop, thinking about the consequences of war. No wonder, Duryodhana might have done many wrong things with us, for which forgiving him is perhaps the most difficult job, even for me, but in no situation, I have the courage to stand in front of my Jyeshth Mata and Jyeshth Pitashree holding my cousin's corpse on my shoulders. I could not even think about pointing my arrows towards my Tatshree, and my Gurudev. And thinking about the plight of the families those soldiers, who will be losing their lives in this battle, itself shivered me to the core. I was caught in a turmoil, I didn't know what I should do.

Devraj, perhaps read my thoughts, as he came towards me and placing his palms on my shoulder said, "Dharmaraj, whatever has happened in the past was not within your control, and whatever is going to happen in the future is also not within your control. Remember, this is what fate has written for you. All you can do is refrain yourself from committing adharma. And I am sure in these last few years you must have understood Dharma in a much broader sense."

I joined my hands said in a humble tone, "Yes, my Lord, now I have understood that real Dharma is beyond the books. Dharma means discharging our duties, upholding our values, and practicing goodness. Lord, please bless me so that I will be able to remain stick to the path of dharma even in the direst situation."

Devraj replied, "Tathastu Vatsa. You are Arjun's eldest brother and, in that sense, you are like a son to me. I am assuring you that I will take care of all your worries that holds you back from achieving victory on your enemies."

Saying this, Devraj took his leave. Once he left, we were dying to listen to incredible adventures of Arjun. Unable to hold himself further, Nakul asked curiosity, "Chhote bhaiya, tell us how does heaven looks?"

Sahadev too joined, "How does the Pashupatastra[3] looks?"

Bheem pulling Arjun towards himself asked, "No, first tell me, how does the food taste at heaven? Are they as delicious as those of Indraprastha?"

Nakul teased Bheem, "Majhle Bhaiya, It's good that you didn't go with chhote on this quest; otherwise, seeing your interest for food, Devraj would have appointed you as his chief cook." With this all three of them broke in loud laughter, while Bheem just gritted his teeth at Nakul.

Once their laughter had subsided, I said, "Arjun, we all are eager to know about your amazing experiences at the divine town, please tell us everything in detail." Panchali had also joined us to listen to Arjun's stories.

One by one Arjun told us everything in details about his extremely difficult penance, Lord Shiva's test, the serenity and beauty of Amravati, grandeur of Lord Indra Dev's court, Mata Shachi's affection, initiations for using the celestial weapons, Chitrasen Gandharva's divine skills and finally about Mata Urvashi's curse. To be honest, I was fear stricken, the moment Arjun mentioned that he got cursed by Mata Urvashi, but when he said everything about the curse in detail, I realized that it was a boon rather than a bane. At least, now I won't have to worry about the disguise for one of my 4 radiant brothers.'

Then Arjun narrated about his extra-ordinary victory against the excessively large army of the demon, Niratkavach. Once, Arjun was done with narrating about his adventures, I suddenly felt myself greedy for seeing the wonders of the celestial weapons. So, I requested him, "Anuj, can you please show us some of the wonders of your celestial weapons."

"As you wish, Jyeshth.", Arjun agreed and manifested the celestial weapons one by one. I have never seen my celestial father but because of my younger brother, I got too see at least his 'Dandaastra'[4]. But the weapon that excited me the most was Lord Shiva's Pashupatastra. The carvings on the weapon were beautiful and accurate. I asked, "Anuj, can you please demonstrate some of the wonders of this Pashupatastra."

Arjun agreed. The moment, he placed the weapon on his Gandiva and was about to pull the string of the bow, the Earth suddenly started shaking. It felt as if all the animals, inhabiting the Earth, were trying to flee out of fear. Registering such drastic changes, Arjun stopped, suddenly the entire area got covered in mist. When the mist cleared, a loud voice from the sky was heard. It said, "O eldest son of Pandu, celestial weapons like Pashupatastra must not be used as an item of mere amusement. These weapons are designed to caused to huge destruction. Will you be able to bear the responsibility for the destruction that will take place after using this weapon?" I realised my mistake. By asking Arjun, to show the powers of his weapon, not only I had insulted Lord, also I had also mistrusted my brother. I sought forgiveness from the Almighty. Arjun too returned the weapon.

That day our family was reunited after a long time. After dinner, all 6 of us chatted for a long time. And my Kalyani, she looked more beautiful than ever. The reason being, Mata Shachi had sent many beautiful jewelleries and ornaments, made out of most precious metals and jewels, for Kalyani. Adorned in those, priceless jewelleries, she looked just spectacular.

For next few days, we stayed at our hermitage at Gandhamadana mountains and like eager kids, we showed Arjun, all those spectacular sights we had discovered during our stay there.

Then one day, Rishi Lomasha came to me and said, "Raajan, your time to stay at the Gandhamadana Mountains is over. I have completed all the tasks for which Lord Indra sent me to you. Now I request you, please go back to your hermitage at the woods of Kamyaka."

I agreed with Rishi Lomasha's advice and after few days, Rishi Lomasha took leave from us and returned to Amravati. While bidding him farewell, I felt the same as I felt the day when we lost my father. Before leaving, Rishi Lomasha blessed me saying, "Vatsa, don't ever leave the path of dharma. Dharma will follow behind you to re-establish itself in this mortal world." We too embarked on our journey to reach the woods of Kamyaka.


[1] – The story again continues in Yudhishthira's POV

[2] – Devraj – King of Devas – Lord Indra is the king of Celestial Gods. Celestial Gods does not include the Tridevs, i.e. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva, and their consort Goddesses i.e. Devi Saraswati, Devi Lakshmi and Devi Kali, respectively.

[3] - Pashupatastra - The celestial weapon of given by Lord Shiva to Arjun

[4]- Dandastra - The celestial weapon given by Lord Yama to Arjun.

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