~*~The Giant Serpent~*~

7 months ago

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While leaving Gandhamadana mountains, I felt a strange hollowness in my heart. It was the same feeling I had when I left for Indraprastha, after the partition of our kingdom. But before leaving the mountains, I silently prayed to Shailendra, the king of mountains, to bless us with good fortune. I also promised to return there during my sanyas ashrama[1].

On the way back way to Kamyaka, we again came across Kulindraj, our friend King Subahu's kingdom. Few of the snataka brahmans, and their families, whom we had left under the patronage of the noble king, were extremely delighted to reunite with us after a long time. We stayed in a temporary shelter for a night at the outskirts of the kingdom and the succeeding morning, we continued our journey. Those brahman families too came with us.

After travelling for around 2 months, we reached Daityavana[2]. Except the fact that the forest was abode of various giants and demons, the beauty of the forest was just breathtaking. With everyone's consent we decided to stay for few years at the captivating forest of demons.

Life was going on quite smoothly. Food was abundant as the forests had abundant animals for hunting and trees were full of sweet and juicy fruits. Perhaps, stories of Bheem killing Kirmira and Jatasura had already reached to the inhabitants of Daityvana, for our stay at the such an unsafe rumored forest was quite peaceful. Still, our accompanying brahmans and their families were advised to not venture into the deep forests in our absence.

We stayed around 3 years at the Daityavana quite peacefully, while nothing noticeable took place except that one incident. I don't know if I should call that incident a fortunate one or an unfortunate one. But that incident made a dent in my mind and soul. Well, there were two reasons for that, first, that incident helped to mend my relationship with Bheem and second, I could become a reason of salvation of one of my renowned ancestor.


'FEAR', I never knew the meaning of this word. Born and brought up in the wilderness, grew up among the conspiracies of my poisonous cousins, escaped death more than thrice, got robbed of our own kingdom in a deceitful game of dice and then living a life of hermit in these dangerous forests. On top of that, at the beginning of our exile, I annihilated two infamous demons, Kirmira and Jatasura. These incidents had, no doubt, increased my pride on my strength. I had started considering myself as invincible.

Like other days, that day I went out for hunting, carrying my celestial bow Vayavya. It's true that mace was my favourite weapon, but for hunting, I preferred bows and arrows. I don't know why, that day I was on a killing spree. Even though I had hunted enough animals for our meals, but my heart told me to venture further into the deep forest.

After entering into the deep forest, the greenery and the earthy fragrance filled my heart with eternal peace. Suddenly I started feeling tired and my eyes began to feel sleepy. I checked the time by looking at the position of the sun on the sky, and realized that I had enough time to return home with the hunt. Hence, I decided to rest for while on the lap of mother nature. But who knew that my decision was going to be a deadly decision.

I was sleeping near the roots of large cedar tree, when I felt as if someone was keeping a close watch on me. The atmosphere became silent in a few moments and a hissing sound was heard. I became alert, I got up from my place and started looking here and there. The hissing sound was becoming louder and louder and the sound of large creature crawling the dry leaves covered floor of the forest. At one moment, I felt as if the hissing sound was coming from the front and the next moment I felt as if I heard the crawling sound behind my back. What kind of creature was that who was so elusive. Before I could understand a giant serpent leaped at me. The moment its body touched my flesh, within moments, I saw myself going limp. I was not horrified but felt myself extremely helpless. The serpent coiled itself around my main frame and I couldn't do anything to protect myself, within moments pitch dark blackness clouded my eyes.

I didn't know, how long I was out, but I remember waking feeling an unusual, cold and slimy binding all around my body. It was not the first time, when I had such a close encounter with serpents. In fact, during my childhood, thanks to my cousins' conspiracy to poison me, I came to know that I had blood relations with the serpent clan from my mother's side. But that snake was different. As I hard as I tried to uncoil myself from the strong grip of that serpent, I felt myself powerless. I felt as if all the strength of 10,000 elephants had left my limbs and arms. I understood that my opponent was elusive, hence it had absorbed my strength.

I asked it in a fearless tone, "O Giant Serpent, tell me who are you? And why have to caught me in this manner?

The snake hissed loudly and then replied, "Can't you see, I am a cursed creature of these woods. I have been starving since a long time, and today perhaps the Almighty have sent you to satisfy my hunger. I have been living in these woods since ages, but never have I ever caught a prey like you. So, before I devour you, I would like to know about you.

 I thought, that was good opportunity to know more about my opponent. I introduced myself, "I am Bheem, son of previous Hastinapur Samrat Pandu and brother of Chakravarthi Samrat Yudhishthira. Being born with the blessings of celestial God Vayu Dev, I was gifted with enormous strength. Thereafter, with the blessings of Serpent King, Vasuki, I have got the boon of strength of 10,000elephants in my arms. But somehow, I feel myself powerless in front of you. Please tell me who are you, for I believe you must be having some elusive powers."

The serpent seemed quite pleased with my sweet words for it. It replied, "I am royal-sage Nahusha. My prowess as a ruler was equivalent to that of Lord Indra. However, due to the curse of one of the Saptarishi, Munivar Agastya, I am had been trapped in this evil form and I am bound to remain like this until I am freed. You must be really gifted for having been able survive so long. But I must eat you, for that's what has been destined by the Lord."

Okay, my opponent was not an ordinary demonic snake, but a cursed creature. Well, that explained its elusive powers, I thought. I remembered how Jyeshth as well as my elder brother, Hanuman, had always cautioned me to remain aware. But my over confidence on my strength had brought me to that position.

I accepted that my end was near. I was not scared to die but I felt very sorry thinking about the plight of my brothers when they would get to know about my unfortunate end. Suddenly I remembered all the incidents where I misbehaved with Jyeshth and started regretting for my behaviour. My eyes welled with tears, the moment I thought about Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev. All three of them never missed an opportunity to tease me, especially Nakul. Jyeshth may not show, but I knew he will be completely broken and would perhaps give away the object of regaining the kingdom. Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev would keep on crying, remembering me, for months and years.

Next, I thought about Panchali. I remembered her bloodshot eyes at the dyut sabha. I had promised her that I would punish each and every Kaurava for humiliating her. I promised her that I would break Duryodhana's thighs and obtain a handful of blood from Dusshashan's chest for her hair. But perhaps, I would never be able to fulfil my oath. I remembered her childlike innocence, every time she wanted something from me, whether it is saugandhika flower or any particular type of fruit or berry. I remembered how cheerfully she ate every kind of delicacies I made for her. She might be inconsolable after knowing my unfortunate end.

At last, the face of my old ailing mother, who is eagerly waiting for her sons to return, came in front of my eyes. I was the middle son, but I know my mother loved me the most, even if she didn't show that outrightly. I had heard from Jyeshth that when Duryodhana had almost killed me by feeding me poison, and everyone in the kingdom presumed that I was dead, since I didn't return for 13 days, mother had completely stopped eating and drinking. Day and night she kept crying, remembering me. When that old lady, who was like a Goddess to me, would get the death news of her son, would she be able to survive?

End of Bheem's POV

[3] That day, I had not seen Bheem since dawn. On asking Kalyani, she informed that Bheem went for hunting. But hunting was just an excuse. I knew that he was fond of roaming around the forest. Even when we were kids and lived at the woods of Shatashringa with father and both the mothers, Bheem would drag me all around the forest with him, as he was forbidden to take Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev or go alone into the woods. Surprisingly he had expertise at remembering the routes. We never lost our way while we stayed with Bheem. Also, I knew that my Bheem would be able to face and manage any obstacle on his own. Hence, I did not worry about him much.

But as time passed, I could see some signs of ill-omen. On the southern side of our hermitage, where fire was burning, an afraid vixen was howling distressfully. The cacophony of the cries of all animals and birds was becoming louder with every passing second. It seemed as if they were calling their friends and mates to ensure their safety. A crow sitting on a branch of an oak was cawing, looking towards our hermitage. I noticed, my left eye was twitching and I felt as if strange pain in my heart and left limbs. I could clearly understand that someone very close to me was in grave danger.

One by one, I went to all of my companions to ascertain about their safety. Nakul and Sahadev were busy in giving training of self-defense to the kids of the brahmin families. Arjun was busy in chopping the large pieces of logs into small firewood. Kalyani was busy in preparing meals for us. The only person missing was my brother Bheem.

My mind started filling with many dangerous anticipations. To be honest, I was worried for my bravest brother's safety. Therefore, advising Arjun to look after Panchali and Nakul and Sahadev to look after our guests, I ventured into the woods.

Tracing Bheem's path was not at all tough task, for it was very easy to trace his path by looking at the course of destruction caused by him. Shrubs and bushes were trampled by his large footsteps, and multiple birds and animals were lying dead. While following the carcasses of these dead animals and birds, I had entered the deep forest. Sunlight could hardly penetrate there; hence the environment was quite cold there. There was an unusual silence at that part of the forest. It seemed as if entire wildernesses had gone mute, fearing the presence of a powerful predator. However. For a particular direction a loud hissing sound was heard. I followed the sound and the scene that unfolded in front of me was something that I could never forget in my entire lifetime.

An extremely large serpent had coiled itself around Bheem's body frame and was crushing his body like a log. And Bheem, despite being the strongest among men, was lying helplessly at the mercy of the predator. I just could not understand, how was that even possible?

Author's Notes:

[1] – In ancient India, life of human was divided into 4 parts of 25 years each. 1st 25 years, called Brahmacharya Ashrama, was meant for studying. 2nd 25 years, called Grihastha Ashrama, was meant for taking the responsibility of the household. 3rd 25 years, called Vanprastha Ashrama, was meant for getting retired from the worldly pleasures and living a life of hermits in the forest. And last 25 years, called Sanyas Ashrama, was meant for doing penance.

[2] – Daityavana - a forest of giants and demons.

[3] – The story continues in Yudhishthira POV.

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