~*~The Messengers From Heaven~*~

1 years ago

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The cycle of seasons completed an entire circle while I waited for the supposed messenger from heaven. [1] During this one year, we brothers and Kalyani had few sessions of disagreements and arguments, regarding my decision of sending Arjun on the quest to the celestial weapons, but none of them were as big as the one we had on the day when I met Rishi Brihadashva.

He came to me when I was at the most vulnerable state. His presence had helped me to pass that moment of weakness. Hadn't he come that day I would have given up the path of Dharma, which I had received as a blessing from my father since my birth.

Sage Brihadashva had kindled a lamp of hope in the darkness of my broken heart. During this one year, in my spare time, I used to remain seated at the threshold of the cottage and keep looking unblinkingly at the paths like a chaatak bird [2]. The anticipation of the messenger's arrival kept me awakened for most of the nights for I feared that the messenger might return displease while I would remain asleep. I knew my fears were baseless, but worry generally destroys one's intelligence, and right then I was hell worried about my little anuj Arjun.

Finally, my long waiting period came to an end. I was chopping wood for fuel, while my brothers went for hunting and Kalyani was cooking in meals for everyone. Out of nowhere I heard the clinking of khartal and a melodious chanting, "NARAYAN! NARAYAN!"

Without even casting a glance a at our visitor, I knew who he was, for these chanting were familiar to the entire universe. Devarishi Narad. I raised my head to look at him, I noticed that he was not alone. He was accompanied by another sage. He was dressed like any other hermit, but his appearance was absolutely divine. There was an unexplainable aura around that unknown sage. His sharp eyes and benevolent smile were reflecting the vast oceans of knowledge he possessed. 

Keeping my axe on the ground, I went near both the sages and prostrated at their feet to seek their blessings. Devarishi Naradmuni blessed me, "Yashashvi Bhavah!!" {May you attain success and fame} while the other unknown sage blessed me as, "Dharmaraj Bhavah!!" {May you follow the path of dharma}. After getting their blessings, I asked that unknown sage in a humble tone, "Please pardon me for my ignorance, I am unable to recognize you. Can you please introduce yourself." That unknown sage replied, "Raajan, I am Rishi Lomasha. I have been sent by Devraj Indra with a message from your Anuj Arjun."

Rishi Lomasha's words seemed like sweet drops of rains on scorched land of my soul. I could not wait to listen to Arjun's message, but I knew my other brothers and Kalyani were perhaps more eager than me for this message and it would be extremely unfair if I listened to his message in the absence of them. So, burying my feelings within my heart, I requested, "Rishivar, perhaps such long journey had made you very tired. Please, kindly accept our hospitality and give us an opportunity to serve you. Once you both are well rested, I, along with my entire family, shall listen to your message and sermons."

Then I along with Kalyani, washed the feet of both the divine sages and worshipped them with flowers Kalyani offered madhuparkha, water, and some food items to them which they accepted whole heartedly. In the meantime, I made arrangements for them to take rest. By the afternoon, after we were done with our meal, the sages were well rested too. Both of them sat under the banyan tree at the courtyard of our hermitage, while we all sat around them. I said, "Please tell us Rishivar, what message have you brought from my anuj. Our ears are becoming impatient to listen your words."

Rishi Lomasha smiled at me and said, "Raajan, your anuj Arjun has accomplished that impossible goal, for which you sent him on this journey. He has not only obtained all the celestial weapons from Devraj Indra but also has obtained pashupatastra after pleasing Lord Shiva." My heart leaped with an unbound joy. I did not know how to express my happiness. Unknowingly, the tears of joy began to flow from my eyes. Rishivar continued, "Right now, he has been staying at Devendra's city Amravati. Devraj and Mata Shachi have been looking after him as father and mother, so you should not worry about him anymore."

All my worries vanished as if they never existed. Sahadev questioned, "Does that imply that chhote bhaiya is returning soon?" to which Rishivar replied, "Sorry Madrinandan, I assume that it is going to take few more years for Arjun to return. When I reached there, Devraj Indra was asking Arjun to take training of dance and music under the tutelage of Chitrasen Gandharva. Also, Devraj, had some important work for Arjun."

Rishivar's statement had somehow disheartened us. Suddenly Naradmuni said, "Vatsa, we have come here for another purpose." I looked at him questioningly, to which he replied, "To give you all sermons about pilgrimage."

Devarishi's words had opened doors to explore the new possibilities. I remembered, Kalyani and my brothers had mentioned many times that they didn't feel like living in these woods in the absence of Arjun. Further, absence of my little anuj made me feel extremely lonely and vacant even in the crowd of those sages and brahmans. Perhaps setting on a pilgrimage would bring us some change. Thinking about all this, I asked Naradmuni, "Devarishi, can you please enlighten us about the virtues one attains by going on a pilgrimage."

Devarishi replied, "Ofcourse, I can. Many years ago, your pitamah Gangaputra Bhishma had asked this same question to Saptarishi Pulastya. Today I am going to narrate the exact answer that had been given by the great Saptarishi."

Then he started telling us about virtues obtained through pilgrimage. He said that there are basically four ways to obtain the fruits of virtue. The first way is by performing virtuous deeds throughout our life, but it takes an entire lifetime to obtain the virtues which can guarantee heaven after death. The second way is through austere practices, but it requires lot of determination and is almost impossible for a grihastha person. The third way is by conducting yagya followed by huge donations, but it requires lot of wealth. Hence, the easiest way to obtain virtues is by going on a pilgrimage.

Then he told us about practises that one must follow during the pilgrimage to obtain the fruits of virtue. He also suggested about various places where one must go on pilgrimage. In this manner, he kept on giving us sermons about the places of pilgrimage and we heard him with utmost attention.

Finally, when he was done with talking about all the places of pilgrimage, he said, "This was all Saptarishi Pulastya mentioned about virtues of pilgrimage to your Pitamah Bheeshma. In the future, a Mahayudh is going to take place. Your brothers, sons, friends, all your relatives are all going to take part in this war. But remember Kuntinandan, these all people will be going to fight for you. So, in order to win this war, dharma must be on your side. You must get free of all your sins and obtain as much fruits of virtues as you can. So, I would recommend you, while Arjun is away, you must set off on a pilgrimage along with all your remaining brothers, Draupadi and the sages and brahmans accompanying you. This pilgrimage will also bring peace to your restless soul."

Devarishi's recommendation had almost won my heart. But the question was how, for neither me nor any of my brothers knew about the routes to the places of pilgrimage which Devarishi mentioned. I immediately raised my query, to which Rishi Lomasha replied, "Bharatkulshreshth[3], Devendra has sent me to you for this same purpose. He sent me to guide you all on this long journey. I have been to all these place numerous times, hence acquainted with the routes. Also, I am quite aware about dangers lurking on these routes. So, I will ensure safety of you as well as your kiths and kins."

All of us were extremely overjoyed with the prospect of our proposed journey. The delightful expressions on the faces of my brother and Kalyani clearly reflected their happiness. However, there was another reason for their happiness. Devarishi had also informed us that when, after completing our tour through eastern, southern and western region, we would reach Himalayas at the north; we would be able to meet Arjun at the Badrikashrama.

Naradmuni took his leave after blessing us with victory over our upcoming prospects, and Rishi Lomasha stayed with us. From the next day we started arranging for setting off on our tour.

One night, it was my turn to keep watch. At the middle of the night, I heard approaching footsteps. I became alert and started looking here and there to identify the source of such sound. I saw the silhouette of Rishi Lomasha emerging from the darkness. He came towards me and sat beside me. I questioned, "Rishivar, would you mind me asking what kept you awake at such an odd hour?"

The sage smiled and replied, "Your distress has awakened me, Vatsa." I was a bit taken aback by his answer. I queried, "Me Rishivar. Please forgive me. Had I known earlier, I would have taken care of it." The sage once again surprised me with his words, "Vatsa, would seeking for my forgiveness free you from your distress." I immediately lowered my eyelids like a kid, who gets caught by his mother while stealing sweets, while he continued, "Vatsa, Devraj Indra has sent me to free you from all your worries. So, I would want you to confide to me the cause of your distress."

Getting a hold of my hesitation, I started confessing, "Rishivar, a fellow warrior is the cause of my distress. Angraj Karn. I have seen his prowess in archery. When he shoots arrows at his enemies, it looks like Agni Dev is hailing from sky. He is a loyal companion of Duryodhan and a sheer enemy of Arjun. He has vowed to kill Arjun in the battle. If the war happens, I am sure Angraj Karna is going to fight against us. I am extremely worried for safety of my anuj Arjun."

The sage replied, "But Vatsa, Arjun's prowess is also well known to you. Arjun is that breeze of monsoon which can extinguish any fire. And now he has received all the celestial weapons. There is no cause for you to worry for him."

I countered, "I know, Rishivar. I do not doubt my anuj's abilities. But that celestial armour of Angraj Karna has distressed me for I know that the celestial armour is not perforable by any celestial weapon."

Rishivar went silent. I looked at him and saw he was gazing at me with a benevolent smile. Then he said in an admiring tone, "Devraj Indra was absolutely correct about you. I am impressed with your farsightedness and vast knowledge. He also sent me with a secret message for you. When the right time comes, he shall take care of that unperforable armour of Angraj Karna. You need not worry for that." That assurance, freed my mind from all the stress and worries.

After few days, on an auspicious day, we set off on our pilgrimage. All the sages, snataka brahmans accompanied us. We, clad with all our weapons, walked enthusiastically followed Rishi Lomasha. He was an excellent storyteller. During the journey he narrated the detailed stories about significant places and people we went passed on our way. His stories made our journey more exciting. On the way, I kept shooting my queries at him and he would, with utmost sincerity, clarify each one of them to my satisfaction.

This journey had also rejuvenated my brothers' and Kalyani's souls. After a long period of time, I saw them bantering and joking with each other. That mesmerising smile of my Kalyani, which got lost in that Dyut Sabha, had returned after so many months. The teasing sessions between Nakul and Bheem commenced once again. Though, their relationship with me was not as warm as before, but I was contented to see their happy faces. Sahadev was as usual.

After walking for days, we reached the woods of Naimish. After taking ablutions in the pious waters of Gomti, we went towards Prayag, where Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati formed confluence at Triveni. While taking bath at the confluence, I prayed Lord of the Three Worlds to free me and my family from all the sins, we had committed in our past. On the way, we made donations, with whatever resources we possessed to the needy people. As Devarishi Narad had predicted, I actually felt, my soul getting cleansed with each passing day.

When we reached Gaya, I felt myself very attached to that place. On asking Rishi Lomasha, he revealed that eons ago, my father Dharmaraj, had resided at that place. From there we went towards Manimati [4] at Rishi Agastya's hermitage. Monsoon was almost approaching then. So, at the guidance of Rishi Agastya, we decided to stay for upcoming four months at his hermitage. During this period Rishi Lomasha narrated many stories about Rishi Agasta's prowess like how he destroyed the notorious demon Vatapi, his marriage with Lopamudra, devouring the entire oceans to force the demons to surrender to Devas, etc. He also narrated stories about Rishi Dadhichi's sacrifice, King Bhagirath's penance to bring Ganga to the Earth and many more legends. Rishi Agstya also gave us very valuable sermons during our stay at his hermitage.

The 4 months period passed like few moments and soon it was time to bid farewell to Rishi Agastya. When I bowed at him to take his leave, he said, "Raajan years ago, I met a prince, dressed as hermit, at the woods of Dandak. He was also exiled from his kingdom by the plots of the evil. But after completing his exile, he returned to his kingdom and ruled there merrily. Don't worry you will also get back your kingdom. The sufferings you are going to face during these 13 years will pave the path towards your victory."

From there we went towards Gangasagar and Mahendragiri mountains. There, as per Rishi Lomasha's direction, I penanced at the peak of the Mahendragiri mountains and obtained blessings from the Goddess of Earth. Then we started moving towards the places of pilgrimage in the southern regions. There we took ablutions in the pious waters of Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Tungabhadra, etc. We also took blessings from Samudra Dev at Rameshwaram. There, we had the fortune to have a glimpse of Ram Setu.

After visiting all the pilgrimage spots of the southern regions, we entered the western ghats. Walking on the rocky terrains of western ghats sometimes seemed extremely tedious. But Rishi Lomasha's tales and our accompanying sages' enthusiasm made us forget about our tiredness.

Around one and half years have passed, since we left for our pilgrimage, when we reached the Prabhas Patan.[5]

Nakul's POV:

After leading a miserable life of around 3 years after the gambling match, for the first time I was happy from my soul. Chhote Bhaiya's departure had completely shattered me. Even the beautiful spring season at the woods of Kamyaka could not give me peace. Moreover, the disappointed look on Draupadi's face was tormenting me from inside. So as soon as Devarishi Narad proposed the idea about the pilgrimage I was overjoyed. I believed getting away from our usual surroundings would somehow act as salve to the wounds we carried in our hearts.

When we left for our journey, my anger towards Jyeshth had not subsided. I still could not forgive him. After all, how could I? Since the day, I opened my eyes for the first time, I have seen Jyeshth as our sole protector. When Mata Madri left us, to travel with our father to that other world, she took promise from me to always abide by Mata Kunti's and Jyeshth's words. Since then, jyeshth also looked after us like our father.

I had always been extremely proud of my jyeshth. But when in that Dyut Sabha, he declared that he was staking me in the gambling match, for a moment I felt as if my soul left my body. Jyeshth lost me in the match. Infront of him, that Duryodhana made me sit on my knees and called me his servant, yet jyeshth did not utter a single word. To be truthful, I had become slightly afraid of my jyeshth.

But this journey had not only cleansed my soul, but also showed me those aspects of my jyeshth, which I failed to see or did not want to see in those 3 years.

I remember, during our journey one of our fellow brahman's child had fallen extremely ill. At that time none of us, except jyeshth were around as we had gone for searching food. The herbs that were required to treat that child were available in the deep forests, which were an abode to poisonous snakes. Jyeshth without caring for his own safety, went to that forest to get that medicinal herb. At night, I saw him walking with a slight limp in left feet. On a close examination, it got revealed that he got bitten by some snake and he treated his wound on his own, but could not come to me. His guilt perhaps did not permit him to face me.

I also realized the inappropriate behavior that I had been doing with my jyeshth. I felt ashamed for the words I spoke to him. I got reminded how every time, he tried to apologize to me, I ignored him.

After completing our pilgrimage across the eastern and southern parts of India, we reached Prabhas. There, we gave libations to our ancestors. After that jyeshth announced that for next 12 days, he will be conducting sever austere practices. He gave up eating and subsisted only on water. Winter was approaching at that time. Jyeshth used to take ablutions thrice a day in the chilling waters of the confluence of Saraswati, Hiran and Kapil and remained engaged in penance. He had even given up sleeping.

On one such day, while I was making bed with dried grass and mat, a snataka brahman came and informed in an alarming tone, "Maharaj had surrounded himself within a ring of fire. The flames have become so high that now Maharaj is not even visible. We have been trying to call him, but he is not responding at all. He seems to have entered yog samadhi."

Majhle Bhaiya, Sahadev and Draupadi were also around me. The news had shaken us to core. Without wasting another moment, we rushed behind that brahman. When we reached the river bank the sight infront of us was horrifying.

Author's Note:

[1] – I had mentioned about Rishi Brihadashva abilities to foresee future in my story. This can be evidenced from the fact that Rishivar had predicted about the arrival of the messenger to Yudhishthira around 11 months before Arjun met Rishi Lomasha at Amravati. So, my readers, you can expect that the late-night initiations he gave to Yudhishthira is going to have a great significance in the upcoming chapters.

[2] – Chaatak birds are generally spotted before the arrival of monsoons. They drink only the rainwater. So they keep looking at the sky and wait for the rainfall to quench their thirst.

[3] – Bharatkulshreshth means the best in the dynasty of Chakravarthi Samrat Bharat, the son of Raja Dushyant and Shakuntala, and an ancestor of Kauravas and Pandavas

[4] – This place is located somewhere near Comilla Districts of Bangladesh.

[5]- Prabhas Patan is a place of pilgrimage located near Gujarat

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