~*~Reunion With Our Ray Of Hope~*~

1 years ago

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Nakul's POV continues:

There was large ring of blazing fire, which seemed to rose to the sky. It was almost impossible to see anything that was inside that cylindrical wall of fire. Through the flickers of the raging fire, I got a glimpse of Jyeshth, sitting in the lotus posture. As that brahman had said, he was engaged in deep meditation. The entire area was covered with smoke and was echoing with crackling sound of the fire, accompanied with frantic calls of our accompanying brahmans and sages. But among these noises I could listen to faint sound of Jyeshth's chanting. The temperature was significantly high. Though we were outside that ring, still it was getting difficult to bear that scorching heat. That made me extremely worried for Jyeshth.

The next moment, I heard Majhle Bhaiya screamingly ordering everyone, "Go, fetch water as much as you can. We need to put out this fire immediately." Then I saw him, taking an empty earthen pot from a passer-by water woman, was striving towards the river. We too followed his lead and as soon as we were about to pour water at the sacred fire, Rishi Lomasha stopped us. "STOP!! You should not put out this fire. This may harm your Jyeshth."

Though we stopped in our tracks, but we were still confused with Rishivar's words. Majhle Bhaiya opposed him on everyone's behalf, "And not putting out this fire will certainly cause harm to our Jyeshth." Saying this Majhle Bhaiya once again moved forward to put out the fire. This time, Rishivar held his hand and warned, "Kuntiputra, if you really want to nullify your Jyeshth's penance, then go ahead and put out this fire....else stay out of it. This fire won't cause him any harm.

Though Rishivars' words did not make any sense to me but I never wanted to do anything that might ultimately cause any harm  \to my Jyeshth. So reluctantly, I lowered the water filled earthen pot I was carrying. Perhaps for the same reason, I saw even Majhle Bhaiya duplicating my action. I was still caught in the whirlpool of my thoughts when I heard, my intelligent twin brother questioning Rishivar, "Rishivar, I remember once Mata Aadishakti got so enraged on Agni Dev, that she cursed him that he would burn anyone whom he touches. Then how do you say that this fire will not cause any harm to our Jyeshth."

Rishi Lomasha just smiled and said, "Can the flames of sun even cause any harm to the sun. This is not the normal fire that we burn for cooking or lighting mud lamps. This is the fire of your Jyeshth's yog sadhana. A similar fire is also raging within the heart of your Jyeshth since that injustice game of dice. The fire inside him, if gets untamed, it will perish everything, even your Jyeshth. If he must win the war, that is going to take place in future, he must get control over that raging fire inside him. And this outer fire will help him with that. The moment he gets a complete control over the fire inside him, the outer fire will get extinguished automatically." [1]

Rishivar was an extremely learned person. Even, Devraj Indra had utmost respect for him. Therefore, refusing his judgement would not be a wise decision. At last, we all agreed to follow Rishivar's verdict and kept waiting for our Jyeshth's yogaagni(fire of yog) get extinguished on its own.

Jyeshth had entered the ring of the fire on the 4th day of his fast and almost 5 days had passed since then. In those 5 days, either me or my younger twin or Majhle Bhaiya always made sure to remain at the periphery of Jyeshth's meditation spot. But as days went, we saw the flames reaching higher and higher. To be frank, at times, those high flames extremely scared us. But the mental note of Rishivar's warning had always stopped us from doing anything reckless. In moment like that we just kept praying silently to that Almighty to keep him safe. 

Draupadi never came to Jyeshth's meditation spot, after the first day when snataka brahman gave us that horrifying news, but every time we returned for having our lunch or at night, she would keep looking anxiously at the door with searching gazes. But she never asked us anything or said anything. She pretended to be indifferent of this situation but I knew she was equally worried for him, for I knew that my Jyeshth and his Kalyani had one of the sweetest relationships to have ever existed on this Earth. Jyeshth was not like a person who would outwardly display his love, but if one had the eyes to see his sweet gestures then one could notice his extent love for his loved ones. Panchali too reciprocated his feelings in similar manner.

The memories of that day are still afresh in my mind. This incident took place few months after Draupadi gave birth to my dear son Shatanik.

Majhle Bhaiya, Sahadev and I had to go out of town due to some administrative work while Chhote Bhaiya was still out of the kingdom on his 12 years exile. After completing our work on next morning, we found Draupadi, without having bathed, walking towards our common room hastily. That was indeed very unusual. We immediately increased our pace to reach to her quickly. On reaching her Majhle Bhaiya questioned her, "What's wrong Panchali? Is everything okay, for you to walk in such a dishevelled state?" Panchali smiled back and said, "Don't worry Aryaputra. I am heading to find your Jyeshth. Last night Shatanik was extremely cranky and I was too tired to even notice. So, my handmaiden informed me in the morning that your Jyeshth took him with him. Even he had been extremely busy all day and must have returned quite late, for I did not see him before I went to sleep. I am afraid he did not get to sleep even for a moment."

While speaking we reached the doorway of our common room.  Before Majhle Bhaiya could touch the door to open it, Panchali, as silently as she could opened the door and peeped inside. We were about call Jyeshth when Panchali turned towards us and shushed us. She gestured us to peep inside and following her lead we spotted, Jyeshth in a deep sleep. He was seated on the floor and had rested his head on his left arm at the edge of the bed. His other hand was kept in an assuring manner on his youngest nephew, who also appeared to be into deep slumber. Seeing the innocence of his face while sleeping, who could have said that he was the Chakravarthi Samrat of Bharatvarsh. Draupadi quietly tiptoed inside the chamber while we stayed outside. After some moments, she came back with sleeping Shatanik in her arms. She shut the door noiselessly and said, adoring the little bundle of joy in her arms, "This little mischief must have caused your Jyeshth to pull an all-nighter for he seemed to be in such deep sleep even to notice my presence." Then she turned towards the doorman and ordered, "Maharaj is extremely tired and is resting. Please make sure nothing should disturb his sleep."

But the sweet and cute relationship got jinxed after that cursed game of dice. Since then, neither Panchali spoke with Jyeshth as they used nor Jyeshth had the guts to confront his Kalyani. But no matter, however bitter their relationship has turned into, it cannot stop a loyal wife from worrying about her husband. 

One night after dinner, I was resting inside the cottage, while Sahadev was guarding outside our cottage and Majhle Bhaiya was guarding near Jyeshth's meditation spot. Panchali silently came towards me and sat down beside me. I could clearly understand that she wanted to ask me something but was hesitating. Perhaps I even knew what she wanted to ask. So, without tormenting her poor soul, I informed her voluntarily, "Jyeshth is doing fine. Though the fire of his yog samadhi is still burning, but I am sure, its just a matter of time. Very soon, he will succeed in his penance. There is nothing to worry about him, for I kn.." Before I could say further, Panchali interrupted, "Aryaputra, how can I not worry for him. No matter whatever happened In Hastinapur, he is my husband above everything.

I reassured her, "Panchali, Rishi Lomasha is a very learned Rishi, we must follow his lead." She again questioned, "What if anything happens to your jyeshth, have you thought how will I face Aryaputra Arjun, when he returns."

I took her in a side hug and murmured, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

End of Nakul's POV

Author's POV:

In a large court, which glowed more than Lord Indra's Amravati, a magnificent figure clad in pitambar with matching angavastra was adorning the throne. Three beautiful peacock feathers were glorifying the royal crown he was wearing. His forehead was adorned with sandalwood tilak, whose fragrance was spread all around. His tender eyes were blooming like fresh lotuses. There were glimpses of an adorable smile dancing on his lips.

The gorgeous monarch was hearing to the pleas of an old lady, when a messenger dashed into the court and hailed, "Dwarkadheesh ki Jay Ho!! We have received an important news from the town Prabhas Patan." The magnificent monarch cast a glance at the messenger and gestured him to wait for some time. The messenger bowed and left the court at once.

After few moments, the messenger was once again called back into the court and the monarch asked him in a benevolent manner, "O messenger, please tell us what important news did you receive from Prabhas Patan?" The messenger replied, "Maharaj, a large group of pilgrims have been spotted around 12 days back. Many snataka brahmans along with their families, sages, and 4 monks and a lady were spotted in the group. Local people reported that those 4 monks and the lady were none other than the Pandavas and Empress Draupadi."

The king as well as all his courtiers were extremely delighted with the news. The elder Yadava asked impatiently, "Messenger, you said 4 monks, but Pandavas are 5 brothers, so where is the 5th brother?"

The messenger turned towards Baldau and replied, "Your Majesty, Kuntiputra Arjun had been away for penance since a long time." Satyaki, another Vrishni and a dear friend of Vasudev Krishna turned towards throne and said, "Maharaj, we should not waste another moment and should immediately set out to meet them. We are already late and if we delay further, they might set out for their next pilgrimage spot."

Vasudev Krishna replied, "Of course. We will set out today itself." Then turning towards all the courtiers, he said, "Today after the noon meal we will be departing for Prabhas Patan. Whoever wants to accompany us, please gather at the threshold of the town." Saying this Madhav and Balram rose from their seats and left the courtroom. Other courtiers too left after them.

By next morning, Vasudev Krishna, accompanied by his elder brother Balram, sons Pradyumna and Samba, Satyaki, Kritverma and many of his Vrishni brothers reached Prabhas Patan. On the way they also heard about Yudhishthira's penance. So, they directly went towards the hermitage to meet the rest Pandava Brothers and Draupadi.

End of Author's POV

Nakul's POV:

That morning was perhaps one of the most cheerful mornings since we set out on our exile. Our cousin, our hope, our only friend in the entire universe was standing infront of us. We were appalled to see him. Our eyes were brimming with tears of joy. Panchali could not contain herself and immediately rushed towards him. She hugged him and started sobbing loudly. Even Madhav Bhaiya's eyes were welled with tears. When he had pacified Panchali, me and Majhle Bhaiya went towards him and greeted him and his companions. As like always, Madhav Bhaiya was smiling but that day his smile had a glimpse of sadness. Perhaps, seeing us in such a miserable condition had saddened him.

We made him and his fellow companions seated and were about to honour them with the little means we possessed when Sahadev dashed into the cottage. Without giving us an opportunity to ask anything, he announced, "Jyeshth succeeded in his penance. The fire, surrounding him, got extinguished and he came out of his yog sadhana." Our happiness knew no boundings after listening to such delightful news and without wasting another moment, all of us including our friends from Dwarika rushed outside to meet Jyeshth.

Perhaps, I could never describe the feeling I felt when I saw Jyeshth, safe and sound, standing infront of me. Though he looked famished due to prolonged fasting, his exposed body parts were covered with red rashes due excessive exposure to heat, his lips were charred and his brown orb eyes were sunken in and had dark circles around them, but there was feeling of eternal happiness in his demeanor.

End of Nakul's POV

[2] Finally I succeeded in my penance. The wrath against Duryodhana and his minions, which I was trying to suppress all these years got tamed. I was indebted to Rishi Lomasha, for without his aid, I would not have been able to succeed. I was extremely excited to meet my brothers and my Kalyani, hence was waiting eagerly for them. But I never knew that my patience would bear me the sweetest fruits that day, for I saw my Narayan, in the form of my cousin Keshav, walking towards.

Unknowingly, my eyes got filled with tears of joy and I strode towards him to embrace him. The moment I embraced him, I felt as if all my bodily sufferings got vanished and my heart got filled with eternal peace and hopefulness. Then I went towards Baldau and took his blessings.

After that I went towards my brothers and greeted them one by one. Their eyes were all glassy and we all shared a group hug, as we used to when we were younger. At last, I went to Kalyani. She bowed down to take my blessings. Though she asked in a very formal tone, "Aryaputra, are you fine?" but her eyes conveyed a completely different emotion. I could see glimpse of that love which blossomed only for me, before the dice game incident. But I did not want to confront her now, so I replied her in the same manner, "I am doing fine."

Then, I along with my brother got engaged to arrange for treating our guests. One by one, we honoured each of my Vrishni brothers and Panchali served them with sweet refreshments which she had prepared by her own hands. After, they were bit rested we all sat under a tree to have heartfelt chat after a long time.

I told Keshav with extreme excitement about Arjun's successful conquest of celestial weapons. Though everyone seemed quite delighted with this news, but Baldau's face was contorted with sadness. He said to Keshav in a very sorrowful tone, "Kanha, can you tell, what kind of custom exists in this world? A pious man like Yudhishthira has to suffer so much by wandering in these forests and at the same time, unrighteous person like Duryodhana is enjoying all the happiness. Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev and their dutiful wife Draupadi, at first got humiliated in their own house at the hands of their own family members. They did not commit any crime to deserve such punishment."

Keshav replied, "Dau, no one can change one's fate, not even me. Then you also think that perhaps God is testing the Pandavas?"

Baldau tried to say something, "But Kanha.." when Keshav interrupted him, "One thing you must remember Dau, only those are examined  by that Almighty, who are eligible to take the exam. You tell me, is your disciple Duryodhana capable of passing the test of these circumstances?"

Baldau expressed his disagreement, "But, Kanha what kind of message will the common people get from this. I am afraid that people may abandon the righteous path and take shelter under unrighteousness."

At that exact moment, Satyaki said in strong voice, "Let's stop lamenting for whatever happened in the past. We cannot change it after all, but we can change future. Let us arrange our army, Narayani Sena, and armies of all our friendly kingdoms and rage attack over Hastinapur now at once. Only then we can get back the throne of Indraprastha." Then turning towards me, he said, "Chakravarthi Samrat Yudhishthira, you are very dear to us, not only because you are related to us but also because we have great respect for your righteousness. Please give your Vrishni brothers an opportunity to serve you."

I smiled at him and said, "O Satyaki, I am extremely thankful to you for the assistance you have offered. But right now, I do not want to wage any war against Hastinapur. No matter how wronged we have been, but after all, they are all my family members. Hence, at first, we should complete our exile, then we will think about our future actions."

Satyaki's face fell after listening to my words, but he did not say anything. Then I turned towards Keshav and pleaded, "O Keshav, you are the omniscient. You must be aware about my state of mind very well. I am sure you will understand my contention." Keshav just smiled at me.

That night, after dinner, Nakul came to me. In his hand he was carrying a small earthen vessel. I knew that in the vessel, he must be carrying some sort of medicine, for I was running a low graded fever; perhaps a side-effect of such intense austere practice. He said, "Jyeshth, please drink this medicine. This will help with your fever." I tried to deny, but he was adamant, at last I had to drink that bitter herbal concoction. But that day, even that bitter medicine tasted sweeter.

Bringing medicine for me was just an excuse, that day my dear Nakul came to tell me something. Before I could understand anything, he fell at my feet and started sobbing loudly. I was taken aback. I pulled him up by his shoulders and asked in a tender tone, "What happened Anuj?  Why are you crying like this?" He replied, "Jyeshth, please forgive me for my misbehaviour in all these years. I was so angered by you wagering us in the dice game that I could not see your love for us."

I interrupted him from saying further, "But your anger was justified. Even a father does not have the right to stake his children, whereas I am just your elder brother."

Nakul cut me in the middle, "No Jyeshth, you are more than an elder brother to us. After father you have taken us under your shelter. For years you have protected us from all kinds of threats. You have forgiven us for, whatever mistakes we have committed, but when you committed a single mistake, we not only condemned you, but also mistreated you."

Not wanting to drag that discussion further I took him in my embrace and said in a teary voice, "Anuj, let's forget everything happened in the past and make a new beginning. And never ever think that your Jyeshth loves you less than others. For me you will always be my handsome little brother."

Nakul had stopped crying by then, but still there was glimpse of sadness in his eyes. So to lighten his mood, I added, "By the way, this exile had benefitted us in one way." He looked at me with questioning gaze. I said, "Atleast you got rid of your bad habit of looking at mirror all day.to which Nakul replied, "Absolutely not, I still look at my reflection, may be not in the mirrors but in the clean waters of rivers and ponds." We kept looking at each other for few moments and then broke into a loud roar of laughter.

Then after spending few days with us at Prabhas Patan, our Vrishni Brothers returned Dwarika while we set off to our next pilgrimage destination.

Author's Notes:

[1] - Yudhishthira, though, did not show in his demeanour, but was extremely furious with the cunning plot of Duryodhana and his minions. His self-guilt and inherent calm behaviour were helping him to suppress that anger till that point. But as we all know; Yudhishthira's wrath was perhaps, one of the most powerful weapons that Pandavas' possessed. Even Dhritharashtra mentioned in one of the shlokas, that he was not afraid of other Pandavas' wrath but he did fear Yudhishthira's anger. Yudhishthira has remained docile all his life and when a calm and docile person's anger crosses its limit, he becomes a berserk, which not only causes harm to his enemies but also himself. Hence, on this logic I have inserted this explanation.

[2] -  Yudishthira's POV begins.

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Comments (2)

After a long time!! You updated!! As usual a good update

1 years ago
