Chapter 15

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Part 15
Ranbir brings Kanya a gift after their visit to the amusement park where everyone had a blast. Somethine Kanya didn't do for a long time just taking off she always had to be careful but since Ranbir came in her life she did things without fear and with faith that Ranbir's love will pull her through. She knew Radha was lying to Kanya about not having feelings for Ranbir but it was all good they were grown ups now. After all what ever happens will happen no matter what anyone does.
In the Hotel room Ranbir gives Kanya  a jar full of pills but in those pills there is a message for Kanya to read. Kanya is touched at Ranbir's thoughtfulness she never in a million years would have thought of a gift like this. She couldn't hold back the tears.
R-Kanya I know U try to hide away your pain from us but i hope everytime U read these messages U remember that i am on your corner willing U on. I wanted to do something special but money buys a lot but i guess when i'm with U i'm lost for words i hope U reading this will show how much I love U.
K-Ranbir i'm speechless.
R-I can tell normally U talk too much i don't get a word in edgeways.
K-(She hits him) Ranbir I love U.
R-Now remember these pills R to be read 3 times a day. 1 in the morning. 1 in the afternoon and 1 at night before U sleep. But take caution not to overdose on them.
Kanya hugs Ranbir and gives him a huge kiss. Kanya takes the ja with her and starts reading them one by one not heeding Ranbir's warning. She opens one pill at a time.
K-(reads them out aloud)
1. Like the rain my love for U will never wash away.
2. No storm can come between us.
3. My love for U will nevr change like the Seasons in a year.
4. Every day my love for U will grow stronger and stronger.
5. When i see U i see my future. I want to better myself for U.
6. Where U R is where i am as we R one.
Kanya continuosly carries on reading every message until she finishes the jar and breaks down. Pooja comes in to see what is taking Kanya so long. As she has been their room ages and sees Kanya with her tear striken face and immediately goes to her.
P-Kanya whats the matter?
K-Look Di Ranbir gave me all these happy pills and i over dosed on them after he warned me not to.
P-Ranbir drugged U thats it i will kill him.
K-Di he gifted me with these read them. These pills had messages in them.
P-My life began the day U came into it.
Pooja reads several more and understands what is going on.
P-U should go to him. He loves U so much.
K-But Di I can't leave U.
P-U 2 have been together i can tell as U have this glow. I knew the second i saw U both together. As for my being alone i have Radha with me remember. U go to him. I have full faith in him now after reading this. Want to trade him with me U can get someone else instead.
P-It was a joke. Now Go before i decide otherwise.
K-Thanks Di.
Kanya hurries out of her room and enters Ranbir's by knocking. Ranbir opens the door and sees Kanya in tears.
R-Let me guess u overdosed. Kanya that was supposed to last U the full week. U spoiled it for me.
K-I want to live Ranbir more for U than me. I had to read it and see as i don't want to die. i can drop dead anytime but now i live in the hope to be with U. Only U. Its such a rush being with U makes me feel alive.
She hugs him and shuts the door kissing him with every fibre of her being. Ranbir holds her face.
R-Kanya i Love U more than my own life U know that right but i know what your deal is with Rads and its not going to work. I want U 2 fight for us. Will U do that for me?
With that Ranbir and Kanya spend the night with each ther. Scene fades.
matwamango2008-08-26 14:08:26

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Comments (11)

Wow interesting!! reli good !!!PLz plz plz continue fast fast!!!

16 years ago

gr8 part..

16 years ago


16 years ago

Really sweet and nice update. Especially Ranbir giving the pills with messages in them. So Kanya is going for the operation. That's good. End the ff on a positive note. Thanks for the PM

16 years ago

i loved those pills. we @ the forum will need some when kit ends.are you going to end your story whenever kit goes off air?

16 years ago

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16 years ago

great update
continue soon!

16 years ago

rahima di just finished reading the last few parts and im loving it MINDBLOWING WORK

hatts off to u di excellent parts...and way interesting than the epi's it self..!
continue sooon!

16 years ago

that was amazing....
pls continue soon

16 years ago


16 years ago
