Chapter 2

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K-Stay away freaks

KaraN-WE R not the freaks god grow up.

K-I see fat boys here

R-Shut it Kanya! I am not retaliating and getting expelled.

K-Y U scared?

R-I see little girls will always be little girls.

K-Whu R U to call me a little girl?

R-Shut your mouth and just for once be a human we don't have time for animal behaviour.

KaraN-I C what U had to put up with. I guess princess isn't going anywhere or has any backup. I have no time for dumb girls that talk too much

R-Thats why over the past year everytime she's tried to pick a fight i haven't uttered a word.

K-Too scared after the beatings U got. Do U remember what we did tp U in the prom.

R-Oh the fat drip i saw the joke. Nice touch. I remeber a friend of yours got expelled Viviek was it?

K-Well it was worth it to see U suffer.

R-I didn't suffer think about it i'm getting my education for free on scholorship your friends had to buy their way in am i right.

K-U stupid....

R-Not stupid i wouldn't have won the scholorship otherwise.

Thats when a new student arrived Radha Mittal an indutrialists daughter. She was headed in the same direction as Ranbir, Kanya and Karan. Looked like the tutor wanted everyone to play nice. Radha was truely beautiful that even Kanya took a shine to her. Ranbir and Karan couldn't be bothered.

RM-Hi I'm Radha from Delhi but i generally been to about 10 different schools in the past 2 years.




RM-U guys sure speak alot or do i sense some tension.

R-Trust me everyday with her is tension.

KN-I've only met her now and she's giving me grief. Thats why we stay in our own

K-Please these 2 gays i mean guys love each others company so much they don't need anyone else.

R-Shut your mouth.

K-U shut it.

R-Make me!

K-Make U do chata doongi 


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Comments (5)

pls update soon
can't wait for the next part

16 years ago

Part 3 promo to be updated 2 morrow

The business project takes off with Radha assigning Kanya and Karan together while Radha and Ranbir get together. She did this so that the assignment would be done without in problems. This way she'd get to learn more about Ranbir and hopefully bring the two feuding enemies to be friends.

16 years ago

ooo gerat so far continue sooooon!

16 years ago

i love it... brill updates... pls continue soon

16 years ago

so funny but it makes me sad how they 2 behave too each other i dont like it and i think radha will be karans or it will be a wall between kanya and ranbir i mean rhada and ranbir came close and kanya will hate ranbir more

16 years ago
