Chapter 3

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Part 3
All day the 2 groups work so hard and 2 weeks just fly past and the course work was getting to some stage finally. Ranbir and Kanya could never be in the same room without trying to tear each other to pieces. Then again she was trying to tear Karan too but she wasn't that bad compared to Ranbir.
Karan-Now that we've done our work can we please not get on each others nerve and don't talk about Ranbir.
K-Kyun us idiot ke bare main aggar baat karu so what? He's your friend but do i care no. What does he think he is. We aren't in high school anymore.
Karan-Well U talk about him an aweful lot. They say people U hate the most R people U love the most.
K-God shoot me now. I hate U too does that mean i love U. I don't have time for love lblah blah blah but for a career. Dimwit.
Karan-I wish i was with Radha man U can seriously give me brain damage. Or something like that i can't think straight.
K-Thats what i've been saying all along. But seriously i don't hate U i just don't like the fact U hang out with a guy like him. Total misfit.
Karan-There U go on again misjudging him without seeing the real him. You R so shallow like the rest of them never willing to see that he has feeling like the rest of us. Do U think he's made of stone?That all your taunts don't get to him. Have U seen all the foster care homes he's had to edure along with some of the bad ones. He's trying to find a place of his own away from the so called parents he has. Why do U think he's never taken us to his house? I wish U would open your eyes and that black heart of yours.
K-I'm sorry i didn't know!
Karan-Look Ranbir's had it hard all his life and on top U guys doing this has seriously dent his confidence in people. He believes the world is out to get him. He's my best friend eah and i will stick up for him if needs be but the past 3 months and more you've given him grief and now that i have U alone away from your friends i believe i can say all this. Please stop all this hassling. Ranbir has never raised a finger on a girl and nor will he. U could send him over the edge.
K-U really R a nice friend. I wish mine were like that so protective the only ones they watch out for is number 1 themselves. U R different.
Karan-Trust me if i hadn't found Ranbir i don't know what i would have done. I was like him once except  i have my parents but none of the bad things that happened to Ranbir have happened to me as he took me in and for that i can never forget the way he was there for me the first day of college.
K-I'm sorry. Friends.
Karan-Sure but U need to be there for Ranbir if U don't like him fine but please stop with all the taunting and do not mention his parents.
K-I feel really bad now all the things we did in school. The oil dripping in his hair on prom night. We were trying to recreate Carrie but with oil. U know why? Always calling him najayaz ki aulad. b******.
Karan-Its in the past now. Leave it there for now just finish our work and go our seperate way.
While on the other end of town Ranbir and Radha were having a full on convo with each other about Kanya amongst other things. They had really gelled with one another over the course of 3 and a half months. Ranbir had finally allowed one person in his life other than Karan.
RM-Ranbir why do U always do that keep people at arms length.
R-I don't. I just take time in seeing people for who they might be so fine call me a little cautious but thats me Rads i can't change myself. Life throws alot of challenges and i am up for anything. I haven't broken then and i am not letting anyone break me. Look at me Rads U want me to let U in but do U know how hard that is when everyone lets U down.
RM-Were friends aren't we? If we can't be more than that i'm fine with it but as a friend i will try and get U to see that not everyone is black and white. Its not U against the world. Its us against anything our way.
R-Rads how many times. U cannot seriously say that U find me one bit cute or even hot look at me. Karan is more your type and he is who U should be with.
RM-I can say that U have what nobody has strenth and for me that is all i need. Kanya and U R made for each other.
R-Now U've lost it. Never mention her name.
RM-We have to work with her.
R-After this year i hope i never see her in my life other than in the classroom.
RM-Why do  U hate her?
R-I hate what she represents. Evil. Atleast here she doesn't have any power but she still hasn't left that mean streak.
RM-U will see one day U guys might set up home together and laugh about it.
R-Who says i might ever marry. At this rate i might never trust anyone but U and Karan.
RM-Well trusting me is a little premature but lets make a pact that if in 10 years we can't find anyone we marry the people we least get on with. joke we get married to each other. Another joke. U marry the person i ask U and i do the same.
R-Its daft and so random fine. I guess in 10 years its U and me as i don't plan on marrying and U will never have difficulty finding anyone.
3 years later its graduation day. Ranbir lives all by himself with his friend Karan who has also moved houses to help with the cost of being students. Radha and Kanya R best of friends and regularly come to visit Ranbir and Karan. Ranbir and Kanya tend not to hurl abuses at each other now but just say a few words. Kanya has started liking Karan as in more than friends but he hasn't a clue. Radha and Ranbir have been dating secretly for a few months as she'd twisted Ranbir's arm into it. Unfortunately what she didn't tell him was she was leaving for England to join her dads business.
Ranbir made an attempt to come to the graduation party in style fir Rads and Kanya did the same for Karan but Karan only had eyes for Rads. A real messed up love story. Rads didn't know what she was feeling other than love for Ranbir but then they had been through so much.
There were muic blasting that nobody could listen to what the other was saying. The song playing was U R my sonia. Ranbir and Radha were swaying to the rhythm and totally lost in each others thoughts. Kanya and Karan were dancing to the same music only for Karan to be too busy looking at Radha. She moved away in a huff. Karan followed.
Karan-Whats the matter?
K-R U that blind. I like U alot and U R too busy starng at Radha. If U like her that much why don't U go to her?
Karan-Sorry Kanya but the heart can't help who it wants. I never told U i liked U that way and nor have i ever mislead U in any way.
K-I know but i seem to always lose out in misreading things. Do U love her?
Karan-No maybe. I feel the same way about U. i don't know what i want. Maybe we desire what we can't have. I'm no expert in this feelings whatever. But U know who U want.
K-I know but its not like i'm in love with U but U could show me a good time its our last day. So do U really not know?
Karan-I don't know ok.
Ranbir and Radha share a kiss and then they move away from the dancefloor outside to talk about Radha moving away.
R-I can't believe U would do this to me. Leave. I can't follow U to England and nor am i taking handouts from your Dad.
RM-I'm not saying that Ranbir but please listen i want U to make it on your own 2 feet i wouldn't have it any other way. But i will try to come and visit as much as i can.
Ranbir wasn't listening to anything now he realized he was right all along people always leave. He was better off on his own. He knew Radha would see it in a girls point of view. She wouldn't wait for him ever. She was so beautiful and he was nothing but he vowed he'd make something of himself and prove he didn't need anyone. He didn't then and he didn't now.
Radha that very night left for England very torn by her decision but she had to her father wasn't well and business had to be dealt with. Kanya followed Ranbir outside hearing the whole arguement while Karan was kind of happy by their break up. He had money and would follow suit to England and win Radha.
K-U ok?
R-Tumse kya?
K-I too had my heart broken. I know U liked her alot but U will find someone better. U will see.
R-We R going to be alone our whole lives.
K-Maybe the 2 of us can be friends we haven't killed each other and its take 2 break ups to make a make up.
R-Well i guess happy graduation. Kanya. Chipkali.
K-U 2 ghenda. Hope we neer see each other again.
matwamango2008-07-18 09:49:33

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Comments (5)

This is being updated today guys. Hope U like it. I'm just putting the finishing touches

16 years ago

the title of this story have to be:
story like never before
its really diffrent they love
some one els they help each other
to get them love back inthe future
and they hate each other
continue soon and thanks for making a long part plz make ther other part
like this one a long one

16 years ago

Beautiful update. Really liked the way you write the details.I love all your ffs esp Accidental Marriage and Hate 2 Luv U. This ff is also becoming very interesting. Please continue soon and update the other ffs too. Eagerly awaiting your updates

16 years ago

pls continue soon

16 years ago

brill update rahima...........!please continue sooooooon!

16 years ago
