Chapter 21

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Milind jumped from the chair with a shock. "what." "yeah, you heard is true." Alaap told coolly relaxing himself more. "no I can't do that." Milind replied with a frown on his face. "but you don't have any choice Milind. In anyway you should convince her." Alaap tried to convince him. "it's like we are using her." Milind replied in a whisper. "no we are not using her. It's Inder Shah who used her to save his companies." Alaap retorted back with a sharp voice. "but this is not fair Alaap." "everything is fair in love and war Milind." Alaap replied without hesistating. Milind's thoughts drifted back to his past when he heard Alaap uttering that phrase. He thought Alaap had inherited everything the crudeness while taking vengeance, the firmness in his voice and all. But one thing he found different in this father and son. Inder shah always thought about his business more than his family but his son was totally different in this matter. He was ready to do anything for his sister's happiness, in a true loving way. He came back from his bitter hearing the snap of Alaap's fingers. "so what to do you think. Are you going to discuss this matter with her Milind." Alaap asked him seeing Milind thinking deeply about that. "I think its……….its not right Alaap. I'll wait for her to give that on her own." "but first you should……….." "no Alaap, I can't do this thing. I can't bear her to misunderstand me in future." Milind cut of Alaap in the middle of the sentence. He went towards the door and turned the knob open. "think once more Milind. Inder Shah can use this against you." Alaap warned him. "I don't care, all I care is about my relationship with Prachi." "that's why I'm……" before Alaap could finish his sentence Milind rushed out his cabin. "but I won't allow Inder Shah to come between my sister and brother-in-law." Alaap mumbled angrily. He grabs the phone on the desk and dails a number.

Milind did not feel to go back home or interested to work today. He lazily drove along the heavy traffic roads. He was fuming with anger on Inder who made his wife to cry, without any of her fault. He thought he would take the price of her tears from Inder at any cost. He then started thinking about the shares which Prachi held. He stopped at the beach and sat a few yards from sea, he closed his eyes thinking what was going in his life. Now everything was clear to him. He understood what Alaap had said to him. It was also clear to him that he was not using her in anything but it was her father who used her. He just made a deal with him by putting forward his conditions as Alaap requested. He smiled at the high tide coming towards him. He thanked Alaap for everything. His smile suddenly vanished when his mind was rotating with the idea of telling her the truth. He knew that he could not forever hide the truth from her or loose her by telling her the truth. He was ready to suffer with guilt by hiding the truth but could not bear the sight of loosing her by revealing the truth like he lost his parents. He didn't have any strength to loose his wife now. One small mistake he thought it would ruin his entire life. He feared to tell her the truth. He cursed his destiny, that took away his parents away from him, kept his sister away from his vengeance life and not allowing to spend his rest of the life with happiness along with his wife. This thought of loosing shuddered him a whole lot. He gets up from the sand and drags himself towards his car. He was about to enter the car, he sees a flower shop there.

He cursed himself very badly. He thought how he could forget the promise he made to Prachi, bringing her the flowers for the vase which laid empty. He goes there and picks up red roses, makes his way back to the car. He dreaded to go home and face her. His cell begins to ring, he answers the call and then disconnects the call. He takes a long breathe and feels relieved and was feeling much better than before. After few minutes he was standing in the living room of his house. He saw Alaap sitting there quietly and Prachi was no where to be found there. Alaap looked at Milind and smiled at him, Milind simply raised his eyebrows. Alaap understands and signals with his eyes towards the kitchen. Milind justs sees and widens his eyes. He just puts the flowers in the vase kept in the entrance and runs towards Alaap. He sits down and whispers something, but Alaap just shrugs his shoulders in denial. He sees Prachi coming out fuming with anger, and just shoves a plate infront of them and was about to go inside. But Milind stops her by holding her hand and waits for her to turn back. To his surprise she did not turn back, instead he could hear her sobbing. He gets up and turns her towards him, but she angrily pushes him away. "I don't want to talk to you and bhaiyya. Why do you'll hide everything from me." She angrily blurts out. "what Prachi what did we hide from you." Milind asked her puzzled. "the truth" Prachi replies still sobbing which made Milind shocked. "what truth, Prachi", Milind's voice came out in a loud whisper, taking support of the chair, thinking that the truth they had hid all these days had came out abruptly. "why didn't you tell that you are short of 20% shares to merge two of the companies." Prachi asked him trying to control her self. Milind let out a heavy relief and looked at Alaap who was then smiling comfortably. "like Prachi I thought it was………………" "you thought not to force anything on me so you are suffering like this Milind. Now don't give any explanations to me Milind. I can't see you suffer like this. If you want me to talk with you from now onwards you should accept this 20% shares." Prachi declared stubbornly and turned away from them. "ok sweetie I give up and I accept your deal ok" he takes her into his arms and hugs her praying to god that truth was not yet out. "now come smile. This anger does not suit you." but Prachi seriously breaks away from the hug. "but tell bhaiyya not go to London." Milind looks at Alaap, who was pleading seeing towards him. "ok Prachi don't be so adamant. He may have some work there, huh", Milind convincingly replied her. "if it so, ask him to leave Rithiwick here and go. No need of taking him there. he will be all alone there" Milind thought it was impossible for to convince PRachi in this matter. He looked towards Alaap for help. "actually I'm going for Rithwick only. He needs a vaction. I promised him last month only but I couldn't. if you are feeling so bored why can't you join us for the trip." "no need" Prachi replies with a small smile, which made Milind to widen his eyes. Alaap sees this. "ok, before you fall down from here, I think we should have something. Mice are running in my stomach." Alaap pulls Milind and made him sit on the nearby sofa.

Sorry for the MISTAKES . Plz do comment.

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Comments (26)

LOL thanks for a nice bribe. you can hope michi together. and thanks for the chwweet's like Michi's daughter

15 years ago

bye the way here is the bribe to make other update in favour of michi & milsi telling the truth ........ & michi blowing that inderhope it is enough sweetie

15 years ago

shravu darling awesome parti knew it that all that was a dream ........ yes i am becoming really brainy these days ......... hope that all doesn't get true in reality ...... so this is the nightmare milsi is getting form last two months ....... thank god alaap is sure that michi relation will not be affected by the truth ........ hope he is true ........ so he is coming ..... prachi is suspecting her hubby is really worrying thing ......... but milsi teasing about holi is so cute ...... & milsi plan for trapping his wife was good one huh ....... prachi got scared ........ ayesha is pregnant wow ...... good to see michi romancing in between holi ....... so 1 week wait is over finally & milsi trying his best to romance with his wife ....... hope he gets the chance in future also after telling the truth ....... now which thing lets prachi cry ??? ........ if u don't get milsi a chance to speak in his own defence & let prachi trust that moron "inder" than i swear i will kill youplz continue soon

15 years ago

[QUOTE=Aaliyah01]Great updatethank you
Aww Michi are sweet
Neesha are having a baby!
Looks like Prachi may have found out the truthfor that you had to wait for the next part.
If she has hope Milind and Alaap can convince her of the truthyou can count on it
Eagerly awaiting the nex part surely updating ASAP
Update soon please!ASAP[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

gr8 part..thank you very much
cont.soonyeah surely[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

This content is hidden.

15 years ago

gr8 part..

15 years ago

nice partu really scared me dear in the first part,thnks god all are milsi dream,glad ayesha is pregnant,such duffer cant even understand wht prachi says, wondering how she got pregnantloved the michi holi scene seems ur going give us some heartbreak through the files,dont make it hardcontinue soon

15 years ago

OMG!!! prachi will have a misunderstanding about the whole thing.......

15 years ago

OH NO!!! the last part!!! wat was that?!! gues prachi had found out the truth after all...oh no! wat's gonna happen now!! i hope nothin sort happens like in Milind's nightmare...the nightmare was was truly a nightmare..i tote that was for real...hehe...nearly gave me a heartattack! loved the way how they celebrated holi...very hot!cant wait for the comfrontation..i hope things goes well btwn michi also soo glad that alaap is finally back it would be easy for milind to explain her things now! fab one cont soon

15 years ago
