Chapter 22

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Back from the airport, Alaap left Rithwick in their new house under the guidance of daima. Milind was in no mood to drive so, Alaap took the chance of driving. Milind was constantly looked nervous. Alaap noticed this, "so that nightmare was frequent these days." He looked at Milind who was constantly gazing out. "are you nervous Milind, or we could……", "no Alaap lets finish this at once and for all. I can't just live with this guilt all my life long". The reply came in an instant. "are you not going back to Shah Mansion", Milind asked Alaap suspiciously. "no I can't live there facing him." Alaap replied in a shot. Milind looked out not wanting to show off his guilt and all. Alaap just places an assuring hand on Milind's shoulder. Milimd looked at him with teary eyes. Alaap understood the trauma Milind was undergoing. He sees Prachi's photo in Milind's hand, he also feels bit guilty, but gulps it down immediately. They slowly proceed to Milind's apartment. After coming out of the lift, they walk upto the penthouse. Milind puts his hand to knock the door, but he finds that the door was half opened. They both enters the house. But the house that day was unusually different. It dim and dark. Milind found it somewhat weird, as he got used to bright lights when entered the house from past six months. He found that something was wrong, as he did not find PRachi coming and greeting him that day. He suddenly rushes inside calling for her. But no one responded. He runs his fingers across his hair vigoursly not knowing what to do. He feared that Inder might have come in his absence. He runs upstairs and opens the door. What he saw there shocked him, he saw PRachi sitting on the floor, with the papers in the file scattered around her and tears rolling down her cheeks, she sat with the knees towards her chin staring at something blankly. He runs towards her, and shakes her vigoursly. "Prachi, don't look like that", he shouted, trying to bring her back to senses. "please say something, Prachi, atleast cry loudly, but don't stare like that, PRachi please", Milind continued to shake her, but she did not respond. Alaap, in the meantime came up hearing Milind's voice. He was stunned to see both of them in that condition. Prachi slowly looks towards Milinds and then at the papers on the ground, slowly she raises her hand and then points towards them. "Milind", her voice was more than a whisper. "Milind tell…………..tell……." he could hear her words in between her sobs. He hugs her tightly, controlling her sobs, he then breaks the hugs, strokes her hair and cups her face in his hands. "now tell me what you want to tell Prachi. Don't hide it, just tell and finish it." He says concernedly. He could hear her hiccupping loudly. He looks up, Alaap was there readily holding a glass of water. He takes it from him and makes Prachi to drink it. "tell me………..that…….that……papers………….papers……….are not true. Our……….our marriage is a contract…………..please don't tell me, Milind." Milind had lowered his gaze, freeing her. Seeing that he was not responding to her question, she clutches his collar and starts shaking him. "please tell it is a lie, that papers are lie Milind. Tell me that dad didn't do that. Tell me that it was a trap that some one had laid. Please Milind say something. Say it's a lie." Prachi was continuously shaking for the reply. But Milind did not dare to reply her or face her out of guilt. Prachi was exhausted and fell on Milind's chest crying hysterically. "it's not a lie, Prachi", Prachi turns around with a jerk, seeing Alaap with her pleading eyes. "it's the hardcore reality that you should have known before you wedding, but…………………." Prachi then remembered the day she asked her father for meeting Milind. But all her father said was no for the meeting. "and also there is a one big secret of your father. These companies are not his own. But it was Milind's father's ,a very long back." he looked at Prachi, the tears are dried out and her face expressions were blank. Milind had just got up from there and went to the adjoining window. Prachi did not what to reply. Her words fell short. She didn't expect that the day would come in her life where she would hear such a thing that would be connected to her father and her husband. She could not believe her ears that she was hearing such things about her father, while Alaap went on showing and telling the realities related to Inder. She kept on taking glances towards Milind, who did not look back at her and staring outside. After he finished telling , he just looks towards Prachi, she was staring at something blankly. He then looks towards Milind who didn't even look back, he still kept staring outside the window. After few minutes of silence, Alaap started once again. "Prachi what I told is true. We should have not done to you. please don't think Milind is guilty. Because Milind actually didn't like to this. It is me who provoked him." Alaap once again looks at Prachi but she was the same. She slowly lifts her head and stares at Alaap, wearily. Then she stands up, and drags herself towards Milind. Milind then turns back to see what was happening and finds Prachi in front of him, but he looks away from her. "please Milind, can you do me a favour. After this I won't ask you anything, please Milind only for once." Prachi asked Milind, who was still averting her looks. He expected this and was ready to face any type of situation. He was ready to sign the divorce papers or accept her and spend his rest of his life with her. He nods his head in acceptance. Prachi takes a deep breathe, "Milind please take me to Shah Mansion, Milind, I……………. I want to ask him why did this to us. I thought he loved me, and I was everthing to him in this world. If it so, I wanted to ask why did he do to me all this. I want an answer for every unanswered question that was there in my mind for past six months. Please take me there, please." Prachi pleaded Milind, crying controllably. "Prachi, it's waste going over there and asking him all these. He never answers to any of you questions." Alaap interrupted before Milind replied, knowing that Inder would never open his mouth, for Prachi's question. "if he was to answer you, he would do that a long before. But it's too late. He never open his mouth. If he opens he, knew what would happen to him." Alaap added. But Prachi ignored his interruption. "please Milind for once please take me there…. I ………… I ……………wanted …………………to………………", Prachi swoons before completing the sentence. Milind immediately sat down and started patting her cheek, but she did not open her eyes. "Prachi get up Prachi. I …….. I'm ready to take there, please Prachi for godsake open your eyes." Milind cried. He looks towards Alaap, who was talking to the doctor. Milind lifts her in his arms and lays her on the bed and starts sprinkling water. Tension was arising in Milind's mind. He cursed himself for Prachi's condition. He could clearly see pain in her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later doctor enters and starts checking upon Prachi. Milind could not stop pacing up and down outside the room, peeping inside from time to time. Alaap just leans to the wall and lowered his gaze. They both became attentive seeing the doctor coming out of the room. "nothing is serious. She just fainted due to stress. She would be alrite in few minutes." The doctor started, "all she need is a holiday, away from these surroundings. Don't give much pressure to her." He says to them then goes off. Alaap also follows him. Milind rushes inside into room and sits beside Prachi. He holds her hand and strokes her hair. "I love you Prachi . I'm ready to do whatever you decide on our relationship." He mutters. "what's next Milind." Alaap, speaks while Milind lifts his head and looks towards him. "I will not allow her to stay here for long time. I first thing that will be done, as soon as she recovers is, we are going to honeymoon, which is left unplanned for a long time. After that we are going to shift to London forever and ever. I don't my wife to suffer all this along with me." Miind replies, staring at her face. "ok Milind your wish. If you want me to stay back I'll stay back Milind." Alaap asked Milind. "no need Alaap I will take care of her. And by the way there is someone there who needs your attention." Milind replied. "are you sure about it, Milind." Alaap asked. "ok then if it's like this I'll leave. But if there's any problem, don't forget to call me." Alaap replied. Alaap leaves the place and to his home. Milind sat there staring at her, he did not know what would be her decision. He decided to take her Shah Mansion just to fulfill her wish. He did'nt care what decision she would take. Staring her for sometime and thinking about all this he dozes of unknowingly. Few hours later, Milind opens his eyes with a start, hearing the ring of Prachi's cell. He felt something empty beside him. He turns and find that Prachi was not there sleeping. He hurriedly searches every nook of the house, he then hurries down the flats. On enquiring the watchman, Milind guesses that where PRachi went. Milind immediately takes out his cell and rings to Alaap. "Prachi is not there at home. I think you can guess where would be." Milind started off without hearing Alaap saying hello. "yeah I can guess, I'll be there in few minutes." Is all what Milind could hear.

Prachi stood near the entrance of the Shah Mansion, and was about to step inside, but she was taken back by her father's words. But now it was not the time for her to move back, she then dares and steps inside. The mansion was weirdly deserted. She could remember the times she spent her days in that house. She slowly moves to her father's room, she could not even find her mother. She goes upstairs, and nears her father's study. From there she could hear noises of someone shouting. She goes near and peeps inside from the half closed door. She was shocked to hear what her mother was shouting. "what are you upto now.", Prachi heard her mother shouting at her father. "it's none of your business."Inder retorted back. "how can you say it's not my business. Afterall it's my daughter's husband's life." PL repled daringly. "till now I was quiet saying nothing for what ever you have done. Because of that I lost my son. He's nothing now just a zombie just living for his son. It's all because you. and now you threw my daughter out of the house saying that she's not your daughter." She added. "even you did not care for your son, I thought your daughter was everything for you, but I understood that I was wrong , you even don't care about your daughter also. All you care is the companies which were never yours." Prachi who was hearing all this was shocked to hear all this. "and now you are gong to spoil my daughter's life by killing her husband. What wrong did he do. What's wrong in taking back his own companies from you. or did he do wrong in marrying her. But one thing I will definetly say that you did a right thing by marrying her to him. But I will plead you that don't take away my daughter also." Prachi sees her mother crying. She slids down along the length of the door. Her voice of crying was not able to come out. She didn't expect all this from her father, it was becoming very hard to digest the truth. But for a second her thoughts drifted towards Milind, she did not what to do. All she can do is go and tell him about Inder's plan. She gets up and walks towards the stairs, she decided to forget all these for a while, but her mind was full of those things she just heard. She was feeling dizzy but she didn't stop there, but she moved forward. Her mind was not here, but kept on thinking what she heard. She didn't even care to look her steps, she steps her leg on her saree and tripps of and starts stumbling on the steps, rolling down the steps. Milind who had just entered the Shah Mansion, rushes towards PRachi who laid on the floor unconscious. He started shaking her, she just opens her eyes half and finds Milind in front of her. "Milli……….." she shuts her eyes tightly with pain, blood was oozing out of her forehead badly. "Milind, he……………wants……………..kill……'' Prachi spoke with difficulty. "who wants to kill Milind, Prachi." Alaap enquired her, who just came inside and ran towards her side seeing her in that state. But Prachi just looks at him, and with all her strength she lifts her hand weakly and points out towards Inder who then came down hearing the voices. Prachi then closes her eyes, this made Milind more tensed and started shaking trying to wake up. Inder moved towards Prachi seeing her condition, but he was obstructed by Alaap, who angrily clutched Inder's collar. "don't dare to go near her. She is in this state, because of you. if anything happens to my sister, this time I'm not going to spare you Inder Shah." Alaap warned him and goes towards Milind. "I think we should take her to hospital immediately. Be fast." Milind just nodded his head and lifts her in his arms and both rushes to the hospital followed by PL.

In the hospital Milind did not know what was going on there, seeing doctors and nurses coming out from the theater. He stood there without moving and from there. alaap already knew that Milind and Prachi's realationship was not in danger but was worried about Prachi. Just then Ayesha came over there angrily looking for Milind and ready to blow him off, but when she saw him in that condition she just slumps down in the near by chair. She just got to know the truth from Neev, after threatening to dissolve their marriage. she saw Pl's worried face. "nothing will happen to Prachi."Ayesha assured her. "I know that she will be fine. But I'm worried about Milind. Don't know how he suffered for past six months." Pl immediately replied her. It took two days for PRachi to open her eyes due the heavy medication. She was survived with a fracture on her right arm and sprain on her leg. After regaining her conscious, everyone there went in except for Milind who didn't to go in. prachi slowly opened her eyes and found everyone near her, asking about her health. But she did not answer anyone, she just stared at everyone her eyes searching for someone in the room. Alaap who was standing in the corner of her bed understood, from whom she was looking. He goes out, where he saw Milind leaning on the wall with head bowed down. Alaap signaled him to come with him. But at first Milind hesitated to go inside. But after Alaap assured that everything would be fine. Milind entered the room, all eyes were upon him. But he ignored them and sat beside Prachi. "what Prachi, what's your decision." Milind asked her. But she looked at everyone. Each of them leaves the room, leaving Prachi and Milind alone in the room. "I'm happy that nothing happened to you." Prachi started after the door was closed. "I'm sorry Prachi, for what ever that had happened." Milind replied her. "i told you long back, Milind that there is no need to you to say sorry." Prachi said seeing his guiltiness in his eyes. "please don't leave again." "ok, Prachi, I won't but it was you who left me like that don't do this to me again." Prachi lowered her gaze with embarrsement in her expression. "Milind please take me somewhere away from this place. I can't simply stay here seeing his face from time to time." Prachi said to Milind who had now held her hand tightly. "yes PRachi your wish will be fulfilled but, first you become alright then I will take where you want." Milind replied kissing on her forehead. "ok", Prachi replied with a smile on her face. Inder who was watching all this from outside, turns back to leave. He finds ALaap standing in front of him and glaring at him angrily. Inder turns away his face and walks away from that place. It was his huge defeat, in this defeat he lost everything and everyone. He started knowing his mistake. His wife was right, he thought. He never cared for anyone, but cared for his business. He did loose his daughter and his son in this battle of expanding business illeagally. All of it that left was his body and soul. He thought of asking Prachi for forgiveness, but he knew that she would never forgive him anyway. A week later, Prachi got discharged from the hospital due to her stubbornness. Milind had looked after her needs, as her right hand was fractured. He did not leave her for a second also. That he made Prachi to sit in living room so that he can keep an eye when he was doing his work. inder had slowly entered the open house. it was Milind who first spotted him who was standing near the entrance. He walked towards him, "I want to talk to PRachi, it's just a matter of seconds. Aftert that I won't show my face to anyone of you." Inder pleaded before Milind asked him about his coming to that house. milind did not respond about anything, he thought that it would be not fair if he would interfere in father and daughter matters. He just gives the way silently. But before Inder could enter the house, Prachi stopped him. She just turns towards Milind, "Milind please tell him to leave immediately if he had come to ask forgiveness. Any daughter won't forgive a father who is like this. I just don't want to see his face never again in my life. Tell me that I'm not his daughter and he already told him that. And now why does he come here again." Prachi said to Inder indirectly, still facing Milind. Inder left the place heavy heartedly, without saying anything.

Two months later, in airport Prachi was surrounded by everyone except Milind and Alaap who stood bit far away from them and watching them. Prachi's fracture healed and they decided to leave India and shift to London, where they could lead a peaceful life. Hearing the announcement, Milind was about to go to Prachi, but a heavy hand fell on his shoulder preventing him to go. It was Alaap. "I don't know what to say, I can't say that keep my sister happy, as I already know that you will do anything for her to keep her happy. Or I can't say you to be happy, becoz my sister is there for you. all I can do is just pray that you both are there for each other till the end of the world." Alaap just hugs Milind saying parting words to them. After this both Prachi and Milind left towards the security check bidding farewell to their near and dear ones.

Sorry for the MISTAKES . Plz do comment. Hope you'll enjoyed this last part. Sorry for giving you'll such a big and lengthy part

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Comments (20)

[/QUOTE]oh accha...hehe...u must be bullyin them alot huh?yeah yeah a looooot[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

[/QUOTE]oh accha...hehe...u must be bullyin them alot huh?

15 years ago

aye haey! so u are the baccha of the family

15 years ago

[/QUOTE] hush shrav dont let ur cousin see this..orlse they might kill u

15 years ago

[/QUOTE]kewl wil be waiting for that all the best for itthanks for it but sorry for delaying as my cousins thapkagaye suddenly today[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

[/QUOTE]kewl wil be waiting for that all the best for it

15 years ago

shrav when are we gettin the epi?

15 years ago

[QUOTE=azam12neelab]wow great update!thank you
felt very sorry for prachi!!cho sad
i am glad she didn't forgive inder so soon!how can she.?
now i want to read the epi and maybe MICHI came back from london with their kidsto india and so prachi should forgive him as he would have repented for his mistake!k i'll update it ASAP
thank you for this lovely ff!it's my pleasure[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

wow great update!
felt very sorry for prachi!!
i am glad she didn't forgive inder so soon!
now i want to read the epi and maybe MICHI came back from london with their kids to india and so prachi should forgive him as he would have repented for his mistake!
thank you for this lovely ff!

15 years ago

im glad inder was abandoned by all his loved ones and that michi's relationship remained unharmed. will we get an epilogue?

15 years ago
