Chapter 20

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Hearing the sound of car she runs towards the car, seeing Milind coming out of the car, she hugs thightly and cries more loudly. Milind did not understood why she was crying so badly instead of feeling happy, by meeting her parents. He braeks the hug, and cups her face in his palms, "now tell me what happened, why are now crying. What happened inside." Milind asked her worriedly. It was hurting him very badly, seeing her cry. He leds her to the inside the car and hands over the water bottle. But Prachi refuses and cries continuously. "please Prachi, for my sake can you tell what happened there inside." But Prachi nods her head negatively. "do you miss them so much." Milind asked her concernedly. "do you want to go back." but Prachi did not reply back, instead she was crying hugging him tightly. "we'll leave this place Milind, please take me away from here."he could hear her in the middle of her sobs. Milind made her sit in the seat straight, he went towards the drivers side and started the car. He headed towards the beach restaurant. The drive was quiet one. he could see Prachi's eyes still teary. He did not want to force her to tell what had happened inside. "who were there in the house." Milind asked her still concentrating on the driving. But he did not get any reply from her. He took a slight glance of her. She was depply immersed I her thoughts. He wondered what would have happened that shook Prachi completely.

They reached the restaurant. Milind thought the atmosphere would change Prachi's mood, but there was no change in her. She kept a forced smile on her face not wanting to disappoint Milind with her sadness in her face. Milind was not convinced by this. He tried to change the topics, talking to her humoriously to her, cracking jokes. But that didn't effect her. He then took her to the shopping for some time. But she aimlessly strolled inside the mall, showing no interest in picking up anything. He then took took her to a very romantic movie that was running in a near by multiplex. They sat very close to each other, Prachi was leaning on his shoulder and clutching his arm tightly. Though the movie was interesting he could feel, Prachi still crying. After the movie, he took her to the quiet restaurant. Prachi started palying with the food in her plate, ot interested to eat. Milind some how forced few morsels into her mouth not wanting her starve whole night. He tried to ask about the happenings earlier that day again but Prachi did not open her mouth. They reached their house, Prachi aimlessly went upstairs without seeing around her what was there. Milind quietly followed into the room.

She sat on the bed leaning her self on the bedrest. Drops of tears were flowing on her cheeks. Milind sat beside her, wiping her tears on her cheeks. "do you want to share anything with me now." He asked curiously whether she was going to reply this time. But she didn't reply anything. Milind moves bit closely taking her into his arms. "are ok Prachi, reply something. If not I feel that something is wrong with you. do you want me to call doctor." Milind stood up, trying to leave the place to call the doctor. But Prachi holds his hand preventing him to move further. On seeing her, she nods negatively. He sits beside her, she wipes of tears that were rolling on her cheeks. "Milind I'm just fine. I was having bit headache that it's." 'that's why you crying." Asked milind not convinced by her answer. "no Milind." "ok then now you get up and go get freshed up." He hands over her nightdress and towel to her. A few minutes later, Prachi comes out of the washroom and finds Milind waiting for her. She sits besides him and leans her head on his chest. "is the headache gone." Milind puts his hand on her forehead and starts massaging her head slowly. "how are you feeling now, is it better now." 'yeah Milind I'm fine." "ok now tell me why were you upset all the time today." Prachi just sits up straight and gazes Milind tiredly. "see my wife's face is drained out, due to crying. Where's the glow in your face, that was there in the morning Prachi." Milind started caressing her cheeks while gazing at her swollen eyes. "are you tried", Prachi just nodded positively, to Milind's question. "ok then we'll sleep." Prachi nods her head lowering her gaze. Then they sleep holding each other thightly. But both were wide awake, Prachi was not able to come out the shock she had got there and Milind thinking what matter ir was Prachi was crying all along the day.

It was morning, Milind woke up startled as the sun rays were falling on him directly. He saw Prachi was holding him tightly and still sleeping. He could see clearly her fluffy eyes. He got up slowly not making Prachi to wake and made her sleep on the bed and went into the washroom. He saw Prachi sitting dully leaning to the bedrest, when he came out of the washroom. He goes near her and sits beside. "Prachi, are you alrite. Would you like me to stay back, if you are not feeling well", "no Milind I'm alrite." "are you sure", Milind sounded concernedly. "yeah", the reply came back as a whisper. "ok but don't forget to call me,if anything is not right, promise me." "yeah promise Milind I'll call you." "ok then you are looking still tried, go and have shower. Everything will be fine." He winks at her and goes down. Once down, they had their breakfast quietly. Even though Milind was not in the mood of going to office, he had to leave after Prachi assured that she was fine. In the office, he was going through the files, but couldn't concentrate on the them thinking about Prachi. He threw the files carelessly on the desk and started staring the ceiling blankly. The knock on the door made him come back to the senses. It Alaap standing near the entrance. Milind started grinning when Alaap stepped inside. "what happened yesterday in your house, that made my Prachi to cry all the day." Was the only sentence Alaap could hear first when he entered. He could see the angriness in his voice and also concernd about her. "nothing Inder Shah had threw his own daughter out of the house." Saying this Alaap slowly made comfortable in the chair opposite to him. Hearing this Milind got frustrated and standing up from his chair he sweeped the files on the desk angrily. He slumps down in his chair, with his hands holding the forehead and shutting his eyes tightly. "it's my mistake. I shouldn't have laid that conditions before him." Alaap could find guiltiness in his voice. "it's not your mistake. Every man wants to live in his terms. And for the conditions, you did not force on him. He had a choice of not accepting or accepting. Why do you bother." Alaap replied calmly. "I should have talk to her before our marriage." "Prachi wanted to talk to you before your marriage with her." The reply was instant which made Milind to jerk back and look at Alaap shocked. "but that Inder Shah had stopped her from doing this." Alaap paused. "he actually did not allow her to meet you. he feared that you would tell her the truth." Alaap saw Milind, he was in thinking deeply staring blankly at something. 'I think Milind." Milind wearily sees at Alaap, "we should tell her the truth before she gets to know from Inder Shah." Milind eyes were now attentively facing Alaap. "I think he would never leave this one. he's going to play a big game with us if he comes to know that the truth is still not told to Prachi." "I don't want to loose her." Milind's voice came as whisper and instantly before Alaap could complete the sentence. "we will tell in such a way that nothing would happen to her." "but…." Milind's words felt short. "I can understand you. You and me need evidence against him to tell her. Don't worry tomorrow I am going to London along with my son for a short vacation. I don't know when I will be back. telling truth I am actually going there to get back the evidence where he usually buries it." Milind did not stir from his place. His ears were attentively hearing what Alaap was saying. "once you think that you are ready to tell her the truth call me."he studied Milind for sometime. Milind did not show any expression in his face. He holds Milind's hands, assuringly. "I promise to you Milind, that nothing will ever happen to her. I know that you are the one that my sister considers as her breathe of her life." A small curve of smile appears on Milind's face making Alaap bit relieved.

"so how's your business going on." Alaap asked Milind trying to get out from the previous topic. "yeah going on. But it's getting difficult for me to handle both the companies.", Milind replied relaxing on his chair. "why can't you merge the two companies." "how can I" Milind replied instantly. "I need another 20% shares to merge it. And that Inder Shah's dogs working here never ever tell me the answer for that question." "in that dogs there is a wolf Milind."Alaap replied with his raised eyebrows. "don't you know that Alaap Shah knows that who has the remaining 20%." Milind's eyes widened hearing Alaap. "it's none other than your wife. She has the 20% shares with her." Milind was shocked out of his wits hearing this.

Sorry for the MISTAKES . Plz do comment.

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Comments (12)

very touchy update darlingpoor prachi ...... inder you are gone now ........ milsi should have force her to speak something ....... inder could be so low ........ thank god alaap is with milsi ......... hope he finds the evidence soon ....... & hope that prachi will be with her hubby after hearing the truththnx for the update .......... plz continue soon

15 years ago

[QUOTE=Aaliyah01]Nice partthank you
Poor Prachi, hope Millind gets to tell her in a way which she'll understandyeah she will and will definetly try to make her understand becoz he don't want t o loose her
Wonder what Inder is up to? Dont like or trust himshhhhhhhhhhhhh wait till the next part comes up[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

[QUOTE=azam12neelab]loved it!so sweet of you but felt really sad about prachi!! :(ahhh
hope milind tells prachi the truth soon!you can count on it
fab update!thank you
plz cont...:)yeah surely[/QUOTE]

15 years ago

gr8 part,,thank you

15 years ago

nice part,but felt very bad for michi,why dint prachi shared her feeling with milsipoor soul worried a lothope alaap will do the best to michi,damn inder like to see milind giving a kick on his face, he turly deserve for it,continue soon

15 years ago

thanks for the nice update poor prachi cry her eyes out but she is lucky to have nice caring husband milind loves her so much hopefuuly he will tell her the truth before that inder twist everything around pl cont soon thanks

15 years ago

This content is hidden.

15 years ago

loved it! but felt really sad about prachi!! :(
hope milind tells prachi the truth soon!
fab update!
plz cont...:)

15 years ago

gr8 part,,

15 years ago

Shravu darling seems you have planend MICHI seperation in this FF.

15 years ago
