Chapter 15

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ThankQ all of you dat commented and all of you dat didn't comment but still read. It means a lot to me. I know i say this a lot but it's true.

Part 11:-

They were together the whole time except if they went out they kept their distances as they didn't want the press to know about anything as she still hadn't talked to her dad about it. Days passed just like this. They had everything in their relationship, friendship, love, understanding, and yeah, jealousy too. They both thought that their jealousy and possessiveness was because of the passion they had for each other.

She stepped into the drawing room to see no Angad. She walked into his room to see only his cell phone laying on the bed. Hmm… that's odd he'd either be here or in his room. "Angad... Where are you?" No response. Just then his cell phone went off. She looked around to see if he came back. Oh, well. He wouldn't mind her picking up his phone, right? Wrong! But she didn't know that now.


"Hello!! Is Angad Bhaiya there?"
"No, um… may I know who's speaking?"
"I'm Al-" Before Alisha could finish her sentence Angad snatched the phone from her. How rude! He could ask her for it what's the need for stealing it from her? Is he hiding something? No! Kripa, just stop thinking. Don't think."Hello? Who's this? Hi. Ok… She won't listen? Why? Ya, ya I know her very well so I'll come there tomorrow and tell her not to crib anymore. Bye. I'll talk to you later."

As soon as he cut the phone and Angad sighed. Now why'd he sigh? There is definitely something fishy. But what? Kripa!!!! Shut up, don't be doubting Angad. Trust is necessary in every relation.

She didn't question him and he knew she was dying to. Sorry, Kripa. I know what's on your mind but I'm sorry I can't tell you anything right now but I you'll know about everything soon. Really soon."
"Angaaadd! I'm so bored yaar! Let's go out and have some fun."

"Umm… How about bowling?" "yeah…. I'm going to go get ready and you get ready also, ok? And please don't forget to take a shower; you stink like a pig!" She scrunched her nose, disgusted and he smiled at her.
They sat in the car in between of the traffic jam. God! She loves her dear India but the only thing she hates about it is the damned traffic. God! and it felt like they were in a oven.

He looked at her as she sat there fixing the air conditioner and fanning herself with the newspaper. He smiled at her and then she noticed his gaze. She Hmph'd and started fanning and on her usual ranting and whining on and on and on and on. That's the thing he liked about her; no matter how bad the situation is you will never get bored or you never feel lonely with her.

She dug out her water bottle from her gigantic purse. She drank a sip and let out a aaaah…. And then she had another sip which was followed by another aaah… She gestured the bottle towards him asking him if he wanted water. He just smiled and she just took the bottle, opened his mouth with her hand and poured the gulps of water inside his mouth and then it overflowed, spilling all over his shirt and she clapped her hands on her face while he choked. Looking at her over dramatic act, he couldn't help but smile again. "It's ok, Kripa. Relax. It'll dry by the time we get there." But it didn't. "Wait, I think I have an extra shirt in the back seat." She took out a sexy blue shirt with a price tag on. It was originally for Rahul but too bad for him. And reminding me of Rahul, Kripa had already called Rahul and asked him if they could you know, end their relationship and he agreed happily and then informing him of his new "crush." Her name's Pooja. At first Kripa was quite surprised but then accepted happily.

He slipped his shirt off leaving Kripa numb. She was literally gawking at him with her mouth hanging low. He cracked a smile and went closer to her. He lifted his hand and shut her mouth.. Jesus! Does he like work out every night when she's sleeping or something. He had the best bod she'd ever seen with his overly bulgy six pack and his tanned skin. It was driving her crazy. It was good he had a six pack because she actually thought guys with eight packs were disgusting. Shh… it's a secret. She raised her hand and put it on his bare chest and he opened his eyes wide. "Relax, woman!" He slipped the shirt out of her hands and put on his shirt while she came out of her trance, shocked at herself. God! Could she have been less desperate acting? He might be thinking of me so low… He came close to her kissed her check real quick, smiled at her dumbfounded face, caught her hand and literally dragged her in.

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Comments (22)

thats fine!but v r waiting dear!try to continue plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

17 years ago

heyyyy.... dnt worry tke ur time... we all know how stressed a person gets wen they have overloads of work piled on them loll

17 years ago

hi pooja..just read ur whole ff..and i liked it.. u r a talented writer... will be waiting for the next part impatiently..plz continue soon..

17 years ago

Hey its alryte!! take ur time, its even okie if u dnt update till ur finish with ur X-am...thy're way more imp thn this.
I do love ur FF, however, i dnt want my friend to have bad grades ..ryte? so yea. feel relax 'n finish ur projs, thn update wen you get time b4 X-am or later thn tht!!
byezz, Tc!!amber080239222.3769328704

17 years ago

hello guys! I'm soooo sory for not updating. I have seven projects on my head rite now and my finals are coming up so i'm soooo busy, tired and a 100x frustrated but i'm hoping to update a part tonite. i'll try makin it long but i'm not sure about it. sry again

17 years ago

awesome fanfic continue soon

17 years ago

heyyyyyyyyyyyyy v r waiting!wer did u vanish..again?????

17 years ago

HEY PLZ CONTINUE SOON....i really miss this ff!!

17 years ago

wow that was a great part continue soon i cant wait for the next part and wonder when kripa will find out the truth about angad

17 years ago

when are you going to continue??? im really anxious. ishu12439212.7713888889

17 years ago
