Chapter 16

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Part 12:
Could she have been less desperate acting? He might be thinking of me so low… He came close to her kissed her check real quick, smiled at her dumbfounded face, caught her hand and literally dragged her in.

They had fun that night and Kripa totally bowled him out.

"Kripa… Where are you driving me?"

"Angad, that's the ten millionth time that you've asked me that and seriously, you open that mouth of yours one more time and I promise you, you'll regret ever being born. And I'll make sure of that alright," She spoke through gritted teeth. He liked the fact that she didn't change herself to impress him or didn't act differently towards each other just because they were together. He like the ups and downs she went through with him with but god, did this woman have a temper and it really wouldn't be bad if she tried to suppress it at least sometimes. But he still liked her the way she was. He wouldn't want her to change for anything.

"Just to give you a heads up, don't forget to tuck your shirt in before stepping out." She looked at the bafflement on his face and smiled viciously.

She rung the door bell and quickly removed her bandana from his eyes. She looked at his flustered, confused face and grinned like a mad woman. He swore, if he hadn't known her from before he would have thought she was mentally retarded or high off of ecstasy. Before he could question her again, the door opened welcoming them both into the arms of a handsome old couple. They practically pounced on them. Kripa was standing there watching the love of her life being hugged breathless by her parents, and boy was it a relief. Tears were clogging her eyes. She was so glad that her parents had accepter him.

"So how'd you like our plan, beta?" The simple question ushered from her father's mouth stole the smile right away from her face. She instantly looked at Angad who had his hands in his hair, with his eyes shut and a guilt saturated expression on his face.

"What plan are you talking about?" She wanted to scream out her frustration where her parents turned to Angad quizzically. "You haven't told her?" His eyes lowered in shame and he negatively shook his head. She looked at them with her narrowed eyes suspiciously, demanding an explanation from Angad.

They were sitting in the living room, when Angad excreted, what looked like a photograph, from his wallet and handed it to her.

She stared dumbfounded at the picture. She was in there and it seemed like it was a picture of her around the age of sixteen or seventeen. There was another guy too who had his arms wrapped around her and they both were smiling away with cake frosting smeared and plastered all over there faces. But his eyes were intense and familiar. It was the guy who use to be her best friend. "Smarty pants?...... Angad Khanna?.... Angad?..." Finally realization dawned upon her and reality smacked her face with a blow. He reached his hand out to hold hers, but when his hand was thrown away from him, He turned around. Walking towards the window, He started his story and soon after telling her everything he turned around to see Kripa on the floor with tears streaming down her face.

"How could you, damn it? You all played with my feeling so ruthlessly. And Angad, you? How could you? How could you do this to me? What kind of a creature are you. You… you… you're such a bas***d!"

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Comments (21)

Awesome Part Continue Soon

17 years ago

when are you contining? im getting impacient...continue sooooooon.

17 years ago

it is a great fan fic....sad that u have to end it soo soon! but i loved it!! kripa was too harsh on angad

17 years ago

wait shes the one that gets messed about and SHE gets slapped?!!!!

17 years ago

hey i just can't believ your ending this ff......oh god I'm gonna miss's wanna of my fav ff..........well I can understand that lie's hectic and all so.......umm......but still gonna miss it a lot!!

17 years ago

oh no u r ending this!!!!!!and wat abt the other ff?

17 years ago

really exciting cant wait pls con well poor kripa got slapped

17 years ago

oh no! kripa gets slapped. cont soon.

17 years ago

Thank you guys so much for the comments. I was quite suprised wen i got so many comments, i'd thought many of you guys had forgotten this ff. ****Note:- The next part is going to be the ending of this FF. and here's a promo, I've just started so i might put it up.. idk. sry once again life's been too hectic PROMO: She felt a soundly slap on her face that echoed through the quietness of the house. She looked at her father who stood there with rage pouring through his eyes.

17 years ago

that was a great part conitnue soon and please dont break up angad and kripa...please have angad and kripa calm down and just be like i love you too ect...ect... becuase i am just not willing to read a sad story at the moment me being doopy so i will shut up now

17 years ago
