Chapter 14

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Part 10:

"Hi Kripa!" Angad answered enthusiastically.

"Hi Angad…" She replied dully. Oh, how she wanted to jump on him and swing herself in his arms and kiss those love filled lips of his, and then rub her hands through his hair and then just stay there and inhale his intoxicating scent and then yes of course, scold him for leaving her like that and then again obviously forgive him as it really is too hard to stay mad at him.

Angad knew what was on her mind but was still disappointed that she was still toooo stubborn to admit that she missed him like hell and that she love him more than anything she ever had. He nodded from the window and came out of the kitchen with a dish in his hand and a frown on his face. She noticed it and wondered what was wrong. She wanted to pull him down onto her lap and into a long bear hug and then caress his face, relaxing him, comforting him and then telling him all will be well.

She put on a fake smile, "Aww… what's wrong, Angad? You're acting as if you got in a fight with your girlfriend?" Jeez! What's this girl's problem? She can't do anything than tease, irritate or disappoint me! So now, to annoy her he said, "Maybe I did…"

"Wait, hold on, you've got a girlfriend?" Her tone said it all. She was disappointed, irritated, jealous, and angry too.

He didn't lie either or did he? It was just a twisted and stretched out truth. He's got in a fight with his mother who he treats and plays around with as a girlfriend. She didn't want him to leave. He'd been away for more than two months and had only come to visit for 4 days!

His phone rang and when he saw the name of the caller an automatic smile spread on his lips making her jealous of that person to have that ability. She only had the ability to make him frown. "Hey girlfriend!" There he goes again, flirting with another girl. "I can't talk right now, I'm busy… yeah… I'll tell her sometime soon… Bye… I love you too, Naina. Bye!"

Anger took over her love and sadness. "You're such a player! You jerk, you egg-headed monster; First that "beautiful girl" on the phone, what was her name? Oh, yeah aniTa, and then the girl at the part, and now this girlfriend of yours. You all men are the same same! You're the biggest jerk I've ever seen.

Now Angad has lost control. He'd always been nice, beared her anger and put up a smiling face instead of his anger. "What the hell is your problem if I'm with ten billion girls? I'm not doing anything to you, right? Then stay out of my business, Ok!"

"No, why should I stay out? You're an idiot and you play with so many girl's feelings and you don't care a damn about anyone except fro your own self."

"So what? Even IF I do play with people's emotions? Big whoop! You're no less than me! It's none of your business of what I'm doing so shut the hell up! Look, this is the last time I'm saying it, Stay out of it! And why the f**k do you even care what I'm doing?"

"Because I love you, damn it!" This surprised not only him but her too. Damn it! What was his problem? Why can't he understand others? Don't even go there, Kripa! You always mislead him with your reactions. She needed to go away as the civil war going on inside of her disabled her of thinking straight.

She turned around to leave and that's when she felt him hold her arm and quickly turn her around to face him. He held waist and pulled her towards him, so close where she could feel his warm breath on her forehead and where she could hear his and her heart beats beating fast in unison. "What did you say?" he asked in almost a whisper.

She looked up straight in his eyes. They were filled with his overwhelming passion that he was hungry for in return and that blinded her. God! Is he deaf or something didn't he hear what she said? What was this stubborn man's darn problem? Ugh… "I love you…" she too replied in a soft, quite, but still angry whisper. He smiled at it. "I love you too, Kripa. I love you too." He pulled her head closer and kissed her lips with extreme patience which she didn't expect. He broke the kiss and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and her face resembled the peace he'd only seen her have when she was sleeping. He hugged her again and held her tightly knowing if he left her, she probably fall right back down.

They sat on the couch with popcorn. She was wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt with her hair up in a bun and some strands of hair falling swiftly on the side of her face, kissing her cheeks. She cuddled even closer warming him and herself. She wrapped her arms around him and set her head on his chest and shut her eyes. She wanted to live all her rudeness up to him.

He saw every move of hers with a sweet smile on his face. He'd always wanted his girl to be like her. Some who wouldn't fuss over how she's looking to impress him and not act like the perfect lady with all the manners and control. She was perfect for him without even trying. He loved her for who she was but she didn't because she didn't know who he really was. How would she feel and react when finds out who he really is? How was she going to tell him that too?



"First You've got to promise me you won't get mad at me?"

"Ok, I promise."

"Pakka na?"


"100% pakka na?"

"Are babba, 100% pakka. Now speak…"

"Who were all those girls you keep talking to?" His face got serious and then he smiled. He pulled her even close and said, "I'd never play you, Kripa. Anita is a desperate girl hungry for my attention, the girl at the party was Sanjana, my cousin and my girlfriend and then one on the phone was none other than my sweet and sexy mother." She cracker a smile. He pressed his nose to her and asked, "Ok?" She nodded like a little happy kid and hugged him again. He couldn't help but snuggle closer and kiss her forehead once again.

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Comments (17)

this was such a cute and romantic part

17 years ago

omg tht was soo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet

17 years ago

aww. that was just tooo sweet. i think i have diabetes even though im too young. way too much sugar...but i like it like that. [/QUOTE]
even i think i'm going to come down wid diabetes because of all the sweet and romantic ff's on this website and i bet no one would doubt it espeacially after having seen me with the piles of candy bars i eat every single day Thanks for commenting
lol. i just can NOT ever sit and read any book or ff with out chocolate. thats just how i am.
no problem....great fan fic always deserve a comment of thier greatness...hmm..seems like im preaching a bit tooo much. lol.

17 years ago

whooooooop diiii doooooooo!!!!!!!!!
life's tooo short so i just wanted to stop by and say hav fun and don't sit in front of the computer all day!!!!! I know i should do wat i preach! but i can't. i'm better of as an advisor

17 years ago

Thanks so much

Thank you darling


um... sorry i havn't got to dat secret yet but will cum out... it's not dat big but still i kept dat secret so dat kripa has a reason to be all stuborn and everything but yeah.. i'll get to dat pretty soon and Thanks soooo much for commenting

ya i know. I think anger sumtimes does hav it's positive sides Thanx

Yup, they confessed! Thanks for commenting

Ya they did but Kripa still doesn't know that, that guy who use to be her friend is really him because if she finds out then she'd know he couldn't be a bodyguard as he was already rich at the time. Thanks

Showie... i had to do dat cause it felt like i was dragging everything but i promise they definitely will hav their little stupid fights often Thanks

even i think i'm going to come down wid diabetes because of all the sweet and romantic ff's on this website and i bet no one would doubt it espeacially after having seen me with the piles of candy bars i eat every single day Thanks for commenting



I can't contd. either of the ff's cause i'm tooooo busy rite now
but i will pretty soon and thanks to all of you guys who commented. it means a lot to mepooja122139203.7108101852

17 years ago

No... sry for the confusion but Aaliya isn't his cousin. i know a lot of the ff's hav her as a cousin or sister but in this one she isn't if you read the last part carefully then it says that the cousin's name is Sanjana. Thanks for commenting and asking. I really appreciate your concern And yeah don't forget to update ur ff!!!! hav been waitin foreverpooja122139203.7113773148

17 years ago

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Dat was like th sweetest part eva, i hav seriousily fallin in luv wid it!!!!!

17 years ago

hey i just caught up and do continue soon...i want to ask that the aaliyah in part 1, is she the same aliya which is angad's cousin if so then how come kripa didn't recognize aaliyah n was fuming with jealousy n all......??? it's really confusing would you mind clearing up for me.....I'm sorry if I'm annoying you....didn't meant that way....

17 years ago

aww. that was just tooo sweet. i think i have daibets even though im too young. way too much sugar...but i like it like that.

17 years ago

Noooooo. theyve confessed their love tooo soon!! still very sweet.

17 years ago
