Chapter 5

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Because i posted the last part late i'm posting the next part right now! but yeah it's short! so i'm sry again but i have loads of stuff to do... Dead ok here is the next part...

Chapter 5:
Angad sees Kripa doing her happy dance… they both have little arguments. Angad and Kripa are getting ready to leave for Lonavala because of Kripa's meeting with Mr. Singhania.

It had already been 15 minutes since they'd left Mumbai and had started heading towards Lonavala. She'd heard about it so much from her friends and her colleagues and a lot of her friends have been living there but she has never been there. She was so excited that she was going to meet one of her best friends after so long. She'd missed him like hell especially with the Prithvi episode. She told herself to be strong and especially in front of this bhondu! That totally made her smile wickedly. Angad saw this and was worried cause he knows this smile of hers means she's probably going to do something wrong to him.

"Did you know, even a donkey can drive faster than you? Oops… my bad, I shouldn't say that, right? Cause now that I'm comparing you with a donkey, the poor donkey will feel insulted." She laughed at her own joke while he pretended to look angry but just couldn't help but dreamily listen to her laughing. It was the most angelic laugh he'd ever heard. Now he knew for sure how God too jumbles up and makes mistakes. He made one bad mistake by giving this naughty girl such an angelic and innocent face and especially her laugh. He added to support his hypothesis.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye and noticed he looked so cute when the wind blew through his hair making them flare around and being pushed behind in force. She also noticed the stitches right above his eye, on the upper part of his right eyebrow. She concluded that it made him look even hotter and gave him the "Bad Ass" impression. She loved it.

Angad noticed her dreamy impressions and said in a mischievously way, "You know like I told you this morning it's really not that hard to tell me I'm so hot?"

This time Kripa had a come back. She said with a smile, "You know Angad… you remind me of the ocean."

Angad got so excited but couldn't believe his ears, "Oh yeah like I'm so wild, exciting, dreamy and romantic?"

Kripa laughed, "Huh, yeah right Angad! I meant how you just simply make me sick just like the ocean makes me!"

"Uggh… whatever!" now this was Angad's time to shut up.

Kripa got so bored and so did Angad but he'd give anything to bore Kripa at the moment so he too didn't say anything. Because both of them were stubborn out of their wits, the unbearable silence continued. Kripa got so frustrated because she couldn't even read in the car because it made her sick so she went to sleep. On the other hand, Angad had no choice but to drive. Seeing Kripa sleeping irritated him even more! What the hell does this girl think of herself. She'll make us leave early in the morning and then she'll sleep forever in the car making me drive. This woman is going to drive me up the wall one day.

"KRIPA! KRIPA! UTHO KRIPA!" he tried and nudged her. Kripa had gotten up but just to annoy Angad even more she pretended to be sleeping.

"Stop acting like you're sleeping because I know you're not!" There was still no response from her.

"You're forcing me, Kripa" he warned in a dangerous tone.

"ok, fine." He leaned forward towards her. So close to her that he could hear her heart beats go crazy. His scent drove her crazy. He smiled at her expression. He sat back in his seat again and blasted the radio which was playing Rafta Rafta Remix.

She jumped up and stared at him unbelievably. The man was unpredictable. A second ago he was so close and in a way romantic and the next second he's all rude and arrogant and egoistic. Aarrgghhhh… Fagot!


"oohh… so I have no manner?!? Am I the one whose making her bodyguard a driver all of a sudden? If I can't sleep then so can't you! And yeah, can't you talk to me properly, damn it?


Kripa didn't sleep cause she actually felt guilty… actually why should I feel guilty the bloody donkey's the one who blasted the music. Idiot! Now I will definitely sleep! She shut her eyes and went to sleep.

God, she's so stubborn! How much am I going to flex with this inflexible woman! Angad! Calm down! You can do this! She has a boyfriend right now and you need to win her heart away. Omg! How should I do that now? Angad, calm down will ya? He sighed.

He saw the gas was on low so he stopped at a gas station. He looked at Kripa who was in dreamland sleep. He couldn't wake her up because she looked so adorable. He got out of the car filled the gas and went into the store to grab some snacks. When he came out, to his utter horror, Kripa had vanished from the car. He started panicking. He started screaming, "KRIPA! KRIPA! WHERE ARE YOU? KRIPA! SHIT! WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?"

Just then he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned around and he saw the madam standing right there with a smile on her face.

Angad is so sweet! He was so worried about me! And it was me who thinking wrong about him!


"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? GOD! I HAD TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!" Uggh.. as soon as he gains a tint of my friendship he looses it the next instant.

"Oh… Kripa I was so worried about you." His voice turned so warm and caring she couldn't help but melt.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry… I should have waited until you came back!" god… why did she always have to blow up on the poor guy. She felt bad.

"Ha… I finally mastered the art of making you apologized." She looked at him in disbelief. UUUGGH….

She stomped her feet and banged the door shut.

"Can you shut the door any louder?"Angad asked sarcastically.

"YES, I CAN. AND HERE LET ME PROVE IT TO YOU." She opened the door and once again slammed it shut but this time it was much louder.

"Jeez! Relax woman… I was just kidding!"

Kripa glared at him motioning him to shut the hell up. She sighed angrily and set her head back on the head rest and went to sleep once again.

ThanQ for all the comments... i promise i will reply to all of them later i have to get back to my work!! and ya plz leave comments!


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Comments (13)

awesome fanfic!! youre a great writer!! continue soon!

17 years ago

awwww, CUTE prt!!! Angad is soooo sweet, i LOVE his character!!! continue soon!!!

17 years ago

just read ur fic its gr8 continue soon

17 years ago

um.. thanx guys. i love the comments they encourage me a lot n i jus wantd to say is dat things hav been hectic. my uncle's in the hospital so i'll be havin to go to michigan ova the weekend so i don't think i can contd. so wen i'm back i promise a long long long long part! it's my pakka promise! i've started workin on it but i'm not going anywhere. and oh yeah if you guys come up with suggestions plz don't hesitate and PM them to me... plz plz plz i'm seriously desperate for them. i have an idea in my mind but i just have to put in words now but i'm still not sure bout it. well ok and plz pray for my uncle he was throwin up blood!

17 years ago

That was such a sweet part.... oooo angad has to win her over how cute!!!!!

17 years ago

i loved the whole fic its amusingly cute and adoreable

17 years ago

hey i love this continue plz......

17 years ago

amazingly cute kripa is one stubborn lady ...vry nyc ...plz cont soon

17 years ago

thgese khatti meethi fights between AK r really sweet!continue soon!

17 years ago

wow. great part. cont soon. i luv ur fan fic.

17 years ago
