Chapter 6

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it's all u guys fault dat i'm suffering by motion sickness. LOL i wrote this part while travelling in the car so i'm sry it's another short part and part2 of this chap. will be update soon! i can't do anything further rite now cause it feels like i'm on the verge of puking so yeah...

Chapter 6:
She walked out the office with the same confidence she had during the meeting. She was so excited and filled with energy that she filled the whole board room with just an hour ago. She proved her self to Mr. Singhania and she felt on top of the world when not only he but the whole company came and congratulated her. She had worked so hard for six months non stop and she had finally done it that many inexperienced people couldn't do.

She jumped into the car and shut the door. She looked at Angad who was sitting in the driver's seat. He was smiling away just like she was. What's this sadoo upto now? Oh God! You just made my day now don't let it go down the drain.

This seems like a good sign he concluded. If she was so happy then it means that she got the contract. He made a mental note to inform Mr. Singhania of the further instructions.

Kripa felt something odd happening between them. She knew she had to something and get rid of this idiot! She hated living with someone or depending on someone because she has a habit of getting to use to them and she definitely not in a million years wanted to become friendly or close to the stewpid monkey. She was happy with the three close friends she had, Aaliya, Rahul and her best friend in Lonavala, the best friend who knows every secret of her, the best friend who let her cry on his shoulder when she could face no one, the best friend who made her laugh in between her tears, the best friend who was always there for her no matter what.

They reached the house after having her fumbling her hands in her purse and handing him the note with the address on it.

She was so excited. As soon as Angad hit his foot on the breaks, she flung the door open and climbed the stairs heading towards the doorstep. She started jabbing her hands onto the door bell getting impatient every moment. Finally, what seemed like a half an hour to Kripa the door flung open. She jumped onto the man in front of him and squeezed his lungs out. After releasing him, she started on her long lecture. "Idiot! How long does it take you to open the damn door? I missed you so much! You never even called me so i thought of surprising you!" She frowned when she saw the man's astonished face. "Did you ever miss me, Josh?" She was almost in tears.

There stood a tall, lean, but still muscular man in a white under shirt and blue faded jeans. His green eyes sparkled and danced along with the sun right above their heads. "Aw... my poor, poor baby! Of course i missed you! Especially this crying of yours." She started sobbing hysterically. She loved Josh like a best friend, she loved him like an older brother she never had. She loved him so much! He was always there for her. He was the only person on the face on this planet who actually ever understood her, except for this other guy, she faintly remember anything about. But she still remembered he was one hell of an eye candy and he was sweet. She didn't remember his name or how he looked? She just had faint ideas about him and maybe deep down in her attic a couple of pictures she hadn't seen in years.

"Hey... hey... Kripa! Now, if you don't stop crying right now i promise i won't talk to you!" She smiled at him knowing he was just kidding. He wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her forehead. Right at the moment, Angad came to the doorstep and saw them hugging and a man kissing her forehead with so much of... he couldn't think of a word to describe the scene. Actually he was just confused, because there were so many emotions flooding the man's face. Angad's blood was boiling. He couldn't stand just anyone to come in the way and kiss her! How dare that person? Damn him, he thought.

She looked up at Josh and was just about to open her big fat mouth to give him a lecture when she noticed he wasn't looking at her but behind her. She got aggravated and turned around to see who he was staring at and saw Angad and turned her face away from Angad and hugged Josh even tighter.

He cleared his throat loudly. She put on an annoyed face and didn't even bother to acknowledge his presence. Josh loosened his grip, but Kripa clung closer. Was that annoyance she heard in that "Ahem! Ahem!" of his. Why should she even bother? All he is, is my bodyguard… not my boyfriend?

The girl definitely doesn't have any idea about my anger, does she? God! Why does she love testing my temper? He tried again this time but more louder and more dangerously, "AHEM! AHEM!" He moved closer forcing them both to separate. "Hi! I'm Angad," referring to Josh.

Before Josh could answer Kripa said, "Hi, Angad! And I'm Jhansi ki Rani." She smiled sweetly but still fakely. "Is there anything you need? Oh yeah, Josh… Where's my room?"

Josh was utterly confused by Kripa's rudeness. She usually is pretty sweet to everybody. "Umm. Hey I'm Jo-" Before he could continue, Kripa cut him of, "Josh, cut it out! No one asked for your introduction, just tell him where the damn room is!"

"Jeez, woman! Relax! What's wrong with you? Umm… Angad her room's on the second floor and first room to the right, and you could have the room across. Josh threw Angad a sympathetic look saying I'm-sorry-man… you-know-how-she-is…"

It was around midnight and Angad and Kripa had settled in but none of them were really sleeping. There was a soft knock on Angad's the door, which he answered. Angad knew exactly who it was, the one and only Josh Kapoor.

They both shared a brotherly hug. "Hey, man! Angad… let's get to the point now. What the hell's happening between you guys and why didn't you let me recognize you? Does she remember anything about you? And what's up with her? Why's she behaving like that? And why are you keeping so many secrets from her and why-"

Angad interrupted him, "Hold up, dude! Can you slow down there a little bit. Ok…um… Kripa doesn't remember me… I know it's sad I mean I remember everything about her, like what makes her mad, happy, frustrated, cry, sad, laugh and excited. But she doesn't remember anything about me. Nothing, she doesn't even find my name familiar. I missed her for all those twelve years, and desperately waited for one call or one email but everything went in vain. She doesn't remember anything about me. We use to be so close. We were best friends. There was, no there is something different about her. Well anyways, the reason I'm disguising myself from a multi-billionaire to a low class body guard is… I know it's shocking but before that you've got to promise me you will not tell Kripa anything and you've go to tell me everything. And just so you know, you're my best friend too and I always helped you with everything from homework copying to getting girls."

Josh looked at his face. He saw a shadow of sadness, love, care and a look of complete determination. He wondered what this was all about. "ok! I promise I'll help you only if you promise me you will never hurt her no matter what because if you do I'll skin you so bad, you'll forget what your name is. I promise I'll make your life a living hell and wherever you will go you will get nothing but pain even if you let Kripa shed one tear. I promise… and yeah can you get to the point now, please? I'm kinda getting impatient."

Wow! Angad was surprised by this. "Okay… relax dude. I will never let her cry even once. Ok my parents AND her parents want us to get married, but Miss I-don't-want-a-commitment straight out refuses without even looking at the picture or meeting that person, also known as the great Angad Khanna.


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Comments (14)

wow it amazing plz plz cont kanwer

17 years ago

AWESOME!!!!! So thats goin on... i understnad now, n kool im soooo lookin forward to da nxt part.... so i think josh is gunna help angad patao kripa lollll KOOL!!! Dat looks interestin!!!!

17 years ago

really cute part!! i love jpsh's character! haha hes soo funny..... wow a new twist. but i like it! i wonder why kripa doesnt remember...

17 years ago

catched up and its awesome love it kaash angad was my bodyguard love ur ff pls cont soon

17 years ago

oh wow...i loved the part...thx........i'm desperate for more now....

17 years ago

that was brilliant- but Kripa is terrible, how can she not remember this dude who apparently was her best friend? does he love her or is he just trying to marry her to please his parents? (mummys boy)

17 years ago

i new he was that person.. i am soo happyyyyy cant wait to se how he WOOS her.. look, 12 yrs is a lot btu the name should be A LIL familiar.. lolz continue soooooooooonnnn

17 years ago

okk!angad is kripas childhood best friend!!!!!tahts nice!continue soon!

17 years ago

whoa...interesting prt!!!angad is krips childhood friend but she doesn't rememba him lol...exciting...u hav 2 cont soooon!

17 years ago

awsome magnificent marvellous ur gradually revealing the plot sounds really interesting

17 years ago
