Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Rahul and Kripa sneaking out… Kripa says rude and hurtful things and so does Angad and both of them end up becoming sworn enemies even though Angad is her "body guard"

While Kripa was lying abed, refusing to wake up even though it was 12: 30 by now, Angad sat in the living room with a coffee cup in one hand and a newspaper in the other. He was waiting desperately for her to come down. Kripa got a call on her cell phone, which she picked up on the 15th ring. "hello?"

"Kripa! Do you know what's the time right now?"

"Aaliya, have you lost your mind? Can't you just look at the time on your cell phone? Anyways it's… 12: 45…." There was a long pause and then suddenly she jumped up on her knees and screamed, "OMG! Aaliya! Why didn't you call me before? Now what am I going to do? How am I going to meet Mr. Singhania now? It's very important for us to get that deal for the concert."

Kripa owns an event managing company which she created all by herself without her father's help and she also didn't let anyone know that she was Suryaban Sharma's daughter until after achieving her success. Her company is prosperous but not the best yet.

After a while, an idea struck her and in excitement she hit her boom box and she started jumping up and down on her bed. Angad ran upstairs and into her room to find out from where the hell was the commotion coming from destroying his peaceful morning.

He flung her door open and the creases on his forehead disappeared and so did his anger which was replaced with pure delightment. Kripa was too busy doing her happy dance and singing along with the song blasting behind her that she didn't even realize Angad standing on the door with total Awe… written on his face. She was so excited she found a way to go Lonavala to meet her friend and she can solve this problem there as Mr. Singhania will be there for another meeting of his.

She glanced at the door while jumping in a circle and looked back not believing that Angad had just witnessed her happy dance. "OHH MYY GGGOODDDDD! DON'T YOU KNOW TO KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING A LADY'S ROOM!!!!!!!!! YOU MONKEY!!!!" "oh I forgot, Monkey's don't have manners to begin with, or do they?," she added with a wicked grin.

"look whose talking? Am I the one screaming like a monkey or is it YOU? And yeah, Lady?? Where's the lady? I thought I was entering an elephant's cage…" he cracked up.

Kripa opened her mouth to say something but shut it quickly because she couldn't come up with a come back at the moment because she already eaten up half of her brain cells trying to figure out a solution.

Angad looked at her questioningly. Kripa would definitely have come up with something as far as he knew her. "yeah, I thought so…" he said and turned around to head out the door.

"Just so you know, you can go on vacation for a week because I'm not here so there's no one you need to protect." She made her emphasis on protect.

She turned around and started rummaging her closet to make sure she didn't need to go shopping after all, she would have to prove her excellence to Mr. Singhania as she already gave him a bad impression.

"Eh, hello madam??? I'm going with you wherever you go as I've been ordered by your dearest daddy, ok? And may I ask where we're going?"

Kripa turned around with a HMPH look and said, "Mr. Khanna you cannot accompany me to wherever I'm going cause there's only room for one person on the air plane and I need to reach there by tomorrow evening. So… to bad! Better luck next time, Khanna so now… if you don't mind CAN YOU GET OUT???"

"No." Angad spoke at once. He used the same no Kripa had once used to him when he discovered her boyfriend and her sneaking out. His blood boiled and anger splashed around in his eyes like lava which would blow out of a volcano. Kripa noticed his good "no" imitation and also saw the anger flaring on his face but thought this was because he was missing out on an outing with her, Kripa Sharma.

Kripa! Don't be to shallow! He's probably mad because of your attitude. Her insides told her.

"I'm going with you no matter what or else your not going!"

Oh my god! What was this man's problem, she wondered. What a control freak. What the f**k does he think of himself. Why the hell is he always bossing her around and again he acts like he has all the right in the world on me. Arrgh… she knew she better not argue because this freak show will go and tell her father everything and even if she did sneak out her father will have even more stress which she didn't want.

On the other hand Angad was thinking a long the same lines. What the hell does she think of her self? I'm her body guard I obviously need to go with her. Doesn't she have this one thing called BRAIN??? Arrgh… so much attitude? I don't know how I'll deal with it after we… he trails of again exchanging his anger with a smile.

"Whatever! You will have to drive us to Lonavala then I have a meeting important meeting there! We will have to leave early in the morning because we need to go see my friend."

He nodded with a victory grin on his lips and simply slipped out of the room.

Angad woke up the following morning finding a jar of chilly water emptied on his face.

Kripa smiled looking at Angad in a daze with his hair all jumbled up and leaving some parts dripping wet and some completely dry. Her eyes next trailed of to the water dripping from his ears and then his nose that brought an unexpected but a completely honest smile on her face.


He then noticed that Kripa was looking at him in a very loving way or to him in a very funny and weird way.

She was disgusted by herself for thinking like that. How could she even think of Angad as Hot? Ew…

"If you think I look hot then you could tell me on my face, you know?" Kripa said with a glint of naughtiness in his eyes.

She was stunned. She quickly said, "yuck! Get a life Angad! And you better be ready by 8 or else your dead meat! Am I understood?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

She gave him a dirty look to hide her smile and walked out. Angad smiled knowing why she gave him the dirty look! Kripa Sharma I won't leave you alone until I make you Kripa Khanna and on second thought I won't leave you even after you become Kripa Khanna!

Thank you all of you for the comments. i've been busy cause all these stupid projects being thrown on me. n sorry i couldn't make it longer ok n i'll try my best to update sooner!!!

NEXT PART: page 10 PN=10


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Comments (7)

uh oh angad likes kripa great part kanwer

17 years ago

does he want some kinda revenge on her or does he actually like her that makes him wanta marry her... great part. really interesting.. continue sooonn

17 years ago

Amazin part... it was sooooo sweet... n AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwww angad want her to become kripa khanna... soooooooooo sweeT!!!!!

17 years ago

i am a nu reader!ur ff is absolutely amazing!continue soon!

17 years ago

amazingggggg i luv the way they fite...cnt w8 2 noe who angad actually is...and yes i love ur language...pretty interesting bunch of adjectives i must say

17 years ago

AWESUM prt!!! TOTALLY loving thiss FF!!! sooooo unique!!!! the last line was soooo cute, i LOVED it!!! continue soon, with a longer prt!!!!

17 years ago

just read the whole its really good and really funny i loved all the fights cont when u can love griffy griffinmonster39168.7207175926

17 years ago
