Chapter 1

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Hello guys! I'm starting a new fan-fic and it's my first try and it's an Angad-Kripa FF and please tell me how it is because if it's really bad tell me why and please please please leave me honest comments. and yeah if i make any bloopers please tell me. actually i'd writen it a while ago but i wasn't really sure about it so i didn't post it... ok well, here it goes...

Page Refernce:

Part 1- page 1

Part 2- page 3

Part 3- page 5

Part 4- page 6

Part 5- page 7

Part 6- page 10 other half on page 12

Part 7- page 14 other half on page 15 other third half on page 17!

Part 8-page 19; other half page 21and other part on 23

Part 9- page 24

Part 11- page 29

Part 12- page 33

Part 13- page 36

Oblivious to the Obvious

Chapter 1:

"If I ever get my hands on that… that… Mr. Arrogant or… or… that Mr. I'm-the-best-and-nobody-can-touch-me, I swear upon my dead dog that I will kill that… frog looking… that mosquito licking banana eating monkey!!!!! Aaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh…….," yelled a girl wearing a red gorgeous dress while being dragged away from the press. "How dare he kiss me and that too in front of everyone? He is so dead! How dare he????"

Aaliya frowned while seeing her best-friend drunk, sitting in her seat rambling on and on about killing "him". She wondered who the "him" or the "he" was but for now Aaliya knew there would be no point in saying anything to her as she wasn't in her senses. Kripa started sniffing, bringing Aaliya out of her thoughts and then started sobbing hysterically. Aaliya knew it wasn't because of the "he" who kissed but it was her past. Aaliya now knew nothing means nothing could stop Kripa from crying. Aaliya put her arms around her shoulders trying to comfort her. Kripa loved this about Aaliya. She would never ask questions when she knew Kripa didn't want to talk but just sit with her, try to console her and actually let her cry.

Kripa was just like that. These were one of her moments when she didn't know what events would trigger her break downs. She pressed her lips together to stop them from trembling and squeezed her eyes shut to stop them from crying any further. The engagement flashed in front of Kripa's mind like jet fire. There stood Prithvi slipping the ring with the huge stone that every girl dreams of, onto Sheetal's, her sister's hand. Kripa smiled with tears bombarding her eyes. Though, the smile didn't look plastered, it was a mixture of happiness and a tint of disappointment.

The car came to a halt and so did her thoughts. She looked at Aaliya from the corner of her eyes and so her sleeping while hugging her. She smiled. She nudged Aaliya waking her up and replied to Aaliya's questioning eyes, "Thank you… I'm fine now, but we better go to bed now…" Kripa was slurring a lot but could definitely understand the situation appropriately. Aaliya smiled, "Good night, sweet heart… you better go to sleep too darling." Aaliya turned and headed towards her room while Kripa too turned walking up the stairs still nodding to Aaliya's orders.

She felt someone nudge her and in response she answered sleepily like a kid talking to their mommy pleading for some extra minutes of sleep, "Aaliya… I promise I'll make you those chocolate brownies if you let me sleep… please…."

"I'd love those chocolate brownies, darling even though I'm not Aaliya and you better wake up and just out of curiosity doesn't your neck hurt cause you've been sleeping on the stairs the whole night unless you sleep walk too," replied a husky voice.

Kripa just smiled, still with her eyes shut. "Aaliya… stop with the pranks now let me sleep! By the way your voice sounds really sexy just like that stupid frog looking, mosquito licking, banana eating monkey…" She giggled like a child, with a pleasant smile across her face. She moved her hands making her head free fall that finally woke her up. She opened her eyes to the unwelcoming sunlight, making her eyes squint.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! YOU BANANA EATING MONKEY… WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!! GET OUT! HOW DARE YOU," she screamed widening her eyes she was now in a daze.

Angad Khanna stepped back with his hand up like he's caught by the cops for committing a crime. He wasn't a bit surprised by her reaction; in fact, he was pretty much expecting it.

"Relax woman! I'm your new body guard appointed by your parents and I will accompany you everywhere you go from now. And just to let you know I'm not the least sorry for what I did yesterday and I think you pretty much needed that cause you just wouldn't shut up," he grinned like a monkey. Even though she didn't believe in evolution, after meeting Angad Khanna she was now a hundred percent sure that humans evolved from monkeys, she smiled unconsciously and frowned the next moment seeing Angad staring at her waiting for a response.

She just started walking up the stairs while she was trying to processes the whole conversation and suddenly turned stunning Angad and said, "Hey…. There's no way that your going to be MY bodyguard so you're FIRED!" When he just grinned at her she was furious and now yelled, "DID YOU HEAR A SINGLE WORD I SAID?"

He finally made the courtesy to reply, "You're so predictable, aren't you? Cause your parents warned me before hand of how you'd react and said that even though you say so I will not be fired."

"Arrgh... you bloody body guard! I don't want anyone following me like a tail! Ghadhedo, saalo maro peechoj nathi chodtoh! Arrgh.. Mummy, pappa eh kevo cartoon character maro pachad mukiyo che! Hai bhagwan maari muddud karo," she started rambling on and on in Gujrati thinking he wouldn't understand anything after all Khanna's are Punjabi's right?

"Aree hoon aatlo man kharab nathi…," he replied with a smirk. Looking at her astonished face he explained further, "Tane khabar che ke mane pan Gujrati aavde che kemke mari mummy pan gujrati hati pan marra papa Punjabi.

She was staring at him in bewilderment with annoyance clearly written on her face and was dumb stuck with that million dollar smile of his. He wasn't that bad in looks. She laughed thinking of what she called him yesterday, a frog looking, mosquito licking, and a banana eating monkey. She wondered what made her say that and then she finally remembered he had kissed her because she was yelling at him because he said she looked beautiful and asked her for a dance. How dare he ask ME for a dance? How annoying! And that was a private party with rich and glamorous people, right? Then what was he doing there. He was probably someone else's body guard, she answered her own question.

"Funny how she's just like what she use to be, dobi," he muttered under his breath still grinning.

She looked at him suspiciously and then gave him a shrewd look running up the stairs while Angad just kept on staring at her amusingly.

Stripping out of her clothes, she locked the door because she had a bundar living in her house and now she would have to make sure that she isn't dressed to skimpily even in her on house. Aaarrgghhhh…..

After taking a shower, getting dressed in a pair a jeans and a tank she walked down the stairs and seeing him cook! Yes I said COOK in her kitchen she stopped in her steps and just stared unbelievably. She'd never known a guy who'd cook except obviously for a chef. She never imagined a bodyguard to cook… She'd always had a mental image of a body guard to be tall, black, always serious, and yeah, always frowning but her the scenario was totally opposite. Their in front of her eyes stood a handsome man with a wide grin on his face, which wasn't intimidating but it definitely made her inside unsettling. But she had to admit that he had some style in everything he did, even while cooking. She let out a laugh.

Angad glanced up from where the laugh came from and grinned even wider when he saw Kripa staring at him cook.

Kripa smiled a sweet angelic smile and headed towards him. That just made him feel that something was wrong; he'd expected her to give him those intimidating and disgusted shrugs. She came and sat on the breakfast table. "So what are you cooking? Are you a chef too?" she simply blurted out looking at him crack the eggs and making the mix to make her omelet. Her voice sounded like a kid watching someone do magic, he smiled and said no.

She watched him place the omelet dish with the glass of orange juice in front of her, so she again smiled her angelic smile, fluttering her eyelashes making him alert that this girl was definitely onto something.

She tried to start a conversation with him, "So… whose in your family?" That's an appropriate question, isn't it?

"My dad, mom, I have a sister and an older brother."

But that's all he'd do, answer his question, then shut up and stare at her smilingly. She said ok, thinking he did't really like her so she shut her mouth and finished her breakfast. The truth was he didn't want to reveal anything way in depth in case she found out who he really was. He handed the newspaper to her, and said open it after I'm gone and just in advance I'm really sorry but it isn't completely my fault cause you were the one freaking out," he said and dashed out of the kitchen.

She flipped the newspaper open, confused and let out a loud, furious scream, "AAAAAAHHH!! OOOHHH MMYYYYY GGOOOSSSSHHHHHHHH…!"

please tell me how it was and if i should continue

loads of love,


NEXT PART: page 3 N=3


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Comments (14)

dis is real good keep it up kanwer

17 years ago

amazing part and great promo continue soon

17 years ago

Great Promo! I don't have a any suggestions.The FF is going good! savina_10139162.5593634259

17 years ago

Ok! i'm kind of stuck and i wanted to have some suggestions or some ideas of what you guys want to happen in the ff and then i'll go from there... thanQ

17 years ago

Promo for Chapter 2:- She had completely forgotten about the party and her getting drunk! On the newspaper, it was a picture of her looking high and being dragged away with Anjali! The headlines were "Miss Kripa Sharma, daughter of the Suryaban Sharma who has one this year's Best Businessman's Award in India, is caught coming out of a private party drunk!"

17 years ago

I just started your ff and i thinks it really good you HAVE to continue soon!

17 years ago

thanQ so much all of you! i'll try posting a part day after or sometime this week hopefully

17 years ago

haha kripa has way too many freakouts...poor "imaginary" aaliya and angad has to deal with it...hmm not reallie a bodyguard?? maybe her parents want her to marry him..that would be cute

17 years ago

this is a really good fan fic i think the news paper will have angad and kripa kissing or something to good continue soon

17 years ago

Great part plzzz continue soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago
