Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:
She had completely forgotten about the party and her getting drunk! On the newspaper, it was a picture of her looking high and being dragged away with Anjali! The headlines were "Miss Kripa Sharma, daughter of the Suryaban Sharma who has one this years best business man's award in India, is caught coming out of a private party drunk!" As soon as she dropped the newspaper on the floor, she heard her cell phone ring so she ran upstairs and grabbed her cell phone from her bed.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit," she screamed in accelerating her voice every time. She picked the phone up "Daddy! I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me, I really am very sorry, I didn't mean to but that stupid monkey really irritated me so I had to do something but I don't know how I got drunk, Daddy! You know me, I would never touch alcohol! You know me Daddy, don't you? I'm really sorry that I broke your trust. I'm really sorry! I really am sorry for breaking your trust!" she started sobbing hysterically.

"Kripa! Stop crying right now!" it was her Daddy's firmest voice she had ever heard and she immediately stopped crying. "Kripa…" in a more softer voice now "you havn't broken my trust and I'm sure you will never ever break my trust… I understand at your age, people make stupid mistakes and it's not the end of the world so breath, Kripa… in and out…" To lighten up the mood he said "ok, so… who made my princess made so angry that she had to get drunk and call him a frog looking, mosquito licking, banana eating monkey" Surya cracked up on the other side of the line leaving Kripa red in the face. "Hey…" in a guarded tone of hers "how'd you know I said all that when it wasn't even in the newspaper?!?" "ok! Ok! You caught me, I investigated a little further than the news reporters and found out your lines…" he laughed making her frown.

"ok dad, jokes apart now what am I going to do with that frog looking, mosquito licking, banana eating monkey?" Now it was Surya's time to be puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Daddy, that monkey I got mad at yesterday is the new body guard you have appointed me!!! I can't even stand him for one moment. I was only nice to him because I wanted to get in the good side so that I could… oh.. umm… never mind." Surya heard exactly what she said but decided to act like he didn't pay any attention to it and said, "Well, darling he's a really good body guard and he will take good care of you even if it means risking his own life. Trust me! And don't take too much advantage of me now… I let you live by on your own and let you take your own responsibilities but now things have worsened and I can't risk your life for anything. So now do me a favor by not arguing and by hanging up the phone." Kripa frowned, "Bye daddy! I love you and tell Nishant Bhaiya and mom and Kanan Didi hi and tell them I love them too much!" "Ok, sweetheart. Now, Bye!" "Bye…"

As soon as she put the phone down, her phone started ringing again. After picking up the phone her one hello was replied with a long tirade from Aaliya telling her what she did yesterday and telling her how she was wrong and how she should never, ever, ever do something like that again. Kripa quietly listened to her, apologized and said bye saying she had some work to do.

She picked up the newspaper to read the whole article and noticed that there wasn't much of any slandering under her name or her dad's name which relieved her. She knew this was all Aaliya's work and she made a mental note to thank her when she next talked to her.

She noticed that Angad was not any where to be seen for the entire afternoon so she decided to continue with the plan formulating in her brain. Angad wasn't exactly avoiding her, but had left to go to his house to meet his family. However, before he left he informed the watchman's to keep an eye on Kripa and make sure she doesn't get out of the house.

Kripa lived in a big apartment and was currently a top businesswoman. She had not only studied business (MBA) but had also gotten a degree in medicine. She knew they had no connections but she wanted to be a businesswoman by profession but her parents wanted her to become a doctor.

The whole day Kripa stayed at home doing something or the other. She first, replied to all her emails then she updated her scrapbook with some more pictures and then read her favorite book once again.

It was 6 already by now so she went inside and took a shower and slipped on a gorgeous chestnut colored dress with sparkles on which gave her a ravishing but at the same time an elegant look. She sneeked downstairs and noticed the lights on in the living room. She figured Angad was probably home by now. How was she going to plan her escape without him noticing she was missing. Funny, wasn't it? How she was 24 years old and had to plan her escape because of the stupid duffer! She was so sure he was so dumb to even notice that she was out. She came down after slipping her robe on top of her dress. She yawned to get his attention.

"I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." She gave him a vindictive look and started making her way back to her room. He said, "ok! I'm going to bed too! Good night!" "you know you duffer, you could have apologized for what you did, instead of pretending like nothing ever happened. And instead of good night I'll wish you a bad night with bitter dreams!" She stuck her tongue at him and ran from there. Angad just stared after her unsure of what he should say or do. "It wasn't all my fault and mainly it was your fault! You're the one who got drunk and you're the one who couldn't control yourself in front of the press!" he yelled behind her.

Angad went and laid down on her bed. He closed his eyes and saw a girl jumping up and down next to him watching the football game focusing as if her life depended on who was winning. She screamed, "no.. no.. no.. oh god… yes! Yes! Ha ha, you stupid monkey, I knew it… it was so obvious the COLTS had to win!!" He was unable to sleep. After a half hour of him writhing in his bed, he got up and decided he needed a glass of water so he headed towards the kitchen when suddenly he heard a vase fall from the living room. He knew exactly what happening. He was some what expecting it.

hey guys! i know this part isn't that great but i promise to try to make it better! and yeah plz leave me comments and SUGGESTIONS. i really need it.

NEXT PART: page 5 PN=5


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Comments (11)


Thanx, i'll try

I'm really glad you liked it!



Glad you liked it!

I'm really happy to know you liked both options, but i am DESPERATE for an opinion... and thanx for commenting!

17 years ago

ya i'm really sry i got caught in stuff today n i havn't even started the next part and tomorrow my mom's cumin bak from india so i gotta start cleanin up the house cause it looks like a junkyard! so i'll probably put it up by saturday or maybe sunday and tomorrow is highly doubtfull... sry

17 years ago

i like both options, lol!!!! whtever u think is fine, i just wanna read the story, coz i LOVE it!!! so..... PLEASE try nd continue soon!!!!

17 years ago

hey. i just read ur fan fic. its so awesome. i love it. cont soon.

17 years ago

just outa curiousity... do you guys want them to fall in love and then a twist to come or do you guys want a twist to come and then have them fall in love??? n i'm not goin to reveal the twist anytime soon n thanx for the comments all of you!

17 years ago

thats super duper GREAT YOU seriously have to continue asap LOVE IT 2 MUCH!!!! kanwer

17 years ago

omg u hav an amazing ff ...cont soooooooon

17 years ago

hehe... really sorry for the misunderstanding the girl part was a flashback remember he shut his eyes and the flashback just wondered into his mind...
anwayz thanx a lot for the comment!

17 years ago

WOWO!!!! AWESUM prt, AGAIN!!! lol!!! i have like, NO suggestions, coz ur FF rocks!!! but... a ques: the girl he saw jumping, was just a dream rite???? anywazzz, looks like sum1's in trouble!!! continue soon!!!!!

17 years ago

oh... i'm sorry for the confusion! she wasn't in his bed... she was in his mind remember he shut his eyes and it was sort of a flashback

17 years ago
