Chapter 19

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Thanks mimi rani I'll take u up on the offer. The nexw fanfic is gonna start in two weeks if I get enough ppl. anyways though I'm goin away for friday and saturday so no updates on those days. I'll update the next chapter now:

Chapter 16

"Okay fine Kripa" Angad said giving up and opened the left hand draw of his desk and pulled out a file and put them in front of Kripa
"and what are these?" asked Kripa
"the divorce documents you sent me" replied Angad
Kripa smiled thinking 'finally something got through to him', "so Angad u finally agree that we are divorced"

Angad looked on at Kripa's naivety, which caused Kripa to look at him suspiciously
"What?" she asked
"don't get too happy Kripa, I think u should open up the file and have a look"
"Kripa looked down at the file and her expression changed immediately…
"Now hun, u will see that these documents only have one signature on them and those are of Mrs Kripa Khanna and there is no from signature Mr Angad Khanna. Now what does that tell u?"

Kripa got up abruptly "How dare u?! u send me these papers 5 years ago, which I sign because it's wat YOU wanted, and after 5 years u get engaged, I get engaged and all of a sudden I find that u never filed these papers! Infact u never even signed them!"

"Look Kripa let's start form the top for ur misconceptions, number one- I didn't send u these papers, u sent them to me and I didn't sign because I love my wife and I'm not going to let this marriage break up. Number 2-I did, do and intend to love u and remain with u for the rest of my life and finally number 3- I got engaged to Mishti after 5 years of searching for u, u ran away from me without another word. I never did intend on marrying Mishti, I got engaged to her to get my parents of my back and I don't love her. The woman that I love is standing in front of me- no, matter what she says or does to me I just can't agree on letting her go"

Kripa looked straight into Angad eyes "and what about the letters the phone calls why didn't u answer back to any of those?"
It took a minute for Angad to realize that Kripa hadn't been lying about these, she may have sent them or called him but he never did get those, so how could… Hold on a sec didn't Kripa say he sent the divorce letters and here he thought that Kripa had sent them. He grabbed the papers from the desk and flipped to the first page and noted the lawyers name and address- they had to find out the reason for them breaking up- this all sounded like too much, as if some one had planned on separating them, but who could it have been…?


The next morning
"Are u sure this was the right place Angad?" asked Kripa
"Yep! This is it" said Angad and opened the door to the building, there was a receptionist to their right with the name WATKINS SOLICITORS.

Today was the day they were going to get answers "excuse me" angad called the receptionist
"Yep sir what can I do for u" asked the lady
"Well I'm here to see a miss Debra Watkins" said Angad
"do you have an appointment sir?" asked the lady

Oh crap now what thought Angad and looked at Kripa. He smiled slightly and hoped that Kripa would get his gist as he gestured to the paper in front of the receptionist which had the appointments for today. Kripa nodded slightly and Angad began his plan

"Hi! Miss… (he looked at her name plate) Miss… Angela. Wow, ur soo beautiful what on earth are u doing stuck in an office like this!" Angad asked
The uptight receptionist who didn't get many compliments smiled showing her braces and moved more towards Angad to reply, which gave Kripa allowed Kripa to clearly see the appointment list, umm… 9.30am- Mrs. Amelia Smith. Kripa turned to see that Angad was still flirting with the receptionist and cleared her throat, no response so she cleared her throat again and finally got their attention

"I have an appointment with Miss Debra Watkins" she told the receptionist
"Yep, sorry can I take the name please" asked the receptionist
"Yep Amelia Smith" smiled Kripa
the receptionist looked awkwardly at Kripa, whilst Kripa put on a face of disgust "Looky here just because I'm of Asian origin does not mean that my name cant be-"
but she was cut off by the receptionist
"No miss It's not that but miss Amelia smith was here to draw up a will, she was quite old and frail"

S***, now what? Kripa looked to Angad for inspiration
"umm…umm…" Kripa burst into tears
"Her grandmother died!" shouted Angad
this stopped the receptionist and Kripa in their tracks
but for Angad inspiration had finally struck and he was getting into that office no matter what
"Yep her gradmother Amelia smith passed away and she had to come and-"

"Oh I'm soo sorry!"the receptionist looked at a Kripa who had filled up with tears again "Come on dear why don't you go straight in, go on no problem"
Kripa smiled slowly and went passed the reception area and smiled whilst Angad followed


Angad and Kripa looked at the lawyer "I'm sorry but I cant divulge my clients personal information"
"client-based!" shouted Angad "Well she's my wife so her or me, either of us should have sent these papers. I didn't send the papers neither did my wife so who could it have been"
The lawyer got a frown on her face and opened her chest of draws and said "bear with me a sec"

As she was looking for the file Kripa was still dwelling on Angad calling her his wife, was it true her and Angad weren't divorce? But wat now?"
Her thoughts were interrupted soon and the lawyer brought out a file and opened it up

"Oh it seems infact both of u are right a 3rd person had filed ur divorce but they had said they were doing as their boss had said"
"their boss?" asked Kripa
"The boss was Kripa Khanna"
"But I didn't!" Kripa protested

Angad held her hand as if to say I believe you and looked up at the lawyer "who was the 3rd person!" he asked

The screen goes silent as the lawyer says something and we see Angad and Kripa's shocked faces


and here's the promo:

Angad turned to find themselves parked outside Prithvi's house, they hurt a bullet being fired from inside, Kripa and Angad quickly ran into the house

okay that's all for now, gtg

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (10)

hey.......jus caught up with ur ff.......its fab...i mean its different....specially i luved tha interviews....its a reeely interesting n fun way 2 give a charachter intro..........plzz coninue soooon!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

fab part i hope they catcht hold of the culprit soon... continue soon

17 years ago

awsome part!!!!!!!I think itz Prithvi who did it cause, if itz mishti it wud be too much of a let go,nd u probably wud have told us alreadii i guess, i bet i m wrong anyways wonderful part nd plzzzz continue SoOn

17 years ago

Prithvi is Kripa's Fiance i think, hes Mishti's brother, and some guy Angads working with's step son i repeat "I think"

17 years ago

whos prithvi again? im glad they finally got answers!

17 years ago

that was so awesome, continue soon, cant wait

17 years ago

wikcked part keepc ontinuing

17 years ago

Ah!! you are evil girl!! Great part, but they're too short Prithvi or Mishty, I'm still not sure yett! lol Cont Soon!!

17 years ago

awesome part i hope they got their answers _________ ~Sana~

17 years ago

omg! the last part was soo intense! wow! jus amazing... contd soon! Prithvi has done it, now hasn't he? oh god! is he shot? or did he shoot sumone else? anywayz contd soon!!!!

17 years ago
