Chapter 20

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Okay guys I was gonna post the next couple of parts gradually. But I really just want to finish this fanfic. I barely have time on my hands for another fanfic as I have so many commitments for the time being. So I'm going to post the last part here, it is a long part and was suppose to span 3 chapters, but I though what the heck and added it all in one.


The lawyer got a frown on her face and opened her chest of draws and said "bear with me a sec"
As she was looking for the file Kripa was still dwelling on Angad calling her his wife, was it true, her and Angad weren't divorce? But what now?"
Her thoughts were interrupted soon and the lawyer brought out a file and opened it up
"Oh it seems infact both of u are right a 3rd person had filed your divorce but they had said they were doing as their boss had said"
"their boss?" asked Kripa
"The boss was Kripa Khanna"
"But I didn't!" Kripa protested
Angad held her hand as if to say I believe you and looked up at the lawyer "who was the 3rd person!" he asked

The screen goes silent as the lawyer says something and we see Angad and Kripa's shocked faces


Kripa and Angad drove to Angad house in silence and as they entered the driveway Kripa told Angad to stop the car
"But why?" asked Angad
"Just one sec" said Kripa and got out of the car "David!" she called the watchman
"Umm, yes madam" asked David
"umm, a couple of years ago your dad Charlie used to work here, right?" she asked
"Ummm, yes but unfortunately he went into a coma 6 months ago"
"Right, okay!" said Kripa turning away
"Madam!" she heard a David behind her, he held out a large box and said "Are u looking for these"
Kripa opened up the box and stared at letters and packages of all sizes, this was all the stuff that she had sent to Angad, finally she asked "but how?"
"Not how, but who!" replied David
Angad who was watching the exchange finally spoke up "Who's orders were these?" he asked

David speaks and the screen goes quiet again and then Angad turns to Kripa "I'm sorry Kripa I always felt it was your fault for keeping my daughter away from me for so long, but in fact it was someone so close to me that I would never had suspected-"

Suddenly Kripa's phone went off, Bleep Bleep
And Kripa turned to pick it up "Prithvi, how could you?! I trusted u prithvi! I'm coming immediately!" she shouted "I'm coming!"

Kripa turned to look at Angad with tears streaming down her eyes
"Angad" she choked "Angad, Aastha!" she broke down and held to Angad
"wat happened to Aastha?" he asked
"they've got Aastha! Prithvi…Prithvi he…he…" she let go of Angad abruptly and sat in the driving seat of the car and said "I have to get her!"
Angad sat in the passenger seat and Kripa reversed out the car and drove away at top speed

Angad looked at Kripa's concentrated face, there were tears down her face she was worried for their daughter. Here Angad was trying to save his marriage and now his whole family was being threatened, tears spilt down Angad's cheeks as he remembered Aastha

'Daddy!' Aastha shouted and that smile of her's danced in front of his face, "U promise we can go to Disney land?" "Pinky promise" she said holding out her little finger
Flash forward

No matter what, Angad promised himself he was not going to let anything happen this Aastha, this was all his fault if he had just listened to Kripa than none of this-

Angad turned to find themselves parked outside Prithvi's house, they hurt a bullet being fired from inside, Kripa and Angad quickly ran into the house

"I told you, no! u come near me and the kid dies" shouted the voice, Angad stared at the person holding Aastha with a gun to her head. Kripa turned to Prithvi with tears in her eyes "How…? How…? How did she get here? How did she get Aastha?" Kripa broke down whilst Prithvi gave her a hug and replied "I don't know Kripa, I just don't know"

"As if!" shouted the voice. Everyone turned to look at the person holding Aastha hostage
"Please don't do this! What will you get if u hurt my kid?" asked an angry Kripa

"U know what I'll get!" shouted the voice, the person turns around holding the gun closer to Aastha's head and we see that the person is Mishti!!!
"I'll get what I always wanted, Angad! U B**** Kripa u left but this idiot Angad never got it, I tried, tried so hard but no he just wouldn't marry me. He'd rather cry over u! and then u come back with this kid and he's gone crazy over u again! Just you and this kid. Guess what? I don't give a rat's a** anymore. I want Angad and I'll get him"

Prithvi spoke up "But Mishti how will u get Angad if don't let Aastha go, come on just let Aastha go, please"
"Vivi!" shouted Aastha and tried to free herself and run to Prithvi, but Mishti violently pulled her back, smacking her in the process
This boiled Angad up who stepped forth, but Kripa held him back

"Are u angry Angad?!" asked Mishti "I was angry like this for 5 years as well! Kripa saunters back into your life engaged to my brother! The same brother who fails to acknowledge that I'm his sister, the brother who should be helping me! And with this kid" she holds Aastha tighter "and Angad how do u know she's your kid? she's probably one of Kripa's many lovers kid who she's trying to pawn off on you!"

"Look Misthi!" shouted and angry Angad "Just give Aastha back, please! Just give her back! What will u get by hurting her, nothing right just give her back please!"
Aastha who was struggling and shouting 'mama' was being pulled back by Mishti

"Do u guys want to know what I'll get! I'll get to see tears and pain on Kripa's face, the same pain and tears that I had to go through all because of angad's stupid mistake of marrying Kripa!" Mishti turned to look at Angad "We were suppose to get married remember Angad, I wanted a big white wedding, I come back and find that your already married and that to this s***" she pointed to Kripa "Well I was having none of it so I did what I had to do, I created differences between u two!"

"and the papers?" Angad shouted
"Oh that was brilliant! A perfect plan, see I get the divorce papers drawn up and personally deliver them to Kripa! But the b**** still didn't believe me she came to visit u, sent u letters, called up. And I stopped it all I took those letters, I intercepted the calls and best off all I got those papers signed. But see I didn't know that u Angad didn't sign them and that Kripa would come back! And she did" shouted Misthi

"U knew I was pregnant!" said Kripa "I told you I was and that made no difference on you!"
"Yeh well that was one of angad's mistakes and I wasn't going to let u and your pathetic kid ruin mine and angad's life so I did what I had to do, I told u to get an abortion- recommended someone too! But u didn't listen. Well I didn't care much because u left the country, U and your kid could do what u want!"

It was at this moment that Prithvi saw that Mishti was too busy and so he moved towards her and getting closer he say that Kripa and Angad were trying to divert Mishti so he wouldn't notice. As Prithvi got closer he accidentally hit a table and Mishti turned on him "Back up bro" but Prithvi kept getting closer "I said back up!" she shouted "I will fire! I'm not afraid" and suddenly BANG, the noise of a bullet could be heard and a scream!

Kripa's mouth went dry and then she winced in pain, this was horrible exactly what she didn't want!
Angad ran forward to get a hold of Aastha from Mishti, he checked her over again and again for any injuries and on finding none he kissed Aastha, he was so happy he had his daughter back, he had his Aastha back. He turned to look at Kripa and watched sadly from a distance as Kripa had Prithvi's head in her lap, Misthi was standing by completely shocked.

Kripa was shaking Prithvi, he had to get up, he just did. He couldn't leave them now, Prithvi was Aastha's Godfather he had promised that he'd look after her and Aastha forever.

The police man at the door took in the scene immediately and the parametics arrived not soon after. Long after they had taken Prithvi Kripa sat glued to the same spot with blood on her hands and tears in her eyes.


Two weeks later

At the Khanna household the television was blaring "and finally Miss Mishti Bose was put behind bars, this whole fortnight many had assumed that she would get away due to her mental condition as her lawyers had plead, however the judge concluded that Miss Bose was fully aware and conscious of the effects of her actions. Miss Bose was told she would be spending life in prison!"

Angad grinned at the TV and looked towards the kitchen where his wife and daughter were making cookies, finally exactly as he had wanted- he had his family back. And not only that ever since Kripa had come back it was as if he had changed, everyone had commented on it and the truth was that without Kripa there never was an Angad and when she came back so had Angad.

Angad went into the kitchen and looked at Aastha who was sitting on the worktop with cookie dough on her cheek, he removed some with his finger and tasted "mmm, tastes good"
"Eww gross Angad" said Kripa turning around.
"mmm, Kripa I'm still hungry!" Angad exclaimed and made his way towards Kripa
"Angad back up, no! no! not now ! look Aastha's here" said Kripa walking back towards the wall, she hit the wall and closed her eyes and…. She felt a breeze, opened her eyes and looked at Angad grinning "I love you Kripa" said Angad and kissed her on the cheek, he turned to leave but Kripa held his hand to turn him around. She looked at him straight in the eyes and said "I've always loved you Angad and I always will. Even when I tried hard not to I just couldn't stop loving u" a tear gleamed in her eyes and fell down.

Angad and Kripa got closer and closer as if a totally forces was pulling them towards each other and….
"MAMA! DADDY!" Shouted Aastha. Angad and Kripa jumped and looked at their little angel who was now covered in flour from head to toe and laughed, "Come on mama, Vivi!" said Aastha

At hearing Vivi the name that Aastha called Prithvi, Kripa's face fell and she took the tray of cookies from Aastha's hand and turned to the doorway of the kitchen but…

But she was pleasantly surprised as she saw Prithvi standing at the entrance, a tear fell from Kripa's eyes and Prithvi grinned, he looked from Angad to Aastha and back to Kripa.

He held his heart and jerked forward whilst Kripa jumped and ran forward, then…then… he…laughed, he let go of his chest and laughed "God Kripa, your so sensitive, look I'm completely fine! And your still crying?"

Angad behind them grinned and picked up Aastha "Yes mama don't cry!" said Aastha and wiped her mother's tears. Whilst Prithvi looked down at the tray of cookies in Kripa's hand and said "Mmmm, I was waiting for these", he grabbed a cookie and Kripa
pulled the tray back.

"Come on Kripa look I'm completely fine" said Prithvi spinning around as if to show her "They took the bullet out and I'm okay, come on Angad- say something!"
"nah ah, don't drag me in!" said Angad backing up
A tear fell down Kripa's cheek and she put the tray of cookies down "YOU IDIOT!!! U ASS!!! HOW COULD YOU?!! U COULD HAVE DIED!" shouted Kripa and now that she had started she just couldn't stop "YOUR MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU WERE OFF TO KILL YOURSELF!"

Prithvi laughed and gave Kripa a friendly hug and said "at last she talks, and I thought she'd just stop talking to me"
"Shut up Prithvi!" shouted Kripa

"I blame you!" said Prithvi pointing at Angad,
"ME!" said an innocent looking Angad
"yep you, she's your wife, so she's your problem. I've got a date so I gotta go!" said Prithvi and made a beeline for the door

"Bye Vivi" said Aastha and Prithvi stopped to give her a peck on the cheek and waved to everyone.
"Look Kripa he's fine, if you didn't love me so much I would think there's still something going on between the two of you!" said Angad joking
Kripa punched Angad on the arm and Angad pretended to wince in pain "God Kripa! What have u been eating all these years, and when did u become a boxer?" said Angad
"Mama's a boxer! Mama can we have another boxer baby" shouted Aastha
"darling babies don't come out of the air u know" said Kripa
"But Sur's had another baby brother and I want one!"
Angad and Kripa looked at each other and laughed, the perfect family, exactly what they had all been hoping for
"It's not fair no one listens to me!" said Aastha

Later that night as Kripa and Angad stood outside Aastha's room, they both watched her sleeping- complete silence. Until the silence was interrupted

"So?" said Angad
"so what?" asked Kripa
Angad picked up Kripa in his arms and said "so… let's go try for that boxer baby"
Kripa went red and hide her face in Angad's shirt.

The End

Just to clear up something, I decided to make Prithvi good, this was the original plan and I wanted to make everyone was confused about who made angad and Kripa seperate and I guess it worked. All's well that ends well, lol. Anyway guys I hope u liked the ending, infact the whole fanfic.

These days I've got too much goin on so I guess my time on IF is gradually gonna diminesh, oh well it was good whilst it lasted and I wanted to say thanks to everyone for reading and encouraging me

love ya
Big smile starcity39313.4666550926

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Comments (9)

jst read da whole FF n it was really gr8 ............ i really enjoyed readin it da way Aastha was askin 4 a boxer baby was sooo cute

15 years ago

Great ending I enjoyed it, although I didn't want the story to end. It is really good. I hope u start another one soon. Take care.

17 years ago

yeah i was right, it was mishti after all, yipppee, party over party over, anyways hun that was the perfect ending, prithivi survived, kripa-angad-aastha lived happily ever after and mishti spends the rest of her life in jail, very good, i hope you write another ff..and that too VERY SOON

17 years ago

awesome ending!!! i absolutly loved it!!!

17 years ago

perfect... but it still has some things missing like y did josh & alli breakup & y was josh angry with angad...

17 years ago

perfect ending cant wait 4 ur next fick

17 years ago

that was an awesome ending loved it. __________ ~Sana~

17 years ago

it was a nice ff.really enjoyed readin it.

17 years ago

Aww I didnt expect you to end it so soon!! But great part, gosh Mishty really was a mental case, and thank gawd prithvi isnt another psycho here! lol! Looking forward to your next story!

17 years ago
