Chapter 18

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Chapter 15

She turned around and noticed Angad, behind him was a clock, 8pm it said.

Hold on 8 how was it that late, she got up and looked down at her watch, she shook her head and grbbed the purse form her bag, it had been on silent all day and now she had countless miscalls on it, I bet it was Aastha she thought to herself.

She dialed the number to her parents house and waited for someone to pick up, all the while conscious of angads eyes on her


"hello" said a voice on the phone
"Mum thank god, is Aastha there?" asked Kripa
"yes, she is. She's been calling u so many times. We've only just dragged her away from the phone, here she is" he mother told her

"MAMA!"shouted Aastha on the phone and Kripa smiled
"hey hun how are u? are u beinga good girl for nana and nani?" she asked
"yep I am, but mum they wont belive me when I told them that I had my dad back"
"ummm," Kripa was conscious of Angad looking a her and she was sure he could hear aastha's voice, after all she was at that age where she thought she had to shout down the phone to be heard
"When's dadi coming over next?" asked Aastha down the phone
"I…ummm…"Kripa was suck for words what should she tell her?

Suddenly she heard Angad shuffle and take the phone off her "Hello Aastha darling! How's my sweety-pie doing?" smiled Angad
"OH MY GOD, daddy!!! Where are u? are u with mama? Can u two pwick me up then and we can all go out for pwizza!" shouted Aastha down the phone
"ummm… what about if we do all that tomorrow and then we can go out and get u some new dolls as well" Angad said and Kripa looked daggers at him
Aastha laughed "buddu, I don't want dollies!"
"Then what does my little doll want?"
"I want.. I want lots of colurs and paper and glue… and glitter. Then I can make lots of dwawings of u me and mum. Then we can go have pwizza and then we can all go home and we ca play tea party and then…."
Angad cut her off and saud "okay, okay we'll do that, but all tomorrow okay?"
"okay, but u and mum will come and pwick me up, right?"
"yeh I will, bye Aastha!" said Angad
"Bye!"yelled Aastha,

Kipa snatched the phone form Angad "how dare u? u cant tell her that me and you are going to pick her up?"
Angad grinned and stood closer to Kripa and said "Why? Cant a man and his wife go and pick up their daughter?"
This angered Kripa so much that she was going pink with anger,
"are u angery Kripa?"said Angad in a sugar sweet voice "look ur going pink, I wonder is u go pink all over?" he asked suggestively. "actually we know the answer to that, right?? Good times"

"ANGAD!"ahouted Kripa
"yes honey" smiled Angad
"that's fine u don't have to be my honey, u can be my darling, dear, sweety-pie, love, snukums…" Angad starting rattling off more words "I don't mind, u choose"
"I dnt want to be ur anything!" shouted an annoyed Kripa
"that's not gonna work now is it Kripa darling!"

"Angad I need to speak to u?" said kripa
"u are talking to me, love" laughed Angad
"no I mean in ur office"
"come on Kripa" Angad turned his head both ways to see if anyone way around "we cant do that here in the office!"
This made Kripa blush, "come on Angad get serious, we need to talk abut Aastha, about u and about me"

"fine" said Angad and opened the door to his office, Kripa and walked to the biggest chair behind the table and stopped suddenly, hold on a sec she and Angad had broken up she couldn't very well saunter in and sit on his chair like she used to, she turned and sat on one of the other chairs, whilst Angad smiled at her dilemma

"Kripa darling remember when we just used to take up one chair and …" angad started
"Angad! I need to talk about something important, please!"
"fine go on, snukums" smiled Angad

the snukums just made Kripa more angery but she continued " look Angad, we're two mature adults and we need to discuss this realistically"
Angad kept quiet and looked ahead at Kripa saying her practiced lines, she looked really nervous-there was once a time where there was none of this formality between them and he wanted his family back, no matter what.
"Are u listening to me Angad?!" asked an annoyed Kripa

"umm, no not really" said Angad. To which Kripa made and angry growling voice

"Okay fine Kripa" Angad said giving up and opened the left hand draw of his desk and pulled out a file and put them in front of Kripa
"and what are these?" asked Kripa
"the divorce documents you sent me" replied Angad
Kripa smiled thinking 'finally something got through to him', "so Angad u finally agree that we are divorced"

Angad looked on at Kripa's naivety, which caused Kripa to look at him suspiciously
"What?" she asked
"don't get too happy Kripa, I think u should open up the file and have a look"
"Kripa looked down at the file and her expression changed immediately…

Why is Kripa shocked? what could have angad done? has Angad finally admitted to lying?


and the promo:

"Just one sec" said Kripa and got out of the car "David!" she called the watchman
"Umm, yes madam" asked David
"umm, a couple of years ago your dad Charlie used to work here, right?" she asked
"Ummm, yes but unfortunately he went into a coma 6 months ago"
"Right, okay!" said Kripa turning away

Will angad and Kripa ever get answer's? is destiny playing a trick on them? or could this be someone's doing?

Stay tuned for the next part cos in chapter 16 we find more answers and then in chapter 17 there is a twist thta not many people would have suspected.That's all for now, I might update a promo today or tommorrow- it depends cos I have a party to go to later on. Keep ur comments coming, it's what makes me write more! lol!

Big smile starcity39308.1825694444

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Comments (17)

lol seriuouslyy i dont think i can.. give me a day or two to think about it.. if anyone reading this reads my ffs, help mee lol do u guys want me to cont that or work on this one's chapter

17 years ago

btw wonderful part i loved it, so does this mean its not mishti...hmm anyways continue soon

17 years ago

Thanku! Comeon this could be your 1st chapter for a fanfic and all u gotta really do is write it, I'll even look over spelling and punctuation. Come on Armaghan0, what do u think?

[QUOTE=erier101]Ahhhh I thought you continued!! Continue Soonn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! And this next thing sounds interesting, but haha my readers will kill me, I've got three ffs going on, and I'm having writers block for them, so havent been continuing!

I know how writers block feels hun, lol- I've had it soo many times. erier101 u really cant do this new thing, just one chapter? and I tell u the title for it too! No ned to look over punctuation or grammer

Anyways everyone if I cant get more writers then this new ff gonna have to be put on hold for ages, so please come on guys! it'll be a collaboration, lol! and with different people's prespective it'll be cool. I dont mind if u havent written before!

17 years ago

Ahhhh I thought you continued!! Continue Soonn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! And this next thing sounds interesting, but haha my readers will kill me, I've got three ffs going on, and I'm having writers block for them, so havent been continuing!

17 years ago

amazing loved it magnificent part angads cutely annoying well this idea about the new fic is really unique but unfortunately am no writer

17 years ago

Okay guys so I've officially finished another ff on paper, I need to write it up and tweek bits then I'll start posting but for the time being I had an idea. The idea is that I have another ff but I've only written the promo for it, I need fanfic writers who would be willing to do some of the chapters, at most 2 chapters- the reason why I want other fanfic writers? cos basically it'll have a fresh feel to it! It's another AK fanfic.
Here's the promo
Oh she was going to kill Prithvi when she got her hands on him! How dare he? How dare he cheat on her? On Kripa Sharma? He was going to pay for this and big time!
Kripa cleched her fists together with her nails digging into the palm of her hands, until she was interrupted.
"Madam, can I get you anything" asked the air hostess.
Kripa shook her head and paid attention to the screen infront of herself, only three hours to go. Then she'd officially start her vacation for a whole month, she'd forget her high flying job and that Prithvi. She was going to have fun!
She turned the page of her magazine and that's when it hit her 'SUMMER FLING' and below it were the tips
Tip 1: ???
Tip 2: ???
Tip 3: ???
Tip 4: ???
Tip 5: ???
Tip 6: ???
Tip 7: ???
Okay so there's 7 tips and 7 chapters so I need 7 ff writers, I'll reveal the chapter titles to the the writer. If you have a preference on which chapter you want to do then let me know. Whoever is interested then PM me, or just let me know.

17 years ago

nice promo i cant wait nemoreeee

17 years ago

thank u 4 not feeling bad abt my comment & fab promo... but i think both mishty & prithvi r in this 2 gether... continue soon

17 years ago

[QUOTE=*Ejaz4Hinna*]omg i loveeeee aastha
i wonder whos playing games with them:S[/QUOTE]

Everyone loves Aastha! lol! We'll soon find out who's playing games with them

Glad u liked it, stayed tuned for the next part.

[QUOTE=erier101]awesome part!! they're so cute when they fightt!! lol!! man you keep leaving off at such interesting spots Even I don't make my ff readers suffer lyke dis!! Continue Sooonnn lyke todaii!!

LMAO! It's my speciality hun- leaving off at a suspense filled part is what makes evryone come back for the next part and just makes me plain evil


[QUOTE=iamsmart] just read ur ff and it's awesome
loved it. and astha is cho chweet


Thankyou! You read the whole ff, well hope u liked it and stayed tuned for the next couple of parts

Jerri starcity39309.2893287037

17 years ago

The Promo:
Suddenly Kripa's phone went off, Bleep Bleep
And Kripa turned to pick it up "Prithvi, how could you?! I trusted u prithvi
Is Mishti behind everything, or could it be her brother? are we suspecting the wrong peopleThat's it, I know I'm keeping the suspense but what to do, I'm an evil person like that, lol! . I'm going to update the next chapter tommorrow

17 years ago
