Chapter 17

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Jerri Javid


Okay, Okay I kow I havent updated for a while but now I promise I will in fact I've almsot finished writing out this fan fic on my computer, I'm just writting up a dramatic finale, and there's still twists and turns to come, so stayed tuned. But for now here's the next part, it's quite a long part:

Chapter 14

By that time Aastha had come down and looked at the two of them and said "Mama, mama do u know dadi says that he'll take me to Disney land"
Kripa smiles down at the child and stares at Angad with another one of her looks, she tales Aastha's hand and goes to walk away
"Bye, bye!" she hears Angads voice behind her
"Bye dadi, see u tomorrow" says Aastha.

This comment causes Kripa to stop she looks at Aastha and then at Angad and then asks "Tomorrow?"
"Yep mama! I told dadi u had the day off tomorrow and he said that he would take us out for McDonalds" says Aastha
"McDonalds-" Kripa is then cut of by Angad
"Come on Kripa, I need to come over to talk about things" then he whispers "and Aastha"
Kripa shuts up, picks up Aastha and walks away


The next day Angad came around at 11, Aastha was over the moon to see him and so dragged him around the whole house trying to show him every toy of hers. Kripa stood in the doorway of the play room as she watched father and daughter over a game of tea party,

Aastha had sat Angad down on one of the little chairs along with several of her teddies, it seemed quite funny actually Angad looked huge in the room, a giggle came out of Kripa's mouth as she watched Aastha serve 'tea'. At that moment Angad looked up at Kripa. They both held each others gaze till Aastha broke them out of it and dragged both Angad and Kripa downstairs she was ready to go to McDonalds


Kripa and Angad watched Aastha outside in the garden, Kripa gave Angad his cup of coffee and got ready for what was going to come.
"Kripa what is this? U know I could fight for custody of Aastha"
"On what grounds?!" shouted an outraged Kripa

"U never told me that I had a child, we're not divorced and above all u can't get married to Prithvi because we're still married"
"WHAT! Run that by me again Angad" said an angry Kripa
"Please Kripa don't insult me or yourself. We fall in love and get married then we have problems, you up and leave one day and 3 years later I find my wife and a child that I didn't know existed"

A shocked Kripa says "Is this a joke! Please tell me u are lying, I phoned you hundreds of times to get through to you the minute I found put I was pregnant and I mailed u about Aastha- u never replied. Even on her 3rd birthday I posted the pictures to u. You make no effort to see you're daughter and now u up and tell her you're her dad. U couldn't be a dad even if it killed u! You're a hypocrite Angad. And the divorce! U were the one who sent the papers and I sent them back and so that allows me to marry whoever I want and you can't stop me"

"Please Kripa I've had enough of your insecurities! U phoned and mailed? I did not receive anything. Kripa It's not that hard to get hold of me"
"I was turned back your best friend and fianc who told me to get an abortion- how do you think that made me feel?" said Kripa with tears out of her eyes
"Kripa, please! Don't drag Mishti into this again!"
Kripa stood up and shouted "Angad GET OUT!"

Angad calmly puts down his coffee, gets up and walks towards Kripa. Kripa and Angad stand nose to nose and Angad says "Fine I couldn't be the best husband, I couldn't give you the one thing you craved security but in reality Kripa I loved u and my word should have been enough for you. You up and left from my life years ago, but there is no way I am letting you take away my daughter, no way" I seething Kripa stays quiet

With that Angad goes to the garden and kisses Aastha good bye, he once again stops by Kripa and says "We need to talk, I'll be in touch" and walks towards the front door.


Kripa sat outside angad's office, she wasnt going to take anymore lies, she wanted him to admit that he was wrong. Why was he trying to make everything so hard for her. She looked around the office, it looked like it had changed a lot and no matter what she wasnt leaving without answers today.

"Mam, sir is out of the office, I'm not sure when he's going to come in, he may be late" said the secretary
Kripa looked up at the clock it was 1pm and no way was she leaving, she looked up at the secretary and said "No problem I'll wait"

The secretary looked as though she was ready to say something but remained quiet. At 2pm Kripa looked at the clock again and yawned, after angads parting words yesterday and his threats she couldn't sleep all yesterday night, slowly Kripa's eyes were closing and the secretary had noticed, "Mam do u need a coffee or something?" she asked

"no, I'll be fine thank you" said Kripa, after another half an hour she layed down on the plush coach she was sitting on and told herself she would only close her eyes for a second…just a second


"Hey Maria" Angad greeted his secretary and looked at the clock, it was 8pm he had just come to pick up some papers but maria should have left 2 hours ago, the whole building seemed to be empty. Strangely enough he looked at her staring at something and turned around. In the waiting room, Kripa was sleeping on one of the sofa's, he looked back at maria for answers
"Sir, she came in around 1 and she was adamant to meet u I troed to tell her that you had a long schedule today but she wouldn't move, and she loked soo tired so…."
"But weren't you suppose to leave 2 hours ago maria?"asked Angad
"Yes sir but the lady looked really worried so I thought I'd stay till u came back"
"Thanks maria, you can go now" he told her.

Mraia gathered her things and waved goodbye, whilst Angad looked down at Kripa, he knew that Aastha was down kripa's parents house, she had told him yeaterday when they went to mc donalds,but then what was so urgent that Kripa was here?

He bent down and removed some of her har out of her face and smiled, in the lats 5 years she hadn't changed one bit, se was still beautiful and soo feisty, he had loved her for her spirit…Hold on a second… Angad stopped in his tracks…Did he still love Kripa? He asked himself, he knew the answer instantly as he looked down at her. There wasn't one day or one time when he didn't remember her and now after all this time she came back. But what about her deceit she hadn't told him about Aastha, he missed 3 and a half years of his daughters life all because of Kripa! He turned his face around and thought about all that was going on. Then he heard her move and a yawn, he turned around and watched her get up, she was wearing a white shirt and a navy blue silk skirt with ruffles around the bottom, and long beads around her neck. Slowly her hair started to fall out of the bun and cascaded down her shoulders, Angad stared.


She turned around and noticed Angad, behind him was a clock, 8pm it said. Hold on 8 how was it that late, she got up and looked down at her watch, she shook her head and grbbed the purse form her bag, it had been on silent all day and now she had countless miscalls on it, I bet it was Aastha she thought to herself.
She dialed the number to her parents house and waited for someone to pick up, all the while conscious of angads eyes on her

"hello" said a voice on the phone
"Mum thank god, is Aastha there?" asked Kripa
"yes, she is. She's been calling u so many times. We've anly just dragged her away from the phone, here she is" he mother told her

"MAMA!"shouted Aastha on the phone and Kripa smiled
"hey hun how are u? are u beinga good girl for nana and nani?" she asked
"yep I am, but mum they wont belive me when I told them that I had my dad back"
"ummm," Kripa was conscious of Angad looking a her and she was sure he could hear aastha's voice, after all she was at that age where she thought she had to shout down the phone to be heard
"When's dadi coming over next?" asked Aastha down the phone
"I…ummm…"Kripa was suck for words what should she tell her?

Suddenly she heard Angad shuffle and take the phone off her "Hello Aastha darling!

Will Angad and Kripa see eye to eye?or will Kripa's insecurities get the better of her? Do Angad and Kripa still love each other? or has time got the better of them?  will this be the end to a relationship that only once was?

And here's the promo:

Kripa looked straight into Angad eyes "and wat about the letters the phone calls why didn't u answer back to any of those?"
It took a minute for Angad to realize that Kripa hadn't been lying about these, she may have sent them or called him but he never did get those, so how could…

What is going on? will angad and Kripa find out the truth? did they themeleves delibrately sabotage their relationship? or could it be a different reason entirely?


that's all for now, hope u guy's liked it. I'll be posting up a promo soon and hopefully the more interest I get in this fan fic the sooner I am likely to update. So definately comment even if it's 1 paragraph of one word, just so I knw that people are still reading and I've started writing my next fan fic as well.

Anyways bye guys
Jerri Big smile

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Comments (15)

fab promo... i think so angad has not signed thise papers... that's y kripa is surprised... cant wait... continue soon

17 years ago

awesome update and promos!!! i hope angad and kripa find out the truth soon!!! and back together! plzz cont soon!!

17 years ago

[QUOTE=MUNNIBABA2007]guess what i just realized i read teh part thats why i felt like i had read this before...and then now i saw i had commented twice and iw as like... wow i really need to work on my memory... ic an never remember what i read... lol sorry just wanted to share it with you... lol...

okk will be waiting fro you to continue...and this time i wont forget what ir[/QUOTE]LMAO, That's so funny! and u didnt even realise

17 years ago

nice part and nice promo.waitin for ur nxt part

17 years ago

guess what i just realized i read teh part thats why i felt like i had read this before...and then now i saw i had commented twice and iw as like... wow i really need to work on my memory... ic an never remember what i read... lol sorry just wanted to share it with you... lol... okk will be waiting fro you to continue...and this time i wont forget what ir

17 years ago

Thank you, mmm good guess- but keep reading to find out more[QUOTE= erier101]great part!!! i think mishty was fully involved in it, and she was the
one who never told about the photographs and emails... cont soon!! lol, great guess and keep reading[QUOTE=Iqbal Neha1]
amazing part
and the promo sounds really intresting
Glad u liked the part and there is more suspense to come
[QUOTE=MUNNIBABA2007]awesome part... ir ead it like an hour ago... sometime thembn but
couldn't comemnt..anywyass... rgeat part... continue sooooooon!!!! lol, I'm glad u commented like I said one word or one line it just lets me know that someone is reading
fab part
hope AK sort out their probs...
i bet becoz of mishty angad couldnt get kripa's mails & all...
continue soon Even I hope AK sort out their problems, but I've yet to write an end to this story so we'll see wat happens.
awesome part...great ff... cant wit to see what teh actual deal was and why they actually seperated... continue soooon~! Yey! Another comment I'm glad u guys liked this fanfic, next part will reveal more of the story. Part 16 is going to be very good as well as there will soon be a twist in the story- so stay tuned guys
aashtha is adorable!
i bet it was mishti!:@:@:@:@ lol this part reminded me of jaanemann! Aastha is adorable- so true. And every one is gonna find out soon who seperated AK, there may be turn which wasnt expected. and do u know something- I havent watched Jaaneman- Is that the one with Preity,Akshay and Salman?Thanks for the comments everyoneJerristarcity39307.4952083333

17 years ago

"and what are these?" asked Kripa
"the divorce documents you sent me" replied Angad
Kripa smiled thinking 'finally something got through to him', "so Angad u finally agree that we are divorced"
Angad looked on at Kripa's naivety, which caused Kripa to look at him suspiciously
"Wat?" she asked
"don't get too happy Kripa, I think u should open up the file and have a look"
"Kripa looked down at the file and her expression changed immediately
lol, I told u the fan fic wouldnt be straight forward. I'll update later today or tommorrow- i've got loads of files to clean up-my room looks like crap, if my mum sees it then I'm dead

17 years ago

aashtha is adorable! i bet it was mishti!:@:@:@:@ lol this part reminded me of jaanemann!

17 years ago

awesome part...great ff... cant wit to see what teh actual deal was and why they actually seperated... continue soooon~!

17 years ago

grt pfanfic cant wait for u to continue

17 years ago
