Chapter 16

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Okay so I'm back, I've been so busy recently with work and results tension. I passed all my exams Big smile, Yipee one less thing to worry about now. So I'm gonna update the next chapter

Chapter 13

"Angad please, I just need to get away from here, this place and…" Kripa stopped and stared at Angad
"and u need to get away from me, right?" finished off Angad
"Please Angad" pleaded Kripa
With tears coming out of Angads eyes he kissed the top of Kripa's head and moved out of the way.

He watched Kripa walk away and then the front door slam, she was gone but he wouldn't let her stay away from him, he needed her and he knew for sure that she needed him

Flash forward


After that day he had tried so hard but he never found her, after 3 and a half years finally she was back and this time he wasn't going to let her go, but he just couldn't believe that Kripa would keep away his daughter, why would she do that? He was angry and confused, he needed answers and the only person to answer them was Kripa.

He looked down at the file in his hand once again and noted the address, he was definitely going to meet her today, after work he would go and see her.


Angad looked down at the address 152 Richmond road, this was the right place but it looked crowded, but why? Oh well he's got nothing to do with it. Angad parks the park and walked up o the steps, there seems to be a party at the house, with people milling in and bringing bouquets, umm strange.

Angad got to the front step and as the door was wide open he walked right in, everyone in the huge house seemed to be celebrating something with the dolki playing and… and was that Mr. Anand Mathur?

Anand came up to Angad and gave him a friendly handshake, "Hello Angad I thought you had said you couldn't come today"
"But all of this?" asked a confused Angad
"Yeh like I said I'm having a little party today it's my step sons engagement" said Mr Anand "It's a last minute kind of thing"
"Gees I'm really sorry I didn't get anything for him, but congratulations. See I think I may be at the wrong address, I came to meet Kr-"
It was at this moment that Angads eyes fell on the stage which has a huge sign saying Congratulations Mr. P. Bose and Miss K. Sharma
"I don't mean to pry Mr. Mathur but the sign says Mr. P. Bose. Is your step son by any chance related to Damini and Mishti Bose"
"Yeh" replied Anand, Angad looked at him confused but his name…

Anand turned around and said "See the thing is Damini is my ex wife Prithvi is her son, her, Mishti and Prithvi had come to stay with me ten years ago, Damini and my relationship couldn't survive but me and Prithvi and I had a great father-son relationship. Damini and I got divorced 9 years ago and Prithvi stayed with me, the thing is he doesn't get on with his mum or his sister"
"Oh all right…Well congratulated him on my behave, but I have to-"     
"No problem Mr. Khanna, I hope you find whoever you're looking for" with that Mr. Mathur turns to walk away


Angad, he turned ready to go to the door but stopped still, why were Kripa's parents here? Her brother too? If they are here then is Kripa? Angad turned around and stopped as the whole house went pitch black and then the spot light landing on Kripa's parents. Her father was holding the microphone "Today is a very special day for my wife and me, today we're having a new addition to our family. Today is the engagement of Prithvi Bose to my daughter Kripa Sharma!"


Angad stood on the same spot, shocked, completely awed. Then 2 spotlights came on the stage, on Prithvi and one on Kripa walking down the stairs in a beautiful turquoise sari, she looked amazing. Prithvi and Kripa walked to the stage and the couple exchanged rings, there was applause and cheers all round.

Angad stood still, time seemed to have stopped for Angad. He looking at the couple and then the whole hall heard another voice "Mama! Zizi!" the spotlight shone on Aastha who was all dressed up she ran down the stairs and dove into Prithvi's arms. It looked like the perfect family Prithvi, Kripa and Aastha.

Angad looked at them a tear rolled down his eye, he turned away and walked out of the house.


Angad stood in his living room near the bar, with a bottle in his hand and tears in his eyes. This was wrong! All wrong! This is crazy, she's getting married to Prithvi. Her, Prithvi and Aastha together! Arggghhh Angad smashed the bottle and grabs the other bottles on the counter and smashed them on the floor.

With thoughts going around and around in his head, suddenly he stops, no way was he letting Kripa get away this time, especially not with his daughter. Besides Kripa and Angad had never got a divorce…so…so that meant that Prithvi and Kripa cant get married. All he had to do was talk to Kripa and hopefully get back his family


"Kripa!" shouted Aaliyah, she ran forward and went to hug her "Oh my god you've changed so much, and I missed you loads"
With tears in Kripa and Aaliyahs eyes, Josh looked on
"Thank god I got my best friend back" said Kripa
"Humph, Humph" said a voice behind them, Kripa turned and smiled at Josh

"Fine I'm happy that I have both of my best friends back. And I'm so glad I got something through the rock that Josh calls a brain, now Aaliyah if he ever annoys u, then u know where to turns, right?"
"Yep, Kripa I'm so thankful that u were able to get us together. But I look at you Kripa, and I know u and bhai could be the cutest jodi again"

"No Aaliyah" says a stern Kripa "Whatever we had is finished and all because of him"
"But Kripa-"
"Aaliyah, please. I really don't want to talk about this"
"That's fine"


Kripa looked in the crche again but couldn't find Aastha, where could she have....? She turned and looked at the assistant and asked where her daughter was
"Well her father came and got her, told us that when you come, to tell u that he is in the park across the road"
"Her father? But how can u be so irresponsible! Giving my child to a stranger!"

"But madam their surnames are the same, Khanna and he had the same eyes as Aastha, we're really sorry we didn't know that Mr. Angad Khanna was not allowed to pick up the girl. We do apologies but he is just in the opposite park, we can see them from the window"

An angry Kripa stomped across to the park, she watched Angad and Aastha play, as soon as Aastha saw her she ran over and gave her a hug and said "Mama look I found my Dadi"
An outraged and shocked Kripa looked at Angads smiling face she ushered Aastha onto the play set and stood nearer to Angad

"What the hell is this Angad!" she whispered loudly so that Aastha wouldn't hear
"I'm just letting our child know the truth" said a smug Angad smiling at Aastha on the swing set
"Truth!" shouted Kripa
"Shhh keep it down Kripa, we don't want you're shouting to have any adverse effects on Aastha" Staring into Kripa's eyes

"Adverse effects?" said Kripa, she raised her hand and before she knew is Angad had held it, and then kissed the back of it
Kripa starred at him daggers whilst Angad kept back his laugh. Kripa grabs back her hand

By that time Aastha had come down and looked at the two of them and said "Mama, mama do u know dadi says that he'll take me to Disney land"
Kripa smiles down at the child and stares at Angad with another one of her looks, she takes Aastha's hand and goes to walk away
"Bye, bye!" she hears Angads voice behind her
"Bye dadi, see u tomorrow" says Aastha.

This comment causes Kripa to stop she looks at Aastha and then at Angad and then asks "Tomorrow?"
"Yep mama! I told dadi u had the day off tomorrow and he said that he would take us out for McDonalds" says Aastha
"McDonalds-" Kripa is then cut of by Angad
"Come on Kripa, I need to come over to talk about things" then he whispers "and Aastha"
Kripa shuts up, picks up Aastha and walks away



Aastha had sat Angad down on one of the little chairs along with several of her teddies, it seemed quite funny actually Angad looked huge in the room, a giggle came out of Kripa's mouth as she watched Aastha serve 'tea'. At that moment Angad looked up at Kripa. They both held each others gaze till Aastha broke them out of it and dragged both Angad and Kripa downstairs, she was ready to go to McDonalds

Okay that's all for now, only a few more chapters to go and I'm gonna start updating regularly

Bye guys
Big smile

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Comments (15)

hehe promo made me laugh u got sum gd ideas!!! how abt adding kavyanjali and neevprachi aswell? hmmmmm itz 2mrw so u can update now i no im an impatient kidd xxxxxxxxxx

17 years ago

we will all b waiting... plz continue soon... cant wait 2 see what angad has in his mind

17 years ago

I'm sorry I havent updated guys, I just got my laptop back from repair and now my battery has gone, hopefully I should be able to get a new battery tommorrow and then update. If it takes longer to get the battery then unfortunately its gonna take me longer to update but for now here's a promo:
"that's fine u don't have to be my honey, u can be my darling, dear, sweety-pie, love, snukums…" Angad starting rattling off more words "I don't mind, u choose"
"I dnt want to be ur anything!" shouted an annoyed Kripa
"that's not gonna work now is it Kripa darling!"
"Angad I need to speak to u?" said kripa
"u are talking to me, love" laughed Angad
"no I mean in ur office"
"come on Kripa" Angad turned his head both ways to see if anyone way around "we cant do that here in the office!"
This made Kripa blush, "come on Angad get serious, we need to talk abut Aastha, about u and about me"
Bye guys Jerri

17 years ago

hey dear tom has come & gone.. when r u going 2 update... it feels like ages since u have continued... continue soon

17 years ago

great parts!! the promo sounds cool!! and id love to read another ff by you, as long as a-k are in it cont soon!!

17 years ago

aww it was really cute...update soon i cant wait

17 years ago

lol, even I'm confused? I did write it down a couple of chapters ago, fights! misthy and angads relationship and ...I havent quite revealed the real cause for their divorce, u'll find out soon enough.I'll try 2 update tomorrow!starcity39295.6855787037

17 years ago

amazing that angads so full of himself but am still confused y did they boht seperated

17 years ago

Awesome Part Continue Soon

17 years ago

awesoem part...soo kripa's getting married to prithvi angad and astha were so cute ...plzz cont soon ..ur ff with the mini stories on different couples sounds cool!! cant wait..

17 years ago
