Chapter 15

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Jerri Javid


Chapter 12

Josh looks at his wife and her words go around and around in his head, she was pregnant and here he was finding ways to make her life miserable.

Yesterday Aaliyah had gone to Angads house and Josh had picked her up and brought her home. Being around Angad bothered him but he had talked to Kripa. She had been trying so hard to get some sense into his head as she had said. Josh shakes his head when he realizes that Aaliyah had been saying something, he listened again

"How long have u been there?" asks Aaliyah
"Umm a couple of hours" replies Josh
"Hours! But… Where's Alekh?" A worried Aaliyah asks jumping out of bed

"Your parents came and took him" Josh holds Aaliyah's hand and says "Aaliyah we have a lot of talking to do, umm… why don't u freshen up and meet me in the dining room" With that he lets go of her hands and leaves
Aaliyah stands in the hall worried about what is going to come next, Camera zooms out


Angad walks into the conference room where Mr. Anand Mathur was sitting, Anand seems like a nice guy around the age of Angad's dad, he wanted Khanna decorating to do the interior decorating for his major project,  today was the signing of the deal. Anand had told him that one of his associates, the head architect would come soon.

Unfortunately the associate was unable to make it, but to celebrate the deal Mr Mathur was throwing a party soon and Angad was invited, it was for tomorrow but Angad seriously didn't feel like it.

Kripa was somewhere around him with his child yet he didn't know where she was or what she was doing. Angad had tried so hard to get the information out of Lakysha new wife KT but she wouldn't budge and said that Kripa had made her promise not to tell anyone. No matter how hard he hade tried he couldn't get any information about her and this was really annoying him.


"Aastha! Aastha!" shouted Kripa she looked around the garden and further down the street, where could Aastha have gone? How did she? Kripa shouted Aastha's name louder

"Here mama" said Aastha and ran forward and hugged Kripa
Kripa held Aastha's face and looked into her eyes "God Aastha, I swear you're going to give me grey hair early. All this running after u is making me old"

"Mama I'm bored Sur went home to nani and nana and I want to go to, why can't we go? Why are u in this pooey place?" asked an angry Aastha

Kripa giggled and said "Beta I have some work here, we'll be here for a while about 6 months, and u can go to school here too"

"I don't want to! I want to go home, I don't like it here" said an adamant Aastha crossing her arms and turning around
"Please beta, Zizi will be with us. He's coming home soon"
"He is!" asked Aastha forgetting her anger
"Yep he is, look there he is" said Kripa pointing to a figure in the distance
"Yippee" Aastha shouted and ran towards the figure


The next morning Angad looked at the file on his desk and smiled, finally he was getting all the information he needed, he opened the file and looked through all the detail, the details told him that Kripa had left the country not long after… not long after their fights and arguments…


"Don't u dare Kripa! Don't u even dare!" shouted Angad
"U liar, u fraud Angad. You cant stop me" said an equally angry Kripa
"U wouldn't, you don't have the guts" said a confident Angad staring at his angry wife, he had just come home from the office and was confronted with an angry Kripa. At the moment Kripa held a priceless vase in her hand and was aiming at him.


The vase hit the wall next to Angad, Angad angry lets go of his briefcase and stared at Kripa, she had tears lining her eyes and an anger so deep. This was ridiculous! Finally after so long they had gotten married, they were happy, he loved Kripa and Kripa loved him- but 6 months later everything seemed to have changed.

"KRIPA!! I could sue u know, take u to court and I could-"
"U could what Angad? Divorce me! I bet that's what you really want"
Angad held his head and shouted "Why would I even want that?!"
"Don't act so innocent! I know all about your and Mishti's affair"

This is what had been happening for the last couple of weeks with Kripa. Angad was spending too much time with Mishti and Mishti would give out signals and say stuff which brought Kripa to a boil, she knew Mishti wanted Angad and she had warned Angad but he wouldn't listen. To Angad he just felt like Kripa was insecure, recently Kripa has gone back to her job with Paolo to pursue her main interest of architecture. Ever since Kripa had left Khanna enterprise this chaos had followed.

"Kripa there is nothing going on between me and Mishti, she's a childhood friend and an investor"
"Then why did she come around to tell me all the nitty gritty details"
"Kripa don't act stupid there is nothing between us and don't bring Mishti down to your level"
"Oh that's funny, now I'm stupid!!! I bet this is what u really want, u want to be with her, then why bother with this game? This faade? I hate u Angad!"
"U hate me then why don't u just leave!" shouted and angry Angad

Kripa stared at him with tears streaming down her face, shocked as the words drowned over her she stared at the man she loved and realized that it was finally time to end things, she turned and ran up the stairs

Angad watched Kripa walk away, he hit his fist on the wall in front of him, why did he just say that? Was he crazy he knew he couldn't live without Kripa, then why? Oh crap, he better go up and bring her around- she would probably be mopping in the bedroom, he took the steps 2 at a time and stared in shock as he reached the bedroom

Kripa heard him coming up and got ready for the fight, there was definitely another one to ensue and she was ready, she turned to grab her toiletries to pack in her trolley but Angad stood in the way
"What are you doing Kripa?" demanded Angad
"U said u wanted me out of you're house so I'm leaving" said Kripa wiping away her tears.
"U know that's not what I want, I was just angry and I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry, Hun" said Angad and held Kripa's face
Kripa shuddered and walked away from Angad and got her toiletries and put them in the trolley, she zipped it up and held onto the trolley for dear life, she had to be strong and she wouldn't back away today.
"Kripa what are u-?"
"Angad" said Kripa, wiping away a fresh wave of tears "I think… I think we need a break"
"Huh? But-"
"Angad please, I just need to get away from here, this place and…" Kripa stopped and stared at Angad
"and u need to get away from me, right?" finished off Angad
"Please Angad" pleaded Kripa
With tears coming out of Angads eyes he kissed the top of Kripa's head and moved out of the way.

He watched Kripa walk away and then the front door slam, she was gone but he wouldn't let her stay away from him, he needed her and he knew for sure that she needed him

Flash forward

After that day he had tried so hard but he never found her, after 3 and a half years finally she was back and this time he wasn't going to let her go, but he just couldn't believe that Kripa would keep away his daughter, why would she do that? He was angry and confused, he needed answers and the only person to answer them was Kripa.

He looked down at the file in his hand once again and noted the address, he was definitely going to meet her today, and after work he would go and see her.



"Yeh like I said I'm having a little party today it's my step sons engagement" said Mr. Anand "It's a last minute kind of thing"
"Gees I'm really sorry I didn't get anything for him, but congratulations. See I think I may be at the wrong address, I came to meet Kr-"
It was at this moment that Angads eyes fell on the stage which has a huge sign saying Congratulations Mr.…..  and Miss....

Okay guys that's all for now-so many qusetions and so little time, hope u guys liked it

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (5)

awesome ff... just finished reading the whole thing..i luved ur ff kangana and i luv this one too!!! i wonder who zizi is..hmm plzz cont soon

17 years ago

nice part.lets see to whom she gets engaged!

17 years ago

ok some thing tells me it is going 2 b kripa getting engaged 2 mr. mystery... but if AK didnt meet after that... how come they got divorce??? continue soon... ur suspence kills me...

17 years ago

Anand is a business associate (he's like 60) of angad who's step son is getting engaged and angad is invited to the engagement. Zizi is a mystery at the moment and Kripa does have a daugter

17 years ago

omgomgomg whos this zizi guy! step son????? im soooo confused!whos anand and if hes married to kripa then who the **** is this step son:S:S:S kripa has a daughter not a son right? im soooo confused!

17 years ago
