Chapter 14

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Jerri Javid


Chapter 11

"Angad ran as fast as he could to the nursery part of the venue and looked around, he found the baby sitter and asked "Excuse me have you seen a Kripa Khanna, I mean Kripa Sharma?"
"Umm yes she just left with aastha, that devil. Aastha has been shouting for ages that her Zizi is coming and he did. Look there she is" the baby sitter said pointing to the entrance of the venue, where he could see Kripa was ready to leave from with Aastha in the arms of a man amd both Kripa and the man are walking away, he runs after but them but instead finds them getting into a car a leaving.

Angad tries to make out who the man is, but they drive off and all Angad is left with is the make and model of the car a lexus- blue.
Now what was he going to do? He had to track down Kripa! He had questions and the only persons with answers to those questions was Kripa!
Defeated Angad walked back into the hall to be confronted by and angry Mishti

"Where did you go?" asked Mishti
"Oh please Mishti lets not pretend to ourselves that we have a relationship. You know the only reason I'm marrying you is because of mama and dadi, they think I need someone in my life and you volunteered yourself. You know I don't love you then why are you doing this!" asked a frustrated Angad and walked away

"Angad Khanna you don't know what I did to finally get you and no way am I giving you up again to a b**** like Kripa. She doesn't deserve your love! Soon we'll be married and then that Kripa won't be able to do anything. Stupid b**** brought her kid too. I've kept Angad away from her for 3 years and there is no way I am going to let them together now." Says a fuming Mishti and stalks away

Back in the hall Angad looks for Lakysha and spots him
"Lakysha Kripa Mumbai kaab ayi?" asks Angad
"But why bhai?" asked Lakysha
" Because Kripa-" says Angad and is interrupted
"Kripa kya Angad?" asked a voice behind him. It couldn't be, could it?

Angad turned around and there standing before him was… Josh
Josh had made it a point to never come near Angad, infact he stopped talking to Angad after what he had done to Kripa

"You know why Josh?" said a frustrated Angad
"Look Angad, if you want what's best for you. Then you will stay away for her" replied Josh. Lakysha looked at the exchange between the two and quickly excused himself.

"Josh you know why I want to meet her. You've seen that kid and-" said Angad
"Her name is Aastha"
"Yes well you've seen Aastha and you know she's mine. Kripa hid this from me, how could she?"

"Oh please Angad! I am not losing my best friend again, because of you. You act so innocent but you don't fool me. And Aastha is not your child and never will be!" shouted Josh
"What do u mean?!" asked Angad

"Angad what do you think I am? Aastha is Kripa and only Kripa's child. Do you know what Kripa has been through? How far she's gotten in life without you? So do me a favor and stay away from her!" said Josh and quickly turned as he heard a shriek with his name

"Papa, papa aap yahaan par?" asked Alekh
"Aur kya? I had to come and pick up my little champ" says Josh
"Mama look Papa's here!" shouted Alekh
"Beta Papa doesn't-" Aaliyah stopped and stared at Josh and asks "Josh u and here?"
"Yes it was my best friend's event so I had to come" said Josh
Aaliyah looked Josh up and down and decided 'No I'm in no mood to fight again. As long as he came'
Josh bent down and whispered to Aaliyah "I'm not here for u I'm here for our son"
"I know" replied Aaliyah "You stopped doing things for me ages ago"
"Well if your brother hadn't cheated on my best friend then-" said Josh

"Please Josh not today!" said Aaliyah
"Why not?!" asked Josh
"Because I'm pregnant!" shouted Aaliyah and ran away from the venue before she could be confronted by Josh

Angad turned to look at a surprised Josh and a confused Alekh in his arms, Angad quickly left to race after his sister.

Next morning we see Angad on the phone pacing up and down the office "You said that you couldn't find her!"
"Yes sir, that was 5 years ago, at that time your wife was undetectable"

"Why the hell am I paying u for if I end up finding my own wife and u guys are still in the dark"
"We know sir, we know. We pride ourselves on our service to our customers. A & P detective agency will have all the in formation of your wife and the child on your desk tomorrow morning, first thing"

"It better be!" said a frustrated Angad and slammed the phone down. He paced his office floor some more, finally gives up and sits down on he chair. He gets a ring on the intercom and Rosa his secretary telling him that a Mr Mathur was is waiting in the conference room for him. Angad looks around the office and the picture of Kripa infront of him and says "Fine tell Mr Mathur I'll be there"

Aaliyah opened her eyes and looked around the room, why did her head hurt? She slowly got up and looked around the room. Yep she was in her bedroom, she turned to look at the clock, 11am and Saturday. Where was Alekh? He usually woke Aaliyah up on Saturdays, he is usually up and about by 8am. Aaliyah slowly turns ready to get off the bed, but notices someone standing by the door.

Josh looks at his wife and her words go around and around in his head, she was pregnant and here he was finding ways to make her life miserable. Yesterday Aaliyah had gone to Angads house and Josh had picked her up and brought her home. Being around Angad bothered him but he had talked to Kripa. She had been 'trying so hard to get some sense into his head' as she had said.

Josh shakes his head when he realizes that Aaliyah had been saying something, he listened again
"How long have u been there?" asks Aaliyah
"Umm a couple of hours" replies Josh
"Hours! But… Where's Alekh?" A worried Aaliyah asks jumping out of bed

"Your parents came and took him" Josh holds Aaliyah's hand and says "Aaliyah we have a lot of talking to do, umm… why don't u freshen up and meet me in the dining room" With that he lets go of her hands and leaves

Aaliyah stands in the hall worried about what is going to come next, Camera zooms out

Will Angad get to Kripa? Will Josh make up with Aaliyah, or could things get more seriuos? What could have Mishti had done to gain angad?

that's all for now and here's a promo for the next part:


"Don't u dare Kripa! Don't u even dare!" shouted Angad
"U liar, u fraud Angad. You cant stop me" said an angry Kripa
"U wouldn't, u don't have the guts" said a confident Angad staring at his angry wife, he had just come home from the office and was confronted with Kripa, an angry Kripa. At the moment Kripa held a priceless vase in her hand and was aiming at him.

What's going to happen next? Will Angad find Kripa? or is he too late?

Stay tuned for the next part and we find out what the reason is behind agad and Kripa breaking up.

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (7)

ur ff is a bit confusing well overall its gr8!! plzz continue soon!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

nice part eagerly waiting for the raaz to come out plz cont soon

17 years ago

wow...i love your story plz update soon....i just hope everything be fine...plz update soon cant wait...

17 years ago

wonderfulll, just cot upp, i lovve it cant wait!

17 years ago

ur gonna tell the raaz in the next part??? omg yay!! these last 2-3 parts were amazing.. just caught up.. but i thought josh/aliyah didn't have that relationship since angad/kripa broke up cuz aliyah sided w/ her bro and josh sided with kripa.. well i guess ull clear it as u go' continue soooooon

17 years ago

omggg cnt wait to find out the reason! i hate mishti!:@:@

17 years ago

Thank you, hope u enjoy chaper 11
[QUOTE=erier101]awesome part!! kripa is behind angad isnt she?? who is this zizi..
argh.. im so happy u continueddddd. now continue soon!! this is so not
fair u cont after so long and leave us with a suspenseful promo!! lol!!
[/QUOTE]That's why they call me Evil with a capital E. Lol, so much suspense and so little time I promise very soon most the mystery will be solved
omg ur backkkkk!!!!
the part woz awesomeeeeeee
so much suspense....i cant even guess my head will explode lol![/QUOTE]Thankyou!!! It's great to finally be back. Ur head is gonna explode- imagine wat my head feels like coming up with these twists and turns
Awesome part Continue Soon[/QUOTE]Thanks! Chapter 11 has just been updated
i loved it...
thanks 4 continuing...
continue soon[/QUOTE]Thankyou, I admit it took me a while to continue but then I had to come back with loads of twists and turns, after all that's what makes a Jerri orginal story, lol
Excellent part!!!![/QUOTE]Thankyou!!
nice part[/QUOTE]Thanks!
Just read the whole ff it is really good and the suspense is too good. continue soon.[/QUOTE]Wow, thanks for the words of encouragement, hope u liked chapter 11[QUOTE=tweetylicious]
nice part...cant wait for the next part...plz update soon [/QUOTE]Thankyou, hope u liked the next chapterThanks for everyone for their comments and words of encouragementluv yaJerri

17 years ago
