Chapter 10

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Hey guys I know I havent updated in ages, but I was a little stuck on where to take the story and I had loads of work to do, to make up for it I'm going to update a really looong part today hope u guys like it:

Chapter 7

Angad tried to change the subject but his plan didn't seem to be working, nothing could stop Aaliyah and her motor mouth
"Bhai was saying that.. what was I again.. mmm… u were a doughnut eating…mmm, I can't remember. Oh yeh you were a doughnut eating saddo" Aaliyah told Kripa
Kripa's eyes flashed at Kripa and then to add fire Aaliyah added "Oh no, it wasn't that, it was a very fat doughnut eating saddo, right bhai?" Aaliyah asked Kripa

Angad took in gulp of air and looked from Aaliyah's accusing looks to Kripa's outrage. Kripa's eyes were flashing and if he didn't get himself out of it, it looked like Kripa was ready to skin him alive!

Angad looked up across the dining table and saw Kripa scowl back at him. Today was the day that Angad's parents had invited Kripa down for dinner and as luck would have it Kripa was seated opposite Angad, every time he looked up he saw Kripa scowling back. Yet when she spoke to anyone else at the table she was all smiles and laughs.

Not once had Kripa smiled at Angad since she had met him! And no matter how many ways Angad had tried to apoligise Kripa seemed not to care. This was really bugging him now! And under no circumstances was he giving up, after all It seemed that Miss Kripa Sharma could be around his family for a long time after all she was Aaliyah's best friend and his parents and dadi loved her.


Kripa looked across the sitting room to see Angad give up and finally walk to the stairs. Okay, okay she was being harsh but it wasn't just the doughnut eating saddo comment it was the fact that Angad hadn't told her what had happened that night. For so long she had thought that something had happened that night and whenever she brought it up Angad swiftly changed the topic. Why would he do that if there was nothing to hide?!

Suddenly Kripa's gaze fell on the floor, she smiled slyly and picked up the object and laughed to herself, she thought how Angad Khanna's luck would change, now she was in charge and she was going to take advantage of the situation. Full advantage!


"Angad!" said a voice. Angad looked up and noticed someone opening his office door, confusion came over him and he tried hard to remember if he had an appointment with Tina, had he called Tina here? He was pretty sure he didn't. But how had she gotten past reception, oh well.
"Tina, honey.. umm…baby.. what are u doing here?"
"Angad silly" Tina says sitting down infront of him "Don't you remember yest-"

But before she could say another word, Meena came flaunting into Angad's office. Angad looked at the door and stood up in shock, Meena came running to Angad and gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned to look at Tina and said "Angad darling, isn't your secretary overdressed"

Angad first looked at Tina and then at Meena and then at the door as it once aain opened again, 'Oh no!, what on Earth was happened? Why on Earth were all of Angad's girlfriends descending at his office and altogether today, where on Earth was Rosa his secretary?'

Angad looked around at the girls as his fifth girlfriend entered the room, at this moment the girls didn't seem to notice whether he was here or not, they were all too busy glaring and shouting at each other. Angad ever so slowly slumped under his desk and reached for the phone.

Under his desk Angad was crouched up in a little ball hoping the girls would soon forget about him or that the Earth would open up swallow him up. In his hand was the phone and he quickly dialled the intercom number for his secretary Rosa.


Beep, Beep.

In the hall way the intercom buzzes, and a hand reaches for speaker phone button ever so slowly. Though the intercom we hear the voice of Angad "Rosa! What on Earth is happening here? Why have all my girlfriends come into my cabin and how did they get pass you. Rosa! Rosa!"

Waiting for the voice of his elderly secretary we hear angads shock as he hears a young voice, the hand of the lady extends and she picks up the phone and lifts it to her face…

And we see Kripa, with a huge grin on her face "I'm sorry Mr Khanna but Rosa had an emergency at home, she had to leave immediately. As for the girlfriends… well sir, consider it payback. Hope you enjoy sir, oh by the way you dropped your phone yesterday, fortunately for you I acquired the phone and well let's just say things could be worse. Bye Mr Angad Khanna" With that Kripa put the phone down and we zoom into Kripa's satisfied face


Angad still under the table looks at horror at the phone in his hand, how could she? That… that… Genius! Who on Earth would have thought of that, even Aaliyah had never gotten him this badly. Then slowly the corners of his mouth curled up as he started to plot his next move and thought 'no way was Kripa Sharma getting away with this, he would have his revenge and revenge would be sweet.'

But suddenly Angad notices that the office is quiet, too quiet for all is girlfriend, he looked up from the receiver and noticed the girls all under the desk, staring at him, giving him menacing looks, oh no!!!


5 years on...

Angad woke up with a shock as he once imagined the beating he had that day, he looked out of the window, he shook his ead and realised that he had been dreaming about her again, there first meeting, how Rosa his secretary had laughed, she told him that he had met his equal and equal Kripa had been against every prank he played on her.

5 years on since he had met Kripa and everything had changed now. She was like a breeze of wind, when she was with him he didn't even realise and now that she was gone she missed her so badly, but there was no going back now. He couldn't turn back time even if he wanted to, all he could do now was remember back to the good times that he had with Kripa. Every day he woke up from another dream, where he had been with Kripa, but the reality was that Kripa was gone.

Angad got up from his bed and turned on his answering machine whilst he got his clothes ready and got into the shower. Nothing interesting, some guy selling windows, a lady selling share, hold on what was that…Angad got out of the shower with a towel around his waist and replayed the message



"Hey Angad, Lakshya here! My wedding is in a week you have to come, I know how busy you are man with those ladies and such (giggle) Just joking but yaar seriously felt bad you couldn't come to the mehndi and all my guests were asking about my rock star cousin, you have to come and I won't hear no for an answer. Oh yeh by the way KT says Hi"
Then Kt's voice "Hey Angad please come your cousin attempted to sing yesterday and trust me when I say it was a catastrophe, the guest started to run-" then there was an argument between the two- and bleep


Angad laughed at the two of them, they reminded him of what him and Kripa had once shared that was exactly what had happened after Kripa had invited all his girlfriends to his office, they both tried to outdo each other in pranks.

One time Angad had managed to superglue Kripa's shoes to the floor. Kripa putting out of order sign on the lift so Angad had to jog up 10 flights of stairs, it took Angad a week to realise what had been going on. Scaring Kripa in the lift and Kripa spilling coffee on Angad, every time he made her make it. Even though they played pranks on each other they were always paired together for projects.

Angad smiled at his memories and thought about it 'did he realise it was love then? Must have done. He had always been attracted to Kripa, but her attitude! God! When he really did realise he felt something for Kripa? The first time he had expressed something to himself was when he first time he had the chance to meet Josh'


Flash back

Josh walked in to the office and Angad shaking his hand. Angad turning to look at Kripa, she seemed to be scowling at Josh, Huh? That was strange. He heard the conversation that followed which was a restrained hello and polite formalities. He realised that Kripa and Josh knew each other. Josh walked into the conference room whilst Kripa and him used the time to gather their files.

Today, Josh was here to give a presentation, about why Khanna enterprise should use his company as a provider for there materials. It was a good deal for Khanna enterprises and Angad had high hopes that it would go through.

In the conference room would 10 other executives for the Khanna enterprise, him and Kripa. He wanted to know why Kripa seemed do uptight and so he asked her straight out whether she knew Josh and why the attitude.
"Know him! I hate him!" Kripa told Angad "I hate Josh Malhotra and always will!"
"Please Kripa just this one deal, act civilly with him, please Kripa" pleaded Angad
"Fine" said Kripa adamantly and walked into the boardroom to watch Josh's presentation.
Angad looked up to the sky and silently prayed that this would go well and went into the presentation room as well.


All the way through the presentation Kripa was asking a lot of questions and infact she was deliberately trying to make the presentation harder for Josh. Half way through one of her questions Angad had kicked her under the table, but this only got him a harder kick back and Kripa asking more questions.

After an hour as soon as Josh had finished, Josh looked around the room and found the 10 executives and Angad slouching in their chairs, but Kripa sat up right and ready to catch him out on any of the facts and figures. This presentation was suppose to take 20 minutes but with all of Kripa's interruption it took 3 times as long and

Josh was finally tired and so looked at the executives in the board room and summed up his presentation and giving then future figures of profit- he knew that Kripa would object anytime now but he was so angry and fed up he didn't care what she said.

"Your ideas are wrong Mr. Josh!" shouted Kripa at Josh's presentation
"Want to say that to my face!" said Josh, equally if not, more angry.

All 10 heads of marketing in the boardroom held their breath as Kripa walked up to Josh- nose to nose and then suddenly Josh and Kripa got very close they embraced and to shock everyone they kissed, not just any kiss an over the top kiss dramatis display, the only thing that everyone could see was the back of Kripa's head

There was collective intake of breath in the conference room and slowly whispers. Subconsciously Angad stood up angrily and pushed back his seat and shouted Mr Josh Malhotra!"

Then suddenly Josh inched away from Kripa, this further made everyone gasp as they realised that Josh's hand was covering Kripa's mouth and infact this had all been a prank, they hadn't actually been kissing, they were faking it!

End of flash back


Angad laughed and remembered that day, he was seething in the beginning that they had kissed, but he realised that it was a prank, it left him thoroughly confused. He found out that Josh and Kripa were best friends, they had gone to university together and had practically grown up together, and infact their closeness had scared him.

Angad zoomed back to the present time and looked around, the clock struck 12 and he realised he was late for office once again, he quickly gathered his bag and belongings and made mad dash for the door.


Okay that's all for now and here's the precap:

Whilst somewhere else we someone else also engrossed in the past, the silhouette turns around and we see...

Okay, okay I hope you guys liked it, I tried hard to pull the story forward and so the first couple of chapters are Angads thoughts- about how he met Kripa, their interactions and etc. From now on flashbacks are going to be in italics. So when are Kripa and Angad going to meet? Soon and when they do mean trust me it will be dramatic and OTT, lol. And next time it's revealed who the silhouette is of.

JerriBig smile

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Comments (9)

hey i am loving the way ur story is headed but i sincerely hope tht the 2 of em get baq 2gether...whtever reason they mite b apart now!!

17 years ago

thankx for the sumeryy.. that cleard a lot up!

17 years ago

gud part.i think its kripa and may be they vil meet at l-kt wedin.

17 years ago

i hope they meet at laksh's weddingggg

17 years ago

Excellent part.... lookin forward to da nxt part... really wanna know wat happened!!!! I think they r gunna meet at lakshya n kt's wedding!!!

17 years ago

[QUOTE=brainychild92]its kripa!!!! she is remembering angad too....

they loved eachother but angad's insecurities about her and josh made her leave... nahh, i no u and u cant have SUCH a simple story.. can u jerri.. lolz

continue soooon[/QUOTE]Lol, brainy child you ahve it spot on, your guess was good but keep reading because there are gonna be more twists and turns[QUOTE=armaghan0]
thats so confusingly interesting and amusind that makes it more mysterious and exciting [/QUOTE]lol, yep that's like me I like to keep the mystery. Hope the summary above helped to clear up the confusion

17 years ago

okay guys I know its confusing at the moment, but you gotta remember I'm tryin to keep the suspense, lol. So here's a brief overview about what's happened so far
5 years ago, Kripa and Aaliyah lived together.Kripa gets on with Angad's familyKripa works for angad and later finds out who angad is, aaliyah's brother Kripa and Angad never get on and completely against one another.
5 years later
Something has happened to split up angad and Kripa, but we don't know what it is yet.Angad remembers Kripa and the time that they spent together. Josh was Kripa's best friend, at the moment we don't know where and how Josh is. We know that Kripa is an international events manager Aaliyah has a son called Alekh We don't know who's daughter Aastha is KT ad Laksya are getting married and Angad is invited
Okay that's the summary and very soon Mishti and Prithvi will enter. Everything will be a little more clearer with the next chapter.
Okay hope tha helps,

17 years ago

thats so confusingly interesting and amusind that makes it more mysterious and exciting

17 years ago

its kripa!!!! she is remembering angad too.... they loved eachother but angad's insecurities about her and josh made her leave... nahh, i no u and u cant have SUCH a simple story.. can u jerri.. lolz continue soooon

17 years ago
