Chapter 8

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Okay here's the next chapter:

Chapter 5

Kripa fell to the floor on the exact spot she was standing. She had tried to forget about 'Mr Khan' sorry Mr Eijaz Khan- was that the reason why he didn't want her to tell anyone. OMG did something happen that night between them? why else would someone only give there surname? This was getting freakier by the minute, she had to go out, she had to get air.

"KRIPA!" said a familiar voice as Kripa got near the exit of the coffee shop. She turned around, a huge smile came to her face and she ran to him. She hugged Paolo and kissed him on the cheek. He was Italian and over the years she had learnt that Italian's loved to kiss- the air, the cheek, the head and the lips. And they found it very offensive if you didn't. In the beginning learning all of this had been very hard for Kripa- being Paolo's assistant was a hard job. The man was always busy, had his schedule packed and never would you have a day off- he was an architect and he loved it- he designed hundreds of houses and each time he was given a new consignment he would try and make it more elaborate, he worked hard to out compete other people's and his own designs. But slowly Kripa had learnt that Paolo was a softee really. He just put up a front in front of people.

"Kripa, come back. Please! I beg of you. This new girl I hired is useless, completely useless- she loses my designs. Kripa I need you back, name your price!" asks Paolo looking at Kripa pleadingly
"Paolo. You know I love you- you're a great boss, but I need to move on. I'm sorry"
"I was afraid that you would say that. I met up with your boss today, actually he is here- but he said it wasn't his decision to take" said a sad Paolo
"Dilip uncle is here!" asks an excited Kripa
"No, Angad Khanna is here" says Paolo "He's be back in a little while, he had some phone call. Join us!"
"Umm sorry Paolo I have to go" said Kripa she gave him another kiss on the cheek and left

"Wow she was hot!" says Angad looking at Paolo
"Never say that in front of her face! She will kill you and not all at once. Kripa Sharma takes her revenge little by little" laughed Paolo
"Sharma…was that the girl- Oh, my sister is her biggest fan and now my parents can't stop going on about her" says Angad "what is so special about the girl?"
"So what did you think of her?"
"What was there to think, she has a nice body but I didn't see her face. She was turned looking at you the whole time"
"Let's just say you missed out buddy and you better take care of her!" warned Paolo "I don't want any sort of crap from your company and I don't want her upset whilst she is working with you. Kripa means a lot to me"
"Okay, okay Paolo. You know this Kripa for 2 years whilst you and me have grown up together and you're taking her side"
Paolo gives Angad a warning look and Angad laughs

"Absolutely perfect" says Naina to Aaliyah who is sitting near her. Angad who walks through the door hears this and gives his mother a flirty flying kiss and says "Yes Mum I know I am perfect"
"We're not talking about you, buddu" says Aaliyah "Puhlease!"
"Then who could my two beautiful ladies be praising?"
"Kripa" says a voice and in walks dadi, "That girl is absolutely perfect, she made kheer, wah! It was sooo nice"
"And it was sugar free too" adds Dilip coming into the room
"Oh please, you all act like this Kripa Sharma should have the red carpet rolled out for her" says an annoyed Angad
"Your just jealous bhai, because your not getting attention. OMG bhai! You just missed her, she was here at our house about 5 minutes ago" says Aaliyah teasing her older brother
"Why should I be jealous of a doughnut eating saddo! And I don't want to meet her!" says Angad running away
"Mum" whines Aaliyah, chasing him

Suddenly they are interrupted by Teddy "Sir this is for you" Teddy hands Angad a carrier bag. Everyone turns to look, what could it be?
Angad opens the bag and looks inside, his lucky shirt. He searches through the bag and nothing else, why that annoying woman!- she could have easily written a few words of thanks. After all he had saved her from Abheer and his conniving ways.
"Umm Teddy can you tell me who brought this back?"
"Yep sir, is was actually left in the front of your apartment- no one saw who brought it and when they brought it"
"Umm… okay Teddy" with that Angad goes off in one of his thoughts again whilst the other family members look on puzzled.

"Kripa, Kripa, Kripa" Aaliyah shouted, twirling Kripa around and around.
"What?" asks Kripa
"He's coming. Eijaz is coming to pick me up!" says Aaliyah dreamily
"Umm… Aaliyah. This Eijaz guy- how long have you known him?"
"mmmm…we've been together for 5 months" then suddenly Aaliyah's phone starts to ring.

"Mam, Mr Khanna wants to see you" the peon informs Kripa. Kripa turns to look for Aaliyah- still glued to the phone, oh well. Kripa smiles and takes the elevator up to the 5th floor, Dilip uncles floor. She knocks on the door and opens the door. His chair once again is faced to look outside at the magnificent view, as per usual
"You know Uncle, every time I come into this office you're always looking out there- I wonder how you get any of your work done" asked Kripa
Then she hears a different voice, 'this wasn't Dilip uncle'
"Mmmm… I don't think I like the name uncle, isn't that a little old for me?" says the voice
"Your not uncle dilip!" accused Kripa to the back of the chair

"and your not-" the chair swung around the guy looked at the girl in front of him and gasped "You!"

okay that's it for now, so who's on the chair? will it be Angad or will I make you guys wait. Okay her's the promo:

"Shame on you!" shouted Kripa to 'Mr Khan,' he was cheat and a fraud, he was cheating on Aaliyah "Did you come to see Aaliyah?"
"Umm, in a way yeh" answered the guy.
"Disgusting" shouted Kripa "You should be ashamed of your self, coming to see Aaliyah and 2 weeks ago I wake up in your room!"

Okay that's all for now and stay tuned for the next part
JerriBig smile


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Comments (9)

Great Part Continue Soon!!!

17 years ago

Hey guys thanks so must for the great comments! I'll try and update soon, but I have loads on my plate at the moment- with uni, pracs and volunteering! So please dont be angry if I'm late! I usually update once a week, for this week I might update again- but at the end of the week as I have friday off Jerri

17 years ago

haha can't wait for kripa to get embarrased as hell..stupid girl just jumps to conclusions

17 years ago

i just caught up with the FF!! it is AMAZING!! it is soooo FUNNY!!!! i LOVE how AK dunt know anyhting nd r soooo CONFUSED!!!!! i cannot wait to hear their conversation next!!!! continue soon!!!!!!!

17 years ago

omg lovely partttttttttttttcon soon

17 years ago

awesome, but u ended it at da rong time, i cnt wait 2 read da nxt part now!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

ohhhh... I cant wait any longer!! Can you plzzzzzzz have angad and kripa meet??? Continue sooooon

17 years ago

hahaha!! this is gonna be soo much funn!! continue soooooooon!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

awesome parts!! sorry for not commenting, this is so funny!!!! krips is soo confused i think its definitely angad and she got the pics mixed hahahhahahaahaaa continue soon

17 years ago
