Chapter 7

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Jerri Javid


Okay guys here's the next part, hope you guys like it- it's quite long and the character of Eijaz Khan will be played by Eijaz Khan, just a guest appearance soon- nothing permanent:

Chapter 4

Suddenly she spotted a clock behind the idiots head and let out a little shriek realising that she was going to be late for her interview at Khanna's interiors and party planners, she spotted her jacket on a chair and grabbed it as fast as she could, she shrugged it on and walked towards the door thinking 'Crap I'm going to be late, I can't be late.'
Walking straight for the bedroom door and then spotting the apartment door she gets towards it and then BAM!!

She seemed to have crashed into something solid, for the first time she looks up and realises that she had bumped into Mr Khan, and for some strange reason he had a huge grin on his face, what an idiot! She had to go, she had to get to that interview!

Kripa walked along the sidewalk and mentally cursing 'Mr Khan', such a loser!!! She had things to do and places to go and she wasn't slowing down for anyone or anything, not this time

"Hi… Mr Khanna. I'm Kripa Sharma" Kripa slowly stepped into the room and looked around the office, it was a huge room, a humungous desk in the middle and the walls elegantly designed with wood panelling and stacks of shelves, covered with books. For the first time she looked at the chair, it was a big black leather chair and totally clashed with the old dcor of the room. Kripa looked around the room in awe again and searching for Mr Khanna, funny that. This morning she had met Mr Khan and now she was meeting Mr Khanna. Anyways, where was this guy, the room looked empty.

With close examination she realised that the chair was moving a little side to side and it was faced to look out of the window. For the first time Kripa looked at the view, it was amazing, beautiful, you could see skyscrapers and then the smaller buildings and slowly as you got further away you could see little cottages and finally in the distance you could make out the paddy field- it was a magnificent view.

"Humff, humff" said a voice clearing their throat.
Kripa jumped and looked down to the face infront of her, her hopefully- new boss. The man in front of her was clearly intellectual and wise and Kripa looked at him properly, she realised that he must have been about 50 years old, he had a kind and understanding face, which you could easy said that in his youth he was probably very sort after.

"Quite a view isn't it" said the man in front of her
"Umm… yes sir. I mean sorry sir…ummm" said Kripa slowly looking at her shoes and mentally telling herself off, why on earth was she blabbering like an idiot, and why now! She could handle this, she had handled much worse before!
The man looked at Kripa and slowly smiled and then a laugh broke out, "You know you remind me of myself, on my first interview. Only I ended up spraying my boss with ink and I poured water on the poor guys lap." Said the man and slowly stood up.
Kripa smiled whilst mentally imagining this.
"Yes it was very amusing" the guy caught her " and amazingly I was still hired."
Kripa looked up with amazement in her eyes
"Those were my thoughts exactly. But my boss, my mentor- he saw potential in me. The same kind of potential that I can see in you. Your hired Miss Sharma" said the man
Kripa looked at her boss in front of her and a smiled. Then slowly the smile vanished and she started to say "But-"

The man cut her off quickly and said "I've looked at your credentials, they are quite impressive. Your references had only positive things to say about you, and Aaliyah- a member of our staff recommended you-"
"But I don't want this job on credentials or recommendations, I want to get this job on my own merit" Kripa interrupted again, the old man looked into her eyes and let out another laugh
"No buts and if's. You are getting this job on your own merit. A grades throughout your time in school and a first in your degree, I think that speaks for itself. But the biggest achievement- putting up with Paola for two whole years! How on Earth did you manage that!"
"Quite simple actually sir, Paola is not as bad as he looks, he only acts like that to strengthen his image"
"And he regretted losing you! And we are proud to gain an employee like you."
Kripa looks around the room and notices a name tag on the desk saying- Mr Angad Khanna. So that was her boss's name "Thank you Mr Angad Khanna" she says

The older man let out another one of his laughs and said "I'm not Angad Khanna, that's my son. The company is his in reality. But I'm taking over for a little while. I'm Dilip Khanna"
Kripa smiled and mentally thought to thank Aaliyah, Aaliyah was going to be so happy when she hears about this.

Aaliyah waved her hand infront of her brother's face and says "Bhai wake up, what's up with you?"
Angad looks up and Aaliyah and says "No nothing's wrong with me"
"Hold on I've seen that look before, you've met a girl, right? and you like her, right?" says an inquizative Aaliyah
"…no what on Earth would make you think that! I was thinking about some new lyrics for my next song" says a defensive Angad
"Sorry! You and your music. Well bhai I'm going to go. Hold on I'm forgetting something!" Aaliyah says out loud
"Oh yeh! Dad hired my friend Kripa! I'm so happy for her. And the funny thing is since she's started working- 2 days ago. She's starting to call dad 'Uncle'. And mama saw her too- when she went to give dad his lunch at the office. And she-" says Aaliyah getting excited about her friend.

"For the love of God Aaliyah! I don't care!" says an exasperated Angad "It's not like I'm going to marry her, it's like your selling the girl!"
"Bhai! Please I will know when my bad days have come. When my best friend will have to marry you!" shouts Aaliyah and runs away
Angad gets up to run after her, he thinks better of it and sits back down again.

What was wrong with him these days? All he though about was that girl. Where was she? And what was she doing? See he didn't even know her name, so for all these days he'd been calling her 'mystery girl.' He laughed just thinking about it. No! It wasn't that he loved her, even if Aaliyah said so. It was because she was damn funny to annoy! He still laughed whilst thinking of her getting angry and the main reason he was thinking about her… she was wearing his lucky shirt!

Ridiculous! When he found her she was unconscious, well he couldn't take her home. So he brought her to his apartment. He only used his apartment to allow business associates stay there whilst they were down to negotiate, or when he had especially rough days and knew if he went home his mother would turn into 'Mother India' and kick his hide to timbaktoo. Oh well he was probably going to have to forget about his lucky shirt. There are millions of people in the city and what would the chance of him bumping into that same girl be. Umm...

"Kripa it's in my purse" shouts Aaliyah
"Ok" answers Kripa and picks up Aaliyah's purse she takes the receipt out and is about to close the purse before she notices a couple of photo's in her purse, Oh no! what she had thought was true. What would she tell Aaliyah? Aaliyah will be so disappointed!

"Aaliyah, umm who's the pictures of in your purse" shouted kripa nearer to the bathroom- where Aaliyah was taking a bath. The door was shut and she could hear the water running. She knew Aalyah was exhausted but this was really important and she really needed to know!
Aaliyah's voice came floating out of the bathroom "My brother and me. And me and Eijaz"
"Umm Aaliyah what's the surname of your boyfriend, Eijaz?" asked Kripa slowly
"Khan! His name is Eijaz Khan" said Aaliyah and then said "Don't forget to return that top, thanks hun"

Kripa fell to the floor on the exact spot she was standing. She had tried to forget about 'Mr Khan' sorry Mr Eijaz Khan- was that the reason why he didn't want her to tell anyone. OMG did something happen that night between them, why else would someone only give there surname. This was getting freakier by the minute, she had to go out, she had to get air.

That's all for now Angad and Kripa will meet but not that easily, lol. Actually I'm gonna get then to meet in the next chapter but it's gonna be a suspense filled and entertaining meeting and here's the promo:

"KRIPA!" said a familiar voice as Kripa got near the exit of the coffee shop. She turned around, a huge smile came to her face and she ran to him. She hugged ...... and kissed him on the cheek

Who couldthis person be? Okay so more suspense, stay tuned for the next chapter

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (3)

awsome part!!! now she thinks she had a fling with eijaz khan.. lolz dream on girl.. ur only angad's even if u dont know it yet !! continue sooonn

17 years ago

wow brillient gr8888888 con soon

17 years ago

Awesome... wen r they gnna meet... i cnt wait!!!!

17 years ago
