Chapter 6

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Jerri Javid


Hey guys here's the next part, enjoy. Soz I'm late but I've been ill and so much work to do, any ways here goes:

Chapter 3

Oh no what is wrong with me she thinks. She tries desperately to remember something but in frustration tears starts t pour out of her eyes.
"Hello sleepy head" says a male voice and she looks up immediately to notice a well dressed guy who is dressed up in his sweats. She racks her head but is unable to remember anything and finally lets out a loud sob after which several more sobs follow getting louder and louder, then she starts blabbering as well and she cant seem to stop her self.

Angad looked down at the sobbing girl in front of him and let out a sigh, he gets close and sits down on the bed and looks at the girl.
"Ummm… miss…. Madam" says a nervous Angad
All he hears in response is more sobs, what is with this girl? Now this was getting on his nerves and Angad shouts "SHUT UP!"
Amazingly she stops crying and looks up at Angad scared
"Now listen miss and listen good! Like an idiot yesterday Abheer managed to drug you and as he was taking you out of the club, fortunately for you- I was there. Luckily for you I handled Abheer and took you to my apartment instead, and will you stop crying" said looking down at the girl and Angad sticks out his hand and says "I'm Ang… I mean I'm Mr Khan…" Angad mentally kicked himself for not telling his real name, but then again, this girl didn't know him and his next album was coming out, no way was he going to have a reveal all fake story on the stands about Angad Khanna, so for now he would be Mr Khan.

God, what did this guy want? thinks Kripa, and how high and mighty the guy wouldn't say his first name instead 'I'm Khan" Well Mr Khan could shove it! Stop, hold on what on earth am I doing in his shirt and why am I on his bed, this langoor can't just fool me like this! Kripa jumps off the bed, realising the shirt she has on feels short, she subconsciously keeps pulling it down and giving this Mr Khan a telling off too.

"I don't care who you are, you can be Mr Khan or Mr Jackie Chan. All I care about is how did I get here? And what on Earth am I doing in your bed and that too in you shirt?! And don't even lie, mister I an spot a liar a mile off"
Angad watched the girl getting more and more agitated and grinned she looked really sweet yelling and pulling the shirt down again and again. He stops thinking when he realises that the girl is still staring at him, waiting for an answer
"Wow that's quite a talent you have there Miss, spotting liars. Hmmm, maybe you should join our police force, you know people like you are always needed to help the country" with that Angad burst into laughter, he turned and realised that the girl was still staring down at him, annoyed, she looked well pissed off.

Kripa looked at the monkey, no- Mr Khan again, still he was no better that a monkey, what a loser! At a time like this he was cracking jokes. Suddenly she spotted a clock behind the idiots head and let out a little shriek realising that she was going to be late for her interview at Khanna's interiors and party planners, she spotted her jacket on a chair and grabbed it as fast as she could, she shrugged it on and walked towards the door thinking 'Crap I'm going to be late, I can't be late.'
Walking straight for the bedroom door and then spotting the apartment door she gets towards it and then BAM!!

That's all for now, and here's the precap:

Aaliyah waved her hand infront of her brother's face and says "Bhai wake up, what's up with you?"
Angad looks up and Aaliyah and says "No nothing's wrong with me"
"Hold on I've seen that look before, you've met a girl, right? and you like her, right?" says an inquizative Aaliyah

Okay that's it, bye guys

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (3)

awiee...Angad likes Kripa nd he is going 2 meet her at the interview!! kool update

17 years ago

o god u had me so freaked!!! thank god, ANGAD TO THE RESCUE!!!! great part!! continue sooooooonn

17 years ago

nice u scare the hell out of me awsome part really unpredictable

17 years ago
