Chapter 5

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Jerri Javid


Okay guys thanks for the great comments and here's the next part. Hope you guys like it and before my next part, aftre this, I'm goining to update Aaliyah and Alekhs interview. But here goes for now:

Chapter 2

Angad and Aaliyah get out of the tree house and walk down the stairs
Aaliyah asks Angad one last question "Bhai, what are you going to do when I finally get married?"
"Nothing!" answers Angad uninfected by Aaliyah's comment
"Because really Aaliyah which idiot is going to marry you!" Angad says and runs off with Aaliyah behind him ready to thwamp him when she catches him

A week later

At the dining table in the Khanna house we see everyone eating dinner, a excited and bubbly Aaliyah, an attentive Naina, impressed Dadi and Dilip and a very bored Angad.

Angad is laying on the table making yawning noises
"I'm telling you mum this girl is amazing! And sooo sweet. Bhai shut up!" Aaliyah yells at Angad
"What Aaliyah, since you've come back all you talk about is his room mate of yours!" says an annoyed Angad
"Is somebody jealous bhai?" Aaliyah says cheekily
"Jealous, and me? Why should I be jealous of this loser housemate of yours who doesn't have a life, probably sits around the house eating doughnuts all day and is fat!!!" says Angad

"Mamaaa!" whine Aaliyah "Tell Angad to stop making fun of my friend. And she doesn't sit around the house eating doughnuts. She has a job actually, she's an assistant to a very famous interiors decorator. Guess what bhai?"
"What are you saying bhai?"
"You said guess and I guessed fish"
"Bhai, shut up and listen I told her to go to your company and your always looking for new planners and decorators"

"What bhai, one more person won't hurt"
"It doesn't matter to me anyway I'm too busy with my music these days dad's is looking after the interiors and party planning business"

"Fine. Dad you have to give the girl a chance she is very good!"Aaliyah says turning to her father
"Okay beta. Tell her to meet me in the office at 2 o clock, tommorow" said Dilip
"Fine. Oh but dad…You can't tell her your related to me. Not yet anyways. I'm trying to be independent remember" says Aaliyah
"Yeh your very independent! Still working and Khanna party and interiors" says a cheeky Angad
"Yeh well bhai no one in the office knows who I am. Besides I'm so good at my job. And I'm doing you a favour by remaining with your company"
"Yeh sure Aaliyah!" Angad says rolling his eyes

"God they still argue like children" says Naina to dadi over Dilip's head. Dilip sees a chance and reaches out for the halva and Naina slaps his hand away "No sugar Dilip"
"But naina!" whines Dilip

That night, We hear songs in what seems to be an empty building, but as we get closer we see a great big man at the door and several wanna-bees wanting to get in. The guys says "This is a private nightclub and people like you are ruining our business, now scram" and the people before him take off. There seems to be a door behind this bouncer and the camera zooms into it, the atmosphere is great a huge disco ball and expensive looking lights but the club seems to be full, the theme is chinese with chinese symbold adorned on the walls and bamboo sticks in decoration and chinese booths near each corner for people to have some privacy and a bar in the middle.

In one of these booths we see 2 girls huddled together and hear "Aaliyah remind me how I managed to let you drag me to this again?!And how on Earth did you manage to get us int such an exclusive place" says the girl and looks around the night club again. The camera zooms into the girls face and we se that it is Kripa.
"Come on Kripa relax, chill. I know some people that's all" says Aaliyah
"Chill? how can I chill I have an interview with that Mr Khanna tomorrow" says a worried Kripa

"Oh come on Kripa he's never serious" says Aaliyah
"How do you know?" asks Kripa
And Aaliyah looks as if she's been caught and then she smiles and says "I work there remember?"
"Oh yeah" says Kripa gets up and stands up and we see that she is wearing a black skirt and a gold sequined top, her hair is out and she smiles down to Aaliyah.
"Aaliyah, I'm going to go to the bar I need another drink" says Kripa
"Okay, I'm going to dance now anyways" says Aaliyha and gets up and goes pf to the dance floor

Kripa shakes her head as she sees the crowd in the room, and Aaliyah trying to dodge through it. She smiles and walks off to the bar and screams loudly to the bar man "Coke please" The bar man smiles and nods his head acknowledging that he'll fill in the order and turns around. Kripa looks around and notices that one of the stools are empty and she quickly sits down.

She sits on the stool and finally lets out a sigh of relief, she knew she shouldn't wear her new shoes, but what to do? Aaliyah had forced her. Oh well she thought and reached down to her shoe and releases the straps to give her feet a rest.

"Excuse me miss, this is for you "says a voice Kripa looks up and notices the bar man putting down a drink. She looks at the drink and notices that this isn't the coke that she'd ordered and from the smell of it, it smelt like Vodka.
Kripa flags down the barman again and says "Hey I didn't order this I ordered a coke!" The bar man smiles and says "it's with compliments from that man" and he points to a guy sitting next to Kripa yet facing away.
Kripa taps the guy on the shoulder and the guy turns around, it's Abheer from Kyunki.

She smiles at the guy and says "I'm sorry but I don't drink. Here you go" and hands the vodka to him and turns to call the barman again. When she finally flags the barman down a voice from the side of her says "Get the lady a coke and put it on my tab."
Kripa turns again to notice Abheer again. She smiles and says "No that's fine I can-"

But before she can says anything else Abheer grabs her hand and says "Hi I'm Abheer"
"Umm, Hi I'm Kripa" she answers
"I've seen you dance your vey good"
"Why thank you, but about the drink-"
"No, no it's for you. Now that we've struken up a friendship the drink is from me to you"
"Umm... thanks" says a uncomfortable Kripa
"Kripa you shoes fallen off"says Abheer laughing

She looks down and notices that it has and bends down to pick it up. Little does she know that Abheer has put some sort of drug in her drink. She sits up and thanks Abheer and takes the coke form his hand and drinks alittle.
Abheer continues to talk and find out things about Kripa and Kripa answers hesitantly, gradually her head starts hurting, it gets worse and worse until it feels as though it will combust and she tries to get up from the stool she is sitting on.

Her legs seemed to have stopped working and after several attempts she gets up but stumbles, everything goes sort of blurry and the only thing she sees is Abheers face says "Don't worry everything will be alright!" After which everything goes blank as Kripa pasts out.

"Oww my head" says Kripa and gets up slightly opening her eyes, first of all everything is blurry and brown, hold on why is everything brown when her bedroom is cream. Her eyes are really tied yet Kripa is able to open them fully. She looks around the room and notices the modern decorated room. She looks down at where she is sleeping and notices brown sheets wrapped around herself and she seems to be in a football shirt.

She racks her head trying to remember how on Earth she got here? Who had brought her hear and where she was? But the only thing she can remember is Abheers voice saying "Don't worry everything will be alright!"
Oh no what is wrong with me she thinks. She tries desperately to remember something but in frustration tears starts to pour out of her eyes.

"Hello sleepy head" says a male voice and she looks up immediately to notice a guy who is dressed up in his sweats. She racks her head but is unable to remember anything and finally lets out a loud sob after which several more sobs follow, getting louder and louder, then she starts blabbering as well and she cant seem to stop her self.

Okay that's all for now. Hope you guys liked it. I'm going to update my Kangana fanfic later today as well.
Here's the promo:

"Kripa it's in my purse" shouts Aaliyah
"Ok" answers Kripa and picks up Aaliyah's purse she takes the reciept out and is about to close the purse, before she notices a couple of photo's in Aaliyah's purse, Oh no what she had thought was true. What would she tell Aaliyah? Aaliyah will be so dissapointed.  But she better ask

Okay that's it. Stay tuned to find out what happens next

Jerri Big smile

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Comments (7)

Oh God!! she will be raped..tht is sooo sad..GOD Kripa is soo going going 2 b raped nd Angad will help her somehow...plz continue soon

17 years ago

Awesome part... its really good, i hope wat i think happened did not really happen, anyways the promo is really interestin, i cnt wait for u to cont!!!!

17 years ago

OMG great guesses guys. I know sad isn't it. I totally didn't remember the hollyoaks date rape thing! but similar yep. Anyways we'll see wat happened when I write the next part. The funny thing is that when I was thinking of a person for this scene, abheer just popped into my head. then I thought i'd mention to you guys sometimes I bring in guest appearances by other actors, to spice up the story- so you guys might be seeing more. Jerri

17 years ago

omg he spiked her drink it reminds me of hollyoaks abit but he didnt rape her did he pls say no,oh no uno i just got a thought in my head totally lame probabaly wrong but ill tell u anyways as its to do with ur awesome ff cud it be that angad saw abheer doing that and took kripa away from him and then he takes her to his home and he tells her nuthing happened then when she gets back home aliyah has pics of angad in her bag,ok i no totally lame anyways it was brill pls cont soon i think i need to give my imaganation a break

17 years ago

OMG!!!!! thats sad!!!!!!! i hope what i think is not true, and someone has saved her!!!!! anywazzz, GREAT part!!!!!! continue soon!!!!!!

17 years ago

omg!! abheer did not!!! o m g!!!!! he totaly raped her!! omg!!! guyz can be such ******** at times.. wait no, they are all da time!!! u better continue.. really really soooon cuz i am shocked.. wait no, i knew abheer wouold do this but hopeing aliyah would spot them... plz tell me someone saved her and put that shirt on her cuz her clothes were screwed..... continue sooooonn

17 years ago

Will do, thanks[QUOTE=memze]
just read it all very different it was cool pls cont soon[/QUOTE]Thank you, hope you enjoy the next chapter[QUOTE=*Ejaz4Hinna*]
oh ok cont soon plz[/QUOTE]I hope you liked the next chaper hina[QUOTE=nehagupta_9]
awesome... i jus read all of it[/QUOTE]Thanks[QUOTE=mitali_s]
just read it and its really awsum ...ur style is pretty diffrent...fab interviews too...angad and aaliyah share such a beautiful bro-sis reminds me of me n my cont soon

my name is devyani and i am turning 17 in feb...hye![/QUOTE]Thanks a lot I wanted to show that their relationship is really close and I'm glad I got that across so well. I like your fanfic too devyaniI remember reading a bit of it a while ago. Now I've finished my exams I guess I can read some more[QUOTE=brainychild92]
dadi's interview was entertaining.. btw.. how was the famous chocolate ckae..
the first part was great.. im sensin the roomate is kripa.. angad is gonna be awed seeing her.. hehehe//
continue sooon
(yeah, my grammer suckz)[/QUOTE]LOL, yep I thought I'd get the funny side across. Funnily enough thta day I was really hungry for ice cream and after I wrote it I just had to go out and get some ice cream. Umm... I hope you got your answer today about the room mate and your grammer is fine[QUOTE=shiv-gauri4eva]
i dnt believe i hav cum across a FF wid dis style....its quiet unique nd entertainig...nd i luv it
continue ASAP[/QUOTE]Thank you that was a great comment I hope that I can keep everybosy glued to my fan fic and I hope you liked the next chapterThanks to every one for there comments and encouragment. I hope you guys like the next chapter and continue reading as meany twists and turns are gonna come. Do you know the funny thing I think I've read more of your guys fan fic's at one tme or another! lol. Anyways continue writting and readingJerri

17 years ago
