Chapter 1

starcity Thumbnail

Jerri Javid


Kya Yeh Ishq hain?

Here's the list of chapters:
Interview 1 (Dilip and Naina)- Page 1 (scroll down)
Interview 2 (Gayatri & Suryaban)- Page 2
Interview 3 (Dadi)- Page 3
Chapter 1- page 4
Chapter 2- page 5
Chapter 3- page 6
Chapter 4- page 7
Chapter 5- page 8
Chapter 6-page 10
Chapter 7-page 12
Chapter 8-page 14
Chapter 9-page 15
Chapter 10-page 19
Chapter 11-page 20
Chapter 12-page 21
Chapter 13-page 22
Chapter 14-page 24
Chapter 15-page 26
Chapter 16-page 29
Finale- page 30

Okay so many of you may know me and many of you may notConfused. My name is JerriBig smile I've written the fanfics listed below (links provided) as my Kangana fanfic is finishing soon SmileI'm writing a new fan fic about Angad and Kripa
As you prob noticed by now all my fanfics start with a K, lolLOL that was because I thought it would be really funny if I dd. And now it's sorta traditionWink

Okay so what I'm gonna do is  give you a list of characters who are gonna be in my fanfic, I might add more later but for the time being here's the list:

Angad Khanna

Kripa Sharma

Aaliyah Khanna

Naina Khanna

Dilip Khanna

Dadi Khanna

Gayatri Sharma
Surya Sharma
Shaam Sharma

Nandani Sharma

Damini Bose

Pritvi Bose

Mishti Bose

Josh Malhotra

Sur - undisclosed


Aastha- undisclosed

I'm not gonna provide charcter references, cos every character will have there own interview where your all get a taste of what they are like.Tongue

For the time being I have exams so I'm not gonna be updating that much,Ouch they'll finish on the 24th of JanuaryBig smile and soon after I'll start writing the  fanfic., but for the time being I'll be writing the interviews and half the story is in the interviews.Big smile But for the time being I wanna create some suspenseEvil Smile (you prob don't know it yet but u guys'll prob be wanting to murder meDead, lolLOL. Cause my fanfics have alot of twists and turns.Wink There very unpredictable. I'm Evil with a capital EEvil Smile) so I'll be writing interviews. Through the interviews you'll be able to piece bits together yet it's not all going to make sense and when I start writing the parts then it'll all come togetherBig smile

So tonight on the Jerri show we have the interview of Niana and Dilip please give them a round of applause:Big smile(J= Jerri, N= Naina and D= Dilip)

J: Hi mr and Mrs Khanna, it's so good to have you hereSmile
N: Thankyou for inviting us and it's so nice to be hereBig smile

J: So I'm going to ask a couple of general questions and you just answer with whatever that comes up in your mind
D: SureSmile

J: So how long have you been married for?Confused
N: 35 yearsBig smile
D: 45 yearsDead

J: You both seem a bit confused?Wink
N giving D a lookAngry: Well it is the 35th year now but it seems that my husband has amnesiaWink
D: No such thing Naina, Just being with you for so long sometime it seems like a lifetimeConfused
N: what!!!Angry
D: Oops did I say that out loudEmbarrassed
N: Yes you did Dilip and you will be saying that in your sleep as well, when you get to sleep on the sofa tonightAngry
D: What I meants darling was that it been 30, but I love you so much that it seems that we've been together for a life timeBig smile
N gives Dilip another look: Sure it does Angry

J laughing: So what's you anniversary date?LOL
N give D a look and sarcastically asks:  Yes Dilip enlighten us all and remind me which year which year we got married inEvil Smile
D: Yep sure dear how could I forget (He looks around thinking) ummm…Confused
N: Yep Dilip when was it-Confused
D looks at Naina's facial expressions and tries to read themWink: Janu-Fe-mar-april-ma-septemberLOL
N: Well done dilip September and what was the dateConfused
D whispers to J: Kya yaar marvaah gi, ask a different questionOuch
N: No Dilip remind me. Tell me the da-Angry
J: I know why don't we move on, so how many children do u have?Confused
N: Sure you can answer this question correctly dilipAngry
D: Of course, two-we have two childrenBig smile
N: Well done, at least you remember some things Evil Smile 

J: So what are your childrens names?
N: Angad and-
D cuts her off: and Aaliyah Big smile

J: so we know who's daddy's girl huh?Big smile
D: Yep and we know who is Mummy's boy tooWink

J: So what are your children like? Lets start with aaliyah?
D: Beautiful, intelligent and sooo sweetBig smile
N: and spoiltOuch
D: No she's notStern Smile
N: yep she is what about that new car you brought her?Smile
D: and why can't I buy my girl a carConfused
N you could if it was for an occasion-
D: and there was an occasionBig smile
N:and what occasion was that?Confused
D: It was ummm.....SundayLOL
J and N laugh at this
D: what?Confused
N: Nothing DilipWacko 

J: So she lives with you, right?Big smile
D: NopeSmile
J looks confusedConfused
N: she's happily married Big smile

J: okay what about your son? What is he like?
N: He owns a events managements company and he has many talents. He's Sweet, clever and handsomeBig smile
D: like his dadTongue
N gives him a look: and a habit of annoying people like his dadWink
D: Well if he wasn't annoying people then he wouldn't have got Krip-Confused
N and D look at each other and go quiet

J: He wouldn't have got…who?Confused
N we'd rather not-Ouch
D: the love of his lifeSmile

Realising this topic is off discussion J:So have you got any grandchildren?Confused
N: yep Aaliyah has a little boy named AlekhBig smile

J: and what about Angad has he got any children?Confused
N and D look at each other, they both look disappointed: Um…NoOuch 

Realising the tension J attempts another question: So are there any really funny incidents of Angad and Aaliyah when they were children?Big smile
N: Yep loadsSmile
D: where do we start?Confused
N: There was that one time when angad was 9 and aaliyah 7 and they wanted to give us breakfast in bedBig smile, so came up stairs and put the traySmile down and-
D: and trust me it was definitely Breakfast in bed cos that where all the food fell all over the bedLOL
N: It was so funny and then there was that time when Aman broke up with aaliyah, so angad never saw this guy but Aaliyah was really upset.Ouch So he went down this guys house and gave him the battering of a life timeDead… as he finishes finally he asks the guy 'Now do you have anything to say?Confused'
D: and the guys goes 'Yes I've been trying to tell you for ages I'm not Aman In his flatmate Rahul.'LOL That was too funnyWink, Angad face and the poor kidStern Smile
N: and remember that time when Kripa came down and here she is sleeping down our house for the night Smileand she gets the surprise of her life when angad chucks a bucket of water on her in the morning as she was still sleeping.Big smile She turned around and took the covers off and Angad had the shock of his lifeLOL
D: Yep I remember, cos he had thought aaliyah was sleeping there and Aaliyah was by the bathroom giggling her head off.LOL Kripa chased him around the houseBig smile and end up hurting herself in the processLOL 

J laughing as well: so I guess this Kripa is pretty close to you guys, right?Confused
N and D give defeated smileSmile
D: she was aaliyah's friendSmile
N: She was close to us, but now things have changed-Stern Smile
D: and she used to make the most amazing foodWink
N: hey! Are you saying my food isn't goodAngry
D: nahin toh when did I say that Big smile

J laugh's: Thank you for coming and it was fun getting to know you guysBig smile and next time stay tuned for the interviews of Gayatri and Suryaban

Okay that's all for now so at the moment I hope your getting a little bit of the story and after a few more inerviews and as the story goes on hopefull u'll be getting more and more of the story.Big smile At the moment we know that:
Kripa and Angad know each otherSmile
Aaliyah and Kripa we're friendsSmile
Kipa is the love of Angad's like Big smile
and Kripa and the Khanna's are now longer in touchOuch

How do the Khanna's know Kripa? Confusedand why are they not in touch anymore?Confused and why does kripa seemed to move away from the khanna's life?Confused and what will Gayatri and suryaban have to say next week? Confused

Stay tuned to find out. But for now I'm signing off (heheheLOL I feel like I'm a tv show presenter)

Big smile

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Comments (7)

wow that was great can't wait for the next part

17 years ago

Hey madiha my birthdays in March to except i'll be turning the big 20.!!!
omg they keep saying WAS!!!! lol i hope she didnt die but angad and kripa broke up or somethin lol anything but dead!!![/QUOTE]Kripa is not dead. She's alive and you'll soon understand why they are all saying was But like I said there will be a huge twist in the story
Jerri starcity39094.6774074074

17 years ago

omg they keep saying WAS!!!! lol i hope she didnt die but angad and kripa broke up or somethin lol anything but dead!!!

17 years ago

lol im madiha...turning 14 in march....i am currently writing 3 a-k ffs...i am addicted to if(who isnt?) and i joined june 16, 06

17 years ago

Yep at the moment it won't make that much sense but after a couple more intreviews u guys'll get the general story. When I actually start writing the fanfic part and introduce Kripa and Angad after the interviews, they will be a huge twist[QUOTE=spring92]
great job! [/QUOTE]Thank you[QUOTE=erier101]
i like it!! its so different! will be looking forwards to the other interviews [/QUOTE] Thanks, it's a different concept from my other fanfics to, but I thought the interviews would be a good changeOkay so what I want you all to do is basically introduce yourself, so I get know ppl better Here's a little something about meI'm Jerri im 19, I've written 2 fanfics before this one. I live in the UK and I joined IF AGES agoJerristarcity39094.6483217593

17 years ago

i like it!! its so different! will be looking forwards to the other interviews

17 years ago

wow great cont soon...ur right i'm confused i need to put everything togeather to figure out wats happening

17 years ago
