Chapter 2

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Jerri Javid


Thanks guys here's the next interviewBig smile:

Welcome to the Jerri showSmile and with me today I have another couple. Today with us we have gayatri and suryaban sharma, please give them a round of applause Clap
(J=Jerri, G= Gayatri and S=suryaban)

J: Hi Mr and Ms Sharma, it's a pleasure to have you here at the Jerri show Smile
S: How could we resist! my wife is a fan of yoursBig smile, your like the Asian Oprah!Wink

J: Why thank you, that is very kind of you.Embarrassed Okay, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and all you have to do is answer them. Is that fine? Confused
G: Sure Big smile

J: So who long have you been married for?
S: it's been 34 beautiful years with my wifeBig smile. It was October the 25th we got married Smile
J: wow, a man who remembers his wedding day! Shocked
S: Listen Gayatri, Smilesee Jerri I'm always trying to romance Gayatri Winkbut she is that… LOL
J laughs: How sweet, you guys make a very cute coupleBig smile
G blushes Embarrassed
S: Thank youBig smile

J: So I'm guessing you guys had a love marriage?Wink
G: No actually is was arranged Big smile
J: Wow!Shocked I would have not believed that if you hadn't told me
S: Actually Jerri, for me it was an love marriageEmbarrassed I saw Gayatri at a friends wedding and went home and insisted that that I wanted to marry her-
G: and then we got married and since then, to today he is always romancingEmbarrassed
S: There's no harm in a man romancing his own wife LOL

J: so do you have any children? Confused
S: yep we have a daughter called Kripa and a son called ShaamBig smile

J: any grandchildren? Confused
G: yes a beautiful granddaughter named Aastha-
S: Shaytaan hain woh Evil Smile
G: lol, aur meri javaani ka raaz hain wohLOL
S, G and J laugh LOL
S: I even have a picture of her, here:

J: Awwww, she's adorable. How old is she? Confused
G: She's 3  years old Big smile

J: so I hear that you know the Khanna's as well? Confused
S: We knew the Khanna's a long time ago but that was then- Stern Smile
G: we're not in good terms after what Kripa had to go through. And we had only met them through Kripa in the first placeConfused, we've got nothing against them-Ouchthere good people but Angad-Angry
S: Kripa is my child and she is strong and she's gotten through it and now in fact is very successful Big smile

J: what does Kripa do? Confused
G: International event management- Big smile
S: She's been all over the world. But then Aastha complains that she doesn't get to see Kripa that much LOL
G: and Kripa comes down to our house and finally de-stresses Smile

J: so where is Kripa now? Confused
G: she's finally home, she's home for her cousins wedding Smile
S: and that devil aastha can't leave her alone.LOL She gets her running after her 24/7 Wink

J: and what about Shaam, what's he like? Confused
S: He's a bit reserved, like is mom Wink
G: Yes but he has a beautiful wife and daughter Big smile

J: I heard that Kripa and Angad were linked together at a time?Confused
G: Umm… Stern Smile
S: It's long and complicated I'm pretty sure we'll take up more than half hr of your segment.LOL In basic terms they have history and that's all. Stern Smile
J laughs and realises that the Sharma's don't want to talk about it Confused

J: But some would say that Kripa is the love of Angads life, right? Confused
S: then those some people would be wrong because there is nothing between Kripa and Angad anymore. Angry
G: Further more what angad did to Kripa when she needed him the most- Dead
S: It's just wrong! Dead

J: umm sorry about that, but is Kripa married?Confused
G: umm…No. She's not
S: She's too busy jet setting around the world, lol.LOL But soon she might be-
G: Suryaban don't jinx it! Angry

J so tell me more about your family then ?Confused
G: we'll we're a middle-higher class family and we love each other immensely Big smile
S: Aastha is our little devil Evil Smileand even Pri-
G gives Suryaban a look so Suryaban shuts up, Jerri smells something cooking,Wink but it seems that the sharma's don't want to tell her

J: so what are your children like?
S: Shaam is reserved but very sweetSmile, He's handsome like his dad and he controls the family business.Big smile And Kripa…(he goes still) Stern Smileshe's quiet and it's like she's with us but not really thereOuch. The only time she's properly with us is if she's playing with Aastha Smile
G: Not so log ago she used to be soo bubbly and fierceBig smile. She used to fight for what she believed in Smile
S: and one time she even went away from home, she lived on her own and said that she wanted to be independentBig smileLOL, she met aaliyah that year-Stern Smile(Suryaban goes quiet)

J: So what's the relationship between this Aaliyah and Kripa?Confused
S: they used to bee best friends Ouch
G: But Kripa still speaks to JoshSmile but less so to Aaliyah, it's just not the same anymore Confused

J: Who's Josh? Confused
S: Kripa's best friend- they grew up together. Big smile
G: At one time they promised that if none of them had gotten married by when they were 25 years old then they would get married together LOL
S: And soon Kripa will be getting married to-
G gives him a look to shut him up Angry (Jerri definately smells something ooking now)Confused

J: Thank you Mr and Mrs Sharma. That was a great chat. It was lovely to have you on the Jerri show. Next week stay tuned for Dadi's interview Big smile

Okay that's all for now. So after this interview we find that:
  • Angad and Kripa have HistoryConfused
  • There is something in Angad and Kripa's past that we are not aware ofConfused 
  • Kripa's parents seem to think that there may be another guy is Kripa's life Smile
  • Kripa and Aastha seem to get on very well, and Kripa is only herself when talking with Aastha Big smile
But some unanswered questions still remain
What is the history between Angad and Kripa? ConfusedWho's this new guy in Kripa's life?Confused What is it that dramatically changed Kripa's life? Confused

Okay I hope a little more of the story is being pieced together in your minds, next time on the Jerri show will be DadiBig smile

That's all from me and now I'm signing off Big smile

Jerri Big smile starcity39170.7740509259

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Comments (7)

very nice part continue soon

17 years ago

Hey guys here are the links for my other fan fics: and thanks for the great comments And yes brainy child I promise the end of Kangana is gonna be unpredictale- not as everyone thinks. And ur prediction for this fan fic- well let's say that there's gonna be a twist in that two Jerri

17 years ago

hey can u give me links to ur otehr fan fics please.. thanks.. btw thats an adorable kid..

17 years ago

great can't wqai to read more

17 years ago

awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! CUTE baby!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT part!!!!!!!!!!!! continue soon!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

hmm.. very cool.. and different.. loving it so far.. def mysterious.. well about me.. i m mansi.. just turned 17.. been addictied to this thing since i joined.. a few months ago.. wat else do u wanna kno.. mansi

17 years ago

i rhink angad and kripa did get married b4.. astha is theirs and angad didnt believe her cuz he thought she was cheating.. rite?? no.. this is jerri's fanfic.. jerri is UNPREDICTABLE rite?? i read kangana n the ending of it better be UNPREDICTABLE not wat everyone is thinking okay.. this fanfic seems fun.. the interview segments are kool. continue soooonn

17 years ago
