Chapter 22

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@Dark Love

Part 21
     She stood their frozen with shock as all this happened. Slowly, she looked around to see her family beaming at her. She looked at Ananya and Aaliya, they were smiling from ear to ear, and were really happy. Then, she slowly shifted her gaze to her hand and looked at the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. Tears swelled up in her eyes. Angad slowly put his hand under her chin, and raised her head. He looked into her eyes and saw the tears. These tears confused him. Her face was blank; did this mean she was not happy? He thought. Were these tears of joy, or…something else? Kripa met his eyes and looked at them. They were filled with love. So this was how it felt to love and be loved back, she thought. Angad gently put his arm around her, protectively, and excused them.
He took her out for a stroll around the garden. They stopped at a swing, and sat down, facing each other.

Angad- "Kripa, I know this was unexpected and all, but, well, are you happy? If you aren't it really is ok, I mean, it happened in front of so many people, and well, no one asked your opinion. So, I am going to ask, are you happy, Kripa?"
Kripa looked him straight into his eyes and after a long pause she asked, "What do you think?"
Angad- "I don't know what I think, all I know is that I want you to be happy, if you are not happy with this engagement, then its all right, It really is."
Kripa looked at him and smiled, "Angad, whenever I am with you, I feel like I am on top of the world. I feel protected and happy. Prithvi was always my best friend, and ill tell you one thing, I never considered you a better friend than Prithvi. Prithvi was always my best friend, and you were second."

Angad silently listened as she continued.

K- "The odd thing was that your one touch would sent shivers down my spine, whenever you are not in my presence I feel lonely, when you left without telling me, I felt as if the most important person in my life wasn't with me, I missed you terribly. When I found out that you were coming in a few days, I counted the days. I wished they would go by fast. I realized that I never felt this way when I came here, leaving my childhood best friend behind. I never missed him so terribly. Now, I feel that, I do not have feelings for you as a friend, but something much more. It is something that I have never experienced before, something that is exciting but at the same time very confusing. I am really happy, and those were tears of joy. I was just very surprised and, well, shocked."
sorry, its a stupid part to stop at..but i am really bizy Ouch ... but this is what i have decided.... ima post two parts....but they will both be part 21...u guyz will choose which part you want me to continue with...bcuz, well, they are only 18 rite now and wont get married for another 3-4 years...and that would just drag the story..but i will post the other part 21 soon so u guyz can choose.!


Part 21- Option 2


She woke up, panting and sweating. "Noo!!" she screamed. She looked at her clock; it was 3 AM at night, and she was still in Texas. She waited until her breathing returned to normal and drank a glass of water. Then, she sat on a nearby couch and closed her eyes. It was just a dream, she told herself. However, why did she care? Because I love him, she answered her own question. Because I cannot bear to see him with someone else she said to herself. She whispered the words that were dancing in her head, but never crossed her mind before. She didn't know what it meant, but she would learn. She would love and be loved but she didn't know that. She said the words that she didn't wanna admit, "I love Angad." She smiled. It felt so right, yet it felt wrong. Angad was her friend, he was not a flirt and playboy anymore, but he would not take this seriously. He does not believe in love she thought. She didn't want to lose his friendship. And so she decided, that she would love him, but keep her feelings to herself and enjoy the great friendship. Try to make him realize love. Who knows, maybe he will fall in love with her…. (well, he already has…but Kripa doesn't know, so this is what she is thinking).


             After his talk with dadi, Angad felt great. He had realized his feelings, but wasn't sure if he loved Kripa yet. It was always great to let out his feelings to dadi, she would always have the right answer. He thought about Kripa and all the times they spent together.

Flashback Pics: food fight, journal, coffee, Halloween mask shopping, licking the ice cream (or was it milkshake?) off of her face, trick-or-treating….. <ended>

             He smiled as he remembered those times. But his smile slowly started to fade as he gave more thought to things. What if Kripa didn't love him? There wasn't anyone in her life yet that he knew of. Prithvi was just a friend according to her. But, even if there wasn't anyone,  she still might not have fallen in love with him. He thought some more, and decided to wait and see. To get her close to him, to try to figure out if she had feelings for him, more than just friends, and try to get her to realize this feeling of love, or whatever it was….


pllzzz vote for the best part...bcuz both are different concepts....would it be easier for u if i make a poll? plz tell me if it wouldSmile



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Comments (16)

i was about to say the same thing!!!!!lolzzz well the final decision is urs.. continue sooon

17 years ago

both optins r gr8 but i really liked the 2nd part. b it ur wish. continue soon

17 years ago

amazing parts luved the first one but that wuld mean they wuld split more but second one sounds fun....they hav feelings 4 each otha but dont wanna will be fun wen they try woo each otha cont soon

17 years ago

Okay, i knew u guyz would like the second part..but i wanted to make since there were no votes for teh 1st part...ima go with the second was all a dream..and the next part will be up soon erier10139038.7470833333

17 years ago

OMG i luvd both parts.. they were gr8!!! but, i'd stil say u shud continu wid d 2nd part.. d story would b bettr.. wel dats jus my opinion, stil tho, amazin parts!! xx Saz xx

17 years ago

Both parts r really good, but becoz they r jus 18, ill go wid option 2 coz dat way more luvey duvey moments can cum up, u know like him tryin to woo her!!! loll!!!

17 years ago

awsome part i will go wid d 2nd choice and i totally agree wid Numera89. cont soon

17 years ago

option 2.i think option 1 was very sweet and beautiful but i think 2nd would be more sweet later

17 years ago

option 2.i think option 1 was very sweet and beautiful but i think 2nd would be more sweet later

17 years ago

I agree with you even i like 2 part better way better and I also don't want them to separate so I choose 2 choice.pls conti soon

17 years ago
