Chapter 17

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@Dark Love

Part 16

     Several weeks passed, by now Kripa's parents had arrived and Kripa was so busy that she hardly spent time with Angad anymore. But being distant made their feelings toward each other grow. They missed each other every moment they spent without each other. But neither one wanted to admit that they had feelings for the other. Angad didn't believe in a relationship that was more than friends, he cared about Kripa, but he didn't love her. Or that's what he told himself. Kripa wasn't sure how she felt towards love. It had crossed her mind several times, but she would always ignore it. In love, and with Angad Khanna? No way. That's what she would tell her self but did she really mean it?

     By now, it's December. Its beautiful outside, the grass is covered with a sheet of white snow, and so are the trees. Winter break is a week away and the excitement is in the air. The winter dance is coming up and Kripa is the president of Student Council. In these few weeks, she had gained quite a reputation. She was in many extra-circular activities, doing great in all her classes, and friendly with everyone. Some people were jealous of her because she had gained such a reputation and become Angad Khanna's best friend. They had not been able to do it in four years and she had done it in a few weeks.

     Therefore, Kripa was busy with decorations and other things. As she went on with the daily school routine throughout the morning, she noticed that a lot of guys were asking girls out. No one had asked her out yet. Its not that she really was expecting someone to. On the other hand, was she? She was wondering who Angad was going with, but she decided not to ask. Why should she care? During lunch, she went and sat with Ria and her friends.They were talking about their dates, and outfits.

Ria asked, "Kripa, you want to go shopping with us for dresses?
Kripa- "I'd love to, but, well, no one has asked me out yet." All heads turned around to look at her.

Everyone thought Angad was gonna ask her out.

Kripa snapped- "What?'
Ria asked, "Hasn't Angad asked you out?" Kripa, "what..Angad? no? …er.. why would he ask me out?"   
Ria- "oh, um, well, because… never mind."

They quickly finished their lunch and the "group" went to the bathroom, leaving Kripa behind. Probably gossiping about how I do not have a date, Kripa thought. She was thinking about throwing her lunch out when she saw Kashish heading her way.

Ka- "Hey Kripa!"
K- "Hey Kashish, whats up?"
Ka, "oh nothing much, I was just helping the librarian in sorting some things out."
K- "Oh"
Kripa decided to politely wait for Kashish to finish her food.

K- "So, who are you going to the dance with?"
Ka- "no one" she went a little red.
K- "welcome to the club"
Kashish looked up, shocked. "No one asked you out?"
K- "Nope, why is that so shocking?'
Ka- "Well, all the guys have their eyes on you; everyone thought you would be the first one to be asked out."
K- "Well, I am not, and if I wouldn't have been the president of the student council, I wouldn't have to go to the dance. "
Ka- "Well, you will be busy, no one will notice."
Kripa- "Whatever"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry its pretty short, im busy, but this part is to be continued...


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Comments (30)

Next Part will be up in an hour! erier10139028.6380092593

17 years ago

thanx....and u'll find out very soon...

17 years ago

sorry to confuse u, i shouldn'e have posted the first part of it, the second part was suppose to leave you guessing......thanx!

17 years ago

awesome part hmmm i dont think itz krips since they're not even going out yet ummm it culd dadi eventhough she's not in here the thing is i dont want it to be some1 he really luvs so am just gonna say maybe its 1 of his relative's though i think its sum gal cont soon and GUD LUCK WIV UR REPORT CARDS

17 years ago

awsome promo i hope its kripa well ALL THE VERY BEST FOR UR REPORT CARD.HOP U WILL GET UPTO UR EXPECTATIONS cont soon

17 years ago

well the tidbit was a bit confusing... im hoping its kripa......or someone to make ehr jealous... GOOD LUCK FOR UR REPORT CARD!!! CONTINUE SOOOON

17 years ago

Okay guyz i am REALLY sorry...i was doing the part yesterday but i didnt like my i changed it...and then i have already started typing the part up..but i have A LOT of h/w...i have to write three essays for the same class...its really i owe u a big part....and i gave you tidbits from the next part (teh beginnign of it) are there any guess? who is the love of angad's life...hmm who cud it be P.S.= My report card is coming on wednesday, (pray for me!).so i have the day of.. meaning more time for the parts erier10139027.8246643519

17 years ago

im sorry..i had an idea but i didnt like it so i changed it, and then i started typing the part up. but i have like 3 essays to write for the same class, i dont have time today..but ill make the next part extra long

17 years ago

thanx..i think i could've donw WAYYY beeter than this

17 years ago

interestin promo n i hope its kripa

17 years ago
