Chapter 38

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



--Muskaan in the room –


Muskaan(to herself) – Riddima is going to kill me! It's 12:30. Half an hour late!


Muskaan scanned the room for Riddima. She was nowhere to be seen. Muskaan tip-toed into the bedroom.


There she saw Riddima sleeping peacefully on her bed. Muskaan smiled and was just about to take a step towards the bath-room when –


Riddima( her eyes still closed) – You are late.


Muskaan bit her tongue. A bug lecture was coming up.


Muskaan – Sorry.


Riddima – Why were you late?

Muskaan(thinking of an excuse) – Ummm…Err… Traffic Jam!


Riddima sits up on her bed.


Riddima – Don't lie to me Muskaan! Guilt is clearly shown on your face.


Muskaan(holding her ears) – Chorry!


Riddima smiles.


Riddima – Excused for today. But next time –


Muskaan - --Next time you can kick me if I am late.


Riddima chuckles.


Riddima – So what did you do?


Muskaan tells her everything.


Riddima – Wow! And that's all I can say..Wow!

Riddima looks at Muskaan seriously.


Riddima – Muskaan, I miss hanging around with you nowadays. You spend most of your time with Rahul and I spend most of my time with Armaan. And because of this we hardly spend anythime together nowadays, I miss you.


Muskaan – I miss you to Riddima. But we can do something about this. Tomorrow is a Sunday right?


Riddima – Yeah…


Muskaan – So how would you like hanging around with me? Its gonna be a Girls-only tomorrow !

Riddima giggled. That sounded good.


Riddima – Excellent!



Sorry abt no Muskaan-Rahul scenes in this part…. But I wanted to stress on Ridzi's and Muskaan's freindship here...

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Comments (4)

[QUOTE=arvanu]hey ankita,

this is soo cute....ridz-muski's continue soon.....cant wait for the girl's hangout!!


Thank u guys....More coming up...Lolz..Its not only gonna be a girl's day out as Armaan and Rahul are gonna crash ito it !!

15 years ago

hey ankita,

this is soo cute....ridz-muski's continue soon.....cant wait for the girl's hangout!!


15 years ago

Wow daim I want a guy to gift me a bugalow!Lol dam it Muskaan's lucky she got a guy with truckloads of cash in his backpocket lol update soon Apu!

15 years ago

awww... rahul is so rich! chak de phatte appy! awesome parts!

15 years ago
