Chapter 39

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



It was ten in the morning and Muskaan was still asleep. Riddima was trying her best to wake her up.


Riddima in an effort to wake Muskaan up was tickling Muskaan's ear with a thread.


Riddima - Wake up Ms.Muskaan. Rise and shining! Wakey wakey Muskaan.


Muskaan still does not wake up. Riddima gets angry and shakes Muskaan's head.


Riddima - WAKE UP ! MUSKAAN !


( I guess people who watched Madagascar would have noticed that I took the lines from there..Lolz?I love King Julian ? Apoorva)


Muskaan ? Shut up Riddima ! Let me sleep. Its only Ten in the morning!

Riddima - ONLY ten? ONLY? If you don't wake up NOW, yu have no idea what I am gong to do.


Muskaan (still sleepy) - Mhhm mmm


Riddima is angry now.


Riddima - MUSKAAN ! We have a girls-only day today REMEMBR??




Riddima - Arrrgh!!

Muskaan was peacefully sleeping suddenly Riddima came with a bucket of cold water and splashes it on Muskaan.


Muskaan sits up on the bed with a jerk. Riddima starts laughing.


Muskaan - RIDDIMA !  Ugh ! I am wet !!


Riddima starts laughing harder!


Riddima( between her laughter) - Sorry Muskaan. But you needed that.


Muskaan snorts and Riddima starts laughing harder.


--      At  11: 12 --


Muskaan and Riddima were FINALLY ready.


Muskaan's mobile rings but before Muskaan could pick it up., Riddima gets hold of it.It was Rahul.


Rahul - Hey Muskaan. I was wondering if you and I could spend some time with each other today,




Rahul - Riddima?


Riddima - Yup. And don't EVEN think about hanging with Muskaan today. Because me and Muskaan have decided that we are gonna spend time with each other.


Rahul - Cool. Me and Armaan can join in too.


Riddima - NO ! it's a GIRLs only.


Rahul - Hey! That's unfair!


Riddima - I don't know and I don't care.


--  Rahul and Armaan's room --


Rahul has a confused look on his face.


Armaan - What happened?

Rahul - Muskaan and Riddima are having a Girls only day today and we are not allowed.


Armaan - What? Let me call them.


Armaan dials Riddima's number.


--Muskaan and Riddima's room --


Since Riddima was in the bathroom, Muskaan picks up the mobile.


Armaan - Riddima, I want to take yoy out today, are you---




Muskaan ends the call.

- - - More coming... I-luv-Mayank2009-01-13 01:22:39

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Comments (9)

Lolz...Mooni Mooni...Hw cute it tht !! ROFL !!

15 years ago

lol!! appy that was so funny!!

15 years ago

Nice Thakur! Ugh madagascar... u had to remind me? dude i went to south carolina 2 summers back to visit my mausi. Sabina, my cousin, was only 2 at the time. That chick watched that movie 4 times everyday and made sure i watched with her. whether it was in the car or at home or it was just playing on tv... 14 days, 4 times a day... always her "mooni mooni" Stupid movie. I'm sick of mooni mooni. (that's wht she calls it) Now she's 4, and i'm going to visit her in the summer again, and Madagascar 2 will be out on dvd by that time. I'm doomed! My luck, she still can't say aapi so she calls me paapi. Kitni mushkil say I got her to say Baji. Anyway, updaate faster! Bechaara mera Rahul!

15 years ago

hey thats soo cool apoorva.........poor armi and continue soon......and i bet this was the longest part ever of ur FF....hehehe!!


TEEHEE ! I guess this was the longest !!

15 years ago

Lolz...I love it too...And I loved King Julian's I thot I wud use them here !!

15 years ago

hey thats soo cool apoorva.........poor armi and continue soon......and i bet this was the longest part ever of ur FF....hehehe!!


15 years ago

Lolz...thankz Radz...

15 years ago

haha.. thta is soo cutee.. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!loli love madagascar too!!my favorite!!!lol

15 years ago

Lovely update!!Fab that was way more creative than my idea...

15 years ago
