Chapter 1

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



Heya guys !! Well I am back....again ( I am totally nuts ! ) with my SIXTH FF!!
Well I was watching Ishq Vishq yesterday ( I love Shahid and Amrita's jodi ) and I dont know why...but for some reason I started imagining Rahul and Muskaan in the place of Shahid and Amrita...and I dreamt about this yesterday too and it was completly magical, so I decided to pen in down into a mini FF....Well...I am not sure wder I can express how magical the RM jodi is...but i will try my best....
Oh ! And by the way...This Mini FF will be knda similar to the Ishq Vishq story with some modifications here and there...
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PS- Sumtyms I have updated more than once in the same page. Plz check.
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Ishq Vishq Pyaar Vyaar



M.K.College. One of the best colleges in Mumbai. Or rather the best college in Mumbai. Students flocked to this college? Why ? Because there is nothing this college didn't have. It was the best of the best.


It was just an another usual day at the college. The college music band was busy irritating the teachers with its loud rock music. The Goths were sitting at the far end of the college with their heads together. The nerds were busy explaining each other the laws of gravity. And f course like every other college, MK College had its popular student's gang too. The popular students included the attitudish Anjali, The flirt Rehan, The brat Armaan and the rich Rahul.


These four had a separate group of their own. Every one wanted to be like them. Why? Because they were popular and obviously good looking.



Anjali and Rehan were busy chatting with each other. Armaan and Rahul hadn't arrived yet.


Anjali - Where are those two ? They are gonna be late for sure !


Rehan chuckled.


Rehen - Chill ! They will be here soon !

Exactly at the precise moments the distant rumbling of a car engine were heard.


Rehan - Ah ! There they are.


 Two cars speeded their way into the college and stopped right in front of the college building.


Two handsome guys stepped out if their respective cars.


Guy 1 - I beat you this time Armaan !!


Armaan - Yeah. But I will beat you next time Rahul.


Rahul - We will see about that.


Armaan and Rahul, MK's most sought after men. Girls swooned after them. While Armaan was single. Rahul had just broken up with his girfriend Trishala. The break up had an impact on Rahul. Rahul was seriously in love with Trishala but Trishala had dumped him for some other guy.

Rahul was left shattered after that.


Anjie - You guys are late !


Armaan - Late ? Us ? Nah ! Armaan and Rahul are NEVER late. The others are just too early,


Rehan and Rahul chuckled when Anjali rolled her eyes.


Anjali -  Anyway. Where is that behenji friend of yours Rahul ? Is she late too ?


Rahul - Don't call her Behenji. Give her some respect.


Armaan - Oooh ! Rahul likes Behenji.


Rahul rolled his eyes.


Rahul - Me? With Behenji? No ways! I asked you guys to give her some respect because she helps me a lot. Afterall she is the one completing all my projects.Right ?


The rest of them laugh.


Rehan - Yeah that's true. I wish even I had a person like her. I seriously need a rest from all these idiotic projects.


Just then the classroom's door burst open. A girl with with a white salwaar kameez and curly hair entered the class, an another girl followed her. Those two girls were none other than Muskaan and Riddima.


Rehan - Ah! There they are. The two Behenjis of our college have arrived.


Rahul smiled wickedly, Muskaan and Rahul knew each other from childhood. Muskaan has a HUGE crush on Rahul. The whole college knew that she had a crush on him.


Muskaan knew very well that Rahul wouldn't look twice at girls like her. So in order to get his attention, she used to "help" (or rather complete) Rahul with his projects.


For Rahul hanging around with Muskaan was an embarrassment. He was the cool dude and she was the behenji. The only reason he hung out with her was the fact that Muskaan would do anything for him, which proved very handy for Rahul as all his projects and assignments were completed by her.


Muskaan approached Rahul's desk with a file in her hand.


Muskaan - Here ! I have completed the project for you!


Rahul gave her a smile. Muskana smiled back and slowly made her way back to Ridzi.


Ridzi didn't approve of Muskaan completing Rahul's projects and assignments.


Riddima (whispering so that no one would hear her) - This is WRONG Muskaan ! He is supposed to complete his projects on his OWN!

Muskaan giggled. Whenever she completed Rahul's projects from him. Riddima would start her usual lecture.


Muskaan - Chill Ridzi! I know what I am doing.


Riddima rolled her eyes. Muskaan was so madly in love with Rahul. That she didn't notice the fact that he is just using her.


Riddima was afraid of the day when Rahul would actually break her best friend's heart. Muskaan would be totally shattered.


Riddima sighed and followed Muskaan to their respective desks.


Soon the lecturer came in and went ahead with his class.


*After the class, In the College canteen -*



Muskaan, Riddima and their bets friend Atul were sitting at the far end of the canteen. While Rahul and Armaan were also in the canteen sitting just diagonal to Muskaan, Ridzi and Atul's table,


Armaan - So how is it going Rahul? Any improvements with Trishala?


Rahul sighed. He hated discussing about such a painful topic.


Rahul - No. I guess she doesn't like me anymore.


Armaan - Don't be so negative Rahul. She obviously likes you. I don't understand how she could dump you in order to go out with that Aryan guy! That's SO unfair!


Rahul sighed again.


Rahul - LIFE is unfair!


Armaan (grinning) - You can ALWAYS win her back!


Rahul raised his eyebrows.


Rahul - How?


Armaan - Simple. Make her Jealous. Go out with an another girl and she will come spinning back to you.


Rahul looked uninterested.


Armaan - C'mon it works. I have personal experience about that. I am the love guru right?

Rahul (thinking) - Well...It's a good idea but who do I go out with ?


Armaan - Simple again. Muskaan!


Rahul - Are you nuts? Me with Behenji? No way! I have a reputation to protect!


Armaan - Do you want Trishala back or not?

Rahul - I do. But not if I have to date Muskaan. Is there no other girl?

Armaan - Nopes! Muskaan is the best option right now!


Rahul sighed again. He looked over at Muskaan's table. Muskaan was busy chatting animatedly with Ridzi and Atul.


Rahul didn't know why but looking at Muskaan chatting excitedly with Ridzi and Atul made him smile. Muskaan was such a cute chatterbox.


Rahul - Okay then. Muskaan it is.

0o.Leah.o02009-05-19 05:41:41

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