Chapter 2

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Armaan – Excellent! Now all you have to do is win Muskaan's heart, but that shouldn't be too difficult as we already know that she is crazy in love with you.


Armaan grinned wickedly. He was under the impression that he was helping his best friend. But apparently he had no idea that he would be breaking Muskaan's heart in the process.


Rahul – So what do I do?

Armaan – Simple again. Propose her…today!


Rahul stared at Armaan.


Rahul – What?


Armaan – You heard me. Propose her today. It's best if we get this done fast.


Rahul – But..


Armaan – No buts ! You are gonna do it today and I am gonna help you.


Rahul gulped. He had to propose Muskaan today.


Rahul – Okay. But how and when do I do it?


Armaan rolled his eyes. Rahul was so inexperienced.


Armaan – Take Muskaan to the College garden and propose her there.


Rahul – When?

Arman – Now You idiot !


Rahul gulped. He was unsure about this.


Armaan – C'mon you can do this.


Rahul – But how do I call her outside in front of her friends ?


Armaan – I will do that. Now you go to the garden. Hurry!

Rahul got up and walked to the garden. Armaan meanwhile went to Muskaan's table.


Armaan – Muskaan?


Muskaan looked up.


Muskaan – Yeah?

Armaan – I need to talk to you for a minute. Can you please come with me ?

Muskaan looked surprised. She gave a confused glance to her friends and followed Armaan ou of the canteen.


Muskaan – Where are we going?

Armaan – You will see.


They walked silently and soon they reached the garden.


Armaan – Go and stand near the bench, Rahul is waiting for you.


Muskaan looked surprised.


Muskaan – What for?

Armaan – Don't ask questions. Just go.


Armaan gave a slight push.


Muskaan walked toward the bench clearly surprised.


Soon she found Rahul sitting there.


Muskaan – Hi Rahul. You wanted to see me?


Rahul looked up.


Rahul – Umm….Hey…


Muskaan – Whats wrong with you? You look worried.


Rahul – Um….sit with me.


Muskaan sits down. Confused.


Muskaan – What's the matter?

Rahul ( really fast ) – IloveyouMuskaan.


Muskaan – What? I didn't get what you just said.


Rahul takes a deep breath and says it clearly this time.


Rahul – I love you Muskaan.


Muskaan blinks at Rahul. Cearly stunned.


Muskaan – What?


Rahul – Yeah. Its true.


Muskaan does not believe him.


Muskaan – You are joking right?


Rahul – No.I am not.


Muskaan stands up. She looks angry. Rahul gets up too.


Rahul – What's the matter?


Muskaan ( angry ) – What do you think I am Rahul? A fool? Did you really think I could fall for such a joke?


Tears start forming in Muskaan eyes. Rahul pulls Muskaan towards him.


Rahul – Why do you think I am joking?


Muskaan snorts.


Muskaan – You are the College's most popular guy. Why would you fall for me?


Tears start flowing down from Muskaan's eyes now. Rahul wipes them off with his hands.


Rahul – Muskaan.I am not joking. I love you. From the day we met in childhood I have been in love with you. I would do anything for you Muskaan…anything. Please believe me.


Muskaan is shocked and so is Rahul. He couldn't believe he just said that and he couldn't believe that the words just came out from his mouth as if he was really deeply in love with her.


Rahul – So ….will you be my girlfriend?


Muskaan nods. And from that day onwards Muskaan was Rahul's ' girlfriend '. The title of Behenji was no longer attached to her.


I-luv-Mayank2009-01-09 08:22:34

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