Chapter 30

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Kripa went to Prithvi's house. Alliya opened the door. When she saw tears in Kripa's eyes she understood what had happened, she hugged Kripa and took her to a room.

Kripa laid on the bed and dug her face in the pillow.
Al- Kripa......please hun, don't cry
K- Alliya, just leave me alone for a little bit, if I get it all out then the pain will be less too
Al- I'll talk to Angad, I'll---
K- He doesn't love me
Al- Yes he does
K- No...., he doesn't, he told me himself
Al- He's probably still mad Kripa, what would you do if you were in his place
K- I would never have forgotten him and moved on, I would I have waited. That stupid, idiot even got engaged
Al- Are you serious? To who?
K- This stupid, idiot, ugly girl, Monica.
Al- Oh, she's the one you told me about........ I can't believe Angad did this, but did you meet your son?
K- No and I never will meet Eshaan either, Angad doesn't want me to

Prithvi walked inside the room upon hearing everything. He sat on the bed next to Alliya.

P- Do you really love him Kripa?
K- You know I love him Prithvi
P- Am I your friend?
K- What?
P- Am I your friend, do you trust me?
K- Of coarse
P- Then follow my advice.
Al- And what's your advice?
P- We all know Angad is emotional, he takes everything to heart, he's never going to call you back and accept he loves you.
K- Geez, thanks
P- No listen. I'm telling you to win him back
K- But he's engaged
P- Kripa, I'm pretty sure the girl that he went crazy over and would do anything to get a date with can work her magic on him again, am I right or am I right?
Al- Wow, I like the plan
Prithvi smiled- I have a plan

P- Ok, no one talks until I'm finished telling the plan, got it?
K- Got it
P- And Alliya, hold all questions until the end, no offense, but you can be kind of interruptive
Al- Am not!
K- Ok, so start
P- Well, Kripa, our first problem is Angad wants you to go to London, so you need a reason to stay. So your reason is going to be you need to stay because your filing for Shaan's custody battle.
K- Eshaan
P- sorry, Eshaan's custody battle
K- Ok, sorry to interrupt but bad idea, I can't do that to Angad or Eshaan, it's just....evil
P- Kripa, sometimes you have to be evil in life, and you even have a good reason, to save your family, besides it's not like your really going to take Eshaan away from him
K- I guess......ok, let's hear your whole plan first
P- Cool. So then you need to get a ticket into the Khanna's home, meaning you have to stay there
Al- Woah Prithvi, brilliant, I mean Angad will magically say "of coarse you can stay here Kripa, my home is your home" pssss
P- Well there must be someone in that house who will let her stay there
K- Well sure, Naina mom or, of coarse, Sahil, Angad's cousin
P- Angad's cousin, eh? How about you stay in that house as his girlfriend, then at the same time you will be able to make Angad jealous, damn I'm a genius
K- Are you crazy Prithvi? Angad would be, I guess your right, he will get jealous. Ok, but Pia...--
P- Sahil's girlfriend, isn't that the chick you helped in getting Sahil together and crap, just ask em, I'm sure they wouldn't mind
K- Yeah, I'll talk to them
P- Ok, so meanwhile your staying there, you can spend time with Eshaan, too. And your goal will be to make Angad realize he loves you, and if he loves you but he's denying it, then your goal will be to make him say the three magic words. It's kind of like football---
AL- Prithvi, don't start talking about football
P- oh...sorry
Al- So Kripa, what do you say to the plan?
K- Sounds safe......I'll try it
Kripa smiled.
P- Good and it's full proof, so not much can go wrong
Kripa hugged Prithvi.
K- Thanks so much!
P- Anytime
Al- Group hug!
Alliya joined in on the hug as Prithvi and Kripa laughed at her childishness.

Prithvi called the lawyer and got the custody case ready. Kripa met with Sahil and Pia and told them the situation. Eshaan happily agreed, knowing anything he would do wouldn't be enough to repay Kripa for meeting him with Pia again. Pia also agreed happily.
K- Thanks guys
Pia- Kripa, thank you! Now along with getting Angad back can you do something for me?
K- Anything!
Pia- Than be sure to teach Monica a lesson, for me and you
Kripa smiled- Surely
Pia and Kripa both laughed.
K- Ok, so I'll catch you guys later, bye
Sahil-Pia- Bye

The next morning Prithvi loaded Kripa's things in the trunk.
P- Driver, you know where Khanna house is?
Driver- Yes sir
P- Take Kripa there
D- Yes sir

Kripa hugged Alliya then Prithvi.

K- .....ok then, bye
Al- bye, call me tonight
K- I will, bye Prithvi
P- Take care

Kripa went to Khanna House. The driver took her things out of the trunk.
K- I'll take them inside
D- Ok
K- Thank you
D- Your welcome ma'am
Kripa smiled at him and looked at Khanna House nervously. She knew she was getting herself into Hell. She went to the door and was about to knock on it, when she realized she was being selfish. How She knew Angad would hate her if she did all this, but then she remembered Prithvi's words: "Kripa, sometimes you have to be evil in life, and you even have a good reason, to save your family."

Kripa knocked on the door. She saw Maya open the door and look at her with disgust.
Maya- Kripa Sharma, what brings you back to India?
K- Why wouldn't I come, India's my home
Maya- India may be your home, but this surely isn't
K- .....look, I'm not here to get in a fight or argument with you, so please stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours

Kripa heard Angad also come to the door.
A- Bhabhi, who is it------
Angad then saw Kripa. He was surprised she hadn't left and happy at the same time.
Maya- Kripa, actually Kripa, we thought you were the jewlery man, you know how it's Angad wedding and all so we have to select jewlery
Kripa looked at Angad then away. Maya left, leaving Angad and Kripa alone wth their awkward silent. Finally Angad broke the silence.
A- know your the one that came here, so you should talk
K- oh, sorry. Actually---
A- What's the suitcase for?
K- I'm......I.......---
A- If you want to visit Eshaan before you leave then forget it
This made Kripa mad. How could Angad be so mean. This wasn't the Angad she knew.

K- Actually Angad, I'm here to stay
A- I'm sorry, I thought you said you're here to stay
K- Because I did say that. I'm staying here
A- you not have anywhere to stay? you need money Kripa?
Kripa got tell the concern he had for her in his voice, but she hated it that he would think she would come to him for money.
K- No Angad, I don't need money or a place to stay. I'm staying here because---
Sahil- Because Kripa and I are going out, Kripa why are you standing out there, come inside
Angad and Kripa both saw Sahil come to the door. Angad laughed, but when Kripa and Sahil didn't share in it, he awkwardly stopped.
A- You two, dating? Mr. Egoistic and Ms. Walker Outter are dating?
Angad chuckled.
Sahil- Angad, what's so funny about us dating?
Angad patted Sahil on the shoulder.
A- Sahil, trust me, I'm saying this because your my cousin, Kripa and you, you and Kripa, NO WAY! I mean, you two won't last a week with each other
K- Angad, don't try telling us if we're meant to be together or not
Sahil- Angad, your not jealous are you, I mean if you have any problem with us then---
A- Me have a problem? No way, it's you two that are going to have the problem
Sahil- Well, Kripa and I are living together to get to know each other better, Kripa come on in
K- Thank you
Kripa passed Angad and went inside with Sahil.

After Kripa put her suitcase in her room, she went to find Sahil.
Sahil- So how was my acting?
K- Shhhh, what if someone hears?!
S- Sorry
K- But very good
S- Thanks
K- So where's Shweta and Eshaan?
S- They're both at some birthday party, they'll be home late
K- ......oh

Later that night at dinner:
Priya- So how was London?
Kripa- A good experience
Naina- Kripa, honey, why didn't you ever call?
K- Actually, mom, ----
A- Mom, it's her life, why do we care what she does
Naina sadly smiled.
N- Exscuse Me
She got up and left.
K- Angad, mom was talking to me, not you, so why did you say that?
A- Bhabhi, can you please pass the water
Kripa rolled her eyes and continued eating.
K- Sahil, it's getting late, when are the kids coming home?
S- They should be coming any minute, don't worry Karan bhaiya is with them
A- Why are you so impatient?
K- Angad, I want to meet Eshaan, if you accept it or not, I am his mother
A- Kripa, Eshaan is my son, and if I want I don't have to let you meet him
K- ....So are you going to let me meet him?
A-, because your just going to end up hurting him and leaving anyways
K- I didn't want it to be this way Angad, but you leave me no choice
Kripa got up and came back with some papers in her hands.

Maya- What are those?
K- Maya, I'm not talking to you right now, so if you could please mind your own business, anyways, Angad these are court papers, here read them yourself

Kripa handed Angad the papers. Angad read them quickly, not believing his eyes.
A- Your kidding me
K- No, I knew you wouldn't let Eshaan meet me, so ....yeah
A- Your want to take custody of Eshaan?
K- Yes and that's not it, towards the bottom it explains until the court hearings I can meet Eshaan too
A- Okay Kripa, If this is how it's going to be, then fine
K- Good
Sahil's cell phone rang and he picked it up.
S- Hello.......Now?.........But--..........ok, I'll be there, bye
Rohit- Anything wrong Sahil?
S- Oh, it's just I have to leave for London now, for a meeting that just came up
R- Oh, but now?
S- Yes, I have to be there by tomorrow morning
R- Here, I'll go and book your ticket
S- Thanks bhai
Rohit- No problem, erm, I'll tell mom to help you with your packing
K- Rohit Bhaiya, don't disturb mom, I'll help him
R- Alright

As Kripa helped Sahil pack, she saw Angad come in the room.
Sahil- Ever heard of knocking?
A- Shut up. Anyways Kripa, since Sahil is going to London, why don't you go with him?
S- Angad **** up!
A- No, I think it's a very logical question. I mean Kripa came here to get to know you better, so why doesn't she go with you?
K- Angad, thanks for the concern, but next time keep your concerns to yourself
S- Ok Kripa, I'll be on my way now
K- Bye, take care
S- you too
Sahil left the room with his suitcase.
A- Wow Kripa, no goodbye kiss to your boyfriend?
K- Someone's jealous
A- Me, jealous of you two? In your dreams
K- Really? Then tell me, why do you care if we kiss or not, if I go to London with Sahil or not, if I----
A- Shut up, anyways, I'm getting the best lawyer in India to fight my case
K- The best, eh? You think it's going to be that hard for you to win the case that you need the best? Anyways, where's Eshaan?

Kripa and Angad both turned around to see a young boy running towards Angad.
A- Eshaan, your home
E- Daddy, the party was sooo much fun, I ate so much cake
A- Really?
Angad's attention was diverted to Kripa. He didn't know what she would say to Eshaan and neither did Kripa. Eshaan's glace went to Kripa and he looked puzzled.
E- Daddy, who is she?
A- erm......she's a friend of mine
E- oh, hi
K- ......hi, I'm Kripa
Kripa extended her hand towards Eshaan. She had tears in her eyes. Looking at him, made her realize how many years of his life she missed out on. Because of her leaving his first word wasn't "mommy", she didn't get to see him first walk, she didn't get to potty train him, or be there when he stopped drinking out of a bottle.
E- My name is Eshaan Khana
K- Not Khana, Khanna
E- yeah, Khanna
Kripa heard a bark coming from the door, she saw a dog come towards her and stop in front of her. She knew he was seeing if she was any danger to Eshaan or not. Kripa bent down and started betting him.
K- Wow, cool dog
E- woah, he usually never likes anyone
K- Really?
E- Yeah, and espically not girls, I mean besides Shweta didi. Cause he doesn't like Maya aunty, or Priya aunty, and espically not Monica mom
K- ........Monica
E- yeah, my mom
K- ...of coarse, your mom
- Kripa Chachi!!!
Shweta came running towards Kripa and hugged her.
K- Shweta, hun, how are you?!
Sh- Grown up
K- Wow you look gorgeous
Sh- Your going to stay with us now, right chachi?
K- ...erm, right
Sh- Yay!!!
E- Shweta didi, your weird
Sh- Shut up Eshaan, anyways Kripa chachi, I have SO much to tell you about!
K- Really?
Sh- Yep, do you want to sleep over in my room tonight?
K- Shweta---
Sh- Please, chachu tell chachi to sleep with me, she'll listen to you
A- Shweta, your always saying your a big girl, big girls don't insist, right?
Sh- Wrong chachu
K- It's ok, we'll have a sleepover Shweta
Sh- Yay! I'll be right back
K- ok

Shweta ran out happily.
E- dad, why are we n Sahil chachu's room?
A- Because....I don't know, anyways, it's getting late, go jump in bed and I'll come tuck you in, in a little bit
E- but I'm not sleepy
A- Eshaan, just.... just go, I'll buy you a toy tomorrow if you go now
E- Ok!
Eshaan ran out just like Shweta, happily.

K- That's how you get your son to listen to you, buy bribing him?
A- Look Kripa, I can use any way I want with him, so please just don't bother on even trying to get in a fight with me on this
K- Angad, your so hard to talk to these days, anyways, good night
A- yeah yeah, whatever

Kripa and Angad both left the room. Kripa went into Shweta's room in her pajamas.
K- Wow, cute room hun
Sh- Thanks chachi, mom designed it
K- I didn't know Priya could design rooms, that's nice.
Sh- Chachi, does this mean Angad chachu and you are back together again
K- Shweta, we're.....not really together
Sh- But your back now, so what's the problem
K- ...I guess as time kept changing so did everyone, including Angad's feelings
Sh- You know, I don't like Monica aunty
K- Join the club
Shweta smiled.
Sh- I heard her talking to Maya chachi once, they were talking about her wedding with chachu.
K- hmm
Sh- She said she's only using Eshaan to get Angad chachu, something about having Eshaan wrapped around her finger, and oh yeah, she said she'll just send him to boarding school to get him out of her way when they're going to get married
K- What, Monica said all that
Sh- yes, I tried telling Chachu, but he didn't understand and said I need to stop watching step-mom shows and Eshaan, he's too scared of Monica aunty to even say anything
K- Shweta, do you want to know the real reason I'm here?
Sh- Why?
Kripa told Shweta her plan, not knowing if she would be able to understand or not.
Sh- Wow, that's a great plan
K- Thanks, so you'll help me in it? Your the only one besides Sahil in this house that knows about it
Sh- Sure chachi, anything you need me to do, I'll do it
K- Thanks, now you have to go to school tomorrow so go to sleep
Sh- good night
K- Sweet dreams

The next day, the kids went to school. Kripa heard some loud voices coming from downstairs. She looked down from the second floor seeing Monica and Angad fighting.

Mon- Kick her out then! If you don't want her here, no one in this house wants her here, I don't want her here, then why the **** is she here?!
A- Look, I'm telling you for the last time, don't interfere in Kripa's life, she has her reason to stay here, you don't need to butt into her business, got it?
Mon- Angad, look, I love you, if we want to spend the rest of our lives together we can't have her standing in the middle of us, I hope you understand what I'm saying
A- No, I don't
Mon- We all know Kripa is the mother of your first child, tomorrow even I want to have kids, your kids, our kids, if you give Kripa and Eshaan all the attention then how will I feel how will our kids feel?
A- Damn it, stop all this rubbish! Look, you know I only agreed to marry you because of the family's pressure, because everyone thought Eshaan needed a mother, but now I'm glad I know your reality, you don't give a damn about Eshaan, **** your off in lala land dreaming about having kids and God knows what else! You don't give a **** about Eshaan, he's a freaking burden on you isn't he?
Mon- No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, you're misunderstanding me, I love Eshaan more than......more than anyone and anything. Now our wedding is in a week, so lets forget this silly argument and move on, okay honey?
A- No, it's not okay. I don't want to marry you, because right now it seems like a really big mistake
Mon- What!

I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry a bunch for the delay, a lot of family things came up. Anyways, thanks for all the comments!!! They were so much fun to read, please do comment!

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Comments (17)

woops! didn't even notice that. Im glad you liked the part, i know, I'm bad with updating, sorry. anyways, thanks. keep reading!

17 years ago

gr8 part and love the plan

17 years ago

Excellent, im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy they r havin this fite Pls make sure angad sticks to his word n dusnt marry her, pls do anythin but mke sure he dont marry monica, plzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!

17 years ago

awww amneeet jaan...tht was awsome...luved it....hope angu falls soon 4 her again...n cont sooon Iqra

17 years ago

that was mind blowing cant wait for more nd swheta omg she is so cte angad better fall again for Kripa soon becoz i miss their cute nd romantic scene together

17 years ago

oh that was brilliant....i totally enjoyed!!!

17 years ago

Eshaan happily agreed, knowing anything he would do wouldn't be enough to repay Kripa for meeting him with Pia again. Pia also agreed happily. dont wanna be a miss knowitall but still that was a great part.. i was waiting for u to continue n u final did. ilike the plan and i love how he calleed the wedding off. continue soooonn

17 years ago

yeahhhhhhhh i really love the way this story is going plz continue soon i hope tht prithvi's plan works...and monica gets out of the way... and angad kripa ehsaan, and their three other kids live happily ever after

17 years ago

that was toooooo good!thanks to u angad called off the wedding! i am to happy!

17 years ago

yeah hope dey dont get married but monica will surely do smth 2 get A n hope eshaan comes 2 know dat K is his real mom n A-K get bak 2gether

17 years ago
