Chapter 31

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Mon- Angad, your joking?
A- No, I'm not, so just please leave
Mon- Angad, I'm sorry, you know I'm sorry, why can't we forget this?
A- Because not everything is meant to be forgotten, anyways if you won't leave, then I will
Monica ran towards Angad and held his hand.
Mon- I knew it! This is yours and Kripa's plan right, to get me out of the way so you both can get back together
A- You can think whatever you'd like
Mon- Fine Angad, but how will you explain this to my son, how do you think Eshaan will feel when he finds out what you're doing with his mother
A- You know it as much as I do your not his mother, not because you didn't give birth to him, but because being a mother you have to actually feel affection and love towards your child, which you don't
Mon- Angad, I love you and Eshaan, how many times do I have to say this? I'll do anything to get you, just tell me what you want?
A- See, if you really loved me you wouldn't have to ask me what I want, anyways forget it.
Mon- I can never forget it Angad, because I love you. If you want I'll leave you, but I know we'll end up together, but I'll give us space for now. But I can't put space between my son and I because I'm his mother
Monica took a deep breathe and turned around and walked out the doors. Kripa didn't know how to react, she felt happy inside, but bad for Angad. Every step of the way he had to go through hardships, but she knew he made the right decision.

Later, Eshaan and Shweta came home.
K- Hey guys
SH- Chachi, school was so boring
K- yeah, you get used to it though
Sh- I'm going to go eat something, where's my mom?
K- I think she's in the kitchen
Sh- ok
Shweta ran along.
K- Aren't you hungry Eshaan?
E- No
K- Ok, so what do you usually do when you come home from school?
E- I play with Sammy, ..........can I ask you a question?
K- Sure
E- What do you want me to call you?
K- ....erm.....Whatever you want I guess
E- Maya aunty said your dating Sahil chachu, so I guess I should call you chachi....... but your also my dad's friend, so maybe I should call you aunty,..... which one do you want to be called?
K- I see your confusion. But if we're friends then you can call me just Kripa right?
E- yeah
K- So can we be friends?
E- You'll be my friend?
K- Only if you'll be mine
Kripa smiled and extended her hand towards Eshaan. Eshaan smiled and shook it.
K- Friends?
E- Friends!

Angad came in the living room, looking for Eshaan.
E- Hey dad
A- There you are---
Angad saw Kripa next to him, he didn't want Eshaan getting close to her, because only he knew how much it hurt when the person you love the most leaves you.

Karan also walked in the room.
Kar- Angad, Rohit and I also have to go to London, all board members need to be at the meeting in London, we're leaving in a couple of hours. Priya's sister's wedding is also there, so she's also going with Shweta. and Maya wanted to go with Rohit. And mom's coming with us, so that leaves Kripa, you, and Eshaan, if you guys would like to come---
A- You guys carry on bhai, I have a contract to sign tomorrow so I have to stay, I'll keep Eshaan with me. And as far is Kripa is concerned, I'm pretty sure she'll be staying too
Kar- Ok, however you like it

Karan left.
E- dad, I want to go to London too
A- And may I ask why?
E- Because I've never been there, besides Kripa came from London and I want to see it
A- Kripa came from London, so why do you want to see it?
E- Dad! Please!
K- Eshaan, you have school right? And I'm pretty sure when your dad has time he'll take you wherever you want to go, right Angad?
A- ......yeah
E- ok.

Later that day, everyone left for London. The house seemed empty. Kripa was bored, so she called Alliya.

K- Hey Alliya
Al- Hey! So how are things going?
K- Good, I guess, Sahil had to leave for London, actually everyone left for London. Angad, Eshaan, and I are the only ones here.
Al- Wow! This is a great chance to be close to them
K- I know, but Angad just broke up with Monica, I don't want to make him feel any worse
Al- Are you kidding me?! This is fantastic news! Angad did half your job for you, you should definately thank him later
K- Forget me, how are you and Prithvi doing?
Al- Great, his parents love me! And you won't believe it, the wedding is fixed for next month, can you beleieve it, in a month I'll be Mrs. Alliya Prithvi Bose!
K- Congratulations, I'm so happy for you two
Al- Thanks
K- Ok, well I'll call you later, bye
Al- Bye, take care

Kripa went downstairs. She saw Angad in the living room. She sat down next to him on the coach. He continued watching tv and didn't even glance at her.
K- What cha doin
A- What's it to you?
K- Aww your so cute when your mad, anyways where's Eshaan?
A- Sleeping
K- Oh, it's only 8:30
A- Yeah, well some kids have to go to school in the morning
K- correct. Did he eat?
A- yes, Durgesh made him dinner
K- Where's Durgesh, I'm hungry too, I want dinner
A- He went home, besides I thought you already ate so I told him to throw out the leftovers, sorry
K- Why do you talk like that?
A- ......what do you mean?
K- You always have that grumpy voice these days, it sounds like a grumpy deep robotic voice
A- Why, does it turn you on?
K- psss, not that voice, I like that cute, deep, boyish voice, short your normal voice
A- ..................this one?
Kripa smiled.- Yes, that one
Angad continued looking straight.
A- You never met anyone in London?
K- I met millions of people in London, it's a big city
A- You know what I mean.......guys....
K- I met a lot of guys, but I never dated any of them
A- Why?
K- I knew none of them could ever take your place, none of them could ever make me forget you
A- So you tried forgetting me?
K- At a point I did........but I couldn't
A- So Sahil is obviously different from all the other guys you met
K- .......Sahil's as nice guy
A- I can't understand you, you say you haven't forgetten me, yet your dating Sahil---
K- It's not necessary we have to forget and move on
A- Your's not
K- I mean I would have never in a million years have guessed you've forgotten me, but...but you did.
A- ..........yeah I did, anyways you can order some pizza if your hungry
K- Yeah, that sounds good

Kripa picked up the phone and called and ordered a pizza.
K- Do you want anything?
A- oh, no thanks
K- Liar, what kind do you want?
A- ......pepperoni
K- Yeah, can I actually get half pepperoni and half cheese, ok, thanks

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang. Kripa went to the door.
K- hi
Pizza Guy- Hey, here's your half pepp half cheese pizza
K- thanks, here, keep the change
PG- Thanks, have a great night
K- thanks, you two

Kripa shut the door and took the pizza to the living room.
A- Did you get peppers?
K- Oh crap, I forgot, sorry
A- it's ok, I'll go get the coke
Angad returned with two can of pop in his hand. They sat down and ate their pizza.
K- So how did you set up your that huge magazine house, with the money your dad gave you?
A- Naa, I actually donated all of that money. Actually.....don't get mad, but after you left that high school article got bigger than ever, it was like everyone knew about it. Mr. Kurana, my old boss, advised me to open my own firm here, day by day it got bigger I guess.
K- Congrats
Angad looked at Kripa strangely.
A- Your not mad? I mean...about that article----
K- Nope. I've gotten over it. Remember you used to say if you would have never done that article...we might have never met, heck we wouldn't have even known the other were right.
Angad smiled.
A- I knew you would realize it one day that we were meant to be---------

Angad suddenly realized what he was saying. He instantly stood up. Kripa also stood up.
Angad faced Kripa.
A- I don't love you Kripa
Both of them got closer until their was no more space between them. Their eyes only saw each other. Slowly their lips touched, they both closed their eyes. They both tongue kissed. Kripa wrapped her hands around his neck while Angad put his hands on her small hips. Slowly they worked their way to Angad's bedroom. They both got onto the bed. Angad showered Kripa with kisses. He kisses her all over the neck. They one by one took off all their clothing and got into the sheets.

The next morning the alarm started ringing. Kripa saw it was 8:00. Angad also woke up. He heard his bedroom phone ring. He picked it up
A- hello
Durgesh- Angad baba, you were still asleep so I got Eshaan ready and sent him with the driver to go to school
A- oh, thanks a lot
D- No problem, bye
A- yeah

K- Who was it?
A- Durgesh, he just wanted to say Eshaan is already at school
K- oh.......
Angad was about to get up but Kripa grabbed his hand.
K- Angad, ......say something
A- About what?
K- Last night
A- .....You're Sahil's girlfriend, ....what more should I say?
The house phone started ringing again. Angad annoyingly picked it up again.
A- Hello?
Sahil- Hey Angad.....Is Kripa around?

A- It's for you
K- Me?
Angad handed her the phone and got up and went to the bathroom.
K- Hello?
Sah- Hey Kripa, I called on your cell but you didn't pick up
K- oh....I must have left it are you?
Sahil- Fantastic, Pia flew down here too. We're having a blast, so how are things going with Angad?
K- .....fine
S- Good, look if you really need me down there then I'll---
K- take your time there, I've got things handled here
S- Ok, well, I'll call you later, then, bye
K- Bye

Kripa put the phone down. She put on her clothes and went to her own bedroom to take a shower. She went downstairs to find Angad.

K- Durgesh kaka
D- Yes Kripa ma'am?
K- Call me just Kripa
Durgesh smiled.- Kripa
K- Erm.....where's Angad?
D- Angad baba left for work
K- oh....I see.
Durgesh left and started working again.

Kripa went to Prithvi's house and hung out with them a little bit. Then they all went to their old high school.

Kripa smiled upon seeing her old locker. This was the same locker Angad used to wait for her at.
Al- Kripa! Come on, let's go
K- Coming!
Kripa walked outside following them. She saw a bench, she looked closer at it.
"Angad Loves Kripa"
She wondered when Angad must have wrote that.
Al- Kripa, come on, fast
K- You two go, I'll catch up in a sec
P- ok

Kripa found a stick to use on the wood bench. Underneath what Angad wrote she engraved "& Kripa Loves Angad"
She had so many memories here with Prithvi and Alliya fighting, Angad flirting with her, that teacher flirting with Angad, Angad and Prithvi's fight, their big game, the necklace Angad tried giving Kripa in the library, the high school graduation that broke her heart.....the beginning of their love story.

Kripa felt a couple of raindrops on her. She whispered "I love you Angad" But if only he would say the same to her, if only things in life would go the way we want.

Kripa heard a car horn, she turned around and saw Prithvi's car, she walked to it and sat inside.

Later, they dropped Kripa home.
K- Ok, bye guys
Al- Bye, wasn't that so much fun!
K- Yeah, a lot of old memories came back
P- You got that right
K- Ok, bye guys
P- Bye
Al- Bye Kripa

Kripa went inside the house. She looked at the time, it was 6:30. How did time pass by that soon.

She saw Angad come towards her.
A- Where were you?
K- I was with Prithvi----
A- Oh....Prithvi, he's in town huh. Of coarse, where Kripa is, there will definitely be Prithvi and if not Prithvi then Sahil, and if not them, then some other maniac, surely
K- What? Your wrong, Prithvis dating Alliya, I was with both of them
A- oh.......
Kripa saw his embarrassed face.
A- Well......I called you like a million times, why the heck didn't you pick up the phone? At least you could tell Durgesh kaka where you're going before you leave.
K- My phone must have been off, besides, I told Durgesh kaka I was going out
A- "Going out?" Geez, that covers it, huh?
K- ....I'm sorry........but why were you so worried?
A- Forget why was I so worried, why are you so wet? Did you go jump in a lake or something?
K- If you ever look out the window in that big building of yours, you would know it rained earlier
A- Whatever
K- Angad, can I say something?
K- You're not as bad as you try to make yourself seem. If you just want to know where I was, just ask. Simple, huh? Anyways, I have to talk to you about something important.
A- What?
Kripa twisted her lips. Was this the right time to tell him Sahil and her weren't really dating, or should she wait. She looked at Angad's impatient face. Maybe if she told him the truth he would be relieved and happy, or it could backfire and he would have another reason to be mad at her.

K- Erm.....before I tell you, ....can I kiss you?
A- Kiss me?
K- Please, it's ....necessary

Kripa got closer to him and put her soft lips on his. As expected, Angad couldn't resist and he returned the kiss. The kiss had passion, lust, and love in it. The only thing that went through her mind was tell him and start your life with him again, she knew somewhere in his heart, even he wanted the same.

I hope you liked the part, don't kill me for the late update. lol. See, I write a little bit each day, then the next day when im adding on to the part, im like what the heck was i thinking when i wrote that, so then i delete the part, and have to write it over again. But this time I was also starting my new fan fic, so that got in the way too. Anyways, my point is I'm deeply sorry, but I gave a long part and a happy part, right? So please please comment!!!!!!!!! amneetkaur_2439147.7358912037

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Comments (15)

nice part angle. i hope krips tells the truth 2 angad soon. otherwise he might just kill his cousin in his jelousy continue soon

17 years ago

Gr8t Part Continue soon plz!!!

17 years ago

OMGSHHH!! finally angad got the point with the stupid monica donkey face lolz! im glad he broke up with her she waz nuthin but a freakin snob! n*e wayz really cute scene with angad n kripa... i hope angad doesnt get mad at kripa about the whole sahil thing.. awesome part.. continue soon!!

17 years ago

woww marvellous parts alot has hapeened since the last time i read it amazing job yaar i never thought aali and pritz were eva gonna get together i am just a tad bit sad...cant swear at pritz anymore na i hope dat elephant (monica) goes to hell if she cums bak am surely gonna break her 2 legs anyways did u hav 2 stop it was gettin pretty interesting and man i luv the name eshaan and he's soo cute and i luv shweta...she's choo chweet cont soon

17 years ago

awsome part rocking loved the whole part it was so romantic awsome just awsome cont soon

17 years ago

Awesome part... i luved it... im glad angad vbroke up wid dat urghhh n hes bck wid kripa- well on the verge anyway ... soooooo sweet

17 years ago

awwwwwwwwww man tht was rocking!!!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

magnificent part hope they get back together

17 years ago

o that was continue soon!!!

17 years ago

u lifted a heavy truck from my heart this part was gr8 continue soon!

17 years ago
