Chapter 26

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Angad and Kripa sat down at the dinner table. Kripa noticed two tall and strong men come to the table. Angad smiled and got up and hugged them.

Karan- Angad, I'm so glad your back

Rohit- Yeah, this time we wont' let you go man

Angad- Forget me, how've you two been?

Kar- House office, you know, the regular

That was the same "regular" Angad didn't want in his life. He wanted to do something that interested him and something he wouldn't regret being.

Maya- Rohit, why were you so late today?

Rohit- Actually, we had a meeting, that's why

Karan and Rohit sat down.

A- Oh yeah, this is Kripa, my---

Rohit- Let me guess, she's your wife, right?

A- yeah bhai

Kar- Hi Kripa

R- Hello

Kripa smiled back at them. They were nice guys.

Naina came to the table and sat down. The servants served the food.

Karan- Mom, where's dad?

N- Actually, your dad is sleeping, so he preferred to skip dinner today

Karan nodded as he took a sip of water.

Shweta came and ran into her father's lap. Karan gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Priya- She's been missing you all day

Kar- So, how's my angel?

Shweta didn't reply, as she was too busy looking at Kripa and Angad.

Shw- Daddy, who are they?

Naina- Honey, that's your Angad chachu and Kripa chachi

Shw- But.......I thought Rohit and Sahil chachu and Maya chachi, were my only chachu and chachi----

Naina- Yes, but Angad is also your dad's brother, so in that relation he's your chachu--

Maya- Mom, don't confuse the young girl, I mean, it's not like Angad and Kripa are going to be staying here forever---

Rohit- Maya

Rohit stared at Maya intensely, which she clearly understood as a shut up.

Maya- I was just joking

Shweta- Your pretty ...Kripa chachi

K- Thanks, but I think your prettier

Shweta smiled. She then got up and ran off.

Angad- Mom, the food is delicious

Naina- I made all your favorites, Kripa honey, tell me what you like and tomorrow I'll make your favorites too

K- Thanks aunty, I mean mom, but it's fine

N- No, your like my daughter, and besides, I like cooking

K- .....ok, thanks

Maya whispered in Priya's ear- I don't remember mom ever making our favorite foods

Priya- Of coarse, Angad was always her favorite son, so of coarse Kripa is her favorite bahu, and if they ever have a child, then that'll be mom's favorite grandchild

Karan- So Angad, what do you do now?

A- I'm a journalist

R- For a newspaper or magazine?

A- Magazine

Priya- So how did you and Kripa meet?

A- At some therapist or counselor's office

P- What?

A- I was there with someone and so was Kripa

P- awww

M- How long have you two been married Kripa?

K- year or so

M- you had a love marriage?

K- yaa

M- Priya bhabhi and I both had arranged marriages, you see, papa picked us out

K- ......that's nice

Naina- But I'm sure Maya, even Dev couldn't have picked a better girl for Angad then Angad himself did

Maya gave Naina a fake smile.

Priya- I guess we'll never know, now will we?

A- Actually bhabhi, I'm sure, Kripa is the only girl for me

Angad looked into Kripa's eyes. Kripa knew he said that to her more than Priya. Kripa quickly looked away, before she could be sucked into those brown eyes.

After dinner Kripa helped Naina clean up. Angad sat talking with his brothers.

Naina- Kripa, I'm going to go check on Dev, why don't you go talk with Priya and Maya, your probably bored with an old lady like me

K- No mom---

N- Still, go, I'm sure they'll give you great company

Kripa walked to one of the living rooms where Maya and Priya were reading magazines.

K- Can I join you two?

Even though she didn't want to, Kripa decided to get to know them.

Priya- erm...sure

Kripa sat down.

Maya- So Kripa, don't mind me asking, but.....when are you two leaving?

K- ......I'm not sure, whenever Angad wants

M- Of coarse. So Kripa, tell me, do you work?

K- Erm not yet, but I'm going to be a soccer player

Priya- Wow, your into sports?

K- Yeah......what do you two do?

Priya- Actually, we don't have to work, you know, with all the money we possess, theres no need, but I understand why you have to work, I mean Angad being a journalist, you must not have much of an income---

K- Actually Priya, we live comfortably with what Angad makes and he's good at it, so theres not really any problem, and as far as me working, I don't think I'm working because Angad being a journalist, I work because I want to, not only for myself but to complete my dad's dream

P- whatever you say

M- Look who we have here

Kripa watched a guy walk in. He had blue eyes with brownish hair. Kripa hadn't seen him before.

M- Sahil, where've you been, you didn't know we have guests over?

S- Bhabhi, whose here----oh, who is this beautiful woman?

Kripa didn't smile at the compliment. She could see he was obviously checking her out the way he was looking at her. She already didn't like him, he had been mean to Angad, only she could be mean to Angad, the idea of anyone else being mean to him killed her. She was mad at him for what he did to her, but she knew he couldn't hurt anyone else.

Priya- This is Kripa

Sahil- Hello Kripa, I'm Sahil Khanna, wow....your....your gorgeous

K- ........thanks

Maya- Sorry to interrupt your flirting period with Kripa, but I'd like to tell you Kripa is married.

Sahil- What? I who?

Priya- To your very own cousin

Sahil- ....Angad?

K- Yes, Angad, any problem?

S- No......I, what is Angad doing back home?

Maya- We all know what day tomorrow is, don't we?

S- ohh, of coarse, I can't believe I forgot, that explains it

K- Am I missing something here, what's tomorrow?

Sahil- As cute as you are, you sure do know how to act innocent

K- Excuse me?

Right then Angad walked into the room. Sahil saw him and gave a fake smile.

S- Angad, your back

A- Yeah, now why don't you try saying that with a smile

S- Wow, you still haven't changed

A- I don't want to start this, erm Kripa can I see you for a minute

K- yaa

After Angad and Kripa left the room, Sahil rolled his eyes.

Maya- If dad ends up giving them even one penny out of that will, then I swear--

P- Relax, dad won't do such a thing

S- If I know uncle, then Priya bhabhi is right, he won't give Angad anything. I've seen Angad and uncle's relationship, it's broken. Uncle can't see anything but flaws in Angad, and in uncle's eyes Karan, Rohit, and me are perfect, because we became the businessmen Dev Uncle always wanted.

M- I guess you two are right.........

It was time to sleep. Naina came to the room with two glasses of milk for Kripa and Angad.

A- Mom, I'm not a kid anymore!

N- Stop wining and take the glass

Angad reluctantly took the glass from the tray.

N- And Kripa honey, you too, I want my kids to be strong

Kripa stared at Naina with tears in her eyes.

N- Kripa......honey, what's the matter? You don't need to drink it if you don't want---

K- No's just, I remember my mom used to give me milk before I went to sleep too.......and ever since she died I haven't been pampered with a mothers' love....

Naina smiled and wiped Kripa's tears.

N- Now that I'm here, you have your mom back

Kripa hugged Naina.

N- Now, both of you drink your milk before you go to bed, good night

K- Good night

Naina closed the door behind her.

A- Kripa, what did Sahil say to you?

K- Oh.......erm.......nothing much, why?

A- ......oh nothing

Angad went to the bathroom and changed, after him Kripa did the same.

Kripa went and slept next to Angad on the bed. She knew earlier she had yelled at him over sharing a bed, but if they had already shared so much then a bed was nothing.

Kripa fell asleep quickly. Angad could see the moonlight reflecting on her face. She was beautiful. If there was someone in the world he could call his own, someone he knew would always be with him, then it was Kripa. He put his hand on her stomach, and for the first time he could feel his child. Angad smiled at the thought that his child was in the world and soon Angad would be able to hold him or her. Before he knew it, his eyes also closed, with a smile on his face.

The next morning when Kripa opened her eyes, she saw Angad had his hands wrapped around her securely and her head was on his chest. She had to admit though, she was comfortable. She didn't know what caused her to, but she touched his face with her hand. She could feel a small beard growing on him and she thought he looked quite cute with it. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, even though it was a very short kiss, she had tears in her eyes. She wished she could hug him back, but after what he did, she was sure he didn't love her. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

After Angad also got out of the shower, Kripa was about to leave the room.

A- Wait Kripa

K- Why, what happened?

Angad finished combing his hair and walked towards Kripa.

A- I want you to meet my dad

K- ........

A- Come on, he's not going to kill you

K- .......alright

Angad smiled. Kripa could see how much it obviously meant to him.

Angad knocked on the door. Naina came and opened it.

N- Come in kids

A- Thanks, is dad awake

Angad heard Dev's voice from the bed.

D- I've been awake since six.

A- I want you to meet someone

Dev looked at Kripa who was walking behind Angad. He could tell she was quite nervous.

D- ......alright.......

A- Dad, this is Kripa, my wife. And Kripa this is my dad, Dev Khanna

K- Nice to meet you

D- The pleasure is all mine, got married?

A- Yeah dad

Naina- I was going to tell you myself but I thought it would be better if Angad---

D- Kripa, come here

Kripa did as she was told. She sat down next to Dev.

D- I know this Angad probably never told you about me, but I'm Dev Khanna, his father. This idiot didn't even bother to call and say he got married, but anyways welcome to the family.

K- Thanks

D- And Angad, .......keep Kripa happy

Kripa felt like her own father was saying this to Angad. She felt an attachment towards Angad's dad that she used to feel with her own.

K- Uncle---

D- Kripa, i would really love it if you call me dad

K- ...really?

Dev smiled warmly at her- Really

K- .....well dad, I hope you get well soon

D- ...I've lived enough now, .......having Angad back can let me die in peace now

A- Dad.....don't say that, your going to be fine

D- ........sure. Angad, you'll be staying here right?

A- ......I don't know yet dad

D- ....oh.....well, no matter what decision you two make, ...I'll always be with you.

Naina- Dev, the lawyer is here

D- Ok, send him in, kids, excuse me for a bit

A- Dad, why is a lawyer here?

D- For my will, if I'm going to be dying soon, then I should get a will done

A- Dad stop this, nothing is going to happen to you

D- Angad, wipe those tears

Angad cleared his tears and left the room.

D- Kripa, you take care of Angad when I'm gone, he was always the most emotional out of all the boys

K- I won't have to take care of him, because nothing will happen to you

Dev smiled with tears in his eyes. Kripa also left the room when the lawyer came in.

When she went downstairs, she saw the whole family sitting in the living room.

Maya- Kripa, come join us

Kripa gave a small smile and sat on a empty couch.

K- Where's Shweta?

Priya- school

K- Oh, okay

After having a light conversation with Karan and Rohit, Angad saw the lawyer come downstairs with Naina.

The Lawyer- (L)

L- Your father has told me to come downstairs and read the will to all of you

Maya- Go on

L- Dev Khanna has evenly distributed Khanna Enterprise's shares to Karan Khanna, Rohit Khanna, and Sahil Khanna.

Sahil, Maya, and Priya all smiled on hearing ANgad doesn't get anything.

Karan- But what about Angad?

A- Bhai don't get me involved in all----

L- Mr. Dev Khanna purposely didn't give Angad any shares of Khanna Enterprise because he doesn't work there.

M- Of coarse, that makes sense

L- Dev Khanna has wrote Khanna Mansion in the name of Naina Khanna and he wished for his whole family to stay here. He has given Maya and Priya Khanna all of the mansions he owns outside of India.

Maya- YAY!!!

Priya- Thank you, the door is that way now

Lawyer- I'm not finished. Last but not least, Dev Khanna has given Angad what is his.

A- Mine?

L- Yes, Dev Khanna started you a small savings bond when you were born for college. Since you didn't become a businessman and didn't use your father's college money, your father took a risk and invested all the money in different stalk markets, being multiplied by the time that has passed, today that savings bond stands at approximately 207 million dollars.



Kar- WHAT!



S- NO WaY! And that too in dollars?

L- Yes, my work is done, I'll be on my way now.

S- Wait........this can't happen.

Maya- I knew it, they would come here and sweet talk dad into all this crap, I knew you both just came here for the money!

R- Maya shut up! I won't have you talking against my brother!

M- Don't be a fool Rohit, open your eyes, don't you think its too much of a coincidence that both of them came here one day before dad's will was to be made?

P- I agree with maya, you both--

Kar- Priya, at least you shut up

Sahil- Look Rohit, Karan, you may not know your brother as much as I do, he's nothing but a fraud and liar. And his wife here is probably nothing but a cute gold digger

Angad punched Sahil. He could here things against him, but not Kripa. Sahil got hit so hard, his body pushed into Kripa, who got pushed into the glass table in front of her.

Kripa screamed in pain, her stomach ached so hard, she couldn't bear the pain.

Angad ran towards Kripa and supported her. He took her to the sofa and laid her down.

Naina- Oh my gosh, Karan call the doctor, fast!

Karan ran to the doctor. Sahil ran and got a glass of water for Kripa. Maya and Priya stood watching the chaos.

Karan- The doctor is on his way, he should be here in half an hour

A- Half an hour bhai?

Kar- I know, but that's the quickest any doctor can come here

K- Angad, ahhh, really hurts!

A- Bhai, Im going to the hospital myself

Rohit- Yeah, i think this is a better idea, Angad you go, we'll come right behind you

Angad picked up Kripa and went to the car.

An hour after Angad admitted Kripa, the doctor came out. The doctor looked confusingly at the four men, wondering which one was her husband.

Naina- Doctor, how is she?

Doctor- Who is her husband?

Angad came towards the doctor.

A- I am, hows she now? Is she alright and hows my child----

Doc- Relax Mr. Khanna, your wife and child are both fine now, but I suggest you to be more careful in the future, I mean this could have been a really serious issue if the matter was worse....I hope you understand.

Maya- One second, Kripa is pregnant?

Doc- Yes, now excuse me

Maya- ....oh..........Angad, why didn't you tell us?

N- Angad, Kripa is pregnant! Wow!

Kar- Congrats Angad

Angad wasn't listening to the chatter around him, he was too worried about Kripa. He excused himself and went inside to meet her.

Angad went and sat on the chair next to her bed, he held her hand.

A- I'm so sorry Kripa, this is all my fault----

K- don't be stupid Angad, it's not your fault

A- I'm so glad your okay and our child, so how are you feeling now?

K- A lot better

The doctor came into the room.

Doc- Mr. Khanna, you can take Kripa home whenever you'd like, she's fine now, a little rest and proper care will take care of her and her child

A- Thanks so much doctor

Doc- No problem

The doctor shut the door behind him.

A- I was really scared when you screamed in felt like my life was being snatched away from me

K- .............really?

A- what's the use of answering, it's not like you'll believe me, im going to go fill out the paperwork to take you home

Kripa watched Angad leave. As much as she tried to avoid him, she knew along with Alliya, he was the only person she could turn to. Her thoughts were interrupted, with Naina, Maya, and Priya coming in.

N- Kripa honey, how are you feeling now?

K- I feel fine mom

N- I can't tell you how happy I am that your pregnant

K- thanks

N- Hun, I would stay with you, but I have to go home, Dev is alone, and needs his medicine, but Angad said he's taking you home now, so---

K- You go ahead mom, I understand

Naina smiled.

N- Ok, If you need anything then just tell Maya and Priya, bye

K- bye

After Naina left, Maya and Priya sat down.

M- How long have you been pregnant?

K- oh, a couple of weeks or so.....

M- oh........congrats then

K- thank you

P- I remember when I was pregnant with Shweta, it really sucked, I mean having an extra hundred pounds on a woman isn't easy

K- ........yeah, but it's worth it when you see your baby with your own eyes

P- Yeah

Kripa saw the door open and Sahil come in.

S- Kripa, I'm really sorry for bumping into you, this is all my fault

K- It's fine

S- No, I feel really bad, if theres anything I can do then please tell me

K- It's not your fault-----

Maya- Yeah Sahil, why do you feel bad, it's not your fault, it's Angad's, I mean who would punch someone when his pregnant wife is around?

Priya- hmm, Maya is absolutely right, I mean if Angad had any manners at all, then he would never punch Sahil

K- I'm sorry, but Angad was only trying to stand up for me, I'm sure Karan or Rohit would have punched Sahil if they had said anything against you two too, so if Angad punched Sahil then I don't think he did anything wrong. I don't even know why I'm trying to explain this to you guys, because by seeing the hatred you three have in your heart against Angad, I don't think there's any use of clearing this out.

Sahil- Look Kripa, lets leave Angad out of this, I just came here to say sorry to you

K- No! Why should I leave Angad out of this, your his own cousin Sahil and cousins are like siblings! I can understand why Maya and Priya don't like him, I mean they think he's here for money, but you, you've grown up with him, how can you hate him so much?!

S- I don't know what Angad told you about me, but I'll tell you why I really hate Angad, because of him----, forget it

Kripa crossed her arms angrily. She didn't know what got her pumped up, but she couldn't hear anything against Angad, and she just now realized it. Angad came back in the room, he was surprised seeing Sahil in there, but ignored him.

A- Kripa, we can go home now

K- ok

Angad helped Kripa up.

A- Karan bhai and Rohit bhai left, they had a meeting to go to, so if you guys need a ride home---

Sahi- Don't sorry, you take Kripa home, I'll bring them home

A- kk

Kripa sat in the car wondering what Sahil wanted to tell her.

K- Angad, if I ask you something, will you tell the truth?

A- yeah

K- why do you and Sahil not get along, and I want to know the truth

A- Kripa why are you asking this?

K- Because I want to know, please

A-'s nothing

K- I'm not stupid Angad, look if you don't want to tell me I understand, I mean the only thing holding us together is this child, and after it's born, then god knows if we'll even talk to each other anymore

A- I'll talk to you no matter what conditions are, because I love you

K- By saying "i love you" doesn't mean you really love me, if you loved me then you would have told me you were a journalist after our first date....

A- And you would have said "okay Angad, your an undercover journalist, cool!"

K- no, but I would have tried to understand......but you didn't trust me for even a second

A- Just shut up, please

K- Fine, then don't you ever talk to me either

Kripa turned her head and looked out the window. Angad sighed, every time they even had a conversation, it would go downhill, this wasn't how love was supposed to be. Maybe she really didn't love him, maybe she was being forced in this relationship because of him. Angad decided, after this child would be born, he would let Kripa do and go anywhere she wants, he wouldn't be the reason of her being forced in this relationship.

Later that night, Kripa sat by herself in the room. She didn't feel like talking to anyone, she didn't feel like doing anything either. Angad opened the door.

A- Karan bhai and Rohit bhai want me to see the I'm going with them, if you need anything then tell any of the maids or Priya bhabhi, mom isn't home because she had to go somewhere, okay?

K- bye Angad

A- ........bye

An hour later Kripa was bored.. She went downstairs and unfortunately bumped into Sahil. Sahil grabbed her by the shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

K- sorry

S- no problem. Anyways, did you ask Angad or was he too chicken to tell you?

K- What's it to you?

S- So this means he didn't tell you, so like Angad.

K- If Angad didn't tell me then there must be a good reason for it, understand?

S- I'll tell you, that is, if you want.

K- .........fine, tell me

S- Not here, let's go to my room

K- ........fine

Kripa went into Sahil's room.

K- ok, now tell me

S- What's the hurry, sit down

K- Look Sahil, I'm not here to sit down or be friends with you, so just hurry up and tell me and if your going to waste my time, then I'll leave

S- Fine, I'll tell you.

Kripa saw Sahil go into his closet and look around. He finally took a yearbook out of it and came back to Kripa.

S- This is my high school yearbook, Angad and me are both the same age, I'm older by a couple of months but we were both in the same grade. We used to be best friends, but in senior year two years ago, everything changed.

K- .......why, what happened?

S- Angad dated a girl named Monica in the last month of high school, and I dated Pia, I didn't even realize when and how I fell in love with Pia. Monica loved Angad, but Angad didn't love her. I guess that's what Monica couldn't stand, that she didn't get what she wants. Monica never liked Pia, I don't know why. One day, she started spreading a rumor that Pia was pregnant, I don't now why, but I started believing her and broke up with Pia. It was the biggest mistake of my life. After graduation Pia left the country and never told me where she went. I realized my mistake, but by then it was too late. I told Angad Monica's lie, but he never believed me............since then our friendship ended.

K- .........why didn't you believe Pia?

S- I was blindfolded, she told me so many times, but........I don't know.

K- Angad must have loved Monica if he believed her over you

S- No, she was just a damn good liar, that's it. She persuaded Angad to believe her lie too.

K- Then how did they break up?

S- Angad broke up with her two or three weeks after graduation. He then left the house and I don't think they stayed in touch, but Monica, she's still crazy over him.

K- .......I'm sorry

S- Anyways, whatever right

K- No, if you love her then you guys will meet again

S- I doubt it.

K- I'm sorry for thinking your wrong

S- So you agree it's Angad's fault?

K- I never said that, I think this misunderstanding between you two is both of your faults

S- who cares now, lets go

K- Wait......the yearbook----

S- Oh yeah, I was going to show you Pia's picture, that is, if you want to see it

K- I'd love to

Sahil opened the yearbook to the page book marked. Kripa leaned in to look at the picture he was pointing to.

S- That's Pia

K- Wow, she's beautiful

S- I'm sure you'd like to see Monica as well

K- ......why not

S- Well, then you'll have to wait

K- why?

S- Because if Angad is in town, then Monica will surely come see him

K- .......oh

S- Don't worry, she won't be able to steal Angad from you, I'll make sure of it

K- ...........your not as bad as I thought you were

S- Right back at cha. And I'm sorry for all the mean things I said about you

K- your forgiven

Kripa smiled at Sahil, right then the door opened. Kripa looked up and saw Angad looking at them with a shocked expression.

K- Angad........

A- I'm sorry......I should have ...knocked

Angad closed the door and went downstairs.


I'm so sorry about the wait, I had a lot of stuff going on the past couple of weeks. But now that stuff is over, so I will be updating more frequently. I know it may not seem like it from this part, but I really do know where this fan fiction is going, so please be patient with me. I know this part sucked, but hang in there, I'll give way better parts. Thanks for all the comments, they were lovely! Please do comment! And a lot of you have requested for pics of the characters, I'm working on that, it'll be done very soon!


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Comments (27)

that was totally awesome...luved it.......glad if u continue soon...

17 years ago

Thanks guys! And actually, the next part will be posted sometime this week, I'm booked with homework, so thats why, sorry. But ill try to post it asap. Thanks!

17 years ago

awwww its awsome .... i luve the pix cont sooon..........cnt wait anymore

17 years ago

ohh maybe that girl that plays ipshita on kaa lol i dont like her so shes perfect lol

17 years ago

hmm interesting its just like ur starting a whole new story with so many twists

17 years ago

Character Sketch

Angad Khanna and Kripa Sharma (duh!)
Dilip Khanna- A very stern and tough man, but deep down he has a lot of love for his family. He has always been hardest on Angad, but now that he has seen Angad can survive in the world, he is proud of his son. Seeing Kripa's simplicity and soft heart, he has seen in her the daughter he never had.
Naina Khanna- Like every mother, she loves all her children. She tries to keep her family binded together.

Karan Khanna-
The eldest son. He is married to Priya and has a four year old daughter, Shweta. He is a very responsible man and loves his family dearly.

Priya Khanna-
She is a shady character, you never know when she's good or bad. Overall, shes a good person but with streaks of bad in her. She is around Maya 24/7, whose negativity wears off on Priya. She loves her husband and daughter more than anything in the world.

Rohit Khanna-
Is the second oldest son and the Maya's husband. He is probably going to be a minor character in this fan fic.

Maya Khanna-
She can't stand Angad or Kripa. She is very money minded and ignores the good in people. She believes Angad and Kripa are here for nothing more than money.

Sahil Khanna
- Angad's cousin. Angad and him used to be best friends before the misunderstanding between them. He finds Angad guilty of not trusting him, therefore they don't talk anymore. Kripa and him learn to be good friends. He loved Piya, but he has no idea where she is now, so he is trying to move on, but it's hard for him.

Piya Metha
more information as story develops
Monica Roshan- (If any of you have a girl in mind, then please tell me). Monica is Angad's ex-girlfriend. She is still obsessed over him today. When she finds out he is married, she can't digest it. She will give anything to be with Angad.
A lot of you requested pictures for the new characters, so here it is. I think I covered everyone, I might edit this as the story progresses.amneetkaur_2439108.65096064

17 years ago

your welcome!!! ill continue 2morrow!!! thanks a bunch!

17 years ago

[QUOTE=goldi2]aww shahil is sooo sweet!!!he seemed like a bad peprson earlier but now ni think he is one the sweetest guys after Angad in the story right now!! poor Angad.. i hope he doesnt get uset or nuthing about kripa and Sahil and get sum kind of idea... and think shes in love with him... and do sumthing stupid by leaving or sumthing!! god lol!! i think nothing of that sort happens!! its happened in many other stories i've read which just takes the story no where!! dont do nothing like that please!!! lol
continue soon!!!
i'll take the stress off of u right now and tell u he won't leave, lol. i agree, it does take the story no where, lol. thanks!amneetkaur_2439108.6127662037

17 years ago

we can team up and give them a whoping, lol. keep erading!!!

17 years ago

im glad this was worth the wait, I felt really bad for not continuing for so long. yeah, c everyone thought Dev wouldn't give a penny to Angad, so i kind of wanted a small twist, lol. I think everyone hates priya and maya the witches, lol. keep reading!

17 years ago
