Chapter 23

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It was Graduation Night. Angad put on his robe over his black suit. He wasn't sure if he should go or not, but something told him he should. Perhaps this would be the last time he would see his friends.

When he reached the auditorium, he noticed the proud faces of the parents. They all had their cameras and video cameras out. This reminded him of his own parents, he remembered how happy and proud they were. His mom threw the biggest after party imaginable. At that very party his father announced he wanted Angad to join their multi-million dollar company. Angad kindly rejected the offer, causing his father to reject him. After that day Angad never looked back. He didn't need them, he would survive this world on his own. Angad knew he would never pressure his own child to be something they never wanted to be, he would try to be the best father possible and---- Angad's thoughts were interrupted by someone calling his name. He turned around to see Josh coming his way.
J- Angad
A- Hey Josh
J- Don't hey me you fag!
Josh came and pushed Angad.
Once Angad gained his balance back, he figured Josh was only joking with him.
A- What's up with you?
J- This!
Josh threw a magazine at Angad. It was the magazine Angad worked for. On the front page in red letters it read " Today's Generation's HOT News"
A- .....what about it?
J- Page 6
Angad flipped it open to page six. His eyes were shocked when he saw his story. He flipped threw the pages, his story took up 4 pages.
J- You wrote about me in your **** story! Thanks Angad, now everyone knows!
A- I didn't do this
J- I'm sorry Mr. Journalist, but it has your name on it, and everyone knows your true identity now, Angad Khanna!
Angad looked around and saw everyone staring at him. Everyone had disappointment on their faces.
A- .....I'm sorry....but this story wasn't supposed to be published....I swear----
He then saw Kripa looking down. He ran towards her.

A- Believe me Kripa, I told Mr. Kurana I didn't want my story published, I told him I'd rather quit then---
Kripa looked at Angad. With pain in her voice she whispered to him.
K- Angad.....just stop now. Enough is enough....
A- You don't believe me?
K- After the lies you told me, I wouldn't believe you even if you told the truth
A- .....but I didn't want this published----
K- Shut up Angad! You used me, every step of the way for this **** article! You wrote about how you got me and Prithvi to break up, and how you got me to get with you, what were you trying to show? That girls in high school move from one man to the other? You wrote about Josh's drug problems, did you want to show everyone in high school is a drug addict? You wrote about sex and other crap, I just.........forget it
A- Kripa I never intended to hurt anyone---
K- Angad, you made friends only to use them. You dated me only to show what a high school relationship was really like. And God knows what else you did for this stupid article.

J- So Angad, did you get a big raise? Big promotion?
A- Shut up Josh
J- No really because I'm sure this article will sell big in India, and if you still don't make enough money then you can go undercover at some other high school and find new people to play around with----

Everyone heard an announcement. It was the principle.
Prince- Everyone please calm down and take your seats, the ceremony is about to begin

Angad saw everyone walk and sit down. He took off his robe and head cap. He didn't deserve to sit with them or be apart of this ceremony. He saw the ceremony end. He never went up there to get any recognition. He saw everyone taking pictures with smiles on their faces.

Angad saw Prithvi come up to him. He knew he would have to hear another long speech about his article and stuff.
P- Angad, whats up?
A- ...nothing
P- Hey come on, the football team is about to take a picture together
A- ...naa, you go on
P- Hey, if you were apart of the team then you gotta take one
A- I'm sure no one wants me in it after finding out---
P- Your an undercover journalist and wrote about us in your article......yeah it sucks, but I say "Big Deal." I'm just glad you wrote that we won our biggest football game in there.
Prithvi and Angad both laughed.
A- So your not mad at me?
P- Not really, so...friends?
A- Hey, I thought we were already friends
P- ..ermm...sure

Angad went with Prithvi and took the football picture. Right afterwards, it hit him he had to figure out how his article got into the magazine. Angad went down to Mr. Kurana's office.

Angad opened the door and barged in.
MK- Angad, I love you kid!
A- I told you I didn't want my article in there, then how come you put it in there?!
MK- Me? I thought your the one that turned it in for publishing. Yesterday a boy went around to get all the articles and he found yours, so he........oh....I get it, you must have left it on your desk...crap, I should have checked them......I'm sorry Angad
Angad took a big sigh.
MK- How did Kripa react?
A- ....It doesn't matter, she found out before it got friends are the ones that found out now.
MK- If you'd like I can talk to them for you----
A- No, it's no use now, but...thanks
A girl came in Mr. Kurana's office.

Girl- Sir, all our magazines of this issue are sold out, can you believe it?!
MK- Wow, that's amazing.
Girl- Excuse me sir
The girl left.

MK- Angad, so are you done with this stuff?
A- ....yeah
MK- Then you can come back to work whenever you'd like.
Mr. Kurana saw no expression on Angad's face.
MK- Angad, remember one thing, if you two are really meant to be together then one day you will be. All these fights, these struggles you guys are having are just obstacles to see if you guys are willing to fight to be together.
A- ..thanks, I'm going to go home now
Mr. Kurana nodded.

After Angad left he called the publishing companies and ordered them not to make any more copies of the magazine. Angad was like the son he never had and it hurt him to see him in pain.

As Angad left Mr. Kurana's office he saw Mishty approach him.
M- Hey Angad
A- Hey, how are you?
M- Fine....erm....Kripa came by a couple of days ago.....I asked her if she knew everything and she said I assumed she knew about you being a journalist.....I'm sorry Angad
A- It's okay, I guess she would have found out someday.....
M- I'll talk to her for you-----
A- No......I don't think it'll help
M- ....okay.
A- are things with your wedding coming along?
M- Good....the engagement was yesterday, it was a lot of fun, you didn't come?
A- I'm sorry----
M- It's okay, I know things aren't really going good for you right now
A- Yeah, well see you later
M- bye, take care

Angad wanted to talk to Kripa. It was either now or never. He would compel her to come back to him.

At Kripa's house Mrs. Freeman was over. Kripa handed her a cup of coffee.

MF- Thank you
K- Your welcome
MF- Kripa, I'm going to get to the point, theres nothing that can stop you from coming to our university. Your a fantastic soccer player and quite well in academics, as long as you play soccer for us then nothing can hold you back.
K- Ma'am-----
MF- So tell me, what do you want to be in life?
K- I want to play professional soccer, my father...when he was alive.....we would always play soccer together. That's the only thing I have to keep myself close to him. It was his dream that I be a soccer player and I want to fulfill his dream.
MF- That's very touching, I'm sure you'll fulfill your father's dreams.
K- Thank you but.....I won't be able to play soccer for a while....
MF- I'm sorry, I don't understand
K- ....I'm......I'm pregnant
MF- WHAT! I'm sorry, I thought you said your pregnant
K- I ...did, I am pregnant
MF- Do you have any idea what this means Ms. Sharma?
K- ...yes
MF- Very well, then I guess you know scholarship can be terminated and you won't be able to play soccer for us or any other college this year
K- I know
MF- Look.....I'm sure if your mother were alive then she'd give you this advice too. Your too young to have a child Ms. Sharma, this child won't bring happiness in your life, it will only destroy your dreams and give you a feeling of what hell is really like. You have a lot of potential, but this child won't give you a chance to show the world that potential. Listen to me very carefully, if you have an abortion then you'll be able to fulfill your dreams and play soccer, you'll be able to fulfill your father's dreams and----

Before Ms. Freeman knew it a man interrupted her. Kripa saw it was Angad. She knew he had heard everything and this couldn't be good.
A- How dare you! You talking about killing my child! I swear, if anything happens to my child then I'll kill you!
MF- What! Who are you?!
A- Angad Khanna, this is my child
Mrs. Freeman smirked.
MF- So your the cause for this girl to be ruining her dreams.
A- One second, tell me how many kids you have
MF- that's none of your business
A- No, come-on, tell me
MF- I don't have any kids....
A- And how old are you, thirty, thirty-five
MF- I'm thirty-three, don't you have any manners, your not supposed to ask a woman her age!
A- Oh shut up! Kripa, don't you see, this lady has no experience with kids, she doesn't know what its like to have kids, so how is she telling you that my child won't bring happiness in your life?
MF- Miss. Sharma, I won't tolerate my humiliation any longer, I'm leaving!
Kripa was too frustrated to respond. She buried her face in her hands.

A- Thank God your leaving!
MF- Whatever, and Ms. Sharma if you do decide to give birth to this child, then don't bother coming to London this year. You can come as soon as you've given birth to it and if you decide to be smart and abort it, then I'll see you in two weeks. Goodbye

Mrs. Freeman left with giving Angad the cold shoulder. Angad went towards Kripa and was about to say something, when she put her hand up to stop him from talking.

K- Angad, what was that for?!
A- To stop that woman from talking about killing our child
K- Angad shut up! What kind of woman do you think I am? Do you think I would have an abortion just because some woman tells me it's for me best? She said if my mother were alive then she'd give me the same advice, I'm not so stupid that I won't know the difference between a mother's advice and a stranger's.
A- ......I'm sorry, I...I got carried away
K- I know
A- Sorry
K- I'm sick of hearing that word from you, you make a mistake and think everything will be okay with a mere "sorry"
A- ......sorry
K- uhgg
A- So.....what now?
K- I guess I'll be staying in India this year.....
A- Really!
Kripa looked at Angad.
A- I mean...really?
K- Sure you did

Angad was excited Kripa won't be leaving, he was excited she was getting serious about this child too.

A- Well.....bye
K- ..bye
A- And bye to you too
Kripa looked at Angad confused. Until he bent down to he stomach and said
A- See you later
Kripa turned around and opened the door.
K- You can go home now Angad
A- yeah......see ya
Kripa didn't respond to him. She waited for him to leave and then shut the door. She was tired, tired of life.

She was surprised Angad started talking to the child. Should she talk to the child too? Naa, Angad was crazy talking to a child that wasn't even born yet.....but......

Kripa sat on the couch. She put her hand on her stomach. Her stomach was still flat.
K- I'm sorry you had to hear all the things Ms. Freeman said.......your not destroying my dreams, your just giving me different ways to achieve them. I know I was hesitant about you first....but now......that Angad was right, you'll be bringing happiness in my life. And I promise you, no matter what anyone says, you'll come into this world as my angel. I love you.
Kripa smiled. She felt so much better knowing someone was with her, someone who would always be with her.


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Comments (10)

Finally, I caught up with this ff... :D i love the interesting turn you have brought in this ff... I honestly never expected Kripa to be pregnant, infact I suspected that Kripa would leave him, and they would meet after 4-5 years, but this pregnancy especially since she is so young is extremely interesting... I certainly look forward to reading the rest of the parts!!

17 years ago

aww.. that was so cute.. the mommy child and daddy child moment.. they were seperate, now i hope they will be together.. soooonn continue soooooooooonnnn

17 years ago

aww that was truly awsome hun...hope they get bak sooon

17 years ago

omg loved it!!!!! i especially liked angad barging in and dissin that woman LMAO that was hilarious!!! continue soon!

17 years ago

omgggg K- I'm sorry you had to hear all the things Ms. Freeman said.......your not destroying my dreams, your just giving me different ways to achieve them. I know I was hesitant about you first....but now......that Angad was right, you'll be bringing happiness in my life. And I promise you, no matter what anyone says, you'll come into this world as my angel. I love you. tht speech bought tear 2 my eye angad was sooooo sweet when he was talking 2 the baby but kripa....awwww hw cute its a shame bout the friends but it was bound 2 happen....i hope AK get bak together was a great part

17 years ago

Beautiful part amneet Thank god u made kripa smart and didnt make her listen to that lady;

17 years ago

ahhhhhhhhhhhh thank you thank you thank you wowwwwwwwwwwww I am so happy kirpa didn't wont ot abort yeyyyyyyyyyyy sorry but i am so exited and out of anymore words but awesome and mindblowing part pls conti soon

17 years ago

It was good continue soon plz!

17 years ago

lovely didnt expected that angad asts like a dumbo sometimes but its great

17 years ago

omdyzz!! that was such a cute part!!! loved the end wih kripa talking to the baby!!! luvd it!

17 years ago
