Chapter 22

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Angad couldn't believe Kripa had just called him. Suddenly all the energy in the world was within him.
K- Angad?
A- Yeah Kripa, I'm listening, how are you? I mean whats up? I mean how'd you call-----
K- I.....We.......Me..-----
A- I think I know what you want to say Kripa. You want us to get back together, I knew you loved me as much I love you. I knew your love would force you to forgive me. I promise I'll never hurt you again, I'll-----
K- I'll.......I'll call you back Angad
Kripa suddenly hung up. Tears filled her eyes.

Alliya- Kripa, I know this must be hard for you, but you have to tell him. You have to forgive him for everything. I know you love him, I also know that he lied to you, but at the same time he loves you----
K- He lied Alliya, and if it was some small lie than do you really think I would be this mad, No! But he lied about his identity, he played with my emotions, **** he was even with another girl when he was with me! I don't care if I ever did have any lousy feelings for him, today I HATE him! I can't stand him! Every time I'm around him or I hear his voice, I realize I could have done anything for him, but he........and you want me to forgive him?
Al- Your pregnant Kripa, don't let your ego get the better of you
K- If you were my friend then you'd know I'm not having ego problems, you'd know I have a broken heart.........he doesn't love me Alliya, he just thinks he does.......and I don't love him anymore either
Al- Are you telling him or not?
K- I will.....but....but not over the phone, I want to meet him
Al- Good....come on, I'll drop you there right now

The drive to Angad's house was silent. Kripa didn't know what she would say to him and nor was she trying to think of something to say.
Al- We're here
K- oh.......thanks
Al- Do you want me to wait here for you
K- No.....but thanks
Al- Good luck hun
K- Thanks

Kripa walked up the steps. She stood there five minutes in the cold, without knocking, without ringing the doorbell. She liked the cold air hitting her body. It relaxed her. It gave her a sensation that everything would be okay. Finally she knocked on the door. Angad opened it instantly, almost as if he were expecting her to come.
A- I called you back, but you didn't pick up
K- .....sorry
A- It's alright, hey come in, it's cold out there
Kripa stepped into his house. She followed him to the living room.
A- Sit down, make yourself comfortable and----
K- I'm not here to sit Angad
A- okay.......that's fine, want some coke, water, juice, but I dont have juice, but if you really want it I'm sure I can go get it, you rarely ever drink coke, but if you want it I have some in the fridge--------
K- impregnantangad
There she had said it. She looked at Angad's expression, it was of confusion.
A- Sorry Krips, but I'm pretty sure I don't have that drink, heck I never even heard of----
Kripa covered his mouth to stop him from talking. He was the most talkative person she had met in her life.
K- Angad, I'm pregnant, get it? I'm PREGNANT
Kripa slowly moved her hand off of his mouth.
A- Is it me or did it just get really hot in here
Angad took a deep breath.
A- Okay, I'm okay
K- Your sweating
A- No I'm not, it's just really hot in here
K- I'm not forcing you to have anything to do with this child, I just though I should tell you because you deserve to know, that's it.....
A- I...y......OH MY GOD!
Kripa looked at him while having mood swings.
A- You can't be pregnant
K- Yes I can.......I am
A- Do you have any idea what this means?!
K- Are you kidding me! Of coarse I know what this means, it means all my dreams have gone down the drain! It means my scholarship is probably going to get terminated! It means I'M GOING TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU MY WHOLE LIFE!
A- SHUT THE **** UP!

Kripa fell to the floor crying. Angad sat down on the floor in front of her. He stopped himself from freaking out. Kripa was pregnant...which meant he was going to be father...which meant he was going to have a kid!
A- Kripa, I don't know how you feel about this kid, but I'm........excited....I'm going to be a father, your going to be a mother----
K- I don't want to be a mother yet! I'm not ready Angad
A- No ones ever ready to be parents, but I'll be here with you, we'll both make it work
Kripa lifted her head up and wiped her tears.

K- I don't love you Angad. I don't even like you. If you think I'm going to live in this house and be your housewife my whole life, then your wrong! You left your family to be a journalist, you got to fulfill your dreams, then why don't I? Why do I have to give up my dreams?
A- don't......
K- Besides, I came here to tell you I was pregnant because it was the right thing to do. I'm not asking for child support or anything, I don't care if you want to give this child your name or not, I don't care if you want to have to do anything with this child or not, I'm not asking for anything from you.
A- What are you talking about? Are you crazy, this is my child, of coarse I want to be with my child, I want to see my child grow up in front of my eyes. Kripa, you don't even know what this means, if you did you wouldn't be saying cheap things like "child support", do you really think I wouldn't want to have anything to do with you, with my kid. I love you, I'm going to love my kid, more chance and I promise I'll give you everything.
K- You don't get it do you? Your not doing me a favor by "loving" me, heck I feel bad for this child that it has to share the same blood as you! This child is going to be stuck having the same blood as a cheater, a fraud, a man that knows nothing more than lies!
A- Kripa, if all you could see were my lies and not my love......then I guess you really don't love me.
K- I'm glad you understand that
A- That get one thing straight, I don't care if you love me or not, but I want my kid
K- "want want want" that's all you know!
Kripa stood up and straightened her shirt out. Angad also stood up next to her.

A- Okay, so how are we going to work this out
K- ....Tomorrow a lady named Ms. Freeman is coming down here from London. Shes going to finalize my scholarship, so if I still do get my scholarship in these conditions then I'll be going to London...for good.
A- For good? What's that supposed to mean?
Kripa looked into Angad's eyes. He was impatient to hear her answer.
K- It means I don't want to come back to India
A- oh.....okay......what about my kid.
K- .....I don't know, I haven't thought about this yet, I haven't thought about anything yet......
Angad nodded as he thought about things.

K- I'm going home....good night
A- Can I drop you?
K- thanks
Angad knew she wasn't going to take any help from him.

A- It's cold outside, at least take my jacket
K- I'd rather freeze then wear "your" jacket
Kripa turned around to leave, but Angad gently held her wrist.
A- I'm not saying it for you, I'm saying it for our the kid doesn't freeze
Kripa looked at him as if he were talking French, but later she took the jacket reluctantly.
K-.......thank you......
A- no problem
K- .....erm.....can you let go of my wrist now?........
A- oh.....oh, sorry
Angad let go of her wrist. Kripa walked out the door. Angad ran to the door and called after her.

A- Krips!
Kripa turned around.
K- Now what?
A- Thanks
K- For what?
A- ....For giving me the best news of my life
K- ........your crazy Angad

Kripa got a cab and sat in it. Angad watched her cab disappear. He stood in the cold a little longer, he slid his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a light white t-shirt with jeans, but the cold didn't his him as hard as it usually would. Even Kripa's harsh words didn't bring down his happiness today. He saw an old lady walking on the sidewalk. He saw the lady almost everyday, but they had never talked. Today....Angad felt like talking to her.

A- Hey ma'am
Lady- Get inside boy, your going to freeze to death!
A- I'm going to be a father!
Lady- Oh, congratulations son, say congratulations to your wife for me too
A- My wife? ..... oh wife, thanks, thanks a lot!
The lady smiled at him as she walked inside her home.

A- So Angad Khanna is going to be a


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Comments (18)

I know I may sound annoying, but when are you gonna continue? plsss continue soon, this is like one of my favourites

17 years ago

thanks! I know you want to see them together, I'll see what I can do, lol. Keep reading dear!

17 years ago

lol yeah! Keep reading!

17 years ago

awesome part!!!! luvd it!!! angad is so cute!!!!

17 years ago


17 years ago

awesome i really loved it but can you make this KRIPA give ANGAD a final chance where ANgad proves himself good...........................continue soon

17 years ago

Aww angad is so cute amneet di, dont make kripa get an abortion

17 years ago

angad's so cute awesome part cont soon

17 years ago

awsome mindblowing magnificent

17 years ago

isnt he the most cutest guy ever.......omg hes sooo sweeet.....omg kripa plzzz forgive him quick.....bless him hes excited as heck awwwww its sooooo cuteeeeeeee awwww continue soooon tht was a great part

17 years ago
