Chapter 13

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It was six o'clock when Kripa was behind schedule in getting ready. She was still in her sweats with her ponytail back. She only had an hour. Kripa heard the doorbell ring, she wondered who it could be. Perhaps Alliya.

Kripa walked to the door and opened it. Her mouth hung open by seeing who it was.
K- Angad!
A- Nice to see you too
K- Angad, you said you would be here at 7, it's only 6!
Angad helped himself inside. Kripa followed him.

A- I know, but I thought if I would come a little earlier then we'd have more time together
K- Well you should have called, look at me, I mean dont look at me, I'm a mess
Angad laughed.
A- You look fine.
K- Liar. Anyways, I'm going to go get ready, you can watch tv or something
A- okay

Kripa went to her room. Angad looked around her apartment, it was about the same size as his. It was neatly organized. It had a lot of pictures on the wall. Most of them were of her and Alliya. Some of them were of her and Prithvi. Her walls were a light shade of green. It was a cozy place. Angad sat on the sofa and watched tv. He got thirsty so he went to the kitchen, he got a can of pop out of the refrigerator. As he was walking back he saw Kripa walk out of her room. She looked drop dead gorgeous.

Angad's mouth dropped open.
K- Angad, say something!
A- Kripa, you look.......beyond beautiful

K- Thanks. You look really handsome too
A- I know
K- Angad!
A- Just kidding. Thanks, now should we go
K- Sure, but where are we going?
A- Come on, it'll be a surprise
K- ....okay

Angad took Kripa to an italian restaurant. It was a high class restaurant. Kripa was shocked when they reached there.

K- Angad, you got reservations to here, this restaurant is always booked!
A- Yeah, I had a few connections, come on

Angad and Kripa both sat at their table. A waiter dressed in a black suit approached them. Kripa noticed everything was done with class.
Waiter- Welcome, I am Tony. Here are our menus, help yourselves. Please let me know when your ready.
A- Sure

Tony left. Angad looked through his menu, he hated to chose from menus like these, he was used to them when he lived with his parents, but over the years he preferred pizza and burgers more then this high class food.
Kripa hadn't even heard of half the foods listed on the menu. She wished Angad hadn't brought her here.
Angad called Tony.
Tony- Yes?
Angad and Kripa both ordered. Kripa picked something she could pronounce, Angad picked something which sounded gentlemen like.

When Tony brought their food, both of their eyes popped out of their heads. They were shocked to see eggplants and other things which didn't seem appealing to them.
Angad looked at Kripa, Kripa instantly smiled.
A- erm.....looks good right?
K- uhgg of coarse, couldn't be better........
A- Kripa, want to just get out of here
Everyone stared at Angad and Kripa. Kripa was embarrased.
K- I mean yes.
A- So you don't like this food either
K- I haven't even heard of these things before
Angad and Kripa both laughed.
A- Umm Tony!
Tony came over.
T- Did you need anything else sir?
A- Yes, my check
T- No problem, I can give it to you after your done eating
A- Actually an emergency came up, we have to go now. So can I please have my check?
T- ......Sure, but woud you like us to pack your food to take with you?
A- No thanks.
T- But you haven't even touched your food?
Kripa smiled seeing Angad getting annoyed.
A- Okay, since we didn't touch our food then we shouldn't have to pay for it right?
T- I guess not.......
A- Good, thanks Tony! Let's go Kripa

Kripa and Angad walked out laughing.
K- Wow that was awesome! Poor Tony
A- He was so annoying, Gosh.
K- Okay, so where are we going to go now?
A- Hey, lets go to my place
Kripa's eyes widened hearing Angad's words. Angad wondered why Kripa looked so shocked. He finally figured it out.
A- Crap, Kripa, don't worry, I meant lets go to place to hang out not know
K- yeah....erm I knew that
Angad smiled and extended his hand out towards Kripa.
A- Shall we?
Kripa smiled back at Angad, but more to herself. She placed her small hand into his strong, protective hand.

Angad unlocked the door with his key. Right when he opened the door he regretted bringing Kripa there. He felt so embarrassed as Kripa looked at the mess.
A- I'm sorry, I's usually clean but lately....I haven't had time....or the maid....wait I don't have a maid....actually
Kripa laughed so hard tears came to her eyes.
A- okay, that's enough, lets just go to some pizza place or something
K- I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you or your house
A- yeah right
K- No really, actually my house is pretty messy too, except I spend forever cleaning it before you came
A- Really?
Kripa nodded in embarrassment
A- I'm not alone
K- I guess not
Kripa entered his house.
K- Cool crib
A- Thanks
K- You have a PS2?
Angad lied- No, it's a friend's.
K- That sucks, I love play station
A- For real?
K- No, for fake
A- I love it too
K- Cool
A- Want to play?
K- Your friend won't mind?
A- Okay, it's mine, sorry
K- I figured, but why'd you lie?
A- Cause I didn't think you'd be too turned on by a guy that plays ps2
Kripa laughed as she looked through his games.
K- Hey, you want to play Gold Soccer Championship?
A- Okay, but I'm warning you, your going to lose
K- I wouldn't bet on it, football might be your thing but soccer is definitely mine
A- we'll see, you see Angad Khan--Kapoor never loses
Kripa smiled. By no time they were both playing the game. They both started off sitting on different sides of the coach. But as the game went on, they were both laying on the coach carefree. They were eating chips and drinking pop. It was the best and most fun date either of them had ever been on.
A- and ....take that!
K- Dang it. But I'm still winning by seven points
A- okay.............haha now we're TIED!!!
K- Crap! Stupid game!
A- Kripa, why are you cursing the game, your the one that sucks
K- Oh really?
Kripa got a hold of the ball. She pressed down on the button X and shot the ball. It scored in her goal and she WON!
K- I won, I won, I won!
Kripa did a little dance that went along with her "I won" song, to rub it into Angad's face.
A- Okay, shut up!
K- I won, I won, I won, I won--
Angad grabbed Kripa by the waist and brought her down to the coach. He tickled her which caused Kripa to laugh her heart out.
K-(laughing) Angad stop
A- Okay, will you do that annoying dance again
K-(still laughing), no
A- okay.
Angad stopped tickling Kripa. Kripa slowly got a hold of herself and sat up.
K-.......I won, I won, I won
A- Oh that's it
Angad got on top of Kripa, Kripa instantly stopped talking. Both their eyes were glued together. Both their lips slowly reached in and kissed the other. They both closed their eyes as a sweet sensation took over their bodies. Kripa wrapped her arms around his neck as Angad did the same around her waist. Angad had never felt this way before. He felt as if he were in heaven. He wished he could be with her forever.
Their kiss was disturbed by Angad' cell phone ringing.
His cell phone had fallen out of his pocket onto the coach. Kripa reached for it and picked it up.
A- Kripa give it
K- Your going to have to get it from me
A- Kripa
K- nope
Angad wrestled Kripa for it. Kripa was on her stomach holding the phone tightly, she was laughing. Angad was also having fun trying to get it from her. He was on top of her. Angad bended Kripa's other arm.
K- OUCH!!!
A- Give me the phone honey
K- AHHH! Your hurting me!!!!!
Angad instantly let go of her arm.
A- Sorry
Kripa laughed as she got away from Angad. She looked at the phone as it rang.
K- Whose Mishty?
Angads face lost its' color.
A- Mmmmmishty?
K- Yeah, who is she? I never heard of her......woops missed call, sorry.
A- It's okay
K- I hope it wasn't important
A- ....uhgg.....probably not........
Right then a text appeared on his cell phone. Kripa read it to Angad.
K- It says " I love you" from....Mishty. Who is she?
Kripa looked at Angad for answers. Angad took a gulp of pop, he almost choked, but then he got a hold of himself.
K- Angad, who is she?
A- grandma
Kripa looked at him in disbelief.
K- Your grandma?
A- uhgg yeah. You know, Grandma Mishty
K- umm no I don't know, why does it only say Mishty on your phone?
A- Well theres a very logical explanation for this
K- Really?
A- see, Grandma Mishty thinks of herself as really hip and cool and young, that's why she tells up to only call her Mishty
K- Oh......okay, she must really love you
A- Ermm yeah.....I'm her favorite grandson
K- Awww, how cute!
Kripa smiled at Angad. Angad awkwardly smiled back. Their date ended later when Angad dropped her off. They both were on cloud nine by now, Angad kissed Kripa on the lips, which made their date "perfect."
K- Good night
A- Good night

Kripa smiled as she closed the door. Angad for the first time felt....."happy." He wished he could take Kripa home with him and keep her with him for the rest of his life!

I had so much fun writing this part! I hope you liked it!!!! Please comment, it shows my hard work pays off if you comment, lol.


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Comments (31)

Next part in a couple of minutes!

17 years ago

take ur time v all just want it 2 b good

17 years ago

neet itz ight man take ur tyme itz okiee kanwer

17 years ago

sorry I haven't continued, actually I keep writing parts but then I'm like "no that's not what I want to happen next" or the part is stupid, I'll try to continue tomorrow. Once again, sorry.

17 years ago

yea seriously plz continue soon! i love the concept! its too good!

17 years ago

heyyy when do u plan on conitnuin?sry if im naggin but this is my fav ff! lol cont soon! x3 Prakriti

17 years ago

mishty grandma....hehe... tht was just toooo goood yaar...

17 years ago


17 years ago


I know its hard hiding my tomboyish side sometimes too, lol. They do make a good couple.....just thinking about them I smile, lol. That was a nice save by aNgad, wasn't it, lol. Thank you![/QUOTE] Yes it was..but it was a nice save by u if u think abt it techinically. after all, ur the one who thought of it! lol cont soon!

17 years ago

ahahah i can soo imagine angad-kripa doing this scene awesum part!cont soon himani

17 years ago
