Chapter 10

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J- Angad, there's not always someone else, we can compromise with someone else, but we'll only love one person.....
Josh took his bag and walked away.

This forced Angad to think was Kripa the one for him? He knew he was only with Mishty temporarily. She was someone Angad couldn't see his future with, but Kripa.......he really liked her. But then again Prithvi "really liked" her too and Kripa liked Prithvi. So did Angad come in between them? Was he changing their destinies for his article?
Angad smiled and said "No way." He knew he was thinking too hard, maybe after high school none of them would ever even meet again. He needed to rest and calm down. He was letting all this get to him for no reason.



Angad was about to walk away but he saw a bottle of pills left behind. Maybe they were Josh's. Angad picked them up. In big red letters it read "Steroids." No, they couldn't be Josh's, he wouldn't ever take them, he was smarter then this, right? Angad put them in his backpack, he would ask Josh if they were his or not.

That night Angad had to go to Mr. Kurana's office to pick up his check. He opened the door and entered the building . He met his friends and entered Mr. Kurana's office.
A- Hey boss
Mr. Kurana turned around and looked at Angad. His blood pressure felt like it just had raised.
MK- ANgad, hows have things been going? Does anyone know who you are? Are you getting your work done? Whats the----
Angad took a seat.
A- Chill man, everything is going fine
MK- Good, remember if you give me a hit article then I give you a promotion along with-
A- A Big Fat Chunky Raise, right?!
MK- Right, now what do you want?
A- My paycheck
MK- Angad, you can never remember when to turn in your articles but you always remember when its payday, I just can't understand today's generation
A- If you think understanding me is hard then go try to understand those high school kids, God their confusing
Mr. Kurana laughed and handed Angad his paycheck.
A- Thanks boss, see ya next pay day
MK- Yeah, yeah get outta here
Angad left his office, he managed to slip out without encountering Mishty.

The next day in class Angad noticed Kripa did come. Unlike all the other days, Prithvi and Kripa didn't sit next to each other. Kripa didn't make eye contact with Angad all hour.
Miss. Shaila- Okay, work on your worksheets, after your done with them turn them into me.

Angad got done and turned his in. He was bored.
A- Hey Josh
J- hmm?
A- Did you leave any pills behind in gym yesterday?
J- ............I don't think so, what kind of pills?
A- They were steroids, they were where you were sitting so I thought they were yours, but never mind then
J- okay, but...
A- What?
J- umm nothing....

Angad needed to talk to Kripa. Even though she was so close to him he still couldn't talk to her.....or could he.
Angad saw Prithvi raise his hand.
Ms- Yes Prithvi?
P- I have to go to the restroom
MS- Go ahead
After Prithvi left Kripa instantly raised her hand.
K- Miss. Shaila can I go the restroom too?
MS- sure
After Kripa left. Angad knew something was going on. He walked up to Miss. Shaila's desk.
A- erm Miss. Shaila can I go to the restroom?
Miss. Shaila was shocked, she had never had three students need to go all at once.
A- Please
MS- ermm.......go ahead, by the way Angad did you get a hair cut
MS- Well you look great
A- .....thanks

Angad quickly left. He was about to turn the corner but he heard two familiar voices. It was of Kripa and Prithvi
P- Kripa what do you want? We're over, is that not enough for you to understand?
K- Prithvi, at least listen to me. I just want to say I did a lot of thinking yesterday. I hate the way we broke up, but I think it was for the better. Can we be friends?
P- It's not as easy as you make it sound because every time I'll see you I'll remember Angad and you-----
Prithvi shook his head and walked off.

Kripa sighed. Why did her life have to be so complicated? She just wanted a normal life of an eighteen year old girl, was that really too much to ask? Right now she was juggling soccer, school, rent, an ex-boyfriend, and a crush all at once. The kiss that she and Angad shared replayed in her thoughts a million times the night before. It was the perfect kiss.....apart from the fact it was in a closet and disturbed by a thousand faces staring at them.
Right then she saw him standing in front of her. She wasn't prepared to confront him yet, how much she wished she was dreaming.
Angad- Kripa, Kripa

Dang it, he really was there.

K- hmm?
A- I have to talk to you

Angad watched her innocent face for a response. He had thought she would have been crushed and gloomy looking when she would come back to school. He thought she wouldn't be over her break-up, but he was glad she was. He remembered at the therapist's office when she told him she was going to break up with Prithvi then. So really it wasn't his fault, he just gave them an excuse to break-up. But for some reason he felt guilty that he brought tears in her eyes that night. If it was up to him he would never let her cry again. He.....wanted to care about her....for some reason protect her, but then again he was playing a game with her.
K- Angad, I know what you want to talk about, but there's nothing to talk about. We kissed, which caused Prithvi and I to break-up, it's that simple.
A- Kripa, don't you think you and Prithvi were bound to break up, I mean your relationship was on the rocks for some time now
K- .........yeah, I know....but that's not how I imagined us breaking up. I think any relationship, no matter how long or short it is, should have a peaceful ending. You were there that night, that's not what I call peaceful
A- Yeah...give him time, he'll move on and when he realizes you two were never meant to be, he'll forgive you
Kripa had decided she wouldn't talk to Angad after their kiss, but now she was having a pleasant conversation with him. She didn't know what to feel about him. Sometimes she couldn't stand his talks and times like this, she wanted to talk to him more. He was giving her helpful advice...he was supporting her.
K- Thanks
A- No problem
K- Angad.......what happened between us, it shouldn't have happened. I regret every moment of it. I'm sorry.
For some reason it hurt Kripa when she said this. She knew she was lying to herself. She just hoped she could convince Angad. When Angad heard those words, for some reason, he felt as if she stabbed him in his heart. Why was he so hurt, Kripa was just a stranger he encountered and had to fake a relationship with.
On impulse Angad said "I don't regret it"
Kripa looked into his eyes, she saw truth in them.
A- I like you Kripa Sharma, this doesn't mean you have to like me back. Just listen to your heart. If your heart lets you trust me then don't stop yourself from coming close to me, but if your heart thinks I'm someone who will end up hurting you, then don't say another single word to me your entire life and I'll leave you alone too.
Angad walked away. When he said that stuff to Kripa, it wasn't planned. Everything flowed out perfectly from his mouth.
Kripa was still getting over what just happened, he liked her. She felt like dancing with him.

Prithvi was in the cafeteria talking and laughing with his friends.
Tony- Are you serious dude!
P- Yeah, she actually feels guilty. It won't take her long before she going to be begging and crawling back to me.
Tarun- Prithvi, why'd you break up with her if you want to get back together with her?
P- This isn't even about Kripa, it's about Angad. I can't let him win. You guys should have been there that night, she fell to the ground crying when I dumped her, not because she regretted her kiss, but because of her breaking my so called "trust."
The guys all laughed. Prithvi smirked.
P- Angad Kapoor, two can play this game.

Okay maybe this part was confusing. If it was pleae let me know. I hope you liked it, I know it was kind of boring, sorry. Pleae COMMENT!


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Comments (15)

hey di.. wonderful part.. cont. soon prithvi is such a jerk i wish angad can give hima punch in the face or sumthin

17 years ago


Prakriti your giving me too much love! lol. Plus your writing is better then mine, but thanks! I can't believe your stilll up, I hope you got it done. ttyl lol.
lol ya rite..
ya i was up till 4:20 (swear to not exagarating!) so now its done. but i have tomrow and friday off so its all good =] lol cont soon

17 years ago


Okay sorry that was a typo. He doesn't know he's Angad Khanna. Sorry. I can't believe I did that, lol. You really hate him with a passion don't you, lol(i think we all do). Thanks!
oh man..i thought he knew i was lyk woah hating pritvi is not new...go on any ff and if he's evil or bad then am after him with my hate word after all am only born to do that

17 years ago

awsome part i feel like giving a hard punch to that idiot,jerk prithvi i wish kripa will never go back to him and will be wid angad i hope angad is not using kripa and has true feelings for her wat will happen when kripa will get to know abt the bet??? cont soon

17 years ago

amazing part wait a min...does pritvi knw hu's angad coz in the end he said ANGAD KHANNA wen angads skool surname is KAPOOR kya man...dont tell me pritvi sits at home and starts researching his enemies bio...wat a LOSER stupid idiot jerk prithvi....i really thought he was sad but i ssoo wrong stupid a**hole pritvi angad is soooo cute n sweet but man its just irritating me that he's doin all this 4 the stupid article cont soon

17 years ago

awesome part!!! i hate prithvi!!!

17 years ago

haha. That's halarious. Yeah Prithvi isn't such an innocent guy after all. Thanks!

17 years ago

I agree, the age isn't the "blah" anymore. Plus they can actually have chemistry now. Love Always Prevails- I agree. lol. Cont. soon!

17 years ago

hey itz soo....gud...luved was awesome...i hope i can read agin tomz-another update ........n well i didn't mind abt their 6 yrs age gap though.....n um ...o yah....PRITHVI.......there r ants in his head...wat doe he think of himself........any gurl wants him....hez a total JERK-i learned dat from ur fanfic .but got me mad..........he thinks she'll be back to him...yah right....who bothers.......

17 years ago

OMG amneet this is the best FF ever. My new favorite and i totally mean it! Its just amazing! I love ur way of writing and it sorta reminds me of my wrting..except ur just 100x betteR! Angad is hot and Kripa is hot...they are all perfect characters... i love everything abt this ff. ur my fav writer now... and im supposed to b doing a book report tats due tomorow, but im reading ur ff cuz im hooked (and its around 12:39 am here!) so ya...i should really go. Continue soon! x3 Prakriti

17 years ago
