Chapter 13

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As far as lunches went, this would definitely be on his list of memorable ones, Kabir thought observing the three women at the table with him.  Across from him, Rachna was again at Naomi's side as her friend succumbed to a fresh bout of tears, the first which had started as soon as he and Rachna had walked in together from the studio. Apparently beneath Naomi's feisty persona lay a sensitive soul, and obviously whatever she saw in Rachna's face had set her off.  At least Daadi had remained composed; if the dreamy expression now permanently affixed on her face could be considered such. He did notice that she wasn't eating as much as toying with the food in front of her.  Shaking his head in amusement, he was certain he didn't even want to know what thoughts were running through Daadi's mind.


"Rachna, maybe it would be easier, if you just moved to that side of the table, at least you may be able to eat your meal."

Naomi protested, even as she wiped her eyes, "Oh no KT, that's not necessary, I'm fine now. Ra go back to you seat, I'm ok honest." Taking a deep breath, she looked at KT, "I'm just so happy for you guys, you just don't understand the stress Ive been under dealing with all of this."

Moving back to her seat on the other side of the table, Rachna looked at her skeptically, "Your stress, Naomi?"

"Come on Rachna, you haven't been the easiest person to live with these past months, and you know it!"

Grasping Rachna's hand as she finally went to sit down, Kabir asked, "Really, she was that difficult was she? That may be a story worth hearing."

Blushing, Rachna glanced sideways at him, and removed her hand from his, "Well that doesn't matter now does it, KT just tell us about the campaign and what the plan is, ok?"


All told, it seemed to be an interesting venture; although with a pretty hectic schedule on their end, beginning with a preliminary photo shoot at the studio; teleconferences with the overseas partners, the design process itself and then subsequent final photo shoots and everything that this would entail.

"KT, it seems that it's going to involve a lot of time, so perhaps you may have to consider another assistant for the project."

"Excuse me, Rachna?"

"Well obviously it's very important, so I know you are going to be focused on it primarily, but I do have my college classes to consider, and for continuity's sake, wouldn't it make sense to assign a sole assistant, rather than me coming in when I'm available?"

"But Rachna,"


She was absolutely right; it would be madness to deviate from an already hectic timeline to accommodate her schedule, but for the first time ever Kabir was seriously considering doing just that; a foolhardy thought, but he just couldn't envision not having her involvement, not now.


"Um KT, it's obvious you're trying not to break up the dream team you think the two of you are, but don't I get a say?"

Both Kabir and Rachna turned to Naomi in interest. "Well, I'm having a grand time visiting and all, but I'm auditing a few classes at the college as well, so, won't you have to accommodate my schedule anyway? I mean obviously we will have to see how our schedules coordinate Ra, but if KT has to wait for his model, then what's the difference if he has to accommodate your schedule? Basically KT, if you want our talents you'll just have work around our availability, so problem solved, right?"


Smiling, Kabir interrupted, "Nay Rachna, I have a bit more experience dealing with temperamental models." Folding his arms he sighed, "Naomi, you're a pretty good negotiator; I guess I have no choice but to cede to your demands."

"You're welcome," she responded with a laugh.


With a tentative schedule in place, Rachna and Naomi got up to leave. At the door, both Naomi and Rachna hugged Daadi in succession and then left with Kabir following them outside. Discreetly, Naomi walked further ahead, leaving the pair behind her some privacy.

"So, until tomorrow then, Rachna?"


They stood there, hesitant to return to their respective dwellings, both wanting more, yet cautious of the fragility of their newfound status.

"I'll ensure that things are settled soon, so don't worry; I meant what I said Rachna."

"I know you will, Bye."

Waiting to watch Rachna catch up her friend, Kabir turned back to return inside, his need to speak with Daadi of paramount importance.


"Apparently she's just returned from university in the UK."

Well that's something, at least she's seen a bit of the world, who knows she may have picked up some pointers over there."

"Slim chance of that, remember my mother chose her, and you know the type she prefers." His eyes narrowed as he watched the interaction at the door with interest.

 "Still Shekhar, they do say it's those innocent ones you have to watch out for," he said, "so still may be worthwhile checking things out.  What's this guy's story then?"

"Ah, that's her boss or was her boss, some fashion designer; he's of no consequence as far as I'm concerned."

From across the street, the pair continued to watch the two young women as they made their way to the nearby residence, oblivious to the attention on them.

"Well, she may not be your ideal, but I definitely like the company she keeps. So what are you going to do then?"

Shekhar paused for one final glance before the two young women entered the nearby house, and then pick up his mobile to dial, "Mom, Shekhar speaking, how soon can you make the arrangements for my visit?

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